Lunangelique (The Lunangelique Series Book 1)
I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I read the summary I was immediately interested. The plot seemed interesting and I wanted to read more. While I won't say I was disappointed, I was hoping for more.
Maybe I set my hopes to high but this book held my interest at some points and loss me completely at others. Starting out, I was weary and didn't know if I would continue to read the book. One of my main issues was dialogue. When I envision characters, I see them as myself and I couldn't picture me and my friends talking the way When I read the summary I was immediately interested. When I envision characters, I see them as myself and I couldn't picture me and my friends talking the way the author betrayed the conversation.
Now while this issue may seem minor to you, I like realness coming from a book and I want the dialogue, characters, and issues to be realistic. As far as the characters go in this book they did not seem very detailed. I wish we could learn more about the characters and their flaws. While no character seemed perfect they didn't seem to be dealing with issues that other readers could relate to.
See a Problem?
The main character in my opinion, was not one of the strongest characters I have read about. She did do somethings I agreed with but overall she came across as clueless. Sometimes I wanted to smack her across the head and yell, "It's right in front of you! While I do wish the writer could go in depth with some thing I do like the fact she kept us guessing without making us completely confused.
The story line was good but did seem generic and felt like I read it before. There were some great things that came out of Lunangelique. For instance, the character Cole was my favorite. While I felt Alexis and his relationship happened quickly he seemed like a great and genuine male character.
He really was sweet and his 'alpha male' moments were adorable. Another character I liked was Edmund. For those of you who read the book this may come across as odd but anytime he was on the page I was completely focused. Another great thing was the ending. Kristin did a great job on having you pine for the next book. The letter towards the end nearly brought me in tears and in that moment I knew I was going to read the second book. All in all, this book was okay and I feel you have to read it for yourself to decide if you like it.
I won this book in a giveaway. Lunangelique is the story of adopted year-old twins Lexi and Alex. Lexi wants to find out more about her birth parents but her brother Alex convinces her to let it go. Ollie has just moved to the neighborhood and meets Lexi. Ollie lives with his older brother who, he says, works for the Church researching miracles. Another boy, year-old Cole moves across from the twins. Cole has been touring with the Virginia Symphony and will be working as a teacher's assistant at the twins' school.
Cole tells Lexi a story about Selene, the goddess of the moon and her lover Endymion. Lexi is seriously hot for teacher, though Cole is reluctant to jeopardize his job. A strange pendant shows up on Lexi's pillow. The design on the pendant are wings that remind Lexi of angel's wings. On a dinner date, Cole and Lexi run into Edmund. Lexi thinks the man looks remarkably like her brother. Cole seems really nervous around the older man.
Edmund's last name is Kakabel which Alex finds: This angel supposedly commanded an army of spirits. Lexi peruses the art exhibits painted by Edmund and finds a painting of Selene, who looks remarkably like her. Cole seems to know more about the coincidences then he is willing to let on. It seems really weird to me that Cole always seems to want Lexi to drink wine, and Lexi is unaccustomed to drinking so it bothers her. Cole says where he is from everyone drank wine.
Cole is 19 years-old and Lexi is 17 years-old. Where do people always drink at such a young age? I thought this was a very quick read and that the writing is sparse and straight forward which I liked. I don't really like flowery writing with a lot of adjectives. She is an intelligent girl with a mind of her own. She doesn't let people push her around and I thought she was very strong willed which I liked.
Favorite Lines "I wanted to come see you, but thought it best to let your anger wind down first. You have quite a temper on you. It would be selfish for me to continue to be with you when you deserve so much more. I have put you in danger just by being with you and not because of what I am, but because of who I am. I never told Favorite Lines "I wanted to come see you, but thought it best to let your anger wind down first. I never told you much about myself. You know I avoided telling you many times.
With you, I had redemption. This book is a great tale of love, loss, family, and lies! Alexis and Alex are twins who were adopted by amazing parents. The have an amazing life. Lexi has always wondered about her birth parents just when she's given up any hope in finding them Cole moves in across the street and sweeps her off her feet. They have a great love together, it brought tears to my eyes.
While in there senior year there lives get turned upside down! The find out who there father is and what they are! This author told an amazing and emotional story! I had puffy eyes by the end of the book and I loved it!! This is a must read! I love all the characters in the book I couldn't even put it down it was so good. It was one of those books you had to see what was going to happen next. I love the romance between Cole and Lexi and I can't wait to see what happens with those 2. They were my favorite of course. After the end of the book I was like no where is the rest now I have to wait till book 2 to see what happens and I'm so looking forward to it.
