
Linux : Sécuriser un réseau (Cahiers de lAdmin) (French Edition)

The former NSA contractor's leaks have altered the U. Six months later, he reflects.

Vulnérabilités Informationnelles

He checked the reply against his watch and described a place to meet. Edward Joseph Snowden emerged at the appointed hour, alone, blending into a light crowd of locals and tourists. He cocked his arm for a handshake, then turned his shoulder to indicate a path. Before long he had guided his visitor to a secure space out of public view. During more than 14 hours of interviews, the first he has conducted in person since arriving here in June, Snowden did not part the curtains or step outside.

The FISA court elected me when they decided to legislate from the bench on things that were far beyond the mandate of what that court was ever intended to do. The system failed comprehensively, and each level of oversight, each level of responsibility that should have addressed this, abdicated their responsibility. Voici ce qu'il avait fait: Il est en revanche un concept de droit que tout le monde semble oublier aujourd'hui: The records feed a vast database that stores information about the locations of at least hundreds of millions of devices, according to the officials and the documents, which were provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

New projects created to analyze that data have provided the intelligence community with what amounts to a mass surveillance tool. The American surveillance agency targeted six unnamed "radicalisers", none of whom is alleged to have been involved in terror plots. One document argues that if the vulnerabilities they are accused of were to be exposed, this could lead to their devotion to the jihadist cause being brought into question, with a corresponding loss of authority.

As an example of vulnerabilities, it lists: A management presentation dating from explains how the NSA collects information worldwide. In addition, the presentation shows that the intelligence service uses 'Computer Network Exploitation' CNE in more than 50, locations. CNE is the secret infiltration of computer systems achieved by installing malware, malicious software. One example of this type of hacking was discovered in September at the Belgium telecom provider Belgacom. For a number of years the British intelligence service - GCHQ - has been installing this malicious software in the Belgacom network in order to tap their customers' telephone and data traffic.

Public sources show that this department employs more than a thousand hackers. In these articles The Washington Post reported that the NSA installed an estimated 20, 'implants' as early as These articles were based on a secret budget report of the American intelligence services. By mid this number had more than doubled to 50,, as is shown in the presentation NRC Handelsblad laid eyes on. Computer hacks are relatively inexpensive and provide the NSA with opportunities to obtain information that they otherwise would not have access to.

The malware installed in these countries can remain active for years without being detected. The 'implants' act as digital 'sleeper cells' that can be activated with a single push of a button. According to the Washington Post, the NSA has been carrying out this type of cyber operation since La NSA a les mains libres, en somme. Que fait alors Mattzie? Et finalement, ce qui doit arriver arrive: Pour mettre en oeuvre une solution DLP il ne faut pas se contenter d'une approche technique.

Nouveau scandale en vue pour la NSA. Linux Torvalds during a question-and-answer The circumstance must induce a reflection in all those experts that believe open source software is the unique possible reply to elude surveillance programs such as PRISM and BullRun. Torvalds, considered the father of Linux kernel, attended the Linuxcon conference in New Orleans today with other top Linux developers, he replied to question on his OS, Microsoft, and other issues related to the events occurred in the last months.

Un peu de background. La personne A dispose d'une adresse chez Gmail, la personne B utilise un autre fournisseur. Eh oui, en , les nouvelles guerres se font sur le web.

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Pourquoi les Etats ont besoin des hackers? Cyberattaques, cybercrimes, logiciels malveillants La raison en est double: Artmotion, Switzerland's biggest offshore hosting company, has leased an additional m2 of hosting space to double its capacity. It has a data center in Zurich that is backed up by a second underground facility, both using servers from HP.

11 11 2018 14:45:49

The stringent laws which govern Swiss banks are derivative of the nation's approach to privacy, and now the country is fast becoming the ideal location for storing data too, says Mateo Meier, director at Artmotion. This procedure applies to all countries requesting any information from a Swiss data center and unlike in the EU there is no special law for the US. The private hosting companies in Switzerland are seeing huge growth as the country is outside of the EU so it is not bound by pan-European agreements to share data with other member states, or worse, the US.

As a result Artmotion has seen a 45 per cent growth in revenue amid this new demand for heightened privacy, says Meier. Un total de Pour deux excellentes raisons: Barack Obama a menti. It covers nearly 30 years until Learn more about the data. Why is the ICIJ making this information public?

On dit que c'est le mensonge d'un homme, mais des Cahuzac, il y en a d'autres. Ce projet a pour nom "technocratique", plate-forme nationale d'interception judiciaires PNIJ. Entre et , les sites de Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! In , CIA analyst David Stein cracked three of the sculpture's four coded messages after spending hours diddling over the problem with paper and pencil during many lunch breaks. Though many people, on and off the CIA campus in Langley, Virginia, had tried to break the character coded puzzle, Stein, a member of the agency's Directorate of Intelligence, was the first to succeed.

Only his CIA colleagues knew about his achievement at the time, however, because he wasn't allowed to go public with the news. A year later, California computer scientist Jim Gillogly stole the spotlight when he announced that he'd cracked the same three messages, only he used a Pentium II to do it. CIA analyst David Stein was the first to crack three of the four encoded passages in the Kryptos sculpture.

