Surviving Sandy: A Battle Against That Deadly Whore Mother Nature
Tim Boyle rated a book liked it. And Here's the Kicker: Feb 11, Years ago I did a little stand-up comedy in Boston, and I definitely know what silence feels like! I'm rea Mike wrote: I'm really looking forward to reading your stories. Hopefully you can send a little sympathy my way then. Or is it empathy? Either way, we understand each other's plight. Feb 06, Tim Boyle rated a book it was amazing. Beware, the Snowman Goosebumps, 51 by R. Feb 04, The Humour Club — members — last activity 1 hour, 39 min ago A group for readers and writers of humorous fiction.
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Search for a book to add a reference. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards. Only flag comments that clearly need our attention. In s London , respected midwife Elizabeth Brownrigg secretly abused her servants and ruthlessly tortured, beat and starved them. It was not until one girl was found dying from numerous open sores that this woman was finally unmasked and she is branded a monster for centuries to come.
She was put to death by hanging. Kerry Lyn Dalton discovered that, while she was in jail, her flatmate, Irene May, sold some of her belongings to pay for crystal meth, which both women took. Kerry, high on meth, responded by torturing Irene to death via everything from electrocution to stabbing to bludgeoning. Dalton remains on death row. Susan Wright was supposedly abused and controlled by her husband, Jeff, who spent days having affairs with strippers and using drugs while Susan raised their two young kids in Houston.
Susan did not believe in divorce and felt the only way out was murder. Wright's sentence was 25 years but was reduced to 20 years. In Memphis , Alice Mitchell had plans of moving to Boston with her lover Freda Ward and living as a married couple disguised as a man, but when Freda's family stopped those plans dead in their tracks and forbade her to see Alice, an obsession began leading Alice to destroy the one she cherished most. Within hours of meeting in juvenile detention, troubled teens Cindy Collier and Shirley Wolf began to plan a life together and step one in the plan included killing somebody at random.
Their victim of choice: In Norfolk, England , Lorraine Thorpe saw a father figure in a year-old in her group of alcoholics. He violently beat his girlfriend and eventually killed her, and Lorraine happily participated; when Lorraine's father learned of the murder and became suspicious, they killed him too. Tina Powell and LaFonda Foster were drunk and high when they go on a killing spree, taking five friends hostage and killing them all in different ways.
The night proved to be the deadliest in the history of Lexington, Kentucky. Melinda Harmon-Raisch was a housewife in Olathe, Kansas who fell for a student at a nearby college.

She had her lover murder her husband so they could be together and they framed two black people. The two went on to marry other people and the secret was hidden for a decade. Jane Andrews was appointed the wardrobe specialist for Sarah, Duchess of York , but was fired. After losing her job, her only connection to the high life of England was her boyfriend.
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When he broke things off, she murdered him in his bed. Sentenced to life imprisonment, Jane was paroled in June Shana Parkinson had a volatile temper that prompted her husband to leave her for another woman. She stabbed him and his new fiancee to death. However, she got caught quickly due to an unlikely eyewitness who saw the murders unfold.
Shana got a life sentence with 27 years minimum. Kirsten Costas reminded her classmate Bernadette Protti of everything she wanted, but could never have. The solution to the problem was to annihilate the source of the pain by stabbing Kirsten to death. Bernadette served a seven-year sentence in juvenile hall and is now a free woman.
Karen Severson and Laura Doyle were friends with Missy Avila since grade school, but as they grew older, the friendship dissolved.
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On the pretense of wanting to reconcile with Missy, Karen and Laura took her into the woods, beat her up, cut her hair and drowned her in the lake. The crime was unsolved for years until an unexpected confession appeared as if out of nowhere. Sentenced to 15 years to life, both Karen and Laura were free on parole as of December When Patricia Robinson-Olsen had money problems, she resorted to soliciting her teenage son Christopher into shooting her second husband Neil to death, and then attempted to have him take the fall.