I have to say that I really do like this book, it was great to start off with a little bit of romance. As I read more of this book I couldn't help but to guess a few times at what was going to happen,after finding out some of the story I was in complete shock. Lunangelique (The Lunangelique Series Book 1) eBook: Kristin R. Campbell: Kindle Store
The only thing I did not like was the ending,I hate when you start liking one of the guys i. View all 4 comments. For Alexis and Alex life has been great. They have loving parents, great friends and live a life every teenager dreams. However, they are adopted and Alexis struggles with wanting to know who their real parents are and not wanting to hurt her adopted parents.
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- The Indian Fairy Book From the Original Legends;
- Lunangelique by Kristin R. Campbell;
Then, a stunning guy moves across the street from them. One who has a secret past and seems to know things about Alexis. One who does mysterious things and leads her to other mysterious persons. One who pushes her to discover her extraordin For Alexis and Alex life has been great. One who pushes her to discover her extraordinary birth family and the truth between mythology and religion.
I wasn't entirely sure what I thought about before I started this book what I thought. I absolutely love the cover, I think it's so beautiful. The synopsis wasn't much to go on, so I wasn't entirely sure if I would like this book. However, considering I got this book as a review request I decided to just go for it. I am happy to report that although I had previous skepticism I absolutely fell in love with this book.
Once I started it, I just could not put it down. Honestly one of my favorite books this year. Kristen Campbell wrote extremely realistic characters, as well as an extremely realistic world. I have to say I've never read a story quite like this one. I feel as if she completely twisted what has been done with angel stories and completely redid them. Although Lunangelique is the first book in the series, it wasn't just an introduction into the characters and supernatural world. From the first page readers will be thrust-ed into Lexie's world. Explanations aren't all inner dialogue, they're explained naturally with the story.
I truly fell in love with Lexie's character. You know in some books, where it's painfully obvious what creatures the other people are, or even if it's not painfully obvious in the beginning but there are clues. Then the main character just says it's nothing and when she finally finds out it's this huge shock? Well Lexie is not like that character, and Lunangelique is nothing like that book. Lexie knows there is something going on a few chapters in.
Lexi is an extremely likeable character. She's a funny character, strong, independent, thoughtful of others, and when she gets a boyfriend although she does spend a lot of time with him, she also finds time to spend with her friends. Speaking of Lexie's boyfriend, he is a serious hottie, hunk of a swoon worthy man. Seriously when Lexie first saw him, and started describing him I'm pretty sure I was drooling Not good when my boyfriend was sitting in the room with me. He's completely sweet, and adorable. He brings Lexie flowers, and isn't a complete horn dog.
The cute couple do actually go on a lot of dates too which was awesome, as well as hang out with her family. Needless to say if you haven't already guessed since it's a series, there was a moment at the end that changed everything. It was completely upsetting, and I am now dying to read the second book. I don't want to say much else, because that would be spoiler-y, and I don't like spoilers. If you liked my review, or decide to pick up a copy of Lunangelique let me know what you think. I feel as if everyone should read this book, ASAP.
With only pages it's a quick, yet amazing read. Plus you need to support all the amazing Indie authors out there and Kristen Campbell is one of them. To find out more about the author and her books visit her website HERE! Now that we put on my movie, you want to distract me? But I take it as a challenge and continue to nip and pull his lobe gently with my teeth.
His response is blindingly fast as he lifts himself up and over my body while simultaneously locking my wrists together over my head with one of his strong hands. He leaves me breathless. He leans over to kiss me but in the last minute switches tactics and starts to tickle my sides instead. Story is totally different, but I mean as the meshing of modern day with some mythology int here and some angels too. This book was different in a great way.
Kristen is a brilliant author. I predict her career to be long and successful! I wont say too much spoiler type things, because you need to discover the wonder of this story yourself. Alexis and Alex Alexander are twins, who were adopted when they were babies. Its starts with Alexis Lexi wanting to find out about her biological parents.
Alex tries to convince her that there is not need, as they love their adoptive parents, as they are great. Well, not long after she starts to discover many things, and meets a few new people who are more than the normal, but she doesn't know this at first. When she meets a really good artist she is also a great artist who could be an older twin of her brother Alex, she starts to wonder if she just found a relative or something. I wont say more on that, you will find out. Cole seems to be a great guy, and was wondering if he would turn out to be bad, and then Oliver, I was always un-sure of him.
