Retrieved 19 August Retrieved 28 August Retrieved 31 August Retrieved 16 June Colombia, National Civil Registry. Santos a La U". Retrieved 15 June El Heraldo in Spanish. Retrieved 7 November Colombian president says he left firm listed in leaked tax haven papers". Retrieved 4 July Dies the Former Editor of El Tiempo]. Center for International Relations and Development Studies. Archived from the original on 3 May Retrieved 1 October Archived from the original on 5 July Archived from the original on 13 March Retrieved 29 January Retrieved 28 November Retrieved 10 December Galardonados en ediciones anteriores - ".
Lessons from Peace in Colombia". The World Economic Forum. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ireland. Beatriz Elena Uribe Botero — Diego Molano Vega — Laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize. Bob Dylan United States. Nobel Prize recipients 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons.
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Nobel Peace Prize For more than 30 years Colombia has demonstrated its commitment — paying a very high cost in human lives — with overcoming the drug problem. This commitment stems from the profound conviction that the consumption, production and trafficking of drugs constitute a serious threat to the well-being and security of citizens. Colombia is undoubtedly the country that has fought the most drugs and with more successes on this front. No one has to threaten us to meet this challenge. The problem of drugs is global.
The most iconic works of the Prado Museum arrive in Medellín
Overcoming it can only be achieved through cooperation and under the principle of joint responsibility. Order of the Aztec Eagle. Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry. Medal of Military Merit, First Class. Medal of Naval Merit, First Class.
The Spanish historicist musicians celebrate this weekend in Zaragoza the second edition of the Fair and International Encounters of Ancient Music. In addition to offering concerts and other activities to the general public, they will discuss legal and creative aspects and the scant attention they usually receive from the institutions. This is not the case: Traveling communities El Cultural 14 November There are in the most unsuspected places, a boat, an island, a cabin in a tree, a virgin island.
We interviewed the director and screenwriter Arantxa Aguirre on the occasion of the premiere of her documentary about the life of the composer Enrique Granados: Entrevistamos a la ilustradora Ana Juan 23 July Spain reflects on the future of architecture from the point of view of researchers in the "Becoming" proposal, which presents a showcase at the XVI Venice Architecture Biennale.

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Photos of the concerts of the Cycle of Spanish musicians in Colombia Making off of the videogame 'Bailando un Tesoro'. Photos of the winning project for the Spanish Pavilion in Dubai Panels of "El Prado in the streets Discover the exhibition "Leon Felipe.
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Juan Manuel Santos
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Se ha catalogado las costumbres sexuales como perversiones, como enfermedades mentales, como disfuncionalidade. No disponemos sino de las sensaciones, los pensamientos, las emociones y la conducta para explicar el comportamiento del ser humano. El asunto se resuelve a partir del momento en el que la persona que fuma comprende que los deseos de fumar no existen. Cuando esto se logra hacer, el deseo desaparece y con el la ansiedad que es la que supuestamente hace que la persona prenda de nuevo un cigarrillo.
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