The suspenseful page tale, which appeared in the CIA's classified journal Studies in Intelligence, is one of perseverance and pluck, not unlike the epic story of Captain Ahab pursuing Moby Dick Stein himself references the literary tale in his entertaining piece. Ils s'en seraient notamment servis pour couvrir l'affaire de "la baleine de Londres".

So to assist them, the National Security Agency produced a book to help its spies uncover intelligence hiding on the web. The page tome, called Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research. The book was published by the Center for Digital Content of the National Security Agency, and is filled with advice for using search engines, the Internet Archive and other online tools. But the most interesting is the chapter titled "Google Hacking. What do you do? Search for confidential Excel spreadsheets the company inadvertently posted online by typing "filetype: Want to find spreadsheets full of passwords in Russia?

Ces erreurs auraient du attirer l'attention, au lieu de faire plonger la bourse. Some their work was benign. The crowd-sourced investigation almost immediately turned up a high-resolution photograph of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the seconds after the blast. The picture, taken on a iPhone by a runner who had just completed the marathon, was of much better quality than anything released by authorities. Users of the website Reddit also quickly identified the distinctive black Bridgestone Golf hat worn by Tamerlan Tsarnaev as he wove through the crowds of happy marathon watchers.

But the internet detectives also showed none of the reserve or caution of the professionals. Tens of thousands of Twitter users crowded onto the Boston Police Department scanner early on Friday morning as reports of a shoot-out were emerging from Watertown. They frantically tweeted everything coming over the crackly line, often mishearing or failing to understand the context as police screamed for back up.

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  • Cette loi ne devrait concerner que les citoyens utilisateurs d'internet. Elle aime taper sur Google son nom de famille. En tout cas, le directeur hospitalier tente de la rassurer en lui disant que tout cela "n'est pas normal". D'autant, explique Sandra, que "je pouvais modifier ou supprimer des dossiers". Analyse d'un risque insuffisamment pris en compte dans les projets de cloud.

    Say it with silence. A new technique can embed secret data during a phone call on Skype. So his team's SkypeHide system lets users hide extra, non-chat messages during a call. Rather than send no data between spoken words, Skype sends bit-long data packets instead of the bit ones that carry speech. The team hijacks these silence packets, injecting encrypted message data into some of them. The Skype receiver simply ignores the secret-message data, but it can nevertheless be decoded at the other end, the team has found.

    They found they could transmit secret text, audio or video during Skype calls at a rate of almost 1 kilobit per second alongside phone calls. Par exemple quand une personne postule pour certains emplois publics ou sensibles. Suffisant pour convaincre les entreprises? La France, contre toute attente, n'y participe pas. Et il y a de quoi: Le courriel a pour objet "Dossier EV Unige". Nous vous conseillons de l'installer si vous utilisez Java. Les organisations ne peuvent plus ignorer ce brulant sujet. Et multiplier les interrogations.

    Le coup de sang de Serge Raffy. A priori, ils ont raison. On les appelle les "nettoyeurs". Ils sont tout autant veilleurs, arrangeurs et maquilleurs d'image. Maitres en art de paraitre sur le Net. Le nettoyeur type est un geek converti au conseil, un jeune communicant rompu aux nouvelles technologies. Elles craignent de plus en plus les crises virales: Parce que l'un vient de l'informatique et du hacking et l'autre du journalisme. Microsoft estime le risque faible et vient seulement de publier un patch. Directeur commercial chez LBI, Jean Wintzer sait cependant que l'espionnage industriel n'est pas un fantasme: Nos clients ont des droits, mais ils pourront comprendre uniquement certaines notions techniques.

    Un rapport est attendu d'ici la fin du mois. The researchers conducted a survey of popular sites, looking at how each one placed various kinds of cookies, including HTTP and Flash cookies and whether the sites would re-spawn cookies after they were deleted by a user. What they found is that many sites placed more than different cookies, and that most of those cookies were placed by third parties.

    Most interestingly, they discovered that 17 of the sites they crawled employed HTML5 local storage cookies, and that in several cases the value of the normal HTTP cookie and the HTML5 locally stored object was the same. Twitter, the New York Times and Hulu were among the sites where that was the case, the researchers said.

    HTTP cookies expire by default, and in order to make them persistent, developers must use a complex syntax and constantly update the expiration date. HTML5 data are persistent until affirmatively deleted by a web site or user. Storage size is important too. The researchers found that Hulu. They used Firefox 5 running on two PCs running virtualized Linux to do the research. Autant dire, un poste sensible. Mais de fait, l'hebdomadaire se fournissait surtout chez M. Mulcaire qu'il payait 10 livres par an: L'humour ne leur suffit plus.

    Twitter avec des liens courts de Bit. Selon nos informations, la France accuse un grand retard dans la modernisation des outils d'investigation sur Internet. La principale raison en est le cout: Au premier temps de cette valse, voici le temps des paranos. La paranoia, qui voisine souvent avec l'arrogance, aveugle et rend sourd. La CNIL vous explique comment les faire disparaitre. En pratique, un moteur de recherche est un robot qui balaie et "indexe" tous les contenus qu'il trouve sur internet.