I like Lexi, she is a strong female character. I was able to relate to her, but was a bit jealous of her great talents, but there is a reason for it, lol. Here is a small taste to get your interest up: Tell the others I got away. I keep eye contact with him as he lets me slip the other hand out of the cuff and I stand up, rubbing the impressions left behind by the cuffs. If you like any modern day angel, fallen angel, or mythology books, you will love this.
Its written well, better than well, brilliant! I can't wait to get back to Sleeping Gods now. You wont be sorry.

I received a copy of this book from the author for my honest review. View all 3 comments. The plot is truly interesting because, unlike other mythology books, this one blends Greek mythology with Christianity, and it does so in a wonderful fashion. I mean it makes it plausible and conceptually sound, which renders an engaging story. I really liked the twist such a mixture brings.
The characters were my favourite part of this book. They are so complex. Of course it is hard to get to know all of them well, but I liked that at least we get to see certain depth in all the main characters. I liked Lexie and the way she handled her predicament, she made some errors in judgment indeed, but generally I felt that she dealt with stuff properly, at least in a manner I could relate to; she was angry, sad, disappointed, scared and brave when I felt she should, so it was easy for me to feel with her.
Plus she is easy going, generous, spontaneous and mature for her age, and I would really like to be friends with her. Alex is a mystery to me. He is very reserved, and most of the stuff we learn about him is through Lexie, because he appears to open himself only to her sister and his girlfriend. But I did love how he relates to them. I also loved how he was so trusting and caring for his girlfriend. He really is the type of guy you would want to date. But if I had my pick, I would most definitely choose Cole. I guess I am attracted to mysterious silent guys who are very passionate, and my knees weakened at the devotion Cole had for Alexis.
You could tell he lived for her, and even though he was keeping things from her, I trusted him. So his reaction at the end was pretty shocking for me and I can safely admit I hated it. I sincerely, and from the bottom of my heart, loved this book. So I can safely tell you this book is awesome, and would recommend it to every paranormal and mythology fan out there, because this book is a breath of fresh air in the genre, and a kick ass story.
I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review, but my opinion was not biased in any way by this fact. Stories involving mythology are becoming some of my favourite reads, and Lunangelique was a great example of another enjoyable story!!
Being an Australian, books that involve American Teenagers and High School are entertaining to me, so to combine both into one plot is definitely my kind of book and this one was just fabulous!! Lexie has spent so much time trying to locate their birth parents without success and decides to unwind with her friends. They meet up with the rest of their friends at the mall and are quickly introduced to the new guy who has just moved to the area.
Ollie is tall, blonde and good looking and Lexie gets along with him easily as she is the type of person who seems to get along with everyone. While Lexie is in her room, a visitor arrives and when she comes down the stairs, she is unable to take her eyes off the tall, dark and handsome guy in the doorway.
You can see the sparks flying immediately and Lexie is unable to speak for the first time in her life!! I really like Lexie, she is very intelligent and excels in anything that she puts her mind to. She is a witty character who likes to keep things light and entertaining when with her friends and family. As soon as Cole comes into her life, she seems to lose all coherent thought and acts like a love crazed teenager.
It is fun to watch her stumble through the early stages and see her sort through her thoughts and feelings! Cole is amazing, he appears to be the perfect guy, one who has restraint. There is a scene early on where Cole is only in a towel, and he tells her that he would never take full advantage of her.
The only thing is, Cole is keeping secrets about his past and is not willing to share them with Lexie. Lexie then starts to take notice of things that are happening around her. Cole makes a few mistakes and she notices tension between Cole and Ollie, even though they deny knowing each other. Lexie is a smart girl and starts to put it all together and things all start falling into place. She discovers things about herself and her brother that will change their lives forever. The mythology in the story builds slowly as the plot unravels and I really enjoyed the turn of events.
Angels and the Fallen are always fun to read about and Kristin is able to put her own unique twist into Lunangelique to make it exceptional. However, I was left heartbroken at the end of the book and it was left wide open! In fact, I couldn't put it down, and got absolutely no sleep in order to finish! Alexis and Alex are twins who were adopted at birth. They have a great life and awesome friends, but both feel the small piece of them that is missing- who is their birth parents? Lexi spends the entire summer before their senior year looking for leads on that very question and comes up with nothing.
That is when the twins life turns upside down. A yummy man moved into the house across the street. Cole is tall, dark and handsome in more ways than one. Lexi is immediately drawn in, but what is he hiding???? See what I mean? It has it all!!! There is great characters, who you cannot help but fall in love with except for a couple I really hate about now!!
The action is very fast moving, but doesn't get the reader lost. I will say do not think that you can predict what is going to happen, because I assure you it will be nothing that you expect! The mix of angels, fallen angels, and gods is also an original. I get to the last page here and find out that it is a trilogy I am so relieved! I am just not ready to let go yet This is the book I just finished reading last night!!
