Gedichte von der Liebe (German Edition)
Your last spring is the first light infinity for me. I shall from year to year be less cold than you Mother. My dreams of you now that you are dead as though our bodies were one. But sometimes you fall you fall down before me and I can not Step across you. I can not take you away. I stand before you knowing I have to find other ways. I have gained in volume The crazy noise survival "builds ever new arterial roads inside me.
You the voice of the people your wallpaper falls down when you sing but when a neighbor knocks you stop singing. My dreams of you now that you are dead as though our hodies were one. Ich freue mich, dass es Ihnen gesundheitlich wieder besser geht. Es ist schon ein Kreuz: Leider bin ich wieder einmal aus meiner Euphorie gefallen und damit auch aus meiner Arbeitswut.
Kurz, ich werde sprachlos. Es Ist schwer, einen Job zu finden. Ich muss einfach Geduld haben. Eine lyrisch derart verdichteter Text braucht seine Zeit. Manchmal weiss ich wirklich nicht mehr, wo mir der Kopf steht. Ich denke, diesmal wird es Sie erreichen. I met Margot Schroeder when she was here on a reading tour two years ago and subsequently tried to place her Vogelspinne with a small American publisher who unfortunately went out of business.
I will write to her again soon and send her a copy of this letter. Enclosed are three translations of poems from die angst ist baden gegangen and nichts faellt nach obenT I did not include the Originals because I was sure they would be easily accessible to you. MS has seen these transla- tions in earlier versions which she liked. However, I believe the enclosed, which contain minor variations, are more faithful to the Originals.
I hope you will be able to use them. Ich selbst bin in einem ziemlich besch Aber ich hatte im August ein paar sehr anregende Wochen in Deutschland, hauptsaechlich Berlin, wo sich viele erfreulichd per- soenliche Kontakte ergaben. Erst nach meiner Rueckkehr bin ich in ein tiefes schwarzes Loch gefallen.

Ich glaube, dass Sie so etwas aus eigener Erfahrung kennen. Irgendwie, irgendwann kommt man meist da wieder heraus, aber waehrnad es anhaelt, geht man sich selbwr grenzenlos auf die Nerven. Inzwisthen alles Gute fuer Sie. I am enoloalng trgnalatlon will almoat certalnly be costly-- an3 w them back wlth your comment. Because the Jew "is an exile from his own country and an exile even from himself," Delmore claimed, "yet he survives the annihilating fury of history. He must dedicate himself to poetry, although no one eise seems likely to read what he writes; and he must be indestructible as a poet until he is destroyed as a human being.
In the modern world, poetry is alienated; it will remain indestructible as long as the faith and love of each poet in his vocation survives. Unlike Eliot's celebrated call for the "extinction of personality," Delmore's far more ominous injunction that the poet would have to be "destroyed as a human being" in the Service of his art was the disastrous culmination of an idea that could be said to have origi- nated with his early hero Rimbaud: One myth widely credited in A.
But that he also knew the waste and futility of that myth is evident from the consolation he took in his art. And it was more; poetry animatcd the ast, imbue d it wit h form and a new, higher reality. Fatigue had formed pools of shadow under his eyes. Since prolonged abuse of Dexedrine tends to cause depression and fatigue — while, in Del- 1 more's case, exacerbating insomnia — he found it more and more I difficult to extricate himself fro m thg cycle nf mnnd s which had afflicted him since childhood.
It was out of sheer desperation that he concentrated on such matters as the New Jersey house, which now stood abandoned and vandahzed. Rebellion for its own sake, as practiced by those whom Delmore called the San Francisco Howlers— Ginsberg and the "Beat" movement— however unpalatable, at least served to confirm the adversary character of American literature.
