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We are equal remember. So close all these racist places. Then we can begin To me, the pictures seemed to have caught the spirit of hope that has spread over the nation and the world If we all work together, this could be the matrix from which comes good and thoughtful change. Will the USA continue to be feared and loathed, an outlaw state? A new day is upon us. Yes, Martin Luther King's dream came true.
All for the best. Congrats The Obama family. Your speech was excellent together we can make a difference. I plan to fully support you and your family and do my part in my community to make a difference. This man is pro-abortion, for gay rights, and is the most liberal politician I have ever seen. God can't bless an administration that so blatantly goes against His laws.
He had nothing to do with this election.
May God have mercy on all our souls - especially those of us who had enough morals and values to vote against Mr. Obama once stated that for the first time in her adult life she was finally proud of her country. Well, for the first time in my adult life I am ashamed. America has proven that the character of a man means nothing.
Making history meant more. I am really happy that he got it. I will admit, I was for Hillary, but when she bowed out and through support to Obama, I follwed! He seems great to me. I don't understand why people don't like him. Is it because of his race? Get with the century.
The minorities are fading away. Your link goes to a fake document. Read the bottom where it says any alterations invalidate the document and then they redacted the Certificate Number so that image has been altered and thus invalidated. Now see if you can find a valid Certificate Of Live Birth Wonderful set of photos, but Having been there Tuesday, I'm quite certain the time mentioned I was in the ticket Silver standing section, which started behind the reflecting pool, and continued after the 3rd street break to 4th street the closest part of the Mall to the Capitol.
It's hard to have much of a perspective in the midst of the crowd, but when I entered the section at around 8: Our section quickly filled up to become a solid block as well, and it certainly didn't look like there where any patches down the mall. Perhaps this is a shot from after the inaugural speech, when many folks left to try in vain to make it to the parade?
I'd love to hear any thoughts on the matter anyone might have. I'd like to say, Thank God we're still here I only hope that we can say that in 4years. I pray that we turn our eyes upwards and not to "just" a man. His new job will give him some time to write his own speaches and not have to check with over advisors to make sure he's getting things straight. Yesterday was a Sad day,.
I thought this wasn't about race or color, I thought we all had moved past that I guess it will always be about race, I truely and honestly believe WE as a nation will pay until the day we die. Give us a Break, let us save the money we work so hard for. I really do look forward in seeing how this present day America "changes" with Obama as President. Obama's inaugral speech was very inspiring. Now where's the one for the people who didn't vote for him? If you dislike or hate President Obama, it means that you wish you were him and you envy his position This is MY America! You have truly captured the tapestry of hope weaved throughout this country.
Let's keep it alive! Barack Obama wanted "Change" and made "History". These pictures should be in everyone's home. I did not vote for President Obama. However, yesterday, I could not have been more proud of being an American. I do not care what color one categorizes him to be; call him the color of the rainbow for that is what he demonstrated by the Inauguration speech he gave quite eloquently.
All of America should be proud, if only for the unity demonstrated by the crowds on the Washington Mall, even if you voted for John McCain. President Obama had the class and grace to commend Senator McCain for his service to our country, just prior to his swearing into office. President Obama is a class act. American haters, I refuse to hate back on you.
Firstly, because the Bible says "judge not lest ye be judged," and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ espoused turning the other cheek. Secondly, because your haterade helped get Obama elected. I know that for myself, every time I saw someone hating on him for whatever reason it only made me MORE determined to help him win. So go on and keep hating. Because haters make the world go 'round.
Haters are here to remind those of us who are actually working to make the world a better place what we're doing. Please mind your own business. But that's because most leaders bad or good have certain things in common. He is a great speaker, and was able to motivate and mobilize millions. Clearly, this is a necessary quality in a good leader, but bad people can also possess these qualities.
