Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple
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- Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple: A Guide for Helping Mothers by Nancy Mohrbacher.
- Description.
Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple explains what you need to know about both cutting-edge and classic breastfeeding research to most effectively help mothers. The international studies described include those on birth practices and breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, laid-back breastfeeding, making milk, as well as on a wide range of unusual situations.

Specific problem-so Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple explains what you need to know about both cutting-edge and classic breastfeeding research to most effectively help mothers. Specific problem-solving strategies are included along with insights into the emotional dynamics at work.
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Written for all levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced practitioners, it is the ideal resource for all settings: Every chapter has been reviewed by world-class experts in the field, so it can be used with confidence. This up-to-date and complete guide provides the information you need to help mothers achieve a satisfying breastfeeding relationship with their babies and empower them to meet their breastfeeding goals. Hardcover , pages.
Published July 1st by Hale Pub. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple , please sign up.
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Be the first to ask a question about Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple. Lists with This Book. Dec 31, Shannon rated it it was amazing. Concise, up to date, and super easy to reference. Sep 14, Carrie is currently reading it. If you work in the field, consider it for your shelf. Dec 21, Helen rated it it was amazing Shelves: A fantastic resource for those working with breastfeeding mothers.
Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple (BAMS) — Nancy Mohrbacher
It's huge, and comprehensive, and reliable, and readable, and easy to search, and I love it. The only issue is that it's not particularly new, so in some areas it won't have the most up to date information, but a responsible breastfeeding counsellor takes steps to keep herself up to date anyway. Mar 29, Leahjoypro rated it it was amazing Shelves: Took me nearly a year to get through this book, but I'm finally done!
This will be a perfect reference for answering questions in my role as a La Leche leader, and even handling my own questions and questions from friends. I love that it is so up-to-date, with all the most current research information. Feb 28, Ashley rated it it was amazing. I think there is some new information missing and hope to see a revision soon but this is an excellent book.
I can't believe I didn't know about it until this year!
Breastfeeding answers made simple : a guide for helping mothers
Jul 09, Crystal rated it really liked it. As a first time mom, this book was very reader friendly and recommended by a certified lactation consultant. Apr 17, Rachel rated it it was amazing Shelves: This a wonderful reference book. I have not read the whole book but it is a really valuable resourse. Kristine rated it it was amazing Oct 05, Laura O'halloran rated it it was amazing Sep 18, Women are provided with current evidence based information for best breastfeeding practices.
The book closes with a lovely chapter on weaning, sharing ideas on how to decide when the time is right and how to make it easy on both mother and child.
Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple: A Pocket Guide for Helping Mothers
The entire book is non-judgmental, acknowledges that there can be challenges and offers encouragement and information in a non-biased manner and easy to read style that will provide support and answers to the most common concerns facing breastfeeding mothers today. Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers.
Nancy has written for many publications and speaks at breastfeeding conferences around the world. Contact Nancy by email: May 30, February 14, I purchased this book several months ago and absolutely love it as a quick reference, not only for helping other mothers, but for myself as well! Detailed information, while still being easily read in a short time, is invaluable to me and to any new mother! Thanks Nancy for writing it, and thanks Sharon for reviewing! I know this is wher December 10, I know this is where I'm meant to be!
It's so great when someone comes to me for information and I can steer her in the direction she needs.
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