52 Ways to Worship: A Year of Exploring Religious Traditions
That dramatic event illustrated the extent to which organized political resources were determining the course of the conflict. Ammerman studies these strategies and resources as well. Examining how this tension affected Baptists, Ammerman begins with case studies of the change it is producing in Baptist agencies.
But she also brings us back to the local churches and individual believers who are renegotiating their relationships within their denomination. She asks whether the denomination's polity can accommodate an increasingly diverse group of Baptists, of whether the only way dissidents can have a voice is through schism. Learning to pray the Catholic way can be difficult for those who are new to the faith. What are the prayers? When do we pray them?
Why do we pray them? Storey provides nearly prayers of the Catholic Church for anyone needing an introduction to traditional Catholic prayers. The prayers are frequently placed in their historical and liturgical contexts, and the prayers are grouped by theme to make them easy to find. Anyone learning to pray, or simply wanting a better understanding of the prayers we pray, is sure to benefit from this book.
Beyond Resistance is a template for those devoted to the the idea that faith should be just, generous and inspire commitment to the common good. To the contrary, both the Institutional Church and those who hold faith in a postmodern key can—and should—be allies in a common cause. What is unfolding is nothing short of a second Reformation, and this Reformation unlike the previous one can unite both the change agents and the changing institution as partners on the same playing field.
This book addresses the realities faced by what too many have called a dying institution. Where are the Disciples going in the first twenty years of the new millennium, and how will they get there?
Stacy Morgan (Author of 52 Ways to Worship)
In this book, the General Minister and President of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ shares his vision for his denomination, lifting up three marks of a faithful church: Many people are intimidated by the Bible. Whether your congregation wants to implement, rekindle or breathe new life into an existing group, readers will discover hands-on and how-to approaches to Bible study. Essex shares her many years of experience as pastor, teacher and author to help anyone feel more comfortable about studying the Bible and gain glimpses into who God is and God's love for us. A collection of seventeen essays that had their origin in a conference given at Boston College entitled Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family Catholic.
Anglican Communion at a Crossroads: Penn State University Press. How is it different from other forms of Christianity, and how did it come to have so many different versions throughout the world? Although originally united by location and a common belief, Anglicanism has gradually lost its pre-eminence as the English state church due to increasing pluralisation and secularization. While there are distinctive themes and emphases that emerge from its early history and theology, there is little sense of unity in Anglicanism today.
Here, Mark Chapman explores the fascinating history, theology, and structures of Anglicanism, and highlights the diversity of the contemporary church by examining how traditions vary from England and American, from South Africa to Malaysia. Chapman looks at current developments and controversies, such as homosexuality and women priests, and offers thought-provoking suggestions for the future of Anglicanism. Putting the history and development of the religion into context, Chapman reveals what it is that holds Anglicanism together despite the recent crises that threaten to tear it apart.
The Puritans called Baptists "the troublers of churches in all places" and hounded them out of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Four hundred years later, Baptists are the second-largest religious group in America, and their influence matches their numbers. They have built strong institutions, from megachurches to publishing houses to charities to mission organizations, and have firmly established themselves in the mainstream of American culture. Yet the historical legacy of outsider status lingers, and the inherently fractured nature of their faith makes Baptists ever wary of threats from within as well as without.
In Baptists in America , Thomas S. Kidd and Barry Hankins explore the long-running tensions between church, state, and culture that Baptists have shaped and navigated. Despite the moment of unity that their early persecution provided, their history has been marked by internal battles and schisms that were microcosms of national events, from the conflict over slavery that divided North from South to the conservative revolution of the s and 80s.
Baptists have made an indelible impact on American religious and cultural history, from their early insistence that America should have no established church to their place in the modern-day culture wars, where they frequently advocate greater religious involvement in politics. Yet the more mainstream they have become, the more they have been pressured to conform to the mainstream, a paradox that defines--and is essential to understanding--the Baptist experience in America.
Kidd and Hankins, both practicing Baptists, weave the threads of Baptist history alongside those of American history. Baptists in America is a remarkable story of how one religious denomination was transformed from persecuted minority into a leading actor on the national stage, with profound implications for American society and culture. Beginner's Book of Prayer: In this simple, beautifully written book Rowan Williams explores four essential components of the Christian life: Despite huge differences in Christian thinking and practice both today and in past centuries, he says, these four basic elements have remained constant and indispensable for the majority of those who call themselves Christians.