Heck, Hitler was a great orator, inspired millions, and got elected to office, after which, he proceded to become one of the most horrible goverment leaders in written history. He also successfully navigaterd Germany out of a horrible economic depression. That he did this while trying to exterminate a people and take over the world is beyond reprehensible.
People, President Obama is just a man. We supporters realize that, no matter how much you mock us with "Savior" digs, or say we're "worshipping" him. I'll remind you how much support frm. Those who supported him did so fully, and now Obama's supporters are doing the same. Please don't deny us the pleasure of of celebrating our victory. The United States' victory. Please don't mock or belittle the suffering and experiences that many Americans went through by demeaning or deliberately misconstruing what Barack Obama's election TRULY means to a large portion of the American people. My grandmother grew up in rural Georgia in the 30's and 40's.
Her father was run out of town by the Klan. She went to segregated schools all the way through college, and watched her children get beat up ALL OVER THE WORLD, on Army bases placed on foreign soil to "liberate" those other countries, and "bring democracy and equality to their people" by the children of white American Army officers because my father and his sisters went to school with them and lived in the same neighborhoods. My grandfather was often not allowed to join his fellow officers in clubs and bars because he was black.
Don't hate on us for having HOPE. Don't hate on Barack because he had faith that the American people would act in our own best interests. King walked so Obama could run. President Obama ran so I can fly. Around the world, every television was set on this global event and people are patiently waiting for the spectacular moment of the man that will lead the most powerful country of the planet.
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The prayers were so fitting for the difficult time we are facing now. Faces of people, teary eyes and chanting of his name were really great an indication that there was full support of him from the US populace and the whole world. We are hoping that he will really work to change the trend and face of global politics. And may God grant him the wisdom of Solomon and true discernment on how he could better advance welfare of the destitutes sectors in our society.
Wish you all the best from bottom of my heart. We love you sooooooooo much. When I see you on TV, Newspaper, I become so emotional, Country really picked the right leader for the broken country. We have full confidence in you and your team to fix the problem, and we are with you. I am still amazed by the amount of hate as I read between the lines of some of these comments.
I think it has to more than just hate of the color of some ones skin There is a "game" for the lack of a better word called: This game shows how people will do or say anything to get or stay in power. It shows how the evil comes out of the people you least expect to see it come out of It explains why there are still people who hate change Que dios bendiga a America y a los Americanos. Thank you for beautiful pictures, and hope that all the best things will come to America with the wise leadership of President Obama to lead the whole country to surpass all of the difficulties that we are facing nowadays such as depression, global warming, climate change, wars and so on.
Thanks god for this miracle. God Bless America we will survive again because we was almost died. I 'm so happy to have you as my President Mr barack Obama. Barack Obama the best ahead. I first saw Obama 4yrs. Truly an excellent capturing of the days events. Truly a memorable occasion. Never in history have the masses united for their president. He gives us hope for the future. As for those haters who wanted to see the country continue in a downward spiral, you all need your heads examined. Good riddens to the idiot we had, and welcome to Mr. We will all be praying that your plans to change America will come true in the years to come.
I cried like a little baby because I never thought it would happen in my years of living I thought it was going to happen when my children's children children generation. I want to know how do the poor people help. What can we do the low income people us who live in the projects how can we help. Firebaugh Middle School loves you! We are excited to see the great changes you have in store for us. Call it intuition or a hunch maybe it was just the fact that we already had a Bush president and his father no less.
Sure enough, these past 8 years has convinced me to trust my gut feelings. This time around, we have a man who is pushing positive change, who has brought renewed hope to many people throughout the world, is aware of the flaws of our institutionalized systems and seeks to correct them, has extended his hand out to those who doubt him, and has shown that he can improve the image of America to the eyes of the world.
Can this be real? Thanks for sending this out! It is going to be a great 8 years I trust the man, and can see he has a great heart. I expect nothing but improvement throughout the states and the world. So for Obama to overcome them would be an amazing feat!
