Transformers: Monstrosity #8 (of 12)
Forgot Password I want to get an Account. I have an Account. I need to Login. Monstrosity 7 Page 1 The Transformers: Click on the The Transformers: Monstrosity 7 comic image to go to the next page. You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between pages. Monstrosity 7 Chapter Navigation: Monstrosity 8 Previous Issue: Monstrosity 6 Latest Issue: Monstrosity 7 Release Information: Monstrosity 7 is released!
You are now reading The Transformers: If you are bored from The Transformers: Monstrosity comic, you can try surprise me link at top of page or select another comic like The Transformers: But when they find that the evil corporation Revanche has a presence in Latin America, they could be involved in something far more sinister than the typical COBRA plot. What secrets does Revanche hold? One year has passed since the end of A Real American Hero , but a new threat looms on the horizon.
The President has reactivated the G. Things get spooky after Mikey watches a few too many zombie movies! While Leonardo and the Foot bring the fight to the Savate ninjas, the other Turtles call upon all of their allies to prepare for War. City Fall continues to escalate when Splinter crosses a line by helping Old Hob get his revenge! Dinosaurs Attack 3 of 5. Is anyone on Earth safe from the time-displaced, flesh-hungry dinosaurs, phased into modern-day reality by Prof.
In an effort to the defeat the alien Kibrani, Andrew and his ragtag team continue their quest to assemble an army of Jinn Genies. Their mission leads to a labyrinth on the Isle of Crete. Will they find their most powerful ally… or something more terrible than the horrors of Greek myth? But are they our hope… or greatest fear? Combining the best of summer blockbuster fare and quest myths like Lord of the Rings , Jinnrise is a modern re-introduction to global myth. Back from the opened grave are more masterpieces of the macabre from the horror comics of the s.
Genius horror artists of the known and unknown variety poured their tortured souls into these comics. The best and least seen stories have been chosen with the help of top horror comic collectors and all lovingly restored and presented in full-creepy color. The Tide of Blood.
This Means War Prose Paperback. Brea Grant, James A. Moore, Sean Taylor, Nancy A. A shambling cohort of top horror and fantasy writers from across the globe okay, Canada, England, Australia, and Bakersfield have devoted themselves to making evocative word-pictures in your brain of this delicious cult series. The ultimate jumping on point! With a new custom-designed, hand-built slipcase and cover by E. Limited to copies! Limited to copies, hand-numbered, in a custom slipcase with a limited portfolio, this is Last Stand of the Wreckers the way you never thought it could be!
Horror, Sci-fi and fantasy movies get the once-over from Pumpkinhead scribe Gary Gerani , whose in-depth knowledge of film history and appreciation will help you see your favorite films in a whole new light. And you may even find some new favorites as you count from to 1 in these painstakingly assembled collections. Agents are dead, or will soon be, unless new recruit Dynamo can master the incredible but lethal power of the Thunderbelt in time to rescue his teammates from the mysterious Iron Maiden. A variant cover by the one and only Jerry Ordway!
Wild Blue Yonder 3 of 5. Before he can become a full member of the Dawn, Tug will have to pass one last test… getting past Scram. Plus, the crew of The Dawn will be put to the test when an unexpected attack comes from irradiated Sky-Pirates. Thumbprint 3 of 3. The list of suspects swells as Mal comes to terms with her past sins. Half Past Danger 4 of 6. The race is on! Toht and his S. Irish and his team must give chase, and find a way to stop their foes before they can board their ship and deliver their prizes to the Fuhrer.
Half Past Danger 4 —Subscription Variant. A variant cover by Fever Ridge wunderkind, Nick Runge! Curare 3 of 3. As Yulia prepares to give birth, the team faces a new threat, and finds an unexpected ally. Legendary creator Joe Kubert was responsible for an amazing stream of great works, for more than a sixty year period. Horrific obstacles stand in their way… but none more horrific than the worst backwoods criminal posse ever to set foot on irradiated soil: When these longtime fan-favorite villains make their U.
