Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apples Intelligent Assistant
Now, two top Apple r tech experts show how to talk the newest version of Siri into doing more than you ever thought possible! Look up what you want to do, and you'll find tested step-by-step instructions for getting perfect results-including new ways to do everything from checking football scores to posting on Facebook! Sweet-talk Siri R for iOS 6 into doing practically anything!
Now, two top Apple R tech experts show how to talk the newest version of Siri into doing more than you ever thought possible! Teach Siri to recognize requests and take dictation more accurately Check Yelp reviews and place OpenTable restaurant reservations Launch apps hands-free Find out where your friends are right now Choose a great movie with Rotten Tomatoes reviews Get up-to-the-minute player stats for baseball, football, or soccer Blog with Siri using email or text messaging Tweet updates, complete with location or appointment info Create location-based reminders that trigger at destinations like the drugstore Help Siri recognize and connect with your family and friends Transform Siri into your personal media DJ Find the nearest store that's selling whatever you want Answer math and science problems with Wolfram Alpha Make sure Siri responds only to you, not to an impostor Discover the silliness Apple engineered into Siri.
She has written, co-written, and contributed to almost two dozen books about technology, particularly in the areas of programming, digital video, and digital photography. An unrepentant geek, Sadun has never met a gadget she didn't need. Adding new languages is subject to hopelessly diminishing returns, as companies need to go through expensive and elaborate development processes catering to smaller and smaller groups of people.
Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apple's Intelligent Assistant by Erica Sadun
Czech Republic has Adding Slovakian to Siri or any other virtual assistant takes just as much effort and money as it takes to teach it Spanish, only instead of million native Spanish speakers, you just get 5. While details vary from Siri to Cortana to Google et al, the process of teaching these assistants new languages looks more or less the same across the board.
Luckily, the first signs of such an evolution have arrived. Despite that difficulty, Gibiansky points out that research in speech recognition is more advanced today than speech generation. The fundamental challenge of speech recognition has always been translating sound into characters. Voice, when you talk to your device, is registered as a waveform that represents how frequency changes in time.
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One of the first methods to solve this was to align parts of waveforms with corresponding characters. It worked awfully because we all speak differently with different voices. If a single term was spoken slowly then quickly, this meant the input signal could be long or quite short, but in both cases it must translate into the same set of characters. I have the snotty teenager version that pretends it's listening then freaks when asked to change a reminder. Perhaps it's just me, that I am having trouble communicating with Siri on a basic level.
Thankfully, Erica Sadun and Steve Sande put out a little book that goes over Siri's high points and limitati So, you know all the iPhone 4S commercials where Siri is cheerful and pleasant or the rumors that you can get Siri to respond to a query with a witty quip? Thankfully, Erica Sadun and Steve Sande put out a little book that goes over Siri's high points and limitations she's not programmed to edit reminders or notes and for some reason won't dictate directly to twitter or facebook at this time - and I don't care if Siri is officially an "it" the US version has a female voice.
I also learned how to frame my questions using Wolfram Alpha-type queries. Siri and I are getting along much better these days. She still won't clean her room, though. This book adds little information that is not already in the "help" feature that comes with Siri. Even most of the examples are the same. The only exception is on dictation, which I've found quite useful.
This book was pretty cool. It was informative to learn new things that Siri could do that I wasn't aware of.
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It was amusing to learn all of the different ways you could have fun with Siri. I would recommend this book for an iPhone 4S or later user that enjoys using technology.

Jan 13, Larea rated it really liked it Shelves: This information may be available elsewhere but this was a quick, convenient, and entertaining way for me to get up to speed with Siri. I just upgraded my iPhone 4 to iPhone 5 and I am loving it! I may even ditch my voice recorder that I carry for ideas in the car.
Some fun material, and some useful material. Not worthwhile if you read the first edition.
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Dec 02, Elaine rated it really liked it. I'm impressed at what Siri is capable of. I'm just now becoming familiar with Siri and this book shed some light on it for me. Excellent resource for Siri and 4S newbies. May 04, Paula rated it it was amazing. I just bought the second addition of this book for my Kindle app.
The book is very helpful in using Siri more effectively, and I recommend it to anyone who has an eye device. This book was fine.