In accessible, pastoral terms Williams discusses the meaning and practice of baptism, the Bible, the Eucharist, and prayer, inviting readers to really think through the Christian faith and how to live it out. Journal of the National Medical Association. Krause N, Ellison CG. Forgiveness by God, forgiveness of others, and psychological well-being in late life. National survey results for Protestant, Catholic, and nonreligious experiences of seeking forgiveness and of forgiveness of self, of others, and by God.
Journal of Psychology and Christianity. Church-based emotional support and self-forgiveness in late life. Depression Research and Treatment. Religious involvement, gratitude, and change in depressive symptoms over time. Does compassion mediate the intrinsic religion-health relationship? Religion, disability, depression, and the timing of death.
American Journal of Sociology.

The relation of religious preference and practice to depressive symptoms among 1, older adults. Religiosity and remission of depression in medically ill oder patients. Religious activity and depression among community-dwelling elderly persons with cancer: The moderating effect of race. Comparative efficacy of religious and nonreligious cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of clinical depression in religious individuals.
Religious attendance increases survival by improving and maintaining Good health behaviors, mental health, and social relationships. Protective and vulnerability factors predicting new-onset depressive episode in a representative of U. Journal of Adolescent Health. Religious involvement and risk of major depression in a prospective nationwide study of African American adults. Religiosity of depressed elderly inpatients. Family environment as a predictor of adjustment to metastatic breast carcinoma.
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. National context of healthcare, economy and religion, and the association between disability and depressive symptoms in older Europeans: European Journal of Ageing. Couples at risk following the death of their child: Predictors of grief versus depression. Gender differences in reaction to terror events. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Subjective religiosity and depression in the transition to adulthood. Effects of spiritual mantram repetition on HIV outcomes: Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Predictors of preventive health care use among middle-aged and older adults in Mexico: Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology.
Religious activities, strength from faith, and social functioning among African American and white nursing home residents. Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging. Prayer and depressive symptoms in a period of secularization: Chronic pain and praying to a higher power: Journal of Religion and Health. Spiritual direction in addiction treatment: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Maselko J, Buka S. Religious activity and lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorder. Religiosity and major depression in adults at high risk: Religiosity and resilience in persons at high risk for major depression.
Religion, Spirituality, and Health: The Research and Clinical Implications
Suicidal feelings in the general population: Public approval of suicide: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. Religion and education as mediators of attitudes: Stack S, Wasserman I. The effect of marriage, family, and religious ties on African American suicide ideology. Journal of Marriage and the Family. Krull C, Trovato F. Church attendance, denomination, and suicide ideology. Journal of Social Psychology. Tolerance of suicide, religion and suicide rates: Religious homogeneity and metropolitan suicide rates.
Suicide acceptability in African- and white Americans: Regional suicide rates in the Netherlands: International Journal of Epidemiology. Neeleman J, Lewis G. Suicide, religion, and socioeconomic conditions. An ecological study in 26 countries, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. The effect of participation in religious activities on suicide versus natural death in adults 50 and older. Public and private domains of religiosity and adolescent health risk behaviors: Bearman PS, Moody J.
Suicide and friendships among American adolescents. American Journal of Public Health. Prospective associations between delinquency and suicidal behaviors in a nationally representative sample. Spirituality, religion and suicidal behavior in a nationally representative sample. Journal of Affective Disorders. Sidhartha T, Jena S. Suicidal behaviors in adolescents.
Indian Journal of Pediatrics. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Religion and psychological distress in a community sample. Religion and anxiety disorder: Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Religious psychotherapy in anxiety disorder patients. Religious-sociocultural psychotherapy in patients with anxiety and depression.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Mental health, social functioning, and disability in postwar Afghanistan. Written emotional expression and religion: Prospective study of the effectiveness of coping in pediatric patients. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. Religious attendance and the health behaviors of Texas adults. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for individuals whose lives have been affected by cancer: Zeidner M, Hammer AL. Coping with missile attack: Death anxiety as a predictor of posttraumatic stress levels among individuals with spinal cord injuries. Terrorism, post-traumatic stress, coping strategies, and spiritual outcomes.