It amazes me how people are so set in their ways. How do you call another person a village idiot when this is your Mr. Of course, I am sure that you are quick to say, "Well, he is not my President. Not a single person has a right to judge this man. If you didn't like the fact that he could become President, then you should of started a campaign yourself or help to get another party in office.
Instead of casting names, you should be proud that your country just might be headed towards a change or in the right direction. Over a million people came to see Mr. President take his oath and there was not one single arrest. Does that not say anything? Give the President a chance to do his job. It will not happen over night and anyone who thinks it will, those are the ones you should be calling an idiot because this is a process that is going to take time. May God bless our President and the people of America.
After reading a few posts unhappy with the election results and the current president, I have to caution them against calling Obama an idiot. Far more than half this country and an overwhelming majority of the rest of the world will find irony in anyone who voted for Bush twice calling Obama an idiot. We all owe Dan Quayle an apology, as time has shown him to be only the second biggest moron in modern American politics.
Barak Obama for this wonderful achievement. Since you made the history by getting into the white house, I hope you will make history by your Sensible reign as well. Beautiful photos worth keeping not only a lifetime but for the future generation. I am deeply touched by the moving spirit of humanity I just find it so hard to print the pictures on my computer. I hope someone can send me a clearer copy of the oath-taking, the First Couple dancing during the inaugural ball and the view of the Capitol. To answer your question, there were , attending Dubya's second innauguration, while 1,, attended President Obama's yesterday.
I didn't get a number of the attendees from the first time Dubya was ahem! Here's to a new direction in American history, one that returns us to honor, respect, and truth--and moves us forward into the new millenium. These photos brought goosebumps, chills, tears How boring it would be with a handful supporters if the Maverick John was the one to be inaugurated and not that one. Bible says, there are there important things, 'Faith, Hope and Love'.
I think President Barack Obama has awaken in each of our hearts to these essences. Faith that moves mountain, Hope that sees over the rainbow, Love that embraces and leads us all there. God bless you all and your cabinet members. Oh yes and I love love loved the pictures they were absolutly amazing.
I'm hopeful for the next 4 to God willing 8 years. Hate has gotten us nowhere, lets begin to be kinder to one another. Acknowledge people as walk past them, smile at someone when yours eyes meet rather than quickly looking away we are all human beings lets treat each other the way we want to be treated. Lets make Pres Obama proud!
Did you see all roofs on the pictures. I guess they should be filled with solar-panels. Just like the Vatican did before.
- The Inauguration of President Barack Obama - Photos - The Big Picture -!
- ;
- United States - Wikiquote.
For all you haters out there! He seems sincere, and I beleive he's got a good heart, and truly is for the people, not one race, all races. I really beleive he will give it his all! Best Wishes to our new President Mr. The US election was held at the same time as our own here in New Zealand. But I was far more interested in what went on in the US, and the effect this would have on the world. Now that President Obama is in power, it's time for him to set to work and achieve everything he has promised. The new President Obama has inspired a nation, and the world, to have hope, to look forward and be a positive force for change.
That hope can clearly be seen in these photos. In the face of each and every person. He hasn't done anything yet. But when he do something with your economics and your dollar, you'll be sorry! He has given the greatest sense of self-belief and hope to the disadvantaged people throughout the world;. There could have been a three-legged unicorn taking the oath of office and the day still would have been a celebration, just to watch George W.
Bush get out of Washington for good. Enough about Bush - I hope I never hear that name again.
United States
As for Obama, don't be so quick to worship him yet. Let the man sit behind the desk and go to work. Know in advance that he can't do all that he's said he wants to do - nobody could. Know in advance that some of his decisions will catch you off-guard. Know in advance that he will disappoint you from time to time.
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Let the man be human, and expect it. I'm happy to see something like I saw on Inauguration Day in America, even if I think people have gone way overboard in their deification of Obama. Enough fluff - now it's time to put all that energy to work, as Obama has called for. We saw what eight years of blind flag-waving does to a country.
