Now you've succeeded in changing the structure, but the passage still contains many direct quotations, so you need to go on to the second step. Use synonyms or a phrase that expresses the same meaning. Leave shared language unchanged. It's important to start by changing the structure, not the words, but you might find that as you change the words, you see ways to change the structure further.
The final paraphrase might look like this:. According to Ross , poor children at the turn of the century received little mothering in our sense of the term. Mothering was defined by economic status, and among the poor, a mother's foremost responsibility was not to stimulate her children's minds or foster their emotional growth but to provide food and shelter to meet the basic requirements for physical survival.
Given the magnitude of this task, children were deprived of even the "actual comfort" p. How to avoid plagiarism Should I paraphrase or quote? How to paraphrase a source Successful vs.
How to paraphrase a source General advice When reading a passage, try first to understand it as a whole, rather than pausing to write down specific ideas or phrases. Unless your assignment is to do a formal or "literal" paraphrase, you usually don? It should answer basic questions about the original text such as "Who did what, where, and when? It should not be a paraphrase of the whole text using your own words.
- Sample Output:.
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- Paranoid Suburbs.
- Avoiding Plagiarism: Quoting and Paraphrasing.
A reference should be made to the original piece either in the title "A Summary of You should not give your own ideas or criticisms as part of the summary. However, if you want to comment on a piece of writing it is usual to begin by summarizing it as objectively as possible. A good summary should not include selected examples, details, or information which are not relevant to the piece of writing taken as a whole. A good summary of an essay should probably include the main idea of each paragraph, and the main evidence supporting that idea, unless it is not relevant to the article or essay as a whole.
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A summary does not need a conclusion, but if the original ends with a message to the reader this should not be left out. A good summary of a chapter should probably include the main idea of each group of paragraphs or each section; a good summary of a book should probably include the main idea of each chapter, or perhaps the main idea of each section of each chapter.
A good summary may use key words from the original text but should not contain whole phrases or sentences from the original unless quotation marks are used. Quotations should only be made if there is a reason for using the original words, for example because the choice of words is significant, or because the original is so well expressed. Rearranging the words used in the original, or keeping the same structure but just substituting different words is not enough. You must express the sense of the original using your own words and structures.
How to write a summary of a short piece of writing: If there is a word or words that are repeated throughout the passage, this is likely to be related to the topic. Transition words and phrases should help you to understand how the piece is joined together. The main idea should be in the first or second paragraph, probably in a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph, or in the concluding paragraph.

You could look out for the 5Ws - What? Be careful to use your own words rather than copying or just rearranging. Another way to plagiarize is to allow other students or friends to give you too much rhetorical help or do too much editing and proofreading of your work. If you think you have received substantial help in any way from people whose names will not appear as authors of the paper, you should acknowledge that help in a short sentence at the end of the paper or in your list of Works Cited.
If you are not sure how much help is too much, talk with your instructor, so the two of you can decide what kind of outside help and how much is acceptable, and how to give credit where credit is due. As a conscientious writer, you have to make an honest effort to distinguish between your own ideas, those of others, and what might be considered common knowledge.
Try to identify which part of your work comes from an identifiable source and then document the use of that source using the proper format, such as a parenthetical citation and a Works Cited list. If you are unsure about what needs documenting, talk with your instructor. When thinking about plagiarism, it is hard to avoid talking about ideas as if they were objects like tables and chairs.
Obviously, that's not the case. You should not feel that you are under pressure to invent completely new ideas.
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Instead, original writing consists of thinking through ideas and expressing them in your own way. The result may not be entirely new, but, if honestly done, it may be interesting and worthwhile reading.
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- Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing | Academic Integrity at MIT?
- Plagiarism Policy — Department of English;
- Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing!
Print or electronic sources, as well as other people, may add useful ideas to your own thoughts. When they do so in identifiable and specific ways, give them the credit they deserve.
Sample Original:
The following examples should clarify the difference between dishonest and proper uses of sources. The US has only lost approximately 30 percent of its original forest area, most of this in the nineteenth century. The loss has not been higher mainly because population pressure has never been as great there as in Europe. The doubling of US farmland from to happened almost without affecting the total forest area as most was converted from grasslands. In the following example, the writer tacks on a new opening part of the first sentence in the hope that the reader won't notice that the rest of the paragraph is simply copied from the source.
The plagiarized words are italicized. Despite the outcry from environmentalist groups like Earth First! The loss has not been higher mainly because population pressure has never been as great here as in Europe.
Quotation marks around all the copied text, followed by a parenthetical citation, would avoid plagiarism in this case. But even if that were done, a reader might wonder why so much was quoted from Lomborg in the first place. Beyond that, a reader might wonder why you chose to use a quote here instead of paraphrase this passage, which as a whole is not very quotable, especially with the odd reference to Europe. Using exact quotes should be reserved for situations where the original author has stated the idea in a better way than any paraphrase you might come up with.