Judge Dredd Classics 2. Mega-City One is in the grips of Block Madness, and Dredd must track down the villain who poisoned his city and turned everyone against each other. Close calls and espionage abound in this re-colored collection of Judge Dredd classics. The Carlos Ezquerra Collection, Vol. More Judge Dredd from the artist that first brought him to life! Season 10 3 —Subscription Variant. Dinosaurs Attack 2 of 5. Meanwhile, stalwart scientists try to reverse their terrible mistake and send the prehistoric predators back into the Jurassic past, where they belong. Fever Ridge is the story of a secret that could have changed the War, and the world.
The most pulp-tastic crossover of all time continues! What is the TV Terror that threatens all of Los Angeles—and how can the Rocketeer and the Spirit hope to combat such a futuristic menace? Read and see the brilliant art of the best s comics that your mom, Dr. Fredric Werthless, and the U. Popeye 13 is your lucky vintage comic reissue from ! KISS Kids 1 of 4. No blood or fire here, just laughs and fun tales of the little costumed maniacs and the crazy town in which they live.
Who can resist that? And inside the comic, the same kid-friendly content as the regular issue. Rulers of Earth 3. San Diego has become the latest victim of a monstrous invasion from the sea. And where is Winston in all this? The big bad revealed at last! Prisoners of Time 8 of The Eighth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! After helping him defeat the Master, the Doctor attempts to convince Grace Holloway to join him on his travels, in this untold tale! Doctor Who Series I: Tony Lee, Jonathan L. The complete issue Series I featuring the 10th Doctor, as portrayed by David Tennant , plus the Annual are collected in this oversized hardcover.
With the entire city in jeopardy, the Turtles will have to split up and race against the clock! Only some quick thinking from our favorite brothers will save the day this time! New Friend, Old Enemy. Read along and re-live the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon action with Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph, April, and Shredder in these young reader volumes, bringing this top-rated cartoon straight from the screen to the comic page!
City Fall continues as Shredder reveals his new second-in-command: While the underworld readies their armies, the Turtles must come together if they have any hope of saving their brother. The Savate, Foot Clan, and Slash are all back — along with a couple of shocking special guests! Karai, a deadly assassin, is the embodiment of the Foot Clan. But it was not always that way! Explore the shadowy history of this complicated character and see exactly how far her ambition takes her!
Secrets from the past and present revealed! Witness the return of the original heroes in a half-shell to comics, for only one dollar! Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo , and Raphael bring their ninja aptitude and teenage attitude to IDW Publishing in this ongoing, action-packed series.
The celebrated animated series comes to book shelves! Revisit the habitants of Equestria and learn about the magic that friendship brings in this adaptation of the television series. My Little Pony Cover Gallery! Cover-to-cover Ponies in this special Cover Gallery! Many beloved, rare, hard-to-find, and fan-favorite My Little Pony covers are collected here in this page art extravaganza! The trials and tribulations of Big Mac continue! His epic journey continues, as Big Mac must come face to face with some of the most unique citizens of Ponyville.
Mane 6 Micro-Series 7: When their new friend shows off an incredible ability, the Crusaders see an opportunity to earn their Cutie Marks! But their new friend is hiding an important secret that is sure to have a big impact on our tiny trio! It was inevitable once the G. The truth is out: JOE team is real. JOE in a new direction. The Complete Collection, Vol. Also, includes informative front matter by Mark W. Bellomo, issues notes, and character and vehicle profiles. From the distant past to current events each story adds to Cybertronian lore.
The end is nigh for the surviving members of the Lost Light crew, as enemies old and new move in for the kill. But on the fringes of known space, an ancient visionary is about to eliminate the Cybertronian race with a wave of his hand. Beast Hunters 4 —Subscription Variant. A variant cover by artist Michael Lark!
The Hundred Penny Press returns! One dollar versions of crucial IDW books! The ongoing series that picked up where the blockbuster film left off! Featuring the new cast of the film, these missions re-imagine the stories from the original series in the alternate timeline created by the film, along with new threats and characters never seen before! This book is a must-have for comic book fans, art lovers, and pop culture connoisseurs alike!