Let's see what eight years of individual effort can do for the collective good. I wish I was so exited as you are now. But I think the only job Obama will do is to say goodbye to USD and to say hello to some new currency, which will be the "best" joke USA ever did to the whole world.
After that his job will be over. Unfortunately Bush wasn't elected fairly and with Obama I saw the same thing. Both of them were placed into the White House to do their jobs. Bush to rock the world, Obama to finish the history of USD. I wish I was wrong, but I'm affraid hard times are coming. Get ready for more Govt. Remember your words so you can eat them later. Praise you give today will give way to ridicule tomorrow.. Money is all that matters and we are all expendable, if you buy into the hype which most of you have then you blind yourselves from the truth.
THINK about it, did a knight in shining armor suddenly appear to fix all the wrong? It's just another illusion brought to you by the Greatest show on Earth Why do you people praise this man? What does he truly have to offer? He is unjust and easy to give in. He calls him self a christian, yet he says there are many ways to heaven. I would never trust Obama he is weak. The Swearing in of Mr.
Barak Obama comes as a welcome change. However despite all the rehtoric surrounding his coming to the office. I would like to remind that we need to approach his policies with Caution. Barak Obama is just a part of the System that is already defined as What we know as "American Hawkish Policies" while dealing with all countries of the World.
While he may be a black and he might try to be different than the Runof themill presidents of the past. It is to be seen how he handles the Ticklish issues of the world "Specially Middle East" and related to that the Palestine issues and the Problem of "Terrorism". What policies he unfurls to heal the wounds of Afghanistan and how is he planning to get Amercial troops back from Iraq.
Congratulation and Bravo Mr. We are all wanting to see the best. So let it all be good. We shall all together pray that you may make all decisions for the the betterment of the people and the country.. If you want it, this can stay for ever. If go to sleep, there would be nothing of this left when you wake up. Watchout America, This was your hard work. Don't relent on it. It is up to you to keep it up. Democracy, like justice and equality, is like anything else, such as weight management: A little over the top don't you think?
All those who don't support Obama all the racists idiots why don't you just shut up because nobody wants to hear it, seriously. This is our time America I was shocked today to discover that one of my friends was actually afraid of President Obama and his assumption of the office of President of the United States. As someone who has spent the last 8 years sweating that someone like W had his finger on the nu-cu-lar trigger he never did learn how to pronounce nuclear did he?
I found the idea preposterous, yet, his fear was real and palpable. My friend had bought into and believed, each and every one of the mindless lies told by the mindless and jabbering Obama haters: One after another my friend recited fear after fear that he had been living with since the election that had turned him from the happy person that I had grown up knowing into a frankly scared and frightened, ball of emotions. I could not believe what I was hearing.
That someone in this day and age could actually believe everything that my friend had bought into. But he had heard the lies repeated day after day, week after week, month after month until they had taken on such a weight that the joyous feeling felt by so many yesterday was lost to him entirely. I let him get it all out. I started to ask him questions. I asked him about the real source of his fears. And what he really feared, as it turned out, was that we as Americans, now that Obama was in office, might somehow be called upon to pay for our decades of mistreatment of the African Americans among us as Obama would be forced to follow someone else's tune rather than be a powerful enough force to maintain his own momentum of power as President.
Yet my friend had never mistreated anyone of color. I had seen just the opposite of him. Still, he feared the unknown, he feared change out of his control, and Obama represented that unknown to him and it made him angry and upset. He also was under the delusion that President George W. Bush had done a fine job in office overall but for a few major blunders at the beginning of his first term.
Let's let that rest. What is significant is that I am sure that my friend, who trusted me with his fears, is not alone. We must not just insult those who attack Obama as unreasoning or stupid, but look to their motives. When those motives are based in fear, it is in all our best interests to allay those fears, because the worst atrocities are always a result of hate based in fear.
