Redeemable (Ebook)
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Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Ghost Bird Series: Product description Product Description Arcadia was prepared to die alone, working boring temp jobs and eating cereal out of the box, until the time came that her heart finally gave out. Kindle Edition File Size: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This is a 4 part series, so I decided to leave my review with Part 1 so you could decide whether to read it or not.
It was a rough start for me, at first I just wasn't buying into the story.
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Not the reverse harem part, but the background story that brought them all together. It just seemed rushed and "flighty". But I powered through and just towards the end, the story captured me. I powered through the remaining books, the emotional story and the beautiful things that happened along the way no spoilers It was definitely worth picking this series up.
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If you can overlook the small proofreading errors, I think you will enjoy this particular journey. Oh my god, I loved this so much. Cady meets the seven deadly sins personified and discovers she's meant to be their redemption.
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Cue sexy times, hilarity, and even a few heartwarming moments. Excellent writing and character development.
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Can't wait for the next one! That cliffy was just mean. Now I usually dislike the serials but this left me intrigued enough that I paid the price! A Man Without Breath. The Lady from Zagreb.
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The Man From Berlin. All the Old Knives. The Girl from Venice. In a House of Lies. If the Dead Rise Not. This Is What Happened. The Maze of Cadiz. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.
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