Adjustment to termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Factors associated with the course and outcome of schizophrenia in India. Results of a two-year multicentre follow-up study. Factors associated with rehospitalization among veterans in a substance abuse treatment program. A survival analysis of dimensions of religion among homeless substance abusers: Religious delusions in patients admitted to hospital with schizophrenia. Significance of endorsement of psychotic symptoms by US latinos.
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Religious and Spiritual Issues in Psychiatric Diagnosis: American Psychiatric Association Press; The relationship between religious involvement and clinical status of patients with bipolar disorder. How spiritual values and worship attendance relate to psychiatric disorders in the Canadian population.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Mania precipitated by meditation: Normal personality assessment in clinical practice: Eysenck personality questionnaire and Eysenck personality theory. Chinese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. Personality and personality disorder; pp.
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Agreeableness, extraversion, and peer relations in early adolescence: Winning friends and deflecting aggression. Journal of Research in Personality. Conscientiousness and the incidence of Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment. Archives of General Psychiatry. Cisin IH, Cahalan D. Comparison of abstainers and heavy drinkers in a national survey. Religion, family, and adolescent drug use. Religiosity and alcohol behavior: Religious change and alcohol use: An application of reference group and socialization theory.
Religious practices and alcoholism in a southern adult population. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. Religion, psychopathology, and substance use and abuse: A multimeasure, genetic-epidemiologic study. Health Education and Behavior. Are risk and protective factors for substance use consistent across historical time?: Religion and vulnerability among low-risk adolescents.
Alcohol involvement and developmental task completion during young adulthood. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Predictors of short-term course of drinking in untreated rural and urban at-risk drinkers: Adolescent-to-young adulthood heavy drinking trajectories and their prospective predictors. Kliewer W, Murrelle L. Risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use: Conjoint developmental trajectories of young adult substance use. Clinical and Experimental Research.
Predictors of initial AA-related helping: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. Alcohol and drug abuse in patients with affective syndromes. Multistage path models of adolescent alcohol and drug use: Journal of Drug Issues. Racial differences in adolescent drug use: The impact of religion. Substance Use and Misuse. Correlates of college student marijuana use: Workplace access, negative proscriptions, job strain, and substance use in registered nurses.
Religiosity and substance use and abuse among adolescents in the national comorbidity survey. Sutherland I, Shepherd JP. Social dimensions of adolescent substance use. Increasing MDMA use among college students: Buffering effect of religiosity for adolescent substance use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. A cross-national comparison of risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use: The United States and Australia.
Parent religiosity, family processes, and adolescent outcomes. Drug selling among high school students: Risk and protective factors for nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and methamphetamine among adolescents. Epidemiological patterns of extra-medical drug use in the United States: Drug and Alcohol Dependence. The dose-response relationship of adolescent religious activity and substance use: Risk and protective factors for methamphetamine use and nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among young adults aged 18 to The relation of churchgoing and other background factors to the socioeconomic performance of black male youths from inner-city tracts.
The Black Youth Employment Crisis. University of Chicago Press; Ten-year trends in at-risk behaviors: Journal of Adolescent Research. Political violence, social integration, and youth functioning: Palestinian youth from the Intifada. Journal of Community Psychology. Moral communities and adolescent delinquency: Discriminators of types of recidivism among boot camp graduates in a five-year follow-up study.
Journal of Criminal Justice. Intergenerational religious dynamics and adolescent delinquency. Religious programs and recidivism among former inmates in Prison Fellowship programs: The importance of faith: Stack S, Kposowa A. The effect of religiosity on tax fraud acceptability: Religious involvement and educational outcomes: Does social capital deter youth from cheating, alcohol use, and violence in Turkey?: Religion and marital instability: Marital reconciliation in the United States: Wilson J, Musick M.
Religion and marital dependency. Religious influence on marital stability. Community-based prevention of marital dysfunction: Religion, race, and marriage in urban America. Are there religious variations in marital infidelity? Religiosity and marital stability among Black American and White American couples.
Religion, pledging, and the premarital sexual behavior of married Young adults. Journal of Marriage and Family. Religion in the home in the s and s: Journal of Family Psychology. Informal support patterns of older African-American and white women: Modeling the cross-sectional relationships between religion, physical health, social support, and depressive symptoms. Gender, self-reported health, and health-related lifestyles in Poland.