The leading motive of classical American literature and of twentieth Century writing has been a criticism of American life. Sometimes the criticism has had a native basis: And sometimes, in expatriate writers like Henry James and T. Eliot, the actuality of American life has been criticized by being compared with the culture of the Old World. But since the Second Worid War and the beginning of the atomic age, the consciousness of the creative writer, however detached, has been confronted with the spectre of the totalitar- ian State, the growing poverty and helplessness of Western Europe, and the threat of an inconceivably destructive war which may annihilate civilization and mankind itself.
Clearly when the future of civilization is no longer assured, a criticism of American life in terms of a contrast between avowed ideals and present actuality cannot be a primary preoc- cupation and source of inspiration. To criticize the actuality upon which all hope de- pends thus becomes a criticism of hope itself. Gruenthal during the years in Baptistown, but he tended to break off treatment whenever he was discouraged. There were times when the psychiatrist himself ac- knowledged that "Httle or nothing could be done, " although he seemed to hold out hope for Delmore's eventual recovery.
In keep- ing with the Freudian eclecticism Dr. Gruenthal proclaimed as his method, he agreed to take on Elizabeth as a patient, hoping to mediate between them. Gruenthal that she had hoped to acquire confidence jin herseif by marrying an established literary figure. His gathering fury erupted in an ugly scene at one of the Black- murs' Christmas parties, when he accused Elizabeth of flirting with Ralph Ellison, who had offered to light her cigarette. Delmore grabbed her by the arm and hustled her into another room, where he began a loud harangue audible to the embarrassed guests.
On another occasion, Elizabeth insisted on driving home from a party because Delmore was drunk, and got out of the car when he refused. The extraordinary story of Delmore's bid for a professorship at Princeton has been told in Humboldts Gift substantially as it oc- curred, apart from a few fictional embellishments.
Gedichte zum Verweilen German Edition: Read Kindle Store Reviews - bolstergroup. Gedichte zum Verweilen German Edition eBook: I really want the Job very much. Don't you think I ought to get the offer in writing as soon as possible?! Bellow's novel provides a vivTd chronicle of this mad, inventive plot. Once he had tenure, he calculated, he could ask the Ford Foundation to underwrite a chair in the English Department — Delmore to be the first appointee. He had resigned from Partisan Review, lost his Job at Perspectives when the Ford Foundation curtailed its budget, and no longer had any prospects at Princeton.
When the University of Chicago invited him to teach there for a term, Delmore accepted without hesitation, and in March he and Elizabeth went to live in Hyde Park. Teaching at the university had been "very nice, up to a point — reached after the first four weeks," he wrote Arthur Mizener later in the year. Delmore was by now so poor that he couldn't manage the ex- pense involved in Coming to New York.
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He worried that his friends would think he was avoiding them, or suppose he was "brooding over some sHght. Delmore tried to make a wan comedy of his troubles, and predicted he would end up fleeing to Guatemala pursued by creditors. He tended to write about movies from a literary and self-consciously intellectual point of view, characterizing Mary Pickford's beauty by some lines from Keats, citing Yvor Winters on "the fallacy of pseudo-reference," or examining the discrepan- cies between films and the books from which they had been adapted; but he was also capable of discussing the technical aspects of the films themselves, and the methods of various directors.
Wo wird einst des Vandermueden Letzte Ruhestaette sein? Unter Palmen In dem Sueden? Unter Linden an dem Rhein? Immerhin l Mich wird lamgeben Gotteshlmmel, dort wie hier. Where shall I, from wanderlng weary, For my final rest recllne? Under llndens on the Rhlne? Will my grave be dug by strangers SomeiAiere In a desert land? Or shall I be near an ocean, Restlng on a shore of sand? If 2, 3t 8? U7t IST 59t 56, 57t 53, 6k, 65, 7l4.
Die Wahlesel Zum Lazarus: Diesseits und jenseits des Rheins Ewigkeit wie bist du lang Bimini? Water all over, agitated watorl As the? Por you at least are solid ground. In the first place, he has a lot of brains, a 4uality which is nowadays extremely rare among Gerzaan literatl. Heiners Images are flowing with- out being pumped up, and this must certainlv be realized by evoryona who marely skims through the Book of Songs.