Amelia Cole and the Unknown World. Amelia Cole lives in two worlds—literally. One runs on magic; the other is built on technology. When the barriers between both worlds start to break down, Amelia and her Aunt Dani must take extreme action. They are already here. They hide among us. They feed on us.
- Gesù, insonnia del mondo. Panoramiche letterarie (Italian Edition).
- The Transformers: Monstrosity!
- The Transformers: Monstrosity.
- Mission 85: The U.S. Eighth Air Forces Battle over Holland, August 19, 1943 (Stackpole Military History Series)?
- Leredità: Idee e canzoni di un sessantottino: Federico Ceratti (Gli specchi) (Italian Edition).
V-Wars is the chronicle of the first Vampire War. From the savage murders committed by patient zero of the plague to full-out battles with vampire terrorist cells, these are the stories of the most terrifying war mankind has ever faced. The strips are reproduced from the original King Features Syndicate proofs, insuring that every daily will look even better than when they were first published in newspapers over fifty years ago.
Michael Recycle Meets Bootleg Peg. Our caped-clean-Earth-crusader is on the job and turning his attention to a new frontier—the high seas! Betty and Cliff on the rocks! The mysterious Church of Cosmicism! And who is the sinister Otto Rune? The Spirit , created by Will Eisner , and The Rocketeer , created by Dave Stevens , are two of the most beloved characters in the history of comics.
Meanwhile, Cliff Secord The Rocketeer consoles his sweetheart Betty… who is traumatized after accidentally discovering the politicians body! With the hunt on for Leonardo, the remaining Turtles take whatever help they can get… but can they trust a truce with Old Hob?! A startling climax will change the Turtles forever! Spinning straight out of the hit Nickelodeon cartoon comes an all-new, all-ages book perfect for fans both old and new!
When things take a dangerous turn on a covert mission, the Turtles will have to use their super-ninja skills as well as some moderately-Super gadgets to help save their friend from some big trouble! A variant cover featuring the animated turtles by co-creator Kevin Eastman!
A ghost ship roams the waters off Long Island, leaving fear — and ice — in its wake. The Ghostbusters are gone, spirited away by some dastardly demons from another dimension! Will the New Ghostbusters be able to rescue their predecessors, or will they share the same fate? Dinosaurs Attack 1 of 5.
With pencils by Herb G. JOE Trimpe and paintings by veteran illustrator Earl Norem , the entire story will be released as five comic books, with all the blood-curdling trimmings. Trinity 4 of 4. Season 10 2 —Subscription Variant.
Where Comic Books and Politics Meet
A variant cover by artist Dave Sim , featuring the Lone Gunmen! In the wake of the devastation of The Long Fail, Dredd is forced to lead a small team of Judges into the scariest stretch of irradiated wasteland to recover the very soul of the city…. Year One 4 of 4. But for a young lawman barely out of the Academy, has he underestimated just what it will take to save the metropolis he has pledged to protect?
Judge Dredd Classics 1. Re-presenting classic Judge Dredd tales monthly, with all-new colors by Charlie Kirchoff!
Transformers: Monstrosity #12
Judge Dredd Classics 1—Subscription Variant. A classic wraparound variant cover by artist Brian Bolland! A futuristic army of mysterious Robots embarks on a quest to the distant past in search of powerful Wizards. Though their motives are unclear, nothing will get in their way! Traveling through time and space, Grammy Award Winner will. Discover what led young Montgomery Scott to devote himself to engineering.
But Tyler and Kinsey have a dangerous key of their own—one that can unlock all the secrets of Keyhouse by opening a gateway to the past. The time has come for the Lockes to face their own legacy and the darkness behind the Black Door. Now you can relive that fight in all its splash-page glory in this glorious oversize format! With echoes of the ending story playing out in Omega right now, this special tale is epic to behold once again!
Thumbprint by Joe Hill 2 of 3. Have the demons from her past really traveled all the way from Iraq to get their revenge, or is it someone much closer to home? The Cape Deluxe HC. Also features the original prose story by Joe Hill! Courtney Krieger had it all … fame, fortune, beauty, a whirlwind life spent jetting from one exotic locale to the next.
