El Trastorno Esquizoide (Spanish Edition)
Terapias de Psicología Positiva (Spanish Edition)
According to this characterization, the schizoid personality is not assumed to be a personality disorder, as usually dealt with. Certain ways of communicating, as examples of situations in which the best you can do is? The conclusion arrived at is that the schizoid personality establishes an essential similarity between modern culture and schizophrenia.
Finally, the transition from schizoid personality to schizophrenia is shown, locating the critical point in certain vicissitudes in the person?

Specifically, the common feeling of global crisis and the abnormal experience of self consisting of hyperreflexivity and solipsism are noted. If the schizoid personality were the formal cause, this crisis would be the material cause of schizophrenia. Along this line, clinicians would be seen as an efficient cause of the form that the disorder ends up taking. Login or register free and only takes a few minutes to participate in this question.
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International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. Home Contents Volume 3 Num.