The Seed Of Gods Word
Because this person had never believed for a dime before. They think that since God loves them, He will just grant their request regardless of whether they put the miracle of the seed to work or not. In a sense, Jesus was giving them a test. Instead of using the seed the Lord had given them, they did all they knew to do in the natural and then got put out with the Lord.
God's Word Is A Seed
Jesus was in an open boat full of water verse 37 sloshing all around Him. He was well aware of their plight and yet was trying to sleep. They wanted Him to pick up a bucket and bail or row or do something. Jesus was telling them that they should have stilled the storm. The Lord did His job by giving them the seed of His Word. Their job was to take the seed and make it work. God has done His part; He has given us the Word.
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The power is in His promises, His Word. As we plant those promises in our hearts, the truth of His Word germinates and prosperity comes. Healing operates the same way. It comes through the prayers of others with the gifts of healing 1 Cor. This law of seedtime and harvest operates in every area of our lives.
It could mean the difference between prosperity and poverty, or even life and death. We are not only to "hear" the Word of God, we must "keep it in an honest and good heart". This is the prerequisite for being able to have fruit in our lives. The Word of God is called "the seed" here. The Word of God has in itself the necessary power.
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It is a Word which increases, grows and unfolds, becomes manifest, brings life and works effectually of it is kept in the heart and believed. The Word of God is quick, alive, and powerful. The Word of God works effectually in men who believe it. The Word of God, the good news of the accomplished redemptive work of Christ which he fulfilled at the cross, is the power of God to save those who believe on him, who believe the preaching of the gospel of Christ.
Besides salvation and eternal redemption, God has made promises concerning the earthly life to those who believe on Christ. With those promises, the same principle remains valid. God's Word is powerful, it is mighty, it will accomplish what God has sent it to accomplish. Another section of Scripture in which planting is mentioned in the Word of God is in 1 Corinthians 3, where the topic was a correction of certain wrong ideas and practices which had led to differences and schism in the church. All those many arguments and fights which we unfortunately find in Christian circles and in which the point of discussion is "to whom one belongs and with whom one would like to take a stand" quickly lose their "great importance" once we take these statements here to heart.
One had "planted", the other had "watered". They had worked one after the other at Corinth, but none of them gave the increase! God gives the increase, only He does!
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He works through His Word. Paul had preached the Word of God at Corinth, it was he who so to say had "planted [sown]" it in the hearts of them who heard it.
A short while later, Apollos came to Corinth and continued to instruct them in the Word of God which here is termed "watereth". The growth, the increase however was not effected by any of them, that is solely God's job. His Word begins to work in those who keep it and believe it in a pure and honest heart.
The seed begins to grow in those who do not allow themselves to be stolen from, it begins to develop and increase in those who do not "run off" because of persecution and are not choked by the cares, nor by the riches of this life. God is at work by means of His Word. In this context I would like to consider a passage in 1 Peter which has an important part in the instruction regarding the new birth or being born again. In the past, I used to link the word "seed" in verse 23 in my teachings to the gift of holy spirit which each believer on Christ receives in the new birth.
One can easily arrive at such an interpretation by including some other scriptures into the considerations about the topic of salvation and new birth.
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From those scriptures it can easily by seen that a man, when he believes on Christ und confesses Jesus as Lord, receives from God the gift of holy spirit, power from on high. Since it is eternal life which we receive as a gift of God, it of course is "incorruptible". We are therefore not the children of God one day and the next, because of a sin perhaps, we are not the children of God - no! We are born of God and have by means of God's gift of holy spirit eternal life! Our sonship, our being sons of God, is based on "being born" of God, the new birth.
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