    Les apparitions publiques de M. I won't carry a cell phone," says Stallman, founder of the free software movement and creator of the GNU operating system. Cell phones are tools of Big Brother. I'm not going to carry a tracking device that records where I go all the time, and I'm not going to carry a surveillance device that can be turned on to eavesdrop.

    And when he talks about "free," he's not talking about the price of the software -- he's talking about the ability to use, modify and distribute software however you wish. Stallman founded the free software movement in the early- to mids with the creation of the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation, of which he is still president. When I asked Stallman to list some of the successes of the free software movement, the first thing that came up was Android -- not Google's version of Android, but rather a third-party version of the mobile OS in which all proprietary software has been stripped out see also: Mais qui sont ces hackers?

    Et pourquoi ces attaques informatiques visaient-elles des documents sur le G20?

    Liberate the French Debian Handbook

    More than 50 applications in the Android Market were found to contain a program called DroidDream, which is capable of stealing information about a mobile device and, more dangerously, downloading other malicious applications to the phone. About a day after the vulnerabilities have been fixed, users will receive a second e-mail. Phones running Android versions below 2. The issues are fixed in the latest 2.

    The company was tipped off to the situation last week by a Reddit user going by the name of Lompolo. Lookout posted a deeper analysis of DroidDream on its blog on Sunday, revealing more alarming details of the application. DroidDream is coded to only operate from 11 p. That information was sent to a remote service located in Fremont, California, according to Lookout.

    Pourtant, le site Owni. But some simple software lets just about anyone sitting next to you at your local coffee shop watch you browse the Web and even assume your identity online. But a free program called Firesheep, released in October, has made it simple to see what other users of an unsecured Wi-Fi network are doing and then log on as them at the sites they visited. Without issuing any warnings of the possible threat, Web site administrators have since been scrambling to provide added protections. Firesheep grabs that cookie, allowing nosy or malicious users to, in essence, be you on the site and have full access to your account.

    More than a million people have downloaded the program in the last three months including this reporter, who is not exactly a computer genius. And it is easy to use. Elle a du rester en ligne une quinzaine de minutes! Le feuilleton de l'espionnage industriel qui secoue le groupe Renault entre aujourd'hui dans une phase juridico-politique.

    This surveillance, which includes the monitoring of the Internet as well as private nongovernmental computers, is proceeding with the proposal or passage of new laws granting government agencies increasingly wider latitude in their monitoring activities. At the same time, private companies and even some schools are engaging in surveillance activities that further diminish personal privacy.

    Un keylogger qui a permis au "curieux" dirigeant de tout connaitre sur les petits secrets de la dame. Officially, the panel is called the WikiLeaks Task Force. But at CIA headquarters, it's mainly known by its all-too-apt acronym: The irreverence is perhaps understandable for an agency that has been relatively unscathed by WikiLeaks.

    Only a handful of CIA files have surfaced on the WikiLeaks Web site, and records from other agencies posted online reveal remarkably little about CIA employees or operations. Even so, CIA officials said the agency is conducting an extensive inventory of the classified information, which is routinely distributed on a dozen or more networks that connect agency employees around the world. And the task force is focused on the immediate impact of the most recently released files. One issue is whether the agency's ability to recruit informants could be damaged by declining confidence in the U.

    La pratique des faux entretiens d'embauche est-elle courante? Plusieurs types de faux entretiens sont possibles. Certaines se font aussi passer pour un cabinet de chasse et louent, pour passer les entretiens, un bureau dans un quartier d'affaires. C'est un jeu d'enfants. Cette extension du risque peut avoir plusieurs explications. Un audit du code est en cours. Et le citoyen n'y pourra pas grand-chose. The unending cyber assault executed last week by a group of anonymous "hacktivists" instilled fear and loathing in the hearts of network administrators at some of the world's most powerful governments and corporations.

    It was unprecedented in its scope-attracting thousands of amateur users willing to do battle in the name of free speech on the web. But amongst the real hackers out there is a feeling of indifference. These "script kiddies"-as those using software to attack Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal are being called-weren't the cyber warriors the media set them out to be, but amateur, talentless teens launching assaults with the click of a mouse.

    The New York Times 8. Department of Defense 4. Robert Tappan Morris Vs. Hace poco participo como panelista en una charla sobre 'hackers', en Nueva York. Sabado 11 Diciembre Cuando Adrian Lamo empezaba a ser un hacker conocido, en agosto de , la cadena NBC lo invito a grabar un segmento para su noticiero nocturno. El presentador que lo entrevistaba lo reto a que ingresara al sistema informatico de ese medio, aunque nunca penso que lo lograria.

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    Did she really just say that? There is a set of scenarios I have seen acted out in CSM courses that goes something like this: A template for the sprint review —. Conducting an interesting and engaging end-of-sprint review is an often overlooked art: Not only do we want to show what we have built during the last sprint and collect feedback and good ideas for…. The Scrum Master as a Manager. The role of a Scrum Master is one of many stances and diversity. A great Scrum Master is aware of them and knows when and how to apply them, depending on situation and context.

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