CREATURE: Shadow of the Sasquatch
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Jan 21, Babuir rated it it was amazing. Recently, I've been on a bigfoot binge and this was recommended by a website Myuserid introduced me to called Goodreads. The only major issue I have with this book? It was marketed wrong.
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Truth be told, it is a drama story with strong scientific foundations that even the most mundane can understand like myself. Just as Meg was supported by cryptozoogical evi Recently, I've been on a bigfoot binge and this was recommended by a website Myuserid introduced me to called Goodreads. Just as Meg was supported by cryptozoogical evidence, so is this. Vesely did a wonderful job researching pretty much the entire history of Bigfoot around the Earth. In regards to the story, it is captivating.
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- Creature: Shadow of the Sasquatch by James M. Vesely.
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You get a true sense of each character as they are fleshed out on levels we can em-pathetically understand and relate to. Ever shrouded in mystery and suspense is the Sasquatch, recounted in this tale as Boq. Ultimately, this is a dramatic tale of discovery, and where the boundaries of good and evil lie within the human, not the Boq.
The ending left me sad. I honestly was tearing up in the last two chapters. If a book can provoke this kind of reaction, then I say the author accomplished exactly what he set out to do- make a riveting story that will be memorable throughout your life. I can honestly say I will always think of this whenever the subject of Bigfoot comes up.
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Oct 17, Richard Schwindt rated it really liked it. I wasn't sure what to rate this; in the end I had far more criticisms than befitted a four star book but at the same time I couldn't put it down. Perhaps this is because of my connection with Northwestern Ontario and interest in Sasquatches. In the years I lived in Sioux Lookout, the subject came up from time to time and I did hear of sightings.
Creature: Shadow of the Sasquatch - James M. Vesely - Google Книги
Before the Bigfoot myth emerged, the only side topics in GTA games were about Easter eggs or beta material that had been removed from the game. In the midst of the confusion and chaos Hot Coffee created, internet forums and gamers were abuzz with rumors of a creature that inhabits the dark gloomy forests of the San Andreas countryside.
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Almost immediately the existence of Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas became huge news and to an extent overshadowed the game itself. In the weeks following the re-released game, gamers went into the woods searching for the illusive creature. Videos and screenshots that claim to depict the legendary Bigfoot saturated the web. Modders took notice and began to cash in on the hype, offering up Bigfoot mods for gamers to use to fool their friends. Full fledged hoaxing became a problem compounded by the notion that Bigfoot might have been removed in the relaunched edition of GTA San Andreas when the Hot Coffee Mod and other game files were dumped.
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This only intensified search efforts that sleeked to discover the truth once and for all. Years passed, and still, no one was able to definitively say whether Bigfoot was ever in the game. Bigfoot myth established a certain allure to GTA San Andreas that gave the impression that there was more beneath the surface than just the storyline. Due to the vague photos and descriptions of this myth, Bigfoot's behavior remains largely unknown. Players generally say that they have seen Bigfoot from far away, usually as a burly figure walking through the forest which would flee if the player got too close.
Rarer accounts say that Bigfoot attacks the player, or that the player could get close to the creature. Nevertheless, the majority of video or photo evidence that proves Bigfoot's existence is either faked or a mod.