Health Care for Woman International. Psychosocial factors in heart surgery: Krause N, Bastida E. Core religious beliefs and providing support to others in late life. Membership in different types of voluntary associations and psychological well being. Religious activities and attitudes of older adults in a geriatric assessment clinic. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Religious involvement and status-bridging social capital.
Kim D, Kawachi I. A multilevel analysis of key forms of community- and individual-level social capital as predictors of self-rated health in the United States. Journal of Urban Health. New Kings James Version. Thomas Nelson Publishers; Islam and the body. Body, perspectives on the: The relationship between religious activities and cigarette smoking in older adults.
Religious involvement and cigarette smoking in young adults: Public and private domains of religiosity and adolescent smoking transitions. Burden of cardiovascular risk factors, subclinical atherosclerosis, and incident cardiovascular events across dimensions of religiosity: Frequent attendance at religious services and mortality over 28 years.
Effect of school age sports on leisure time physical activity in adults: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Frequency of attendance at religious services and leisure-time physical activity in American women and men: Frequency of attendance at religious services and mortality in a U. Baetz M, Bowen R. Chronic pain and fatigue: Who are the sedentary people in Israel? A public health indicator. Israel Medical Association Journal. Crawford DR, Miller C.
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Social isolation, support, and capital and nutritional risk in an older sample: Ethnic and gender differences. The role of religiosity in dietary beliefs and behaviors among urban African American women. Frequency of attendance at religious services, cardiovascular disease, metabolic risk factors and dietary intake in Americans: An age-stratified exploratory analysis. The relationship between the social environment within religious organizations and intake of fat versus fruits and vegetables.
Religious observance and plasma lipids and lipoproteins among year-old Jewish residents of Jerusalem. Religious education and midlife observance are associated with dementia three decades later in Israeli men. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Effects of Greek orthodox christian church fasting on serum lipids and obesity. A brief but comprehensive lifestyle education program based on yoga reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Oman D, Reed D. Religion and mortality among the community-dwelling elderly. Religion, body weight, and well-being. Religion and body weight. International Journal of Obesity. One size fits all? Race, gender and body mass index among U.
Attendance at religious services and mortality in a national sample. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Urban living and obesity: Is it independent of its population and lifestyle characteristics? Tropical Medicine and International Health. Religious service attendance and allostatic load among high-functioning elderly. Lose weight and win: Patient Education and Counseling.
The effect of the fast of Ramadan on ambulatory blood pressure in treated hypertensives. Journal of Human Hypertension. A pilot church-based weight loss program for African-American adults using church members as health educators: A comparison of individual and group intervention. The WORD wholeness, oneness, righteousness, deliverance: Religiosity and well-being among retirees: Behavior, Health, and Aging.
Religion, religiosity, and nonmarital sexual conduct: Women with multiple sexual partners: Journal of Sex Research. Prevalence of partner violence in same-sex romantic and sexual relationships in a national sample of adolescents. Associations between religiosity and sexuality in a representative sample of Australian adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Predicting sexual infidelity in a population-based sample of married individuals.
Chronic stress and age-related increases in the proinflammatory cytokine IL Psychological stress and the human immune system: Psychological stress and susceptibility to the common cold. Depression as a risk factor for mortality after coronary artery bypass surgery. Psychological distress and cancer survival: Emotional vitality and incident coronary heart disease: Hostile behaviors predict cardiovascular mortality among men enrolled in the multiple risk factor intervention trial. Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress.
- Religion, Spirituality, and Health: The Research and Clinical Implications.
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- 1. Historical Background and Introduction?
Association between psychological distress and mortality: Social relationships and health. Estimated deaths attributable to social factors in the united states. Social relationships and mortality. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Fatal arteriosclerotic heart disease, water hardness at home, and socioeconomic characteristics. American Journal of Epidemiology. Religious orthodoxy and myocardial infarction in Jerusalem.