Patricia got life without parole and Christopher's sentence was 30 years in prison. French immigrant Valerie Pape was a hair salon owner and a Scottsdale, Arizona socialite with an abusive husband, Ira Pomerantz. When Valerie had had enough of her husband's abuse, she turned to murder, then dismembered his corpse. His torso was found in a dumpster behind a supermarket, but the rest of his remains have never been found. Pape was given a year sentence and is eligible for release in Spending most of her life in expensive British boarding schools, American teen Elizabeth Haysom was an honor student who had plans to study the arts, but her parents did not support her ambitions.
Her life subsequently went off the rails, and Elizabeth, who blamed her parents for all of her troubles, got her boyfriend to destroy them both. Heather D'Aoust was the year-old adopted daughter of a loving couple, but had depression and bipolar disorder and was briefly institutionalized. After she was caught engaging in sexual activity with a female friend, she decided to kill her mother with a claw hammer. She pled guilty to second-degree murder and got 16 years to life. Suzan Carson and her husband Michael — both of whom are mentally ill and abuse drugs — have a list of people they think are witches that they wish to exterminate, and they go on to viciously murder three people.
Both are serving 75 to life. O'Mahoney received an eight year prison sentence and her comrades received twelve years. Missing her mother's companionship, high school student Marie Robards poisons her loving father to move back in with her mom. She keeps it a secret for a year until her college roommate recites Claudius's guilt monologue from Hamlet , causing her to break down.
The ways of wild, promiscuous "jazz baby" Dorothy Ellingson don't mesh with those of her old-fashioned parents who try to keep her from partying. Enraged at her parents and desperate for freedom, Dorothy shoots her mother in the head and goes partying afterwards. In prison, she appears to change her ways and begins to give lectures to teenagers on the dangers of delinquency.
After Dena Thompson attempts to murder her new third husband with the lure of sex, he barely survives and she gets three years in jail. Police eventually discover she's a murderer after finding large amounts of poison in the exhumed body of her second husband. She is given a minimum year sentence. She manages to escape prison by using the poison to harm herself and spends the rest of her days paralyzed. Elisa takes delight in torturing her stepdaughter Zahra, who earlier survived bone cancer that left her almost deaf and took one of her legs.
Zahra eventually dies and Elisa dismembers her body. Baker's sentence is 18 years in prison. Della Sutorius comes off as a sweet, charming and beautiful woman to the men who fall in love with her, but her true colors come out after the weddings. She turns out to be a greedy, violent monster whose five husbands end up either on-the-run, abused, or in the last husband's case murdered for money.
Sentenced to 23 years to life, Della dies in prison in November Natasha Cornett is an outcast in her rural Kentucky town due to her Gothic appearance and devil worship. However, she soon finds like-minded friends, who decide to embark on a killing spree. In , Natasha and her gang are responsible for the killings of a Jehovah's Witness family at a Tennessee rest area. Natasha and her gang each get life without parole. Brooklyn teen Tiana Browne appeared to have a promising start in life, until she was raped and ran away from home.
Taken in by her aunt, Tiana becomes roommates with her cousin Shannon, who is a straight-A student, but Tiana resists their efforts to help her get on the right track. Tiana, jealous of her cousin's success, stabs Shannon to death, then steals Shannon's sneakers and cell phone. Tiana was found guilty of second degree murder and was sentenced to 15 years to life. Malaika Griffin is known as a brilliant chemist who graduated from college cum laude , but has a hot temper and harbors an intense hatred for white people. One night, she gets into a heated argument with her white neighbor, Jason Horsley, and his girlfriend.
When the girlfriend leaves, Malaika shoots Jason in the back and flees while he dies, evading capture for several years. Ellen Etheridge is ecstatic when she gets to marry her new millionaire husband after his wife dies. However, she's not so fond of having to fight for his love due to her eight new stepchildren and finds pleasure in poisoning them with lye to get her way. She ultimately kills four children and is suspected of killing her husband's first wife as well, and is given a life sentence.