Gentlemen, ara you forgetting altogether that Heine Is a German lyrlcal poet next to whom only Goethe 's naxne may be mentloned, and that the lyric Is a speolfically German form of poetry? To the rest of us miserable people NatTire has fortunately given only one back, and thus we have to fear the blows of fate only from one slde.
But poor Heine has two backs: He can- not feign for five rainutes, for twenty lines, nor lie for a day, for half a page. He should stay away from it.. Registers as law student at the unlversity of Bonn. Schlegel sees Heine 's firat verses and encourages hlm. Retums to the universlty of Goet- tingen. Heine moves to Munich and tries to obtain a professorial chair for literary history at the unlversity. Many of liis German friends see liim in Paris. An ancient ballad haimts my heart And echoes through my head.
Chilled is the air as the dusk darkens: The peak'of a mountaln sparkies, Vlvld as sunset glows. Wondrous upon that moiontain peak Is a malden, wondrous fair: The gold of her diamonds flashes, As she combs the gold of her hair. She combs It with a comb of gold, And she slngs, as she combs her hair, A Strange enchanting melody Beyond all hope and despair.
The boatsman in his little boat Listens, Struck by fear: Staring aloft he cannot see The rocks come rushing near. Amid the waves overwhelming him River and song were one. And this is what, singing and shining, The Lorelei have always done. In hls flrst Paragraph he says: The voices of his opponenta are gi? Nowadays we frequently hear the reproachful 0.
I do not thinic that it deserves the naijje of a prose poem, because the prose is far froui pootic. If you think it is all rip;nt, I shall go on with the rest which should not take more than a week. April n, Daar Mr. Thls is about the best I could do with the "Dance Poem". As to the text itself, I wonder whother one should not dare to prune off a few super- fluoua adjectives, superlatives and redundant phrases.
I did eliminate soxae occasionally, but tho rest 1 nust leave to your discrotlon. I would think the ratio is about! I BXd looking forward to continue with niy Heine curriculum which is beginning to fill at least one of xny educational gaps, aside from the pleasure it gives xae. I only wish there was a little more time left. Jixst as an exaKiple: Or do you have a better Suggestion?
On re-reading both the English and the German, I round thafc it is not always easy to appreciate the dapth of his Vision which is often disgiiised by an apparontly superficial form or Condensed to such an extent that the thought appears fragmcntary. May 7, D ar Ur. With klnd rogardat yours.
Olarandon - Garman taxtbook wlth Engl! Und wenn du bis Abend nicht fertig bist. I just want to make it clear that I would not even object to greater libertles taken with the text as long as the new product preserved the spirit of the original. Perhaps I shall get a Chance to make a brief outline for you before I see you again.
It would be helpful if you could also put down sonie of the Points you would llke to discuss so that I could Orient my- self aocordingly. You oan write to ray home address if you feel llke it. With many good wishes. Rilke was so rlght to wlthdraw into hls fortress-llke tower of lauzot. I fool that our only salvation lies in the deteruined effort to uso whatever time we have in serving our essential purpose: I was onizy enough to translate a fow into E'ngllsh so far nobody eise has tried that , and I am sending you three of them, hoping that you may find them moaningful.
March 29, Dear Ur. Introduction to Donx Qulxote: Sees Cervantes as a true servant of King and Church. Cressida Troilxxs this play as the figures of Greek and lets them app fore the critlcs it could neither Heine sees it as ridiculing irony Comic muse It and Cressida: Amusing critique of Samuel Johnson and Shakespeare who in Heiners opinion praised this lady too extravagantly. Hoine syrapathizes with the other "Heinrich" and says: The prologue to the picture series contains some nice passaffes.