Why did she give it all up to become the G. The murderous, marauding, motorcycle maniacs who call themselves the Dreadnoks are in the neighborhood and led by Zartan! The Cobra Files 4. The mission has gone out of control. COBRA has the upper hand. FLINT is in danger. But can she stop herself before she goes too far?
Darklon, Destro, Duke, Hawk, and Jinx all feature as the action ranges from Benzheen to secret unknown locales. As he awaits execution, the one-time Matrix holder realizes how little he knows about the people he once called friends. Is there anyone left he can trust? Monstrosity 2 of 4. Beast Hunters 3 —Subscription Variant. Cybertron and indeed the future begins in earnest. Plus, a visit to the planet Hedonia—and a chance to put recent events behind them. And, Rodimus and his crew are confronted by the enemy within—and not everyone will survive the encounter.
Friendship is Magic 9. The citizens of Ponyville take center stage as an ordinary morning for Big McIntosh quickly turns into an unexpected adventure! Mane 6 Micro-Series 6 of 6: But the mystery of how it came into being still eludes the Doctor. But with Clara and the crew of a retrofitted B bomber from World War II in tow, the Doctor sets out for the center of this strange dimension with seemingly infinite skies!
The Eye of Asaha. Only the Doctor can save the spacecraft and the historically important mission. Prisoners of Time 7 of The Seventh Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! As the humans ramp up their defenses, the Martians unleash a new weapon from their arsenal… the freeze ray!
Little Tommy Bailey was a bright boy with a vivid imagination. But his discovery just might save the world. Half Past Danger 3 of 6. As the team prepare for an all-out assault on the Nazi base, friendships are formed and secrets revealed. And then of course there are the scores of unleashed dinosaurs…what could possibly go wrong?
A variant cover by the one and only Lee Bermejo! Our six Survivors set out to cross the hostile waters of what was once the Gulf of Mexico. Others have the same idea, including the crew of a fully armed nuclear submarine. Who are friends, and who are not? Wild Blue Yonder 2 of 5. The critically acclaimed creator-owned book from IDW continues!
The Colonized 4 of 4. The Colonized 4 Subscription Variant. Curare 2 of 3. A bitter rain becomes a hurricane of violence and sadness.
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- Transformers: Monstrosity #12 by Chris Metzen, Flint Dille & Livio Ramondelli on Apple Books!
- The First D. M. Mitchell Thriller Omnibus (psychological thrillers combining mystery, suspense and murder).
- Solomon Kane Volume 1: The Castle of the Devil.
- Amersham Through Time.
- The Transformers: Monstrosity - Transformers Wiki?
- Transformers: Monstrosity #8 (of 12) - Comics by comiXology.
Can a crow pursue only vengeance, or can he act to save the living? NYC Cop Mark Leung contemplates this question from the other side after he and his wife are murdered by the Triad, who then take their twin daughters captive. Vitriol the Hunter 6 of 6. Some will give in and some will give all! Mystery Society Deluxe HC. Together, Nick and Anastasia—husband and wife—are the Mystery Society. Polly and Her Pals The strips reprinted here—the complete year of dailies—show Sterrett at his most inventive.
Set in the violent and dangerous world of top-tier mixed martial arts, this series will get you in its grip and not let go until you tap out. Season 10 1—Subscription Variant. A variant cover by Dave Johnson! Team up with Mulder and Scully as they unravel mysteries only seen in comic books! Xenozoic Tales is the classic story of a post-apocalyptic future where mankind has retreated to vast subterranean cities to escape a world ravaged by environmental calamities.
Centuries later, Upon emerging from their underground dwellings, they find their civilization is gone—replaced with the most fearsome beasts to ever walk the Earth… Dinosaurs! Mark Schultz delivers an epic adventure tale, one complete with romance and intrigue. Collecting issues 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 of Xenoxoic Tales , the final six chapters so far , and with Schultz at the peal of his artistic powers. In partnership with DC Entertainment, the Eisner Award-winning imprint will produce deluxe archival editions of the Superman newspaper strip that ran from Sundays will be released in a separate, concurrent series.
