Glieseian Zombies! (Clairvoyant Yarn Book 10)
Unfinished to Chapter 12 tale of the unknown history of Gaylette and Quelala. It's been fifteen years as of this writing, the author has not proceeded beyond the 12th chapter, and the links are dead. These private printings, produced in Ada, Oklahoma, were part of a 10 or 11 manuscript series written between and and were never meant for public distribution. The forerunner to these volumes the sixth or seventh is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche entitled, The Adventures of a Mustard Jar with no Oz material. There is a follow-up to Autocrats in Oz , however, the title is uncertain.
The author may one day choose to revise these publications and make them available to the public. This version of Kaliko is portrayed as villainous and unafraid of Ozma, contrary to how he is generally portrayed. Also, Polychrome is said to be one of thirty-tree sky fairies. One of the earliest pastiches, MacNeil's story details the adventures of the titular terrapin and his friend Rick from the Outside Word as they search Oz and Ev for five enchanted figurines that the Wicked Witch of the East had long ago transformed from Traleewu's friends.
The origin story of the silver shoes spun by the singing spiders for Traleewu and their recovery is at variance with other accounts such as The Silver Shoes of Oz and The Witch Queen of Oz. Also, the means by which Traleewu and the young protagonist get to Oz is highly suspect. The date of this story and composition is uncertain but must be after the close of the FF. Captain Carrot is, however, too cartoonish to be taken seriously.
The metaphysical elements are present here, but are somewhat muted and more subtle than in his previous work. Straightforward and fun adventure story until about halfway through when the narrative gets overtaken by in-jokes, anachronisms and inconsistencies.
Dorothy, meanwhile, is abducted by a Dust Devil named Psychlapp, who changes his mind, so they wander about and join the circus. Meanwhile, the Cranky Crocodile takes a cactus from the Palace, which turns into a walking Ruggedo-cactus. Due to some nebulous threat of the Deadly Desert a plot thread that goes nowhere , Ruggedo decides that a king must be involved, and imagines his name might be Onyx.
For some unknown reason, they go in search of him. Then they encounter Nospmoths, who are named after Oz authors spelled backwards. In the end, everyone gets to the Emerald City at the exact same moment and Ruggedo decides if he can't have his Magic Belt, then he'd rather be a non-sentient cactus. Unfortunately, this story that has no comprehensible plot, rhyme, or reason.
A shipwrecked Viking ends up with the Sea Fairies in This early Buckethead title was intended for educational purposes, and has a good deal of interesting historical information on Norsemen, but it contains countless puns and cartoonish elements. The story follows the chronology established by Ray Powell in his book, Mr. Trilogy about the flying monkeys. Flint in Oz and The Wiz Kids of Oz series , the series turns cartoonish about halfway through the second book when Diamond Ann, Queen of the Flying Monkeys, is revealed to be on the planet Noilloub bouillon spelled backwards in the distant future.
Fantastic adventure of Gayelette and her impetuous attempt to become Good Witch of the North. This tale of the disenchantment of Oz continues a storyline set up in The Marvelous Monkeys of Oz and includes an event from the spurious Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz , although it is not necessary to have read either to enjoy Xiques' spirited tale. Book 2 , but by having Gayelette come to the Emerald City to meet Ozma for the first time, it contradicts The Winged Monkeys of Oz , in which Gayelette comes to the Emerald City to meet Ozma for the first time and is revealed to be Glinda's mother.
For the plot synopsis and continuity discrepancies, go here. This is a much more juvenile story than the latter two had been, and starts the trend of sillier and underdeveloped stories in Buckethead Enterprises titles. Despite this, it could theoretically fit on the Mainline Timeline. Illustrated by Marcus Mebes. Written in ; Buckethead Enterprises of Oz Note: That, however, does not mean that Mys-Trees or Skeeziