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The literature route

Solutions customized to meet your needs. Our creative wired approach gets it going. By hanging together inventive resources with groups and business stages, our answers give a smooth stream of interest signals. We would enlighten you regarding it, yet we would rather give our work a chance to represent us. Vega thereafter became involved in new and scandalous romantic relationships. His closing years were full of gloom. His last lover, Marta de Nevares, who shared his life from until her death in , lost first her sight and then her sanity in the s.

His own death in Madrid in August evoked national mourning. He claimed to have written an average of 20 sheets a day throughout his life and left untouched scarcely a vein of writing then current. The titles are known of plays and 44 autos, and the texts survive of and 42, respectively. The earliest firm date for a play written by Vega is His 18 months in Valencia in —90, during which he was writing for a living, seem to have been decisive in shaping his vocation and his talent.

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In the formation of the comedia this proved another decisive factor on which Vega fastened instinctively. It was at this point that Vega picked up the inheritance and, by sheer force of creative genius and fertility of invention, gave the comedia its basic formula and raised it to a peak of splendour. The comedia was essentially, therefore, a social drama, ringing a thousand changes on the accepted foundations of society: It followed that this was a drama less of character than of action and intrigue that rarely, if ever, grasped the true essence of tragedy.

Traditionally his plays have been grouped as religious, mythological, classical, historical foreign and national , pastoral, chivalric, fantastic, and of contemporary manners. In essence the categories come down to two, both Spanish in setting: The conception of the crown as fount of justice and bulwark of the humble against oppression inspires some of his finest plays. In Fuente Ovejuna the entire village assumes responsibility before the king for the slaying of its overlord and wins his exoneration.

This experiment in mass psychology, the best known outside Spain of all his plays, evoked a particular response from audiences in tsarist Russia. His first acts are commonly his best, with the third a hasty cutting of knots or tying up of loose ends that takes scant account both of probability and of psychology.

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There was, too, a limit to his inventiveness in the recurrence of basic themes and situations, particularly in his cloak and sword plays. Much of this vast output has withered, but its variety remains impressive. Vega wrote pastoral romances, verse histories of recent events, verse biographies of Spanish saints, long epic poems and burlesques upon such works, and prose tales, imitating or adapting works by Ariosto and Cervantes in the process. His lyric compositions—ballads, elegies, epistles, sonnets there are 1, of these —are myriad.

The treatise provides a clear picture of the principles and conventions of a drama entitled to be called national in its close identification with the social values and emotional responses of the age.

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We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind. Your contribution may be further edited by our staff, and its publication is subject to our final approval. His great talent bore him to the school of poet and musician Vicente Espinel in Madrid, to whom he later always referred with veneration. In his fourteenth year he continued his studies in the Colegio Imperial , a Jesuit school in Madrid, from which he absconded to take part in a military expedition in Portugal. Following graduation Lope had planned to follow in his patron's footsteps and join the priesthood, but those plans were dashed by falling in love and realizing that celibacy was not for him.

Thus he failed to attain a bachelor's degree and made what living he could as a secretary to aristocrats or by writing plays. Following this he returned to Madrid and began his career as a playwright in earnest.

When, after some five years of this torrid affair, Elena spurned Lope in favor of another suitor, his vitriolic attacks on her and her family landed him in jail for libel and, ultimately, earned him the punishment of eight years' banishment from the court and two years' internal exile from Castile.

He went into exile undaunted, taking with him the year-old Isabel de Alderete y Urbina, known in his poems by the anagram "Belisa," the daughter of Philip II's court painter, Diego de Urbina. The two married under pressure from her family on 10 May Just a few weeks later, on the 29th of May, Lope signed up for another tour of duty with the Spanish Navy: It is likely that his military enlistment was the condition required by Isabel's family, eager to be rid of such an ill presentable son-in-law, to forgive him for carrying her away.

Lope's luck again served him well, however, and his ship, the San Juan , was one of the vessels to make it home to Spanish harbors in the aftermath of that failed expedition. Back in Spain by December , he settled in the city of Valencia. With them he refined his approach to theatrical writing by violating the unity of action and weaving two plots together in a single play, a technique known as imbroglio.

In this later appointment he became gentleman of the bedchamber to the ducal court of the House of Alba , where he lived from to Here he read the work of Juan del Encina , from whom he improved the character of the donaire , perfecting still further his dramatic formula.

In the fall of , Isabel de Urbina died of postpartum complications.

It was around this time that Lope wrote his pastoral novel La Arcadia , which included many poems and was based on the Duke's household in Alba de Tormes. In , following Isabel's death in childbirth, he left the Duke's service and — eight years having passed — returned to Madrid. There were other love affairs and other scandals: In he married Juana de Guardo, the daughter of a wealthy butcher. Nevertheless, his trysts with others — including Micaela — continued.

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  6. The 17th century were the years when Lope's literary output reached its peak. From he was also employed as a secretary, but not without various additional duties, by the Duke of Sessa. Once that decade was over, however, his personal situation took a turn for the worse. His writing in the early s also assumed heavier religious influences and, in , he joined the priesthood. The most notable and lasting of Lope's relationships was with Marta de Nevares, who met him in and would remain with him until her death in Further tragedies followed in with the loss of Lope, his son by Micaela and a worthy poet in his own right, in a shipwreck off the coast of Venezuela , and the abduction and subsequent abandonment of his beloved youngest daughter Antonia.

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    Lope de Vega took to his bed and died of scarlet fever , in Madrid, on 27 August of that year. Lope's nondramatic works were collected and published in Spain in the eighteenth century under the title Obras Sueltas Madrid, 21 vols. The more important elements of this collection include the following:.

    His poems of moorish and pastoral themes were extremely popular in the s and s, and in these he portrayed elements of his own love affairs appearing as a moor called Zaide or a shepherd called Belardo. In , his religious sonnets appeared in a book entitled Rimas sacras , which was another bestseller.