Heather Stephenson Snell is a well-educated psychotherapist by day, and a hard-laced biker gang leader by night. After a failed courtship with her lover, Heather wants revenge, and she sets her sights on her ex-lover's wife, Diane Lomax. Posing as a trick-or-treater on Halloween night, Heather attempts to shoot Diane with a shotgun, but winds up shooting a neighbor instead. Her sentence is 22 years to life.
The two begin an affair, but Arthur is eventually forced to choose between Anne and his wife. When his wife dies, Arthur breaks up with Anne too. Anne responds by shooting Arthur to death. Anne is tried for first-degree murder but acquitted. Stacey Barker is at first a devoted single mother to month-old Emma, but soon she spends her nights partying while her mother watches Emma. Barker's sentence is 25 years and she will be in her 50s when released. Kelly Silk is a Christian and a mother of four children, including a 2 month-old baby.
However, Kelly has extreme post-partum depression and is still dealing with the trauma of having witnessed her own mother's suicide as a child. She kills her husband, two of her children, and herself. In , the two embark on a killing spree through several Midwestern states. Both are sentenced to death; Coleman was executed in and Brown's sentence was commuted to life without parole. Janice Buttrum was neglected, abused and ostracized by her peers as a child, and at age 17, she is married, living in Dalton, Georgia , and expecting her second child.
She and her husband Danny befriend Demetra Faye Parker, and in September they decide to use Demetra in a sex game. Demetra is beaten and raped, and stabbed 97 times by Janice. Both are sentenced to death, but Danny commits suicide soon afterward and Janice's sentence is commuted to life in prison in In , Canadian Melissa Ann Shepard drains her husband's bank account and then drugs him and runs him over with her car, and is briefly jailed for manslaughter.
Her next two husbands die of mysterious illnesses, with Melissa draining both their bank accounts as well, and she is briefly jailed for theft and forgery. Army wife Kelly Renee Gissendaner is a promiscuous party girl who shamelessly sees other men, even while her husband Doug remains devoted to her. Kelly enlists her boyfriend, Greg Owens, to beat and stab Doug to death in February , so she can profit from the marital house and two life insurance policies.
She was sentenced to death. Ada Wittenmeyer likes the finer things in life, and seeks to accomplish this by finding wealthy men and then marrying and murdering them so she can enjoy their money. During the s, she poisons two husbands with arsenic, and enjoys watching them suffer while they die.
Convicted of both murders and jailed for life, she commits suicide in prison in Daryl Smith's former lover and sex slave [ clarification needed ] , Morgan Smith , who has borderline personality disorder, is obsessed with Daryl, and follows him when he moves to Florida to be with his new girlfriend, Andrea Stranko. Daryl tries to share himself with both women, but after Morgan assaults Andrea with an axe, Daryl breaks up with Morgan for good. In Greenwood, Indiana , Sarah "Cindy" White is the daughter of an alcoholic mother and sexually abusive father, and the stress lands her in a psychiatric hospital for a year.
Charles and Carol Roberson take her in as a nanny for their four children, but re-open Cindy's old wounds when they also sexually abuse her. To escape, Cindy burns down the Roberson home on New Year's Eve , killing the entire family, and is serving six concurrent life sentences. Kathleen Hagen was a brilliant urologist with a bright future, but by , her life has disintegrated — she has lost her career and her marriage, she has severe bipolar disorder , and has a strained relationship with her parents, James and Idella, who are always critical and cold to her. In August , her stressors cause her to snap, and she asphyxiates her parents.
She is acquitted of both murders on grounds of insanity and institutionalized for six years. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards.
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The specific problem is: Grammar and tense issues. Please help improve this article if you can. January Learn how and when to remove this template message. Canadian code prohibits the use of a juvenile offender's real name in print and newspaper. Subsequent articles, including some linked here, do reveal their full names and family names.
