The Astrobiological Landscape (Cambridge Astrobiology)
The Astrobiological Landscape (Cambridge Astrobiology) by Milan M. Cirkovic
Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Description Several major breakthroughs have helped contribute to the emerging field of astrobiology. Focusing on these developments, this fascinating book explores some of the most important problems in this field. It examines how planetary systems formed, and how water and the biomolecules necessary for life were produced.
It then focuses on how life may have originated and evolved on Earth. Building on these two themes, the final section takes the reader on a search for life elsewhere in the Solar System.
It presents the latest results of missions to Mars and Titan, and explores the possibilities of life in the ice-covered ocean of Europa. This interdisciplinary book is an enjoyable overview of this exciting field for students and researchers in astrophysics, planetary science, geosciences, biochemistry, and evolutionary biology. Colour versions of some of the figures are available at www.
The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Looking for beautiful books? Tackling many of the foundational debates of the subject, from discussions of cosmological evolution to detailed reviews of common concepts such as the 'Rare Earth' hypothesis, The Astrobiological Landscape is the first systematic survey of the philosophical aspects and conundrums in the study of cosmic life.
About this book
The author's exploration of the increasing number of cross-over problems highlights the relationship between astrobiology and cosmology and presents some of the challenges of multidisciplinary study. Modern physical theories dealing with the multiverse add a further dimension to the debate. With a selection of beautifully presented illustrations and a strong emphasis on constructing a unified methodology across disciplines, The Astrobiological Landscape will appeal to graduate students and specialists who seek to rectify the fragmented nature of current astrobiological endeavour, as well as curious astrophysicists, biologists and SETI enthusiasts.
Cosmology, life, and duration of the past 3. Cosmology, life, and selection effects 4. Cosmology, life, and the archipelago 5.
The Astrobiological Landscape
Astrobiology as a natural extension of Darwinism 6. Rare Earths and the continuity thesis 7. SETI and its discontents 8. Astrobiology as the neo-Copernican synthesis?
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- The Astrobiological Landscape (Cambridge Astrobiology) by Milan M. Cirkovic?
His primary research interests are in the fields of astrobiology Galactic Habitable Zone, anthropic principles, SETI studies, catastrophic episodes in the history of life , astrophysical cosmology baryonic dark matter, future of the universe and philosophy of science future studies, risk analysis, observation selection effects, epistemology. He co-edited the anthology Global Catastrophic Risks , is the author of two other monographs, has written about research and professional papers and has translated several books, including titles by Richard P.
Feynman and Sir Roger Penrose. Just for this wonderfully comprehensive bibliography of the philosophy of astrobiology, this book deserves to be on the shelf of any astrobiologist's library.

SETI and its discontents; 8. Astrobiology as the neo-Copernican synthesis? Astronomie, Raum und Zeit PG. Cirkovic is a research professor at the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Serbia and a research associate of the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford.
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His primary research interests are in the fields of astrobiology Galactic Habitable Zone, anthropic principles, SETI studies, catastrophic episodes in the history of life , astrophysical cosmology baryonic dark matter, future of the universe and philosophy of science future studies, risk analysis, observation selection effects, epistemology. He co-edited the anthology Global Catastrophic Risks , is the author of two other monographs, has written about research and professional papers and has translated several books, including titles by Richard P.
Feynman and Sir Roger Penrose.