Hambtirg 13 Honnenatieg 27 Sehr geehrter Herr Brach! Auf Jhr freundliches Schreiben vom Of coursc, the erltlc hae the rlfht to condem ft work If the playwrleht falle to comr-unicate his Ideae in tne aotual stage presentation, but tho fact that Mr. KoGarten Is an outstanrlnp exainplo, nie aumaary of Kr. It is a beautiful plece of work. It seems to ae that your llnes do not run qulte smoothly or gracefuUy eoough. To pay now, I would have to borrow from the bank, -yhich I will 3la:?
Gruenthal, Please excuse nie for not wrltlng you until now. I've etarted to do 80 eeveral tiraes and did not continue becauee I had nothing to report which did not add. Before saying mcre about my wlfe and myself, I had better say Bomething about Mrs. However , there is a prlmary problem --which i6,Ithink, mot'e serious in tranelating Rilke than a gocd many other poets — which can be illustrated by the very first line of the Duino Elegies and which hes been translated: Eut I can understand cf course that as a poet this might naturally not be what interested Hrs.
To return to the patholo. I don't know, of course If the p?? We taiked oi borrowlng fro- Ellzabeth's mothir fo? Soriowing alain when there Is no probable prnspecto. Ky only -course now. And iinally I have more of a feellng of assurance about ray own ability to v. To be literary again, l-ime. April 8, Dear Dr. However now there hae been an accumulation of raaterlal which would require at leaet three voluraee of the New Directions annual. Gruenthal translate some other poeme by Rilke for The ivew Republic.
You will be able to Judge if this is a good idea of not, given the likelihood that a certain amount of correspondea between Mrp. Gruenthal and myself mav be necessary: I need not mention the difficultiee we have in coraT. March 7, Dear Dr. If s not eo much honesty or the like whlch makee me feel uncomfortable about takltoe furth2? ThI briefest exaSple leTeent ence whlch le the object of much eatirical resentmJn?: Sperry will be much appreciated. Dear Miss G-ruenthal-G-regory, I personally would be very Interested in seeing your translatlon of a Rilke story, "Ewald Tragy" when you have finished working on its translation.
You know this book? The sale of the volume s in that series, whioh included Valery, Appolinaire, etc. I of tea thought that the educated American Just did not like the word "Selected" whioh is curious since it seems to have high regard in England. As we discovered in connection with a volume of the works of Supervielle, working with a good many translators is an enormous project in itself. The Valery tolume to whioh you refer I think was possible only because Mr. Laughlin is himself something of a Valery scholar and was willing to give to the book far more time, over a per- iod of years, than a publisher is able usually to expend on any one volume.
I didn't mean to go into all of cur problems, but I did want you to know that we will think about your Suggestion. In the meantime, good luck with your poetry translations and I shall look forward to receiving a story when you have oom- pleted it. I am returnlng herewlth your translations of Rilke whlch we have been holdlng, wlth Mr. Laughlln's gratltude as well as my own at your patlence up to now. We are anxlous to do some more Publishing of Rilke, but have not yet flgured out how thls oan be effected.
Laughlln Is now In Indla, and I know that he has taken a number of manusoripts wlth hlm for readlng, probably Includlng your translatlone of Rllkef On hls return toward the end of the month, I shall be glad to bring your letter to hls attention and let you know. We are negotlat- Ing further for a selected translatlons volume wlth Insel Verlag in Germany, but the acoumulatlon of man- uscripts and the edlting of the volume would take a long time. Sincerely yours, Robert M. I am extremely pleased to hear that the Chicago Review will be reprlntlng some of your Rilke translatlons.
I wleh that we cotLLd say that New Dlrectlons was de- flnltely plannlng a volume of selected Rilke translatlons which woul: We will look forward to seelng it. It would be a lovely thing to print as a whole over. Gruenthal, Plocse forgive this Short note. I thlnk the hyperbole xn the last line of the last poem a little too strong. We are ihterested in your work, however, and invite you to sulanit more in the future. Unfortunately translations, with the limitation of Space for poetry in the Review, have to be really striking in order to merit Publishing.