Each of the juvenile perpetrators in this story received the maximum sentences allowed under Canadian Law: Retrieved April 28, Season 6, Episode 3 "Insatiable Greed " ". Retrieved on January 29, Archived from the original on Retrieved from " https: Lists of American non-fiction television series episodes Lists of Australian non-fiction television series episodes. Articles needing cleanup from January All pages needing cleanup Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from January Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from January Episode list using the default LineColor Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May Views Read Edit View history.
This page was last edited on 15 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In Romania during the s and s, Vera Renczi poisoned her husbands, lovers, and her son with arsenic before placing their bodies in zinc-lined coffins in her wine cellar. In New Orleans during the early 19th century, French socialite Delphine LaLaurie beat, tortured, and performed medical experiments on slaves in the basement of her mansion.
In the state of Washington , Linda Burfield Hazzard , a quack doctor and a self-proclaimed "fasting specialist", believed she could heal her patients through exhausting diets and starvation. Hazzard's practice of starvation resulted in the death of a visiting English heiress in and many others. Linda died by using the fasting diet on herself in In the early s, on a small farm in La Porte, Indiana , Norwegian immigrant Belle Gunness used strychnine to poison her boyfriends before feeding their remains to the hogs. Gunness's motive was to collect life insurance, cash and other valuables from her victims.
Between and , in Windsor, Connecticut , nursing home proprietor Amy Archer-Gilligan purchased life insurance policies on her elderly residents before poisoning them with arsenic. In Cordele, Georgia , in the s, Janie Lou Gibbs poisoned her three sons, her grandson, and her husband for the purpose of collecting life insurance. The two sisters became known as "The Black Widows of Liverpool". Catherine and Margaret were executed by hanging in In , Katherine Knight , who has borderline personality disorder , stabbed her partner before dismembering him and using parts of his body to cook a stew; Knight was later sentenced to life imprisonment.
Blanche Taylor Moore used arsenic poisoning to kill people close to her for over 20 years. She repeatedly poisoned her boyfriend, Raymond Reid. She was later sentenced to death. In , bar hostess Ruth Ellis shot her boyfriend, David Blakey, to death after he punched her in the stomach and caused her to miscarry. She was the last woman to be executed in the United Kingdom.
The Lainz Angels of Death murdered at least 38 of their patients between and by morphine overdose or by forcing water down their lungs. Melinda Loveless — In , she kidnapped, tortured, and murdered a year-old in Madison, Indiana , with the help of 3 other schoolgirls. She was sentenced to 60 years in prison. Brenda Spencer — In , when she was sixteen years old, Spencer opened fire on a schoolyard in San Diego , killing two and wounding nine. She was sentenced to 25 years to life.
Spencer has been denied parole four times. Tracey Wigginton — In Brisbane , Australia , in , an obsession with the occult culminates in a murder. Wiggington was sentenced to life in prison, but was released on parole on January 11, She was pursuing a romantic relationship with a married man who didn't want children and refused to leave his wife. She was sentenced to life imprisonment. Martha Wise — In Medina County, Ohio in , Wise, who was mentally ill, poisoned three of her family members to death and injured more than a dozen with arsenic.
She was sentenced to life in prison and died in Valerie Parashumti and Jessica Stasinowsky — On December 18, , in Perth , Australia , the couple drugged, bludgeoned, and strangled their year-old flatmate Stacey Mitchell to death, after only knowing Stacey for three days. Both women pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 24 years in prison. Christina Marie Riggs In , in Sherwood, Arkansas , Riggs smothered her own children in and attempted suicide afterwards.
Riggs was executed in May of Bobbie Sue Dudley — In St. She was found guilty of second degree murder and was sentenced to 65 years in prison, but died in prison during her sentence. Judy Buenoano — Over a twelve-year period, the Starke, Florida -based serial killer murdered her husband and son and attempted to murder a second husband to claim on insurance policies she had set up in advance.
Buenoano would be executed in March of Eugenia Falleni — Born a woman, but living as a man under the name "Harry Crawford" in conservative turn-of-theth century Sydney , Australia , Falleni killed her partner, Annie Birkett, in to keep her true gender concealed. She also attempted to murder Annie's son, also named Harry. She was sentenced to death in , but was released from prison after 11 years and lived the rest of her life as a cisgender woman. Genene Anne Jones — In Kerrville, Texas , the pediatric nurse killed as many as 46 infants left in her care between and She was originally given a year sentence.