Yet of all people, we need fear President Obama the least of any leading American political official. He has the clearest mandate. He has the most overwhelming personal support, he has the greatest personal communication skill and intelligence of any American Political figure in decades. What is obvious to millions though was missed by my friend because of his fears. He feared that Obama might follow the siren song of some radical crazy and divide the nation. Yet our new president is the most likely to unify, the least likely to divide, and the most likely to lead to reconciliation of any individual, black, white, brown or yellow or any combination thereof in decades.
But my friend represents people who we should not forget, people who we must now begin to remember as the real work of the new administration begins. What we all need to remember is the unity we felt yesterday. We will need to spread that feeling of unity to those who still feel disenfranchised. In doing so, we will be embracing the change we seek and need. Thank you Boston Globe for the perspective your photos provided. We will also need some humor, because, the long term changes that have started are worthy, are wonderful, but are new, and to some are frightening as changes always are.
Let us remember that there are always those who fear change and reach out our hands to comfort those who are not used to being comforted, to be ready to include those who have never had to look for inclusion before, so that fear will not become the enemy of the change we so sorely need.
Let us also look to the future with humor. For it is humor which saves us from our inhumanity and confirms the joy that is the essence of the best goodness in our hearts.

I'm a Kenyan and wish to Congratulate Obama and all Americans for inspiring many around the world and especially for overcoming the racial issue, the few disenting voices not withstanding. Obama is the most credible man for the job at this time BUT I beg to differ with Dominic. Your earlier veterans dedicated your country to God, why be emotional and change it?? Congratulations USA on getting it right this time. The effects of this are going to be felt around the planet. May he not be guided by Bronze Age superstition.
May he be guided by reason, evidence and science. I congratulate all Americans on a worthy choice. I hope, it will be the continuer of politics of Mikhail Gorbachyov.
Kim Evans (jevans) on Pinterest
I hope there will be some change we observe in all feilds. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful images. Everyone on earth would be moved by this. We share the same hope from this side of the Atlantic! From Stuttgart, Germany, the home of the real Pretzels Brezel.
While it was indeed an important event and a new, fresh paged turned in the history book of the United States, it's by no means the most important event in the world. I don't hate America at all, but even though this presidential switch greatly influences much of the world, it wasn't that big of a deal to many people.
Still, congrats to Americans for their wise choice. I for one find Obama to be a most charismatic and interesting person. This is a great victory for American politics and for the whole world. The election of Pres. Barack Obama transcends a success crossing boudary on cultural and racial issues. We expect changes of the world leadership through Barack Obama. The whole world regardless of religious beliefs and denominations, should pray always for this President, to guard him, give him the wisdom he needs to sustain the Presidency inspite of the myriad of challenges the world is facing.
I thought I had no tears left. Your wonderful pictures had me in floods again - for all the right reasons. This past few days have felt like a dream I am inspired to do more with my life. I am inspired to help others and get into the community. This man is a real person, not just a politician. As a black woman, I am proud of all Americans for seeing the person and not his color. There are years of mistreatment from others but if we want to move forward we have to reset our thinking and treat people how we want to be treated and truly love all people as GOD wants us to.
Much love to all This is a turning point for African's, if only we can come to gether and Identified our selves as Black African and stop the fighting and killing Amoung us then we shall over come. Lets stop the segragation and War. It is interesting to me that President Obama's flub while taking the oath has been blamed on the chief justice. I do hope that our new president will do well by us, but I wish the media would quit lying and just report the news. I love the USA I have friends in Virgina! To make it short: I have hope in Obama I dont say all was wrong what Bush have done!
But in general all in all it was more negative than the opposite! Do sth where America can be proud of! On behalf of my grand daughter and myself, I want to say that we love you and your family very much. My grand daughter has been calling your name before she could talk, she is now 3 years old and where ever she sees your picture she shouts" OBAMA", IT doesn't matter where.