Although the first three poets are not contemporary poets modern translations should have, I believe, a contemporary ring to them, Ihe Rilke poems I very much enjoyed reading as you rendered them. In the one from the Book Of Hours, despite the fact that it oorresponded to the original, I was bothered by the jingle for I am distorted where I am thwarted. At a later dato it is possible that we may be able to use translations, these last two or others you would care to submit.
NevT York 25, N. I thought the translation quite good, though it would need a little retouching, and of course the story is interesting as an exaniple of iUlke's prose efforts. Unfortunately, it is just too long. I would like to see thia published, lliSngh Offhand I canH think of just where. Thank you f or trying us again with those translations from Rilke. I think your English is capable, though it would be miraculous if there were anybody whatever using our tongue virtio could give a quite adequate version of the nuances and distinctiveness of his phrases, The main fact is that we have got to the point that we don't often use translations of verse.
Often we have something which is good enough for readers who do not know the original, but it is almost impossible to please those who do.
Krótki wiersz o długotrwałej miłości (German translation)
The fault is largely mine and 1 can only plead busyness. However, if at all possible, I will try to avoid breaking them up since I would myself prefer seeing them appear together. I imagine you have already looked into this for their projected publication in the New Directions volume. It would be best, however, if you could obtain specific permission for us to reprint these two poems. And I imagine, too, that it would be best if this permission could be had as soon as possible. If there is a Chance of the poems going into the next issue the mid-winter one we would have to have such permission by the first week in December.
May I also ask if you could send us a brief Vita from which we could make up a Short passage for our notes on contributors? Besides biographical Infor- mation and other publications, etc,, it might be use- ful to include the facts as to whether, when, and where, these poems may soon be reprinted in book form.
Biank you for your patience. Inzwischen haben wir uns aber Fernruf: Frankfurt am Main Nr.
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Da in dieser Ausgabe weder das Jahr der Veroeffentlichung noch Copyrights angegeben sind, nehme in an, dass sie auch zu den sogenannten "Raubdrucken gebeert, die Sie in einem Ihrer Briefe erwaehnten. Falls Sie selbst irgendwelche Vorschlaege bezueglich noch nicht uebersetzter Prosa haben, waere ich Ihnen ausserordentlich dankbar. In March you returned my Rilke translations wlth the coitiment that you found them "sensitive and interest ing" but not quite finished.
Since you did not men- tion any such restrictions, I would like to submit some Heine poems in my adaptation, hoping that you may find the one or the other suitable for publication. Dear Miss Porter, I heard from Peter Gruenthal that you had been for some tlme, and I hope that you are now rully recovered and not too terrlbly overloaded wlth work. Of course, I appreclate your objections against printing it as a whole, but I had thought tliat the first part, cocjplete in itself, miglit have been suitable for publication.
I canH teil you how moved I was when I opened my manuscript and found your letter with your extensive not- atlons In lt. I certalnly dld not expect you to do an editorlal Job on my v;ork, although I am convlnced of the need for it. How about trying the word "teased"? By the way, do you happen to know when it was written?
I was moved that there the whole h pleased and decided all over again never was another writer like hira in ry of writing and poetry. Therefore they agreed to roy having it published elsewhare in the mean- tiise. The Story consists of two parts. New York 24, N. A few days after Christmas Vx.
Rice died of injuries received in an automobile accident and we have no way of knowing whether your manuscript was returned or whether it was ever received, We certainly try to take the best of care of all man- uscripts and rarely have any difficulty. Since yours was mailed Dec. We are very sorry about this and Vx. Ransom would be very glad to see your work if you can send a copy. We have examined your English Version of 15 Rilke poems, but I regret to say that we are imable to consider their publication.
This plan, of course, obYiates the publication of the work of other Rilke translations. Curley Accent Unlversity Station Urbana, Ing my Rilke translations, I fully appreciate the time and eflort involved in deciding on a work like this. I personally am slightly concerned about him, since 1 would not like hlm to accompany Mr. Laughlin on another trip to Asia this is apparently what happened to my other Rilke translatlons last year or, what might be worse, to remain buried in some editorial desk.