However, due to developments in the case since this episode originally aired, she may be released as early as Beverley Allitt — In , the British nurse murdered four children and injured five others by injecting them with insulin or potassium, causing cardiac arrest. Allitt has to serve a minimum of 30 years. Stella Maudine Nickell — In , the Seattle -based nurse poisoned her husband and an innocent shopper by planting cyanide-laced pain-relief capsules on drug store shelves in a intricate plan to cash in her husband's life insurance policies.
Nickell has a 90 year sentence. Kathleen Folbigg — On a killing spree that lasted from until , the Australian serial killer murdered four of her children by suffocating them. She is serving a 30 year sentence. Aileen Carol Wuornos — The famed Monster serial killer shot and killed seven men in Florida between and Wuornos was executed in October of Dorothea Puente ran a boarding home and preyed on her guests in Sacramento during the s.
Puente was accused of poisoning her victims, stealing their Social Security checks, then burying seven of their bodies in her backyard. Puente is sentenced to life in prison and maintained that she was innocent until her death on March 27, Hahn poisoned her victims and stole money from them, killing five people. She was executed in December of In , Cooper committed suicide after being released for nearly two years.
Silence: My Worst Stand-Up Comedy Performances and Experiences
Tarlton was released from prison in August Jane Toppan — In Cambridge, Massachusetts , a nurse who murders at least 31 of her patients in a sadistic fashion for sexual pleasure. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity and was committed to an insane asylum. Dana Sue Gray — In , Gray killed three women and severely injured another in Chowchilla, California due to a craving for power, thirst for cash, and hatred of her mother.
She was sentenced to life without parole. Christine Falling — In Perry, Florida , the year-old unstable babysitter betrayed parents' trust by suffocating the children that she was supposed to protect during to She was sentenced to life without parole for at least 25 years. Helen Golay and Olga Rutterschmidt — The two Hungarian immigrants aged in their seventies killed two homeless men for insurance money in Santa Monica, California.
Both women are serving life without parole. She was executed on February 24, Kimberly Michelle "Kim" Hricko — In , while Hricko was living in Talbot County, Maryland , she set her loving husband on fire to hide her affair with another man on a romantic getaway. She was sentenced to life plus 30 years in prison.
Richardson would be released from prison in August Winnie Ruth Judd — In , Judd impulsively murders her friends after fighting over a man, Jack Halloran, and has them cut up with the intention of dumping their remains in the Pacific Ocean. Some speculate Jack Halloran helped her dismember the friends. She died in after being released in In , Carolyn becomes involved with Paul Solomon, who was already married.
Being fed up him having yet not divorced his wife, she shot his wife nine times. Carolyn's sentence was 25 years to life. Her sentence was life without parole. Herman would be released from prison in , while Brady would die in prison in May Montgomery — In in Melvern, Kansas , she faked a pregnancy , and to avoid being exposed, she murdered a pregnant woman so she could steal her unborn baby. The baby survived and was safely returned to her father when police caught Montgomery the next day at her home.
Silence: My Worst Stand-Up Comedy Performances and Experiences by Tim Boyle
Montgomery received a death sentence. Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme — The best friends were so obsessed with each other and their fantasy world, they killed Parker's mother in Christchurch , New Zealand to protect their friendship in They were arrested and since they were too young to face the death penalty, they each served five years, and were released separately. Catherine Birnie was hopelessly in love with a sexually sadistic serial killer and became one herself, the two killed four people in Both were sentenced to four terms of life imprisonment.
David died in Rosemary West — In a period spanning almost 30 years, West and her husband raped, tortured and murdered at least 11 women in the United Kingdom before burying them under their backyard. Rosemary was sentenced to life in prison.