May God bless you and keep you safe always. I was one in the crowd at the mall when he was sworn in. It was one of the coldest days I can remember, I stood for over six hours, I could not leave my spot because I knew I would never get it back. And I would have not missed it for anything in the world. It is an event that I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life. Beautiful pictures of an extraordinary event. Congratulations and best wishes to you, President Obama and your wonderful family. I am so proud of Mr.
I pray for blessings, peace and protection over the Obama family President , Barack H. Obama, not just the multi-nationalities human , but a highly beyond super - human-being who has in his caring, and sharing given us, restoration of a newfound life of unity , caring for this United Statesof America, and internationally concerned of the world at large from your heart, unselfishly more-so than a grand number of others.
I since have placed back the United States Flag This is the dawn of a new era in american and world politics. President Obama is the right man to lead the United States and the world at this juncture in an uncertain and troubled time. His humanity shines through and generates good will in the citizens of the world. No, he can't solve all the world's problems, but he has the goodwill of the citizens of the world. Critics voiced concerns whether Kim , a medical doctor by training, would be able to handle the developmental assistance the World Bank is known for, but nobody had any problem with his ethnic background.
Yet the exact opposite is happening here in Korea right now. The Philippine-born naturalized Korean citizen Jasmine Lee , who became a Saenuri Party lawmaker, has been the victim of malicious attacks on the Internet since the April 11 general election. People have been posting malicious comments about her on Twitter and other social networks, somehow linking her to the grisly murder of a young woman recently killed by an ethnic Korean from China As a party list candidate, Lee has never made any campaign pledges. But somebody posted false rumors on the Internet that Lee had promised major benefits for foreign migrant workers and brides using taxpayers' money.
Lee married a Korean and legally acquired Korean citizenship in After being widowed in , she formed a group supporting foreign wives of Korean men and also worked at Seoul City Hall helping such women. She even played a small role in the movie 'Punch' about multicultural families in Korea and appealed to Koreans to pay more attention to people like her.
It is perfectly fair to question her ability to serve as a lawmaker. But the criticism against her on the Internet reflects nothing but xenophobia. Lee will serve as a lawmaker representing the , foreign wives of Korean men who live here. They are all Korean citizens. It does not befit one of the world's 10 largest exporters to get excited about the achievements of an American who comes from Korea but on the other hand to react with hostility to an immigrant who achieves something here. Such double standards are unacceptable. Our republican robe is soiled, and trailed in the dust. Let us repurify it.
Let us turn and wash it white, in the spirit, if not the blood, of the Revolution. Let us return it to the position our fathers gave it; and there let it rest in peace. Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence, and with it, the practices, and policy, which harmonize with it. Let north and south—let all Americans—let all lovers of liberty everywhere—join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union; but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it, forever worthy of the saving.
We shall have so saved it, that the succeeding millions of free happy people, the world over, shall rise up, and call us blessed, to the latest generations. There is something else connected with it. We have besides these men—descended by blood from our ancestors—among us perhaps half our people who are not descendants at all of these men, they are men who have come from Europe—German, Irish, French and Scandinavian. Men that have come from Europe themselves, or whose ancestors have come hither and settled here, finding themselves our equals in all things.
If they look back through this history to trace their connection with those days by blood, they find they have none, they cannot carry themselves back into that glorious epoch and make themselves feel that they are part of us, but when they look through that old Declaration of Independence they find that those old men say that 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,' and then they feel that that moral sentiment taught in that day evidences their relation to those men, that it is the father of all moral principle in them, and that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote that Declaration, and so they are.
That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty-loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world Let us discard all this quibbling about this man and the other man, this race and that race and the other race being inferior and therefore they must be placed in an inferior position.
Let us discard all these things, and unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal. Kim Evans wants to read. Jan 24, Kim Evans rated a book really liked it. Texts and Contexts by William Shakespeare. Nov 13, Kim Evans has read. User Unfriendly by Vivian Vande Velde. May 23, Hyperion Hyperion Cantos, 1 by Dan Simmons. Starship Troopers by Robert A.
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