These Silver Age classics have never been reprinted. This is the series Superman fans have been waiting for! Are you sitting down? Do you have any food or liquid in your mouth? Rulers of Earth 1. In the wake of the climactic conclusion of Godzilla 13 comes a brand new series! Rulers of Earth 1 —Subscription Variant. A variant cover by Art Adams! The end is NIGH! Boxer, with his team decimated, realizes just how in over his head he is. Thumbprint will turn your guts inside out. A variant cover by Vincent Chong! Wild Blue Yonder 1—Subscription Variant.
A variant cover by Nelson Daniel! JOE team takes on a hazardous mid-ocean assault in the middle of a violent tropical storm system. Will the Special Missions team play both sides against the middle or be caught in a deadly vice of intrigue? JOE and Cobra characters, revealing their true nature, their highest highs and lowest lows, and leaves you tensely gripping your chair and confronting your own fears. Transformers 30th Anniversary Collection. Beast Hunters 2 —Subscription Variant. A variant cover by superstar Michael Lark! Or is that the 31st century?
Eisner-nominated writer Chris Roberson and Star Trek and Legionnaires veteran artist Jeffrey Moy collaborate to bring you the most bizarre partnership of any century! The crew of the Starship: Enterprise and the Legion of Super-Heroes come face to face as they deal with a changed history and timeline that neither knows the cause of. Traveling to the past and the future to find answers, both teams must work together to set things right. The Original Ghostbusters are back in Manhattan, picking up the pieces of their interrupted lives.
Real Ghostbusters Omnibus, Vol. Secret History of the Foot Clan. Demons, ninjas, and hostile takeovers—what more can you want from a TMNT comic? Secret History of the Foot Clan collects the thrilling mini-series and reveals a story never told before about the original founder of the Foot. Join the Turtles as they get a history lesson that they will never forget!
Desperate times call for desperate measures as unexpected alliances take shape. Plus, the return of the witch Kitsune! What ancient evil will she unleash?

One Turtle is about to find out! Re-presenting the classic Popeye comic book series that debuted in by Bud Sagendorf , the long-time assistant to creator E. Friendship is Magic 8. The Nightmare forces of the moon descend down on Ponyville! Princess Celestia will try her best to stop the dark forces, but she may be overwhelmed! Behold three classic tales of literary genius filtered through the cracked lens of the Mars Attacks universe! Herman Melville comes face-to-face with a Martian in a twisted take on Moby Dick! A shipwrecked Martian finds himself marooned on a lonely island on planet Earth in a send-up of Robinson Crusoe!
Cutter 3 of 5. But will that protect her from the rage of the Moon Elves? Kiss Solos 4 of 4: Prisoners of Time 6 of Mmm, I wonder… aha! It is the Sixth Doctor who takes the spotlight in this issue of a part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! As Peri and Frobisher attempt to free the Doctor from an asylum, not one, but two villains are revealed!
The Worlds of Sam Kieth, Vol. Sam Kieth has been creating gorgeous art his entire life.
The Transformers: Monstrosity Comic - Read The Transformers: Monstrosity Online For Free
For nearly thirty years he has continued to grow in both stature and talent, attaining what can honestly be called superstar status. From The Maxx to Wolverine , and everything else along the way, Sam Kieth has shown himself to be a truly unique talent, one who continues to stretch the bounds of his art.
Now Sam turns his eye towards something different: If you are a fan of Sam Kieth , or just of fantastic images, this is the book for you! From his origins as a fanzine artist in the s, to his defining rendition of The Shadow in the s, through his stint as part of the legendary art collective known simply as THE STUDIO and beyond, Kaluta has produced countless gorgeous images that never cease to enchant us.
