Interpretation of Dreams
Therefore, no one can really do an interpretation of dreams other than ourselves. What makes us remember them more or less the next day is the emotional burden and the logical structure of these. When we are awake we find it hard to remember boring and meaningless content, the same happens during sleep, incoherent and pointless content is easily forgotten.
Since forever, people have tried to give meaning to dream components, closely linked to the divine will.
Interpretation of Dreams: Our dreams have meanings?
It was believed that through dream God communicated with us or that through these we could predict the future. It was in Classical Greece when the interpretation of dreams became popular. It was a technique by which a professional or expert guessed the future of people through the interpretation of dreams symbolism. In classics books like The Odyssey and The Iliad, we can find examples of people who engaged in the interpretation of dreams.
The Interpretation of Dreams
Sigmund Freud in s was the first to establish a theory dreams and their meanings in his work The Interpretation of Dreams. Subsequently, psychoanalysis reinvents what was said about the interpretation of dreams. The therapy would no longer consist in the therapist pairing an element of the dream with an assigned meaning, but instead, the patient would himself make associations. He was to try to remember the dream and dive into his hidden traumas or desires.
Even so, Freud described some elements that are often repeated in dreams and what he thought they symbolized. If on the contrary, in the dream the action of swimming, riding, dancing or going up and down stairs appears, this will have to do with the sexual act.
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- Interpretation of Dreams and the Brain.
The first thing we need to clarify when speaking about dreams is sleep. What happens in our brain during sleep? Dreams are the most universal human experiences and constitute a set of brain processes that happen while we sleep. During sleep, cerebral cortex activity decreases, especially the prefrontal cortex. This is the outermost part of the brain that is responsible for organizing motor behavior, making decisions and expressing our personality.
That is why dreams take such strange forms because the logical brain is off. At the same time, areas that relate to the content of our dreams visual, motor, linguistic, etc.
Sensitivity to stimuli in the environment, especially in deeper sleep phases, is reduced. For example, if a dog barks in the distance we will not hear it.
Health, Brain & Neuroscience
On the other hand, vegetative functions are maintained, which is automatic and unconscious and allows us to continue performing the vital functions cardiac, respiratory, digestive, etc. We have two types of sleep: This last one predominates in the first part of the night and then later REM sleep appears, that is in charge of the physical repair of the body. Non-REM sleep has 4 phases. The first two are light sleep and the last two deeper sleep. In these phases, our minds review what we have done during the day, our worries and desires, which can then be seen reflected in dreams. It is in the fourth phase of non-REM sleep in which our body begins to repair in a remarkable way, both physically and mentally.
It decreases blood flow, body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate. It is the fourth phase in which dreams may appear, but these are static images, thoughts, emotions, etc.
Common dreams that freak people out
In REM sleep eye movements are very rapid, heart rate and breathing are variable and may include penis erections or vaginal secretions. In this phase is when narrative dreams are produced, which we often remember later. Muscle tone is non-existent and sensorial isolation increased, this is why we are incapable of representing what we are dreaming. So if we try to wake up in this phase it is likely to be extra difficult.
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The brain activity that has been recorded in this phase is similar to when we are awake. It is at this stage that sleep paralysis might appear. It is a transient, innocuous but annoying disorder. It is thought that by reading and interpreting your dreams you can discover things about yourself, such as what your brain is trying to tell you, or what you really want in life. Something cool happens if you stay on this page for more than 30 seconds by the way. The meaning of your dreams is really what you interpret it to be, but there are a lot of books and dream meaning guides that claim to know the meaning of certain elements of the dream.

Here are the most common 58 dream symbols, and their meanings! There are certain dreams that seem to always pop up all around the world.
59 Most Common Dream Symbols And Their Meaning/Interpretation
No matter how many times you have this dream, it can always seem horrible when you have this experience. The easiest way to start lucid dreaming is to take our custom made 30 day lucid dreaming bootcamp course , which FORCES you to lucid dream within 30 days or less by leveraging powerful psychological principles and getting your own mind to help you! Click one of the buttons below to unlock this secret section about dream meanings and how to really understand them yourself, so you can interpret ANY dream easily: When we are Lucid we can notice things about the way the brain sorts these things out.
We can notice tiny changes and details in the way the brain projects certain things.