Haced Discipulos (Spanish Edition)
John Stumbo reminds the Alliance family that we can do ministry from wherever God has placed us.
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Las Escrituras nos exhortan a recordar que la cantidad de dinero que tengamos o la cantidad que ofrendemos queda en segundo plano a la realidad que todo lo que tenemos le pertenece a Dios. Alliance workers have helped a Mongolian believer realize her vision for a community center in Ulaanbaatar to reach university students with Christ's love. Alliance workers tell their story of planting a church in Chile and passing the baton of leadership on to Chilean nationals.
An Alliance church leader explains the concept of Greenhouse Churches that raise up and send out leaders. This month, John takes us back to Council when he shared the message stirring in his spirit as he looked ahead to his second term as U.
Bible Living
We send and we go all by a power beyond ourselves — the Holy Spirit. Be sure to watch Acts 1: A quote from A. Tozer is recited that compares the tuning of pianos to the same pitch to the tuning of Christ's followers to Him. Is God calling you to service? Our Web site uses cookies to streamline site navigation and provide a better online experience for you. Your continued use of www. John Stumbo proclaims the music that will be made when all tribes, tongues, and nations one day worship together in Heaven.
"todas las gentes" in English
John Stumbo delivers part 1 of his talk on where we are as the Alliance Family, and what our response, as a Christ-centered, Acts 1: Esta promesa sigue siendo cierta hoy. El poder para sanar proviene solamente de Cristo.
At the point of salvation, Christ lives in us because we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. But at the time of sanctification, Christ begins to live through us because now we are filled with the Holy Spirit. In this abridged version, John Stumbo gives some startling statistics about how the Alliance's giving has been trending in recent years.
La Palabra de Dios: La clave de todo éxito INTRODUCCIÓN
He encourages us to dream about what it would take to get to the next level and he offers some practical tips about how to get there. A father shares the story of his son Oumar's physical healing and his family's newfound hope in Jesus.
On a local level, this can mean getting to know someone in The Alliance from a different culture, pastors giving their people opportunities to give to the Great Commission Fund, and praying regularly for our international workers. Power of an insider.

February's video blog from John Stumbo continues the conversation on power. Follow along with him as he unpacks passages from Luke chapters 18 and Then they can rob his house.
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A tree is known by its fruit. How can you speak good things while you are evil? What fills the heart comes out of the mouth. But evil people bring out evil things from their evil treasure. And look, someone greater than Jonah is here. And look, someone greater than Solomon is here.
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They go in and make their home there. That person is worse off at the end than at the beginning. This is the way it will be also for this evil generation. Who are my brothers?
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- Id y haced discipulos video download.
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