
The blend

Patterns or colors overlay the existing pixels while preserving the highlights and shadows of the base color.

The base color is not replaced, but mixed with the blend color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the original color. Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color. The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the image. Painting with pure black or white produces a distinctly darker or lighter area, but does not result in pure black or white.

Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend color.

The Blend Superfood Bar

The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the image. This is useful for adding highlights to an image. This is useful for adding shadows to an image. Painting with pure black or white results in pure black or white.

The Blend Coffee Shop

Burns or dodges the colors by increasing or decreasing the contrast, depending on the blend color. Burns or dodges the colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness, depending on the blend color. Replaces the colors, depending on the blend color. This is useful for adding special effects to an image.


Adds the red, green and blue channel values of the blend color to the RGB values of the base color. If the resulting sum for a channel is or greater, it receives a value of ; if less than , a value of 0. Therefore, all blended pixels have red, green, and blue channel values of either 0 or This changes all pixels to primary additive colors red, green, or blue , white, or black. For CMYK images, Hard Mix changes all pixels to the primary subtractive colors cyan, yellow, or magenta , white, or black.


The maximum color value is Looks at the color information in each channel and subtracts either the blend color from the base color or the base color from the blend color, depending on which has the greater brightness value. Blending with white inverts the base color values; blending with black produces no change. Creates an effect similar to but lower in contrast than the Difference mode. Blending with white inverts the base color values. See above right for our lineup of course offerings each course title links to more information on that course.

Or you may download a brochure containing our complete course descriptions — just click on the image at right. Academically, the excellence has not diminished in the three years my daughter has attended. More importantly, she has been exposed to opposing viewpoints, which has given her the opportunity to define her own, to argue respectfully, and to get along with people who think differently.

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This is not a superficial education of check boxes and political correctness. All of her teachers Roy, Diane, and Monica, in her case delve deeply, whatever the topic. Email us at info hscollegebound. The challenge We are new to homeschooling. What they find is limited options: A different approach The approach we're using at The Blend yields significant benefits to our families: The expectations for our students are high on every front—not just with academics, but in the respectful way our students communicate and collaborate with one another, in the way they organize their projects and assignments, and in all their dealings with instructors at The Blend.

Bistro, shellfish bar and cigar terrace located in converted listed stables on North Row, off Park Lane, close to Marble Arch tube station. Boisdale is dedicated to the finer things in life: Set in the historical building of the same name, the Royal Institution is a place to connect or disconnect; to escape from work and embrace life, or vice versa.

Coffee Shop Hours

Set within the R. The Loft is an exciting new space located in a historic building reborn in the heart of Manchester. The Loft is a place to discover and experiment, morning, noon and night.

Nov' 18 - Dec' Jan' 19 - Feb' Located in the stunning art deco headquarters of the former Tetley Brewery in central Leeds. Now blend to impress with a creation inspired by your very own palate. The same goes for a finely matured whisky.