Its YA supernatural romance genre. This story had me from the beginning!! It felt like a realistic supernatural story so I didn't have a hard time getting lost in its pages. The leading man is seriously daydream worthy and the leading lady isn't a weakling damsel in distress.
The love story is very romantic but the story is about more than that. I'm trying not to say too much because I don't want to spoil it. My only "complaint" is that it ne This is the book I just finished reading last night!! My only "complaint" is that it needs a bit more editing. I'm giving it 5 stars for story telling and awesomeness but only 4 stars because the editing is the only thing that would make it perfect as a whole.
I agree with my friend's review and echo her in agreeing that in this genre of supernatural, this book should be as popular as Twilight!! That's saying something for me to put it anywhere near The Saga. For anyone who enjoys a supernatural YA romance and just a great story It does NOT disappoint!!!! Well done Kristin R Campbell!!! Now on to book Book 3 is out in a week Lexi and Alex are adopted twins with a perfect family and friends. They meet Ollie, a new kid and he seems quite taken with Lexi, too bad Lexi meets new neighbor Cole, and she is quite taken with him.
A world wind romance starts between Cole and Lexi and it's only complicated by the fact that he's an assistant teacher at her school and seems to be keeping secrets from her.
Editorial Reviews
The more she's with him, the more she thinks there is something not quite human about him, and possibly herself and Alex as Lexi and Alex are adopted twins with a perfect family and friends. The more she's with him, the more she thinks there is something not quite human about him, and possibly herself and Alex as well.
Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available. Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Books In This Series 3 Books. Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Campbell currently lives in Utah with her husband and two children. She is a stay-at-home-mom and editor for her husband's publishing company. Kristin is prior military and has a bachelor in Criminal Justice.
She enjoys hiking, travelling, and of course, reading and writing. Product details File Size: June 20, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention point of view across the street birth parents felt like fell in love really enjoyed moves in across greek mythology high school next book exchange for an honest sleeping gods fallen angels senior year received a copy twin brother group of friends author in exchange kristin r campbell lexi and alex.
Showing of 59 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. In fact, I couldn't put it down, and got absolutely no sleep in order to finish! Alexis and Alex are twins who were adopted at birth.
They have a great life and awesome friends, but both feel the small piece of them that is missing- who is their birth parents? Lexi spends the entire summer before their senior year looking for leads on that very question and comes up with nothing. That is when the twins life turns upside down. A yummy man moved into the house across the street.
Cole is tall, dark and handsome in more ways than one. Lexi is immediately drawn in, but what is he hiding???? See what I mean? It has it all!!! There is great characters, who you cannot help but fall in love with except for a couple I really hate about now!! The action is very fast moving, but doesn't get the reader lost.
I will say do not think that you can predict what is going to happen, because I assure you it will be nothing that you expect! The mix of angels, fallen angels, and gods is also an original. I get to the last page here and find out that it is a trilogy I am so relieved! I am just not ready to let go yet One person found this helpful. I just finished reading last night!! Its YA supernatural romance genre. This story had me from the beginning!! It felt like a realistic supernatural story so I didn't have a hard time getting lost in its pages.
The leading man is seriously daydream worthy and the leading lady isn't a weakling damsel in distress. The love story is very romantic but the story is about more than that. I'm trying not to say too much because I don't want to spoil it. My only "complaint" is that it needs a bit more editing. I'm giving it 5 stars for story telling and awesomeness but only 4 stars because the editing is the only thing that would make it perfect as a whole.
I agree with my friend's review and echo her in agreeing that in this genre of supernatural, this book should be as popular as Twilight!! That's saying something for me to put it anywhere near The Saga. For anyone who enjoys a supernatural YA romance and just a really great story It does NOT disappoint!!!! Well done Kristin R Campbell!!!
Now on to book 2!! I bought it immediately after I finished this one!! Book 3 is out in a week!!! I really expected a lot more out of this book when I read the synopsis and saw the reviews. The premise of this book is really interesting and I believe could have been material for an extraordinary series. Unfortunately, it missed the mark.
I felt like it took forever to really get into the heart of the story, and even then it never seemed to progress naturally. The character dialogue and many of the scenes seemed a little forced and unrealistic. I mean, what normal parents let their seventeen year old daughter do some of the things Lexi did in this book. And the emotions of that girl, I just didn't feel them for her or feel like they were genuine. I wanted to know more about the characters, their feelings, more honest reactions, something!