Venture Capital Valuation, + Website: Case Studies and Methodology (Wiley Finance)
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Helping readers answer such vital valuation questions as "What'sthis company worth? A companion website allows readers to access and downloadadditional material mentioned throughout the text. Don't wait until it's too late. Learn how "value" changes rightsto cash flow at every stage of a company's evolution with VentureCapital Valuation.
This scenario happens every day forventure-backed companies. Failure to quickly understand high-growthcompany valuation can cost trillions of dollars. Yet very fewleaders involved in a venture-backed company have a definitiveunderstanding of how valuation techniques are being applied totheir financial statements and the decision-making process. Featuring extensive case studies of high-profile corporations,including Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft, Venture CapitalValuation provides the knowledge and techniques necessary tounderstand and value high-growth companies.
Sharing his twenty-year track record helping thousands ofinvestors, practitioners, and entrepreneurs measure and realizehigh-growth venture, author Lorenzo Carver draws on real-worldcases from investors, founders, and advisors to illustrate how eachcorporation was impacted by valuations.

By putting these techniquesinto a context and framework, Venture Capital Valuation simplifiesthem so that anyone founding, running, and investing in theseinnovative companies can apply them immediately. Featuring a companion website where readers can access anddownload additional case study material, as well as differentvaluation materials mentioned throughout the text, Venture CapitalValuation explores:.
Carver has a twenty-year track record of helping thousandsof clients understand how to measure and realize high-growthventure value. Would you like to tell us about a lower price?
Venture Capital Valuation, + Website: Case Studies and Methodology
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Venture Capital Valuation, + Website: Case Studies and Methodology by Lorenzo Carver
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