The Church of the Beyond, vol. 5 (The Spiritual Man)
What she once was, she will never be again. And, what she always has been, she will continue to be.
David Hogan Podcast
It is not in the mind of man that church is formed or conceived, but in the mind of God. Lest we find ourselves go have fallen short of it through unbelief, let us make diligent search to make our calling and election sure, pressing on to possess the promises through His Faith.
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- The Church of the Beyond, vol. 5.
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The Church of the Beyond, vol. 3
E-Mail will not be published required. I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
Many say it is to the right, and many say to the left, but the true Word of the Lord will stand forever. The Church will arise as never before, and learn the lesson of Jesus that mercy is better than sacrifice. Yet, as a pure and spotless bride, she will shine, holy. The true Church belongs not to a man or to an organization. When God throws His wedding banquet, He provides for His guests.
Yet the one who choses to arrive dressed in less than their best may find themselves somewhere other than where they intended. While those with a meek, child-like spirit, will find, over and over again, that the Kingdom of God is theirs. There are youth in the church who should be cultivating the grace of Christian steadfastness and growing up to be men of faith. They should become firm, unwavering, rooted and grounded in the truth. The church needs the very help which God designed they should give.
Those professing His name have not consecrated their powers fully and entirely to Him, but have yielded them, in a measure, to the service of Satan. Such have been, and still are, robbing God. Like the unfaithful steward to whom were entrusted talents, they have hid the gifts of God in the world. Another great detriment to the church at has been the material which has come into it.
This material needs to be melted over by the Spirit of God. The dross is seen in crude, sharp traits of character, which might have been removed had these individuals been learners of Christ. But they have not fully separated themselves from the spirit and influences of the world. They rob God by daily mingling His time, His talents, and His strength with a worldly element. These powers cannot be withheld from God without resulting in eternal ruin. You have been bought with a price, even if you perish because you will not be saved in God's appointed way.
Holy angels are watching with intense interest, to see if the individual members of the church will honor their Redeemer, to see if they will place themselves in connection with heaven and no longer defraud the Lord, whom they profess to love, honor, and serve. God calls for His own.
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You are His by creation, and doubly His by redemption. But when you suffer the fires of unhallowed passion to light up the eye, when you speak words that drive the holy angels from you, when you think evil of your brethren, when you profane your hands with the gains of ungodliness, you are yielding your members as instruments of unrighteousness.

The want of these heavenly graces will surely close the gates of heaven against you. Your body, your soul, your entire being with all its capabilities, God claims as His. That hasty, uncontrolled temper must be overcome. Spiritual disease is the sure result of giving way to this fretting, complaining, murmuring spirit. And this disease of soul will be your own fault. Cease to fret, cease to be stubborn, cease to pet self, and be a noblehearted, valiant man for God. Has He not made ample provision for you, that you should have help when brought into difficult places?
These are clusters of fruit which mature amid storm and cloud and darkness, as well as in the sunshine. Brother is joined to the church, but not to the Lord.
He has a dyspeptic religion. He is not right with God; he is filled with self. He has lost much by uniting with individuals who have not the spirit of Christ. He is lacking in almost every grace. He is useless to himself, and a great stumbling block to the church.
Dear brother, Satan has controlled you to a great extent; your thoughts are unsanctified, your actions are not in accordance with the spirit of a true Christian. You have brought on your own disease; you must be your own restorer through the help of the divine Physician.
The Church of the Beyond, vol. 5 | Church of the Beyond
Your moral powers are weak for want of nourishment. You are starving spiritually for Bible truth—the bread of life. You need to draw daily nourishment from the living Vine. The church receives no strength from you and in your present condition would be better off without you, for now, if anything arises to cross your track and you cannot control matters, you settle back with stubbornness, a dead weight on the church.
You bear no burden or weight of the cause. God has borne long with you, but there is a limit to His forbearance, a line beyond which you may venture, when His Spirit will no longer strive with you, but leave you in your own perversity, defiled with selfishness, and debased with sin. Brother does not possess a right spirit. His disposition to lead hurts him, for he is not fitted for any such work. He can act a good part in the church if self is not made prominent.
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More meekness and lowliness will make his efforts a blessing to the church instead of a burden. Both of you have ability to do good, but it is unsanctified. You are greatly deficient in the simplicity of godliness.