A case control study. International Journal of Cardiology. Factors predictive of long-term coronary heart disease mortality among 10, male Israeli civil servants and municipal employees: A year mortality follow-up in the Israeli ischemic heart disease study. Usefulness of the transcendental meditation program in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. American Journal of Cardiology. Prevalence and determinants of coronary heart disease in a rural population of India. Spirituality and autonomic cardiac control. Religious observance and acute coronary syndrome in predominantly Muslim Albania: Usefulness of routine periodic fasting to lower risk of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing coronary angiography.
Lack of social participation or religious strength and comfort as risk factors for death after cardiac surgery in the elderly. Psychosocial factors in outcomes of heart surgery: Prayer and reverence in naturalistic, aesthetic, and socio-moral contexts predicted fewer complications following coronary artery bypass. Spirituality predicts health and cardiovascular responses to stress in young adult women. Religious involvement and perceived social support: Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research. Religion as a moderator of cardiovascular reactivity in patients with mild to severe depression.
Effect of rosary prayer and yoga mantras on autonomic cardiovascular rhythms: The relationship between attendance at religious services and cardiovascular inflammatory markers. C-reactive protein, diabetes, and attendance at religious services. Social integration and concentrations of C-reactive protein among US adults. Social integration is associated with fibrinogen concentration in elderly men. Psychologic factors as precursors to hypertension. Does psychosocial stress cause hypertension? A systematic review of observational studies. Sociocultural factors in the epidemiology of Zulu hypertension.
Frequency of church attendance and blood pressure elevation. Hypertension among Asians and Pacific islanders in California. Age and blood pressure changes. A year follow-up study in nuns in a secluded order. Social integration and black intraracial variation in blood pressure. Religion and cardiovascular disease risk. Religious coping, ethnicity, and ambulatory blood pressure. A link between psychosocial factors and blood pressure trend in women.
Religiosity and its relation to blood pressure among selected Kuwaitis. Journal of Biosocial Science. Frequency of attendance at religious services, hypertension, and blood pressure: Religious involvement and health outcomes among older persons in Taiwan. Randomised controlled trial of yoga and bio feedback in management of hypertension. Patel C, Datey KK. Relaxation and biofeedback techniques in the management of hypertension. Effect of Buddhist meditation on serum cortisol and total protein levels, blood pressure, pulse rate, lung volume and reaction time.
A randomized controlled trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans. Trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans: Sex and risk subgroup analysis. International Journal of Neuroscience. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Impact of transcendental meditation on ambulatory blood pressure in African-American adolescents. American Journal of Hypertension. A randomized controlled trial of stress reduction in African Americans treated for hypertension for over one year.
Effects of a randomized controlled trial of transcendental meditation on components of the metabolic syndrome in subjects with coronary heart disease. Religion and health in Mexican Americans. Impact of Ramadan on demographics and frequencies of disease-related visits in the emergency department. International Journal of Clinical Practice. Religious involvement, social support, and health among African-American women on the east side of Detroit.
An examination of the relationship between multiple dimensions of religiosity, blood pressure, and hypertension. Fitchett G, Powell LH. Daily spiritual experiences, systolic blood pressure, and hypertension among midlife women in swan. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension among United States adults — Religion and party ID strongly linked among whites, not blacks. The Gallup Poll, http: Depressive symptoms and other psychosocial factors as predictors of stroke in the elderly.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Effects of stress reduction on carotid atherosclerosis in hypertensive African Americans. Glucocorticoids and hippocampal atrophy in neuropsychiatric disorders. Chronic stress-induced hippocampal vulnerability: Reviews in the Neurosciences. Plasma cortisol and progression of dementia in subjects with Alzheimer-type dementia. The effects of chronic glucocorticoid exposure on dendritic length, synapse numbers and glial volume in animal models: Religion and cognitive dysfunction in an elderly cohort.
Religious attendance and cognitive functioning among older Mexican Americans. Cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease: Correlates of religious service attendance and contact with religious leaders among persons with co-occurring serious mental illness and type 2 diabetes. Church attendance mediates the association between depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning among older Mexican Americans. Religious attendance reduces cognitive decline among older women with high levels of depressive symptoms. Potential occupational risks for neurodegenerative diseases. Religious participation, gender differences, and cognitive impairment among the oldest-old in China.
