Winter Interlude (California Series Book 1)
The characters reflect people I've met and known in my own life. I enjoyed her treatment of the relationship interactions, even where a couple seemed too fast, too strong.
Though rare, perhaps, the choices the characters make are believable. I can also say that I spent more time in the gym than planned because I didn't want to stop reading. Jan 03, Cristina Kiefer rated it really liked it. Jul 10, Julie Smith rated it really liked it. This was a good book, it did start out slow but picked up after the second chapter. I did enjoy it and had a hard time putting it down once it got going. Oct 11, Kathleen Baker rated it it was amazing. This is a wonderful romance novel. Totally enjoyable to read. Nov 26, Rawcliffe rated it did not like it.
The worst thing I've ever read This was worse than terrible - no story, repeated itself constantly, boring, badly written. Also the "plot" if it can be called that, was totally unrealistic. I don't know how or even why I finished reading it. Whatever I paid for it was too much - I certainly wouldn't want to read any others in the series. Parts of it were so terrible I laughed e.
Sorry, but jus The worst thing I've ever read This was worse than terrible - no story, repeated itself constantly, boring, badly written.
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Sorry, but just utter drivel Jan 23, Leta McCurry rated it liked it. This is a good pass-the-time read. With two brothers and two best friends, none of them knowing what they really want most of the time, this is a love quadrangle rather a triangle. I was particularly frustrated with the character, Kate and frequently wanted to slap her upside the head. It is a quick read but it would have been even shorter if some of the foolishness with Kate making up her mind was cut.
It is well written and as I said, a good pass-the-time read. Mar 31, Sylvia rated it did not like it. I finished this book only to see if it got better and sadly, it didn't. It's one of the books when you wish they'd just have sex and get it over it but then, I guess, there would be nothing else to write about. Apr 30, Anna Lee McNeil rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this book and the interesting concept of two brothers and two best friends being involved in the storyline.
Mar 30, Neela rated it it was ok. Tbh I got bored. Got to said roadtrip and it just seemed like I knew what was going to happen. Feelings set in stone miraculously change within hours and it just seemed unrealistic. Mar 10, Carrie Allen rated it liked it. I got this as a free download. I think it is only ok Jun 28, Linda W. Smith rated it it was amazing. Loved the book characters in o. Jan 27, Bridget rated it it was ok.
See a Problem?
May 10, Bridget rated it did not like it. I was on chapter 12 and it was still going on. I do not like books like that!!! Dec 11, Delynn rated it really liked it. Jan 07, Sarah rated it liked it. Overall it was good. The first few pages weren't that riveting, and usually I can jump in a little quicker. I almost discarded it after the beginning just because I found it a little boring and she came across kind of boring, but it got better! I also downloaded this ebook a while back and couldn't remember the description so I wasn't sure in the beginning which guy she was "supposed" to end up with.
It took a few chapters to figure it out. I never enjoy characters who are in relationships where Overall it was good. I never enjoy characters who are in relationships where they are unappreciated or unhappy, yet they keep on trying! So I'm glad we didn't have to see a lot of her "relationship" with her current boyfriend and could just cut to the chase and find out early on that he was always a disappointment. Of course they end it well and remain friends, blah, blah, blah, which you kind of have to do when you fall for his brother and the brother falls for you.
Although I thought it was funny the brothers addressed the whole "Is it weird for you that I've had sex with her? They go skiing a lot which is fun because I like snowboarding and they stay at a cabin when the storm causes a power outage. So lots of fun and sexual tension in the dark. She chickens out and bails on him the next day though at the slopes. Thankfully upon her return she breaks up with cowardly brother, and other brother agrees it was never going to work with the girl he was chasing. Now they're both free and single. But each thinks the other is still pursuing things with previous Significant Other.
Brothers have a bonding moment at the slopes themselves cue sex conversation and finally cowardly brother confesses that he thinks she's waiting for other brother to come after her. You could have told me that sooner So they end up together! She dumps the douchey, workaholic accountant brother to get the sweet, funny entrepreneur brother.
Feb 21, Mary E rated it liked it. Entertaining story I enjoyed this story although I had a problem with some of the relationships changing the way they did.
Winter Interlude by Sandy Loyd on Apple Books
It was entertaining though. Jan 16, Wal. Kates Freundin Judith steht ganz anders zu festen Beziehungen, sie kann ihrem Freund Paul nicht sagen, dass sie ihn heiraten wird, es ist einfach nicht ihr Ding. Das geplante Skiwochenende der vier kann daher nicht unter einem guten Stern stehen. Doch leider kommt die Stimmung, die man sich bei dem Handlungsansatz so gut vorstellen kann, nicht wirklich beim Leser an. Es mag an den mangelnden Englischkenntnissen liegen, doch was eigentlich witzige Wortgefechte sein sollten, wirkt wie Gekeife. Was wie Sekt prickeln sollte wirkt eher platt.
Doch es soll noch einmal betont werden, dass dies durchaus daran liegen mag, dass die Leserin keine Muttersprachlerin ist. Feb 12, Barb Nifong rated it it was amazing. Otherwise, it was pretty good. The characters lame and immature. The book is very good. Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop.
If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Author. Customer Reviews Pretty good. I have to be strong, even if he is my husband. Except he has a big cock with an even bigger ego, and his main goal in life seems to be getting me to stroke both.
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Winter Interlude
She was a maddening combination of mystery and innocence. But Liz was the key to finding his brother's killer, so cynical Jonas Sharpe had to stick close Right if you were spending all your time and energy with Mr. Now, add into the plot that the two in question are enemies who regularly run into each other, given their current relationships. The sparks start to fly when the two get stuck together for a three-hour drive to the mountains and years of misconceptions about each other are slowly being wiped out.
It is in the confines of the BMW that the two begin their journey, taking them from being mortal enemies to lovers. Winter Interlude tells the story of their adventure — of how they finally find love. But sometimes life works in mysterious ways and they are all forced by circumstances to change. I really enjoyed this story! Well-written and great narration. I can't wait for book 2! I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.
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The fact that I was gifted this book had no influence over my opinion of it. Characters were well developed and interesting. Carol Dines did an amazing job with the narration. I can not wait for more in the series. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and I have voluntarily left this review. It was a love story with several complications that added to the story, I didn't not like it but it was such a reminder of other stories.
The HEA was nice and the narrator did a good job. This charming tale centers around 2 couples who are in very different places in their relationships, lives, etc. James and Kate have been dating for years. Kate is ready to move things to the next level but James seems to be comfortable with their relationship as it is. James' brother, Paul, has been trying to coerce Kate's best friend into dating him for as long as the 4 can remember.