Mounting Sleipnir
What that mount is is up to your GM's approval. Sleipnir seems a bit too powerful for level 5's mount, so it'd have to be tweaked hard to be more like a horse. I don't think the leadership feat would come into play in dealing with this.
The Paladin's mount acts like an animal companion but with some tweaks. Leadership comes into play because the Sleipnir has an Intellegence of 10, so it's not "tameable" like a regular animal.
07 Jul - MOUNT SLEIPNIR. - Trove
Instead, you'd use Diplomacy to get it to behave the way you'd want, with Leadership turning the Sleipnir into it's most manageable form. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link.
Mounting Sleipnir: Indo-European Roots of Germanic Polytheism
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Not now and possibly never. I'm always right and everybody else is wrong. Anyone who says anything else is incorrect. Wow, welcome to the "Pay To Look Cool" era. Pokemon SS friend code: Sleipnir gains movement speed and damage reduction when an ally mounts him. Sleipnir can select ally target to mount him. This skill activates an aura that allows the selected god to use "space" to mount Sleipnir.
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- Mounting Sleipnir by Michael Denney.
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The rider has protections, MP5 and HP5 bonus. The mobility of rider god is restricted and dependent of Sleipnir. Sleipnir can actively cancel the mounting too.
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Some deities as Chiron, Cerberus or Awilix are not able to mount Sleipnir. Instead mount, they receives a "bestial buff" when they are affected by this skill and remain in an area close to Sleipnir. Sleipnir dashes through the enemies kicking up, pushing back and stunning them.
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