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Friedrich Michael of the Insel-Verlag in- formed me that the rights for this short novel are still available, and I do not want to lose too much time in trying to find a publisher for it. November nicht rascher beantwortet worden ist. Pur England haben wir die Rechte an die Hogarth Press gegeben. Damit sind hoffentlich alle Punkte Ihres Schreibens erle- digt. They vvould like you to send them two copies of the issue in which the poous will appear.
Enclosed I am sending you some notes on myself , a copy of a lotter by Kdna St. I foiind that the "Annunciatlon" in particular needed quite a lot of retoucliing, and I believe it is now xauch rnore aocurate as well as poetically laore sucoessful than it was in ita first stage. Maybo that will mako this in- tangible pcrsonage laatoi-ialize like tho deus ex machina. Sie nennen den Verlag New Directions, der uns bekannt ist.
I suppose it will ba easier for you to judge the laerit of the story and tho trans- lation once you have read it as a whole Today I received a letter froxn Mr. Fixier of the Chicago Review in which he informs me that he has aocepted my translations of two Kilke poeaas for his next issue. Laughlin agree to my adding a few tentative words about a projected publication of a Rilke volume by New Directions?
Therefore I would greatly appreciate an early reply froia you. Wuerden Sie liiich bitte darueber informieren, was in Bezug auf Copyrights dazu erforderlich ist. Ich waara Ihnen ausserordentlich dankbar, wenn Sie mir moeglichst umgehend Bescheid geben koennten, da dia beiden ersterwachnton Gedichte in der naechstan Ausgabe der Chicago Review im Dezember erscheine!! The bulk of litterature on Rilke, viiiioh by far exceeda that of his own writings, seoms to testify to his continued and spreading influence. Alao the recent revival of iii"uropean litterature through Inexpensive paper- bound editions makes me feel certaln that a re-introduction to Rilke would fit into a general oontemporary trend.
The seoond part doals with liis lonelineas and be- wildennent in tho artiotic centcr of Uunich where ho puts himself at the nsorcy of the "great litorati'' who troat him as an inferior bolng. Laughlin directly, and I hesitated to wrlte to either you or him, because I did not want to imposo on anybody's time. But if , as you say, Mr, Laughlin is so far behind in his edltorial schedule that there seems to be little Chance for his evaluating the translations at any predictable time, It would perhaps be better to have them returned to me so that I luight try to place them somewhere eise.
I know what a nuisance it is to analyze other people's problema patiently when you are imputient to get ready Tor your own work, One should leave the analyzing to the analjrats who, after all, are well rewarded for their troubles. IIoveml er Lieber Doktor! Mit Karin haben wir auch schon verhandelt. Sie war bisher nicht bereit, allein nach Berlin zu koimrien. Jch hoffe, dass es mir gelingt, Peter wirklich hierher zu bringen. I wished when I read U?
There came into my mind often, for no obvious reason at all. Not that you are imitating Goette" nSt even that I am I— but perhaps you will understand why that poem cLe into'. Sincerely yours, Bdna St. George rublee Honorary Chairmen Dr. Leland Rex Robinson President Dr. Henry Smith Leiper Secretary Mr. Samuel McCrea Cavert Prof. Samuel Guy Inman Dr. Guy Emery Shipler Mrs. Guy Emery Shipler Mr.
William Adams Brown Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin Dr. William Eves, 3rd Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick Prof. John Haynes Holmes DR. McConnell Miss Rhoda E. Justin wroe Nixon Mrs.
Ein kurzes Gedicht über lange währende Liebe
Thank you for your letter which reached me this evening, I am sorry indeed that you could not see your way clear to undertake the translation of the chapters in Mr von Unruh 's book. Cr should It remaln a surprlseS Please excuse me for bombardlnp: Trotzdem glaube ich, dasE sich diese zusaetzliche Arbelt letzten Endes lohnen wird und dass auch damit Herrn Mrozek die Muehe allzu vieler Korrekturen erspart bleiben wird. Ich moechte Jetzt den Text noch einmal durcharbeiten, und zwar besonders im Hinblick auf die Buehnenwirkung des englischen Dialogs, wobei Ich mich be-.