Now, for the first time, the work of Michael Wm. Kaluta is presented in an oversized, massive retrospective that showcases his beautiful art. And we examine his highly visceral work for the classic E. Along with rare and previously unpublished photographs, the book pictures every E. Feldstein comic book cover many placed alongside the original artwork , presents several complete E. Curare 1 of 3. Now completely alone, his need for revenge might just be helped by the young victim, returned and empowered by the spirit of vengeance, the Crow…. A variant cover by Miran Kim! Half Past Danger 2 of 6.
But the island is home to other monsters too: The SS are there to claim the creatures for themselves. Convincing Irish to return to the site of his worst nightmares proves to be just the beginning….
Which Comics Does The Reading Order Include?
Half Past Danger 2 —Subscription Variant. A variant cover by Declan Shalvey! The Colonized 3 of 4. The zombie horde is growing, the aliens and humans are outmanned and out-alienned , and the citizens of Carbon Falls are beset from all sides. Which all pale before the looming explosive threat brought on from one of their own! The Colonized 3 Subscription Variant. Erik and Blackie are in complicit captivity in the camp of the Junker-gone native, Baron Anton von Stierland, the inscrutable leader of an ambush crew comprised mainly of the ghostly and fierce Mud Men of the Sepik Valley.
Having made their way into the Huon Peninsula in violation of their own Spirits and of local taboos, they are on the hunt for every Japanese soul they can find…. Vitriol the Hunter 5 of 6. What does a pill-popping masochist do when his only friend is set to become fodder in a vampire chow down? If only it were that easy…. The Tide of Blood 5 of 5. Chaos is come again! This new instalment of the Harvey-nominated series ends with a broken Shakespeare at the mercy of the mad-wizard Prospero and Juliet fleeing her star-crossed lover Romeo, who has decided if the two are not meant to be then death is the only option.
Is there any hope Humanity can recover from doomsday? Odds seem low, as our intrepid team discovers the survivors include the worst of the worst. Jericho Season 4 picks up where Season Three left off. Though Jake and Hawkins are happy to be back in Jericho, the challenges they face are daunting. Not only are they fugitives in their own hometown, but they find themselves forced to play host to the newest member of the Jericho community—John Smith… a man who some know as a friend of the resistance, but who Jake and Hawkins know as the man behind the September Attacks. Only they know his secret.
And only they can stop him from committing another heinous act. Until, that is, they find themselves unexpectedly trapped by a vengeful, vile creature that feeds off the miserable shame of others—and none will survive until morning unless all their dirty little secrets are revealed. So Sookie, Bill, Eric, Sam, Tara, Jason, and Lafayette are forced to dig deep and tell painful tales of their pasts—the kind you never willingly reveal! Jack Cole is widely acclaimed for his brilliant work on his creation, the superhero Plastic Man. Introduced by Eisner Award winning comics historian Craig Yoe with rare art and background material.
You can judge THIS comic book by its cover: Top artists of the golden age in rare horror stories! Read the comics that your mom, Dr. Fredric Werthless , and the U. The Complete Dick Tracy, Vol. The Complete Daily Newspaper Comics — Continuing our Eisner Award-winning series collecting the Archie newspaper strip—by far the rarest of all Archie comics collectibles. We jump ahead to , when Bob Montana hits his stride. The amazing cast is well established: Complete Daily Newspaper Comics, Vol.
Berkeley Breathed is the award-winning cartoonist best known for his Immensely popular Bloom County newspaper comic strip, as well as two follow-ups, Outland and Opus. But if you think Berkeley Breathed is only about a fanciful penguin and his whimsical cohorts, then you have another think coming! The Adventures of Augusta Wind. Augusta Webster thought she was an ordinary girl living an ordinary life in an ordinary town.
World War Robot Deluxe. On all fronts rabid braineaters battle gleeful warbots, with a beleaguered and dwindling mankind caught in the middle. View this document on Scribd. Posted on September 13, by Brett. Alley Oop V. Posted on September 11, by Brett. Posted on August 7, by Brett. Cutter 4 of 5 R. Posted on June 18, by Brett. Scott Campbell c The third installment of Trinity will leave readers gasping for breath as they try to keep up with the tantalizing trio—the action never lets up as we race towards the thrilling bombshell finale!