Operation Oracle: Merkiaari Wars Book 3
I was really impressed at the quality of the writing for this section. It is difficult to give more details here without giving away too much of the plot, and spoilers, so you will have to read it yourself. Needless to say, this end of the book is an engaging and captivating read, leading to a rather fascinating and thrilling conclusion for this book that will leave you thinking about how clever it was, and what is going to happen in the future. As with the first two books, Coopers Characters continue to be amazing, and as the series progresses, we are seeing each of the mains grow, giving us a fascinating insight into the different people, from the main Viper Characters, to the Navy crew and the Civilian Scientists.
This is another exceptional book in the series, not as gritty as the 2nd one, but with more human interaction, more tech that both 1 and 2, and certainly more intrigue than previously. There is a lot more growth of the story overall in this book, and this means that there are some amazing things to come. If you have been enjoying the series, this is a must read.
May 05, Larry B Gray rated it it was amazing. Merkiaari Wars Book 3 by Mark E. Cooper is another great book in the Merkiaari Wars series.
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Its fast paced action kept me hooked and I read the entire book in a day. It was that hard to put down. The author continues to expand and develop the storyline of the series in book 3 and wow, does he do it. This book is full of plot twist and turns that take your breath away. At times I had to remind myself to breath. Cooper's characters are super and I really liked watching them Operation Oracle: Cooper's characters are super and I really liked watching them grow and mature as the series has progressed.
It is easy to get behind and support his characters as they are so real and his storytelling style brings them to life. I really like Operation Oracle: Cooper and highly recommend this book to all readers. Feb 22, Lisa rated it liked it. I enjoyed the book even if parts of it seemed slow moving. I keep waiting for the actual aliens to show up. I really like the Viper idea as soldier units and would like to see more but I keep waiting for the bad guy aliens to actually attack. I have started book 4 already and it looks to be more set up and perhaps book 5 is finally the actual invasion.
Despite the slow moving broad alien invasion arc, I am enjoying the series. It is a quick read and a page t I enjoyed the book even if parts of it seemed slow moving. It is a quick read and a page turner with enjoyable characters. And thus far it is refreshingly safe to recommend to my nephews Mar 24, Richard rated it it was amazing Shelves: Very well written and a good plot.
My only complaint is with the philosophy, which is kinda of ironic considering I like the military sci-fi genre.
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However in the real world democracy is to date the best form of government we have had. I have great admiration for the army and the skills involved, however the skills involved in running a war don't translate into running a society. As far as I'm aware there hasn't been a successful military run government. Also power corrupts so you may have the occa Very well written and a good plot.
Also power corrupts so you may have the occasional benevolent dictator but that is going to be more then outweighed by the rest. May 11, L. III rated it really liked it. I had the delight of reading this book immediately after the first two. It helped keep the story fresh in my mind and I found the book just as enjoyable as the first two. The struggle of humanity and the Shan against the Merkiaari has reached a lull and each side works feverishly to gain an advantage against the other.
I hate giving spoilers so all I will say is that this book was a great continuation of the story and I look forward to the next sequel. May 18, Allan Ashinoff rated it really liked it. I read this book immediately following the previous two and was more than impressed by the authors ability to create a compelling saga with a variety of well-known elements the tech, the races, etc.
I look forward to book 4. Feb 02, Robin Halvorson rated it liked it. I really enjoyed this series. Enhanced humans, evil warlike aliens intent on extermination of humans, new aliens to make contact with, corrupt politicians. I liked this so much I read 4 books worth of the tale. Apr 06, Lukas Lovas rated it really liked it. Much better than the previous book.
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We are returning to the exciting aspects of sci-fi - exploration and new stuff. We finally had a few Merkiaari points of view, the AI are always an interesting thing to see I liked this book a lot, and I'm curious to finally read the last one: Jul 09, Tim rated it liked it.
The writing's improving and it's interesting enough, but there's still the annoying habit of explaining every TLA every time. It bugs me just enough to wonder about continuing now that I've finished the omnibus. Jun 18, Carly Kirk rated it it was amazing. I enjoyed it I thoroughly enjoyed this third installment in the Merkiaari Wars series. And I really can't wait to read the next one! Apr 09, Mentat rated it really liked it. Great,human meets alien first contact, humans have cyborgs that other humans are afraid of, space battle in large ships, dog fights, exploration.
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Novel I really enjoyed. Jan 10, William Byrd rated it it was amazing.
Great read I throughly enjoyed this book, and must begin the next one. I am really enjoying the charachter development of this series. Jul 17, Dave Wallace rated it really liked it. A fun series, and 3 gets back to territory I prefer, less blowing up nasty aliens and more suspense, a quest and meeting something new. The result of that Nanotech? Vipers, a regiment of super soldiers tasked with protecting the Alliance and annihilating the Merki.
It was a job they performed with distinction, a job they completed almost two centuries ago.

A job that cost them their humanity. Deep under The Mountain on Snakeholme, vast computer networks are running simulations, but they're flawed and General Burgton's self imposed mission to safeguard the Alliance is in jeopardy. Without reliable intelligence, he cannot protect the Alliance from itself, let alone the Merkiaari.
Humanity has been ravaged by alien war. Will the next encounter spell the end of mankind? Sixteen billion people died in the last alien invasion of the Alliance's colony worlds. When survey ship Captain Jeff Colgan discovers a new alien race, he's required to investigate. But what if the life form is as deadly as the Merkiaari?
Operation Oracle (Merkiaari Wars, book 3) by Mark E Cooper
As the aliens discover Colgan's ship and begin to hunt him down, the captain's mission changes from one of study to one of survival. Kate Richmond, former army ranger and ISS operative, has seen a lot in her life. Sabotage, espionage, cyber theft, and assassination missions have all played their parts in her journey to becoming a viper. Nothing surprises her much any more, not even a full scale incursion of an alien race by the Merkiaari! The war games are on, but the real battle has just begun