Journal of Aging Research. Changes in cytokine production in healthy subjects practicing Guolin Qigong: Attendance at religious services, interleukin-6, and other biological parameters of immune function in older adults. Religiosity is associated with affective and immune status in symptomatic HIV-infected gay men. View of God is associated with disease progression in HIV. View of God as benevolent and forgiving or punishing and judgmental predicts HIV disease progression. Religious participation, interleukin-6, and mortality in older adults.
The effect of motivational arousal through films on salivary immunoglobulin A. A randomized clinical trial of alternative stress management interventions in persons with HIV infection. Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation. Effect of compassion meditation on neuroendocrine, innate immune and behavioral responses to psychosocial stress. Spiritual expression and immune status in women with metastatic breast cancer: A prospective study of social support, anger expression and risk of periodontitis in men. Journal of the American Dental Association.
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Religious involvement and seroprevalence of six infectious diseases in US adults. The Link Between Religion and Health: Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor. Depressive disorders and immunity: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Religious expression and immune competence in women with advanced cancer. Exploring heart and soul: A path model of the effects of spirituality on depressive symptoms and hurinary-free cortisol in HIV-positive persons.
Efficacy of Tai Chi, brisk walking, meditation, and reading in reducing mental and emotional stress.
Risk factors for breast cancer in a population with high incidence rates. Occupational female breast and reproductive cancer mortality in British Columbia, Canada, — Relation of various epidemiologic factors to cervical cancer as determined by a screening program. Cancer in Utah Mormon men by lay priesthood level. Cancer in Utah Mormon women by Church activity level. Religiosity, quality of life, and survival in cancer patients.
Health practices and cancer mortality among active California Mormons. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The effect of religious concentration and affiliation on county cancer mortality rates. Religion, race, and breast cancer survival. Roles of religious involvement and social support in the risk of colon cancer among blacks and whites. Socio-demographic factors in the prognosis of oral cancer patients. Cucino C, Sonnenberg A. Occupational mortality from squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in the United States during — Digestive Diseases and Sciences.
Psychological stress and disease. Do stress-related psychosocial factors contribute to cancer incidence and survival? Nature Clinical Practice Oncology. Religious involvement and the health of the elderly: Religion among disabled and nondisabled persons II: Religious belief, depression, and ambulation status in elderly women with broken hips. Age-related declines in activity level: Effects of volunteering on the well-being of older adults.
Higher church attendance predicts lower fear of falling in older Mexican-Americans. Aging and Mental Health. Depression, faith-based coping, and short-term postoperative global functioning in adult and older patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The association of health and functional status with private and public religious practice among rural, ethnically diverse, older adults with diabetes.
Journal of Rural Health. Attendance at religious services and physical functioning after stroke among older Mexican Americans. Effect of short-term intensive yoga program on pain, functional disability and spinal flexibility in chronic low back pain: Religion, health, and nonphysical senses of self. Mobility limitations and complementary and alternative medicine: Prevalence of low back pain in a developing urban setting. Health and religiosity among Israeli Jews. European Journal of Public Health. Religion and functional health among the elderly: Religion, spirituality, and health in medically Ill hospitalized older patients.
Self-rated health as a risk factor for prescribed drug use and future health and social service use in older people. Idler EL, Benyamini Y. Self-rated health and mortality: What is self-rated health and why does it predict mortality? Towards a unified conceptual model. Religion and subjective health among black and white elders.
Neighborhood deterioration, religious coping, and changes in health during late life. God, love, and health: Individual-level relationships between social capital and self-rated health in a bilingual community. Acculturation stress, social support, and self-rated health among Latinos in California. Journal of immigrant health. Religiousness and the trajectory of self-rated health across adulthood. Exploring the stress-buffering effects of church-based and secular social support on self-rated health in late life.
Gratitude toward God, stress, and health in late life. Social determinants of health-a comparative study of Bosnian adolescents in different cultural contexts. Religiosity and self-rated health among Latin American and Caribbean elders. A prospective study of church attendance and health over the lifespan.
Church-based volunteering, providing informal support at church, and self-rated health in late life. Religious involvement, humility, and self-rated health. Close companions at church, health, and health care use in late life. Prevalence of the use of unconventional remedies for arthritis in a metropolitan community. Does spirituality as a coping mechanism help or hinder coping with chronic pain? Current Pain and Headache Reports. Turner JA, Clancy S.