Memories of World War Two The Sequel 1949-2012
Gary was charming, joyous, and filled with interest in the outdoors, sports, and girls. Bruce was intense, a bit brooding, and very kind to a younger sister, born nine years later. I know it made him popular later in his life as a graduate student and faculty member. That said, he had friends but preferred the introverts path of fewer and deeper friendships and relationships.
Bruce played outside, read, and learned the guitar.
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Summer weekends were spent at the cabin up North, a quintessential Minnesota experience. He had a small Honda motorcycle, and some of my best childhood memories were riding on the back through the suburbs of Minneapolis. Bruce enrolled at the University of Minnesota in and dropped out in My brother claimed he traveled 40, km across America after leaving school. After that, he backpacked around the world, avoiding the draft. He often traveled with Mary L.
He took on the name Indigo Jones during his travels, and Mary choose Sunshine. A silly affectation in hindsight, though as a ten-year old, I found it romantic. From his letters home, he mostly worked as dishwasher, played his guitar for loose change, and considered a career as a poet or playwright. In letters to my father, he argued against both capitalism and communism. He hated the war and thought Nixon a thug. His letters talk of their traveling around Europe in a Volkswagen bus. I believe he loved Mary deeply and when she left him a year or so later, it was a psychological blow that he dealt with poorly for a long time.
As he aged, Bruce would never speak of two topics from his past: It was as if by never mentioning those two times in his life, he could make them cease to be real. Despite his travels, he could not escape the Vietnam War.

In his letters home, Bruce acknowledged he could lose the ability to ever return to America. He asked to be anything other than a rifleman, wishing for a medical or a supporting role. After basic training, the army trained him as a sharp shooter. Somehow, he ended up serving an adjunct role for the military brass in Fort Ord, California.
Memories of World War Two by George F Tavener ex leading Stoker Mechanic R.N.
He went on a hunger strike, drinking one cup of V8 and eating one celery stalk a week. He received an honorable medical discharge after seven months in the military for an unnamed preexisting condition, likely aggravated by his hunger strike. Bruce returned to the University of Minnesota in and earned a B. I believe he stopped using drugs at this time or perhaps during his time in the army. He continued to drink heavily throughout his lifetime. After graduating, he settled down for a while in New Orleans where he found a job as an aide in an inner-city library branch.
His letters home during that time show a deep love for working with the children and a deep loathing of bureaucracy. From these letters, I believe he did some growing up and healing from the extremes of his early lifestyle.
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His letters are more centered and more outwardly focused towards the world. He had a motorcycle and drove it around the bayou country. His letters often touch on the beauty of the region. One of his poems states that he almost died during an assault in New Orleans poem , Great Chances. He developed a relationship with a first-rate librarian, Patricia Montgomery.
On that first morning of the war, the sirens went off. Those who had Anderson shelters rushed into them. About one and a half million had been distributed, and put up by people in their back gardens.
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They look so insubstantial in footage of the time, but families put their trust in them and there is film of that day with people in gas masks looking like creatures from an alien planet holding hands as they went across the small garden to their Anderson. George Taylor, then a policeman in London, remembers the morning vividly: We heard a clatter and a bang and the back door opened. Who should come out but the old lady from upstairs with a bottle of whisky in one hand, a budgie in a cage in the other and a tin bowl on her head. Straight down the shelter.
In the skies, the portent of the Teutonic plague; in some Anderson shelters, the seeds of Ealing comedy. In film footage of the people of London responding to the sirens that morning, one thing is noticeable: It is Sunday and men are in their best suits, walking rather briskly. Some are smoking pipes. It was an England cohesive and collective, a portrait of a sensible and brave people who would not show fear.
In Warsaw, there was jubilation. Wlozmiery Leo's parents had a flat opposite the British Embassy.
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People were shouting joyously. Our citizens were excited because England had declared war. We thought we had the war in our pocket, that England would simply smash the Germans in a very short time. British journalists went in search of the first war baby born in London. Neville Mooney had been born that morning. The matron pointed my mother out and they took a number of photographs.
One of them then provided a sticker that said neville, and they stuck the neville over the name tag that said michael, and that was how I got the name Neville. Good job it wasn't a year later, or it could have been Winston. Winston Churchill was one of the few with a spring in his step. When the sirens sounded, before going to his shelter 'armed with a bottle of brandy and other appropriate medical comforts,' he wrote in his diary , he took his wife, Clementine, on to the roof of their Westminster flat.
Above them were 30 or 40 cylindrical balloons… We gave the Government a good mark for this evident sign of preparation. In all the archive footage and photographs of that day, the men at the centre of events are grim-faced and severe. All save for one man. Churchill, the Happy Warrior, smiles.
Neville Chamberlain, meanwhile, was crushed at the realisation that his policy of appeasement had failed.
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In his speech to the House of Commons, he said, 'This is a sad day for all of us, and to none is it sadder than to me. Everything I have worked for, everything I have hoped for, everything I have believed in during my public life has crashed into ruins. At about noon, Chamberlain summoned Churchill to his War Cabinet. He was to be First Lord of the Admiralty. Out at sea, the Navy flashed out the signal, 'Winston's back!
News of the war had also reached the German navy. George Hoegel, a young radio operator on the submarine U30, was asleep in his bunk when the news came. There was no doubt that you had to fight for your fatherland. We wanted to do our duty. On German soil, the American journalist Richard Hottelet recalled, there was a sense of foreboding. Elsa Danielowski was a year-old schoolgirl.
She was on a train in Berlin that afternoon, immediately after the German broadcast. And not one person was cheerful or defiant. Also in Berlin was Rolf Joseph, a Jew who was working 12 hours a day in a factory making uniforms for the army. His family 'consisted of 60 people. My father had eight brothers and sisters and so did my mother.
Only myself and one cousin survived. In London it was announced that 'all cinemas, theatres and places of entertainment are to be closed immediately'. London Zoo was closed down at the same time. It is a very great strength. Because if we have our weaknesses, we also have strengths.
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