Tied To Deception: A Wayne Hemmerson Chronicle
Every curse has a magic potion to dispel it; the government has conjured up N. Lawful Wife Eternal Bachelors Club 3. So I Married a Werewolf. Chance to Be King. A Body at Bunco. Loving the White Liar. Boyfriend For The Weekend. Passion, Seduction and Pregnancy! Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness. Breathless Circle of Light Book 1. The Man in the Orange Suit. Altri titoli da considerare.
Carrello Sarai trattato da vero VIP! Continua a fare acquisti. House voted to adjourn congress sine die on June I and passed resolution authorizing ways and means committee to plan reduction of war taxes during recess. Hill, former United States senator from Colorado, died at Denver the other day of general debility, resulting from stomach trouble.
He was CS years old. For almost thirty-five years he occupied a leading position in the financial and social life of Denver and Colorado.
Full text of "Chronicles of Oklahoma"
He had amassed one of the greatest fortunes of the state, amounting to several million dollars, lie was the owner of the Bosfrauds in Cuba; Piatt Conn. House approved extradition bill.
House committee favors packing of oleomargarine in one and two pound branded packages. Senate voted to authorize a commission to plan enlargement of the White house. The United States will dun the sultan, treating him as a bad debtor. Solicitor's bureau in Cuban postal service abolished and a law clerk substituted. General Wood ordered thorough investigation of every department.
Senate again debated insular affairs; Spooner charged anti-imperialists with creating an issue which was not legitimate. House committee reported St. Louis exposition bill without recommendation; passage is unlikely. House probably will pass antitrust bills on June I and 2. Japanese government protested against inoculation of Asiatics it. Congress is likely to appropriate the?. Rumors of frauds in Cuban customs service and in contracts for public works.
The senate adopted without debate a resolution directing its committee on relations with Cuba to make a sweeping investigation of the acts of United States officials in that island. Irregularities in accounts discovered at Washington postoffice. The president and a distinguished party have left Washington on the Dolphin, with the intention of viewing the eclipse near Old Point Comfort. Shot Dead by a Candidate. Edward Carver killed William Patterson in a political quarrel at the republican primary at Florence.
Patterson was shot through the head. Carver, who was a candidate for sheriff, has fled to Kentucky. Hay Denlen Itiwr Ciivoys. Secretary Hay entertained the Boor delegates at luncheon Wednesday. The affair was a purely personal compliment extended by the secretary, and had not even a social significance. Lad r 1 Meet Hero' a Death. The Dennison boy became exhausted and his little companion went to his rescue. Both went down together. Fire destroyed two large tobacco warehouses and factories and a storage warehouse at Danville, Va.
The loss on buildings and stock is about SI "0. Ranee Killed by an Officer--" Other Shot. Three strikers and an unknown woman were shot by unknown men in Lafayette park, St. Philip Sullivan was shot through the lung and w ill die: Patrick O'Connel was hit by a bullet in the right thigh, and James Sullivan was shot in the arm.
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The woman was shot in the face and was carried away by friendr,. This was the twentieth day of the strik?.
Bunce was killed in a fight with a policeman. Delegates and alternates at large were elected as follows at the Kansas Democratic convention held in Wichita: Delegates at large J. Johnson of Marion county. David Overmeyer of Shawnee. At wood of Leavenworth. Brandenburg of Marshall and H. Alternates at large John F. Rowe of Xeosho, A.
Hackney of Sumner, J. Hill was born in Orange county, X. His father was an extensive farmer and was at one time county judge. Major General EI well S. Otis, military governor of the Philippines, is on his way to this country. For the past two years he has filled this arduous and exacting position. General Otis' home is in Rochester, X. It is i planned to have the nation s greatest men of state and the army and navy take part in the celebration. Among the prominent personages who will be invited are President McKinley and his cabinet. General Otis was not born in Rochester, but has lived there a great, many years.
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He is a graduate of the Rochester University. HoUIh lee Trust Illegal. He holds that the American Ice company is an unlawful combination, conducting its businessill restraint of trade, in violation ol law and against public policy, and he will commence proceedings against it ThrillliiK i'--awn at I'eorla. A lire which originated from an unknown cause on the second lloor caused the almost complete destruction of the Home of the Good Shepherd at Peoria, III.
The fourteen sisters in charge and the eighty inmates young girls succeeded in escaping without injury, although there were some thrilling escapes. The home was in charge of the Order of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, which has its headquarters in St. The situation in regard to the Methodist settlers on Anticosti. It is announced from Quebec that Mr.
Menier, the Parisian chocolate man. Griffiths, a Methodist divine, who has taken a great deal of interest in thi settlers. I tu rollers 1'rjrinj; the Tranvaal Ioernuient to Destroy the iold Mine at. Joliannehur Kruger May Kriuove Tr: British mounted infantry were ambushed near Vryheid. Bethuen reported a loss of sixty-six men. Iord Roberts has reached the Rhenoster river. Report has reached Cape Town that Mr. German Reichstag passed meat bill and Bundesrath's approval is assured.
Bill bars canned meats and sausages, of which UU0 pounds were imported from America last year. Hits Chicago packers hardest. Mary Gridley Bruce, younger daughter of the late Gen.
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Asahel Gridley, one or the wealthiest men of central Illinois. U a year were granted. Bell contested, and the case is now pending in the United States Supreme court. In case the decision is in favor of Mrs. Roberts is dctaim-d at Rhenoster river by necessity of building a bridge. British reports that Boers are urging Kruger and Steyn to surrender. Boers retreating towards the Vaal. Early crossing of Vaal river by Roberts expected. Boers not likely a offer determined resistance.
Iondon experts believe next big battle will bo fought near Johannesburg. Fire at Casey, Among the buildings burned was the livery stable of Royce Sc Reamer, sixteen horses perishing in the tlanies.
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Dettioeru Is in Arizona. At the territorial democratic contention held in Phoenix the following delegates were elected to the national democratic convention: The delgation is instructed to vote as a unit first, last ami all the time for the nomination of W. Mooiv is one or the most widely known men in Methodism. The candidacy of Representative Ceorge B. Mother Dien to Save Child. Polock, while trying to bave her little daughter from being mangled by Northwestern train In West Maywood, ill.
Frank Bellrose, telegraph operator, saved the child at risk of his life. Oscar Crisman of Emporia, Kas. Xeely, late chief financial agent of the postal service in Cuba, who is at present a prisoner in Ludlow street jail in Xew York.
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- Rescued by the Wolf (m/m) (Wolf Tales Book 1).
Others under arrest for complicity with Xeely include E. Rathbone and Edward Thompson. At the Baptist national meeting In Detroit Jen. Morgan, of Xew York, presented the sixty-eighth annual report of the executive board, of which he is corresponding secretary. It showed among other things that there had been recfived into the church during the year 4. Moore was born on a farm near Athens.
He Is an untiring worker. It is officially announced at lxmdoa that the viceroy of India. Ixrd Curzon of Kedleston. He ; adds that showers have been numeri us. Tho total number of people receiving relief i i is S. Grand Chief Engineer P. Arthur j of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En-! He was re-elected on formal ballot. It is j said he will retire at the expiration of j his term. A Uoinan'M Terrlhle Mihai. Yolk had her skull fractured and Mrs. Young both legs cut off In an accident caused by two cars on the Genesee street car line in Buffalo, N.
Dissension has risen over the estate of the late Judge Biddie, wh: He left his liarary of ti.