Martha Beck — On Long Island , Beck helps her boyfriend trick women, and three lives two women and a toddler are cut short as a result. Martha Beck was executed in the electric chair on March 7, Her execution was one of the most gruesome in history, requiring four applications of electricity before she was pronounced dead.
Erika Grace Sifrit — goes to Ocean City, Maryland with her husband, invites a couple back to her condo, and murders them together with her husband. Erika is sentenced to life in prison, and her husband Benjamin is sentenced to 38 years. Waneta Hoyt — In Richford, New York , Hoyt kills her babies and blames sudden infant death syndrome for the deaths to gain sympathy from other people.
Later in her life, she confesses to the murders and was sentenced to 75 years to life in prison, but died in Andrea Yates —Driven by postpartum psychosis , the Houston woman drowns her five children in Yates was originally sentenced to life in prison, but at her second trial, she was found not guilty by reason of insanity. She was admitted to a Texas mental health facility. Susan Smith drowned her sons because her lover did not want children.
Susan pretended that her children were kidnapped for nine days. Susan received a life sentence with a possibility of parole after serving 30 years. Gertrude Baniszewski — In in Indianapolis , Bansizewski, who was poverty-stricken, tortured and murdered year-old Sylvia Likens and got her children to help do the dirty work. She received a life sentence, but was paroled after serving 20 years and died of cancer in Antoinette Renee Frank was a killer cop in New Orleans who shot a fellow officer and two owners of a Vietnamese restaurant she helped guard at nighttime with her boyfriend Rogers Lacaze in Antoinette and Rogers both have death sentences.
Sharon Kinne traded her life as a suburban mom in Independence, Missouri for a life of crime; killing her husband, a lover's wife, and a lover, and still may be among us today after fleeing her 10 year sentence in a Mexican prison in Sarah Marie Johnson — At the age of 16, she shot both of her parents in Bellevue, Idaho because they would not let her see her year-old illegal immigrant boyfriend, only to receive two life sentences.
Piper Rountree — The narcissist would not rest until her ex-husband was in the grave for leaving her, killing him in by traveling from Texas to Virginia. She was sentenced to life. Christa Pike — The devil-worshiping Knoxville, Tennessee student, convinced that college classmate Colleen Slemmer was trying to steal her boyfriend, cut Colleen over times and bludgeoned her with a rock before taking a piece of the skull as a trophy with the help of her boyfriend and a friend in She became Tennessee's youngest death-row inmate and continues to await execution.
Sante died in prison on May 19, Harris was released from prison in May Blanco was murdered in a shooting on September 3, Jill Coit — Married a man for his money, but when he learns she has been married 11 times he divorces her, and she then ends the relationship along with his life for good with a gun. Coit got life without parole. Marjorie Ann Orbin — After the former exotic dancer got all she ever wanted from her wealthy husband in Phoenix, Arizona , she shot and dismembered him, and then disposed of his body in the desert.
Orbin faced a death sentence, but instead received life without parole. Barbara Stager — The caring, church-going lady from Durham, North Carolina shoots her sleeping husband after he discovers that she is greedy, an adulteress and a liar. An identical "accident" with her previous husband and tape recordings by her fearful husband ultimately gave her away.
Barbara Stager was sentenced to death and then her sentence was commuted to life. She was denied parole in March Caril Fugate — A rebellious teenager and her out-of-control boyfriend go on a cross-country killing spree that leaves 11 people dead. But whether she is an innocent hostage as she claims to be or a willing accomplice remains in dispute.
Fugate received a life sentence and her boyfriend was executed in the electric chair in Valmae Beck — A sexually sadistic alcoholic, willingly lures a year-old girl in Noosa, Queensland into a deadly trap to satisfy her sexual desires and her husband's.
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Beck received a life sentence, but died in Her husband is currently serving two life sentences with no parole. Ashley Christine Humphrey — Ashley stalks and kills her husband Tracey's ex-girlfriend Sandee to prevent her from pressing rape charges against him in Pinellas Park, Florida. Ashley was found guilty of second degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years. Tracey will spend the rest of his life in prison. Rebecca Salcedo — Married a socially awkward rich man for his money and after learning she would only get a few thousand dollars by divorcing him, she created a sinister plan to take him for all he had.