Es ist mir auch nicht klar. Berlin -West Meinen Prospekt habe ich dieser Buchhandlung stets zukommen lassen. Meine alte Dickens on-Ausgabe wurde, wie Sie wissen, leider vom Leserpublikum nur wenig beachtet. Alles das ist nicht gerade ermutigend. Er lebt ebenfalls in den USA. Was soll nun getan werden? Ich plane die neue Ausgabe auf einen Umfang von etwa Seiten. Bitte lassen Sie mich doch zu diesem ganzen Fragenkomplex Ihre Gedanken wissen. Der deutsche Text wird also in Zukunft nicht so schnell vorliegen. Mroiek selbst spricht gut englisch. Marianne's "Laura" story, compliments of Gesine. Margot's selection of poems.
Barbara's poetry and prose. Patty's thoughts on New York City. Lola assures me that I wi 1 1 soon get more pieces from some of you. I look forward to these and encourage everyone to consider contributing another work or two.
Ich liebe Dich Gedichte auf Deutsch und Englisch
That way, I can have a large body of material fromwhich I can select pieces which complement each other or establish a provocative dialogue among each other. Call me at for advice and encour agemen t. Therefore, IMI have to confine myself to the editing aspect of the project.
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So, the group needs to help me on the other parts of the pub- lication process. Indeed, we need to start thinking about get- ting the money together for the project. Shall we do it the same way we did it last time? Can we get con t r i bu t i ons from somewhere eise? Then, the technical aspects must be worked out, starting with the artwork, the layout, the setting of the text, and ending with the binding.
Shall we follow the same format as last time? Can we perhaps find someone to contribute desktop Publishing facili- ties? The question of whether we should bind or staple our text together is important because it will determine the number of pages we can produce for the volume. Finally we will need to handle the advertising and distributing Ol our Frauenfahrplan II. So, please try to get your additional contr ibut ions to me as soon as possible. Since we are presently very heavy in socially consclous soul -searching pieces, please consider sending me some optimistic lisht humorous, or just piain sllly creations.
Die beiden Sprachen scheinen doch mehr auseinander zu gehen, als wir hier in Europa annahmen. Das Manuskript senden Sie bitte an Mr. Mit gleicher Post ' schreibe ich an Mr. Ein Manuskript schicken Sie mir bitte zu, damit ich es an Herrn Mrozek weiterleiten kann. Ich habe ihn bereits von Ihrer Arbeit informiert.
Ich wuenschte, ich koennte ihm durch Freunde oder Bekannte eine stille Zufluchtsstaette hier verschaffen. Zu dem einzigen Millionaer, den ich hier kenne xind der ein praktisch unbenutztes New Yorker Town House besitzt, habe ich bisher nur eine lose berufliche Beziehung, sodass ich mich, jedenfalls vorlaeufig, nicht mit dieser Frage an ihn wenden kann.
Aber abgesehen davon gibt es wahrscheinlich auch verschiedene andere Moeglichkeiten, allerdings, soweit meine Beziehungen reichen, weniger im Zentrum der Stadt als etwas weiter ausserhalb, wie z. Thank you for your letter of March 1. As far as the translations of Mrozek's plays are concerned, Tm afrald the author has now made a firm arrangement with Ralph Manheim, who lives in Paris.
Mrozek likes his work and he has just completed translating his new play. Handke is published in this country by Farrar, Straus, who, I'm told, has made contractual arrangements ft r the publication of the play in this country. I suspect Michael Roloff , who translated Handke 's previous work, will do so again, but I suggest you contact the publisher directly and ask. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Liebesgedichte, die sich mit vielen Situationen im Leben befassen: Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser.
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