Submariner Tales II: Truth or Fiction You Decide
However, events between 'our hero' and the XO, stretch credibility too far. The rest of the story, particularly Alert's encounter with her nemesis, makes for a really good ride and delivers thrills aplenty.

Cold War Command brings us as close as is possible to the realities of commanding nuclear hunter-killer submarines, routinely tasked to hunt out and covertly follow Soviet submarines in order to destroy them should there be any outbreak of hostilities. This gripping read takes you onboard a nuclear submarine and into the depths of the ocean, and relays the excitement and apprehensions experienced by British submariners confronted by a massive Soviet Navy Through Amazon. Even better it can be bought by telephone order from the Submarine Museum Shop, Ext , all profits going to the museum. Some made perilous voyages.
Others sank like stones.
Craft were propelled by muscle-power or had steam engines with chimneys. Sea Devils brims with daring characters and their unflinching determination to make hazardous underwater voyages: As for his knowledge of the Navy, the author had only seen a TV series called 'Warship'. Just how hard could it be? Serving on frigates, destroyers and submarines throughout his long career, Ian Atkinson had a lot of laughs and shed a lot of tears through times that were good, bad and sometimes downright ugly.
Nobody ever said it would be plain sailing. Through interviews with four Cold War submarine captains, and some of the men who served with them, they speak out about their covert lives and exploits that have, until now, been consigned to the shadows. Their experiences encompass the span of the Cold War, including voyages in WW2-era submarines under Arctic ice, nuclear-powered espionage missions in Soviet-dominated seas and dangerous encounters with Russian spy ships in UK waters.
This is a gripping real-life Cold War thriller. The publisher has given the museum a good discount and they are selling it below list price. It is in the museum shop now and will be listed as one of their books available via the online shop this coming week. Purchasing it from there would of course be a very valuable contribution to museum funds. Please go to the Museum on the below Link. Thank You Museum Shop. The signal simply stated: After this date the metre British U-Class submarine inexplicably disappeared. Unbeaten was fully operational for just over two years.
During her short tenure she successfully returned to war-torn Malta many times, symbolically flying her Jolly Roger. Being Silent They Speak endeavours to highlight the varied triumphs, tragedies, events and sacrifices of submarine life during World War Two. David Wanklyn VC and his indomitable crew also disappeared forever.
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Several submarines have had books written about them. The account of this secret operation, concludes with an extreme twist of fate, which could leave the final chapter open forever and the last crew of Unbeaten still on patrol. About the Author David J. Smith is a military author and naval researcher with a specific interest in the Royal Navy of World War Two. There's a reason the mothers of Nukes have their own support group. The SEALs encourage people in training to quit. They'll take a class of and whittle it down until only the hardest, toughest bastards are left.
Best Submarine Nonfiction Books
Civilian life can offer them such tantalizing foreign concepts as "having money" and "not living in a dank metal tube. You don't want to be a Morlock, son? What, so a giant metal group coffin isn't good enough for you anymore? The oxygen levels on a submarine are kept dramatically low. This is primarily to keep the risk of fires at a minimum, but it has some side effects.
Sub-Mariner #1 (May 1968, Marvel)
Most submariners work with their hands and get injured a fair amount. You'd be surprised what a small drop in oxygen levels will do to your body's ability to repair itself. Constantly oozing wounds are the name of the game. It is not a fun game. Low oxygen levels also make everyone a tired as fuck-all, and b constantly pissed off.
The first time I went down the hatch, a guy broke a coffee mug over my head because I didn't move as fast as he would have liked. Three years later, I dropped him off at the airport when he got out; I was the last person he saw as an enlisted man, and he's one of the people I admire most in the world The only time they'd turn the damned stuff up was when we had a "field day," a term that means something a little different here from what it does in the civilian world.
It probably means something fun to you.
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To the Navy, it means everyone gets the honor of cleaning everything. But add a few extra percentage points of oxygen and everyone's happy as hell about it, so long as they get the privilege of breathing correctly. Navy via LA Times. Yes, yes, you probably assumed this one. But you do not know the extent of it. For the first two months I was on the sub, I slept in the torpedo room. Some jokers even shut me in one of the tubes once.
Ha ha, pretty funny joke, guys, making me think I was going to die in the vast black abyss like that. I thought those sleeping arrangements were a bum deal, until I started "hot-racking. You know that super gross feeling you get sitting on a toilet seat warmed by someone else's butt? It's that, in a bed. And when I say "one person is always getting into a rack as another gets out," I don't mean we were just lounging around, sleeping the day away.
Submariners switch to an hour day while under way. You can't see your precious life-giving and -affirming sun anyway; why keep the whole "24 hours in a day" thing?
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So we'd sleep six hours, work six hours, study six hours or work more , then do it again. But you're still in the military, so there are fitness standards to maintain. We had a stationary bike that was missing the seat. Just a little metal tube you were welcome to sit on if you enjoyed the sensation of being anally violated by a robot. We had a rowing machine that, at full extension, had your back hitting a steam pipe. Every stroke was a test in precision: We had a treadmill that you could run on if you were 5 foot 8 inches or shorter.
I jogged along with my neck bent either to the left or the right of the pipe that cut right through the center of the track. Ha, you think I slept in a torpedo tube because I'm agoraphobic? In a submarine, things fit where they fit. You're the one that moves. It's not just the flatulence didn't think of that, did you? Imagine your old dorm room, only there's 20 guys in there and you can't open the window for months or the sweat, or the one guy who was allergic to the chemicals in the CO2 scrubbers, which gave him a skin rash that caused flakes of him to fall off constantly, but he was the only one technically qualified to operate it, so fuck it all, flakes ahoy, good buddy.
The whole thing is a machine, and machines need oil.
Sub-Mariner #1 (May , Marvel) | eBay
God, does it stink. I stuffed dryer sheets in my pockets just to remind myself that there were better things in the world. But no, let's not get distracted. The farts are what's important here: After two weeks, the milk would be gone. Three, and there were no more eggs. Sub-Mariner, Byrrah, Giganto, and the Atlanteans. Its story line involves Namor, who has to recover from amnesia as the Sub-Mariner is trapped under tons of frozen ice.
In this story "Years of Glory -- Day of Doom! In addition, this English comic contains 36 pages. Up and coming rising value as movie looms in the future Well it looks like it is only time until the first Mutant takes over the big screen and the most undervalued comics make the rise to the top of the investment comics for one of the oldest Marvel Heroes.
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