Salcedo will spend the rest of her life in prison. Betty Broderick — A native from Eastchester, New York helped put her husband through law school and gave him four beautiful children, then she soon discovers her husband is having an affair. After divorcing Betty, Dan and his new wife are granted custody of the kids. Betty decides to shoot and kill them both as they sleep in their mansion. Guilty of second degree murder, her sentence was 32 years to life. Sharon Nelson — Married a man for his money, drained his bank accounts, turned to her secret lover, and talked him into killing her husband before moving on to another man.
Virginia Larzelere — A seductress got every man she came into contact with including her own son tangled in a web of lust and greed, which allowed her to hire a hitman to shoot her husband in the middle of the day in his dental office. She was sentenced to death in , but in August of , her sentence was commuted to life in prison. Sheila LaBarre — Inherited her husband's farm in Epping, New Hampshire and enticed young men to help share the work and her bed.
Only after moving in with her did Sheila reveal her monstrous nature and she ultimately lured at least two men to a fiery grave. LaBarre's plea of not guilty by reason of insanity was rejected and she received a life sentence without parole. Theresa Knorr — In Sacramento, California , Knorr was driven by a series of deadly delusions to kill two of her daughters in a story so grotesque that detectives did not believe it until two Jane Doe cases confirmed the story as told by her lone surviving daughter. Knorr is currently serving two life sentences. She will be eligible for parole in Terry Knorr died in December Debora Green — Fueled by a potent cocktail of prolonged alcohol abuse, intense anger problems and unstable mental health, Green set her Prairie Village, Kansas house on fire and killed two of her three children one girl escaped through her bedroom window to get back at her husband for leaving her.
Diane O'Dell — Had a series of bad relationships and was often pregnant; but if the father was not around for the birth, Diane made it a habit to smother the infants to death and place their body in a box in Safford, Arizona. This happened on three separate occasions and it was not until decades later when everything was exposed. Diane was sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of parole in Tillie Gburek — In an attempt to gain power and respect, Gburek portrayed herself as a fortune teller in Chicago who predicted when people would die.
To make her predictions come true, her clients were given her signature hearty stew that was laced with arsenic. She remained undetected for years and could have killed as many as 20 people. She was arrested and found guilty for the murder of her third husband and died in prison in Beth Carpenter — A lifetime over-achiever and fresh out of law school, Carpenter was determined to take custody of her niece in East Lyme, Connecticut , but the judge granted custody to her sister Kim and Kim's partner Buzz. Caroline Grills — Inherited her mother-in-law's beautiful home by killing her via food laced with thallium rat poison , but she enjoyed it so much that she killed two more relatives over a nice cup of tea.
Grills was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in Wendi Mae Davidson — Killed her husband by injecting him with drugs that were normally used to euthanize animals. While hosting a suicide dinner party [ clarification needed ] , she drugged Joe's drink with rohypnol and injected him with heroin the next day, killing him. Singh was sentenced to ten years in prison, but was released early in Lynn Turner — A black widow married two police officers while working as a dispatcher. When she got bored with her husbands, she simply killed them by poisoning them with ethylene glycol-based antifreeze hidden in a bowl of Jell-O.
Turner died in prison in August from an apparent suicide by poison. Jennifer Reali — Was with a man who used seduction and Bible passages to convince her to murder his wife, painting the murder as an act of mercy because his wife had lupus. Shades of Gray The Portal is Opening. I, Stammer In Disbelief. Billy Wolfe's Riding Spirit. A Christmas Tree For Santa. The Worst Paperboy In the World. Joseph P Hradisky Jr. The Lonely Life of a Federal Marshall. The New Kid in Class. She Arrived Without A Song: My Straight Best Friend. The Superhuman Lies of Soapie Shumacher. You Can Have My Seat.
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