KISHTLA! (Endangered Book 2)
The adventure begins when the interplanetary tour shuttle is hit hard in a storm, exploding and catching on fire. The humans escape in life pods to another planet, and they must survive in a wilderness valley where unusual creatures abound and vines slither along the ground like snakes.
Human heroes of the story are the injured tour leader, a female doctor and a little girl with a special affinity for animals. They include a werewolf warrior, previously an enemy of the humans who later plays a key role in saving them, plus resident dragons, wolves and creatures akin to deer. Under another penname, d. A former airborne infantryman and sniper, he later went to college, returned to the Army after graduation, and then worked for the U.
Postal Service while staying in the Reserves, retiring as a Major.

An avid outdoorsman, Doug and his wife Deb have owned property here since , camping on the land and building their house until they could move in last summer. For this reason, Doug advises writers to never throw any of their work away. If you want your own copy, contact Doug at ps.
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He is working on a fourth novel for this series, and also on a story that takes place in Pagosa Springs in the not too distant future. Various programs and book displays are going on now in celebration of Banned Books Week. Come in to your library to learn more about the Freedom to Read. And join us tomorrow Friday, Oct. Popcorn will be provided.
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Forest Service timber expert Steve Hartvigsen gives a free lecture at the library this evening Thursday, Oct. Informal sessions with Cody are set for this afternoon Thursday, Oct.
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If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? In the first book of this series--Endangered--on the planet Estar, the Folke were identified as being intelligent and possessed a Culture of their own.
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Megs Coggins, the girl who bridged the language gap between them and the rest of the Congress of planets is now the Ambassador. All is peaceful and Estar's population is settling into this new arrangement, until the previous landlords decide to come back and collect the back rent. Will they succeed in taking back what was theirs?
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About the Author Shaun Kelsey is a retired U. Endangered Book 2 Paperback: Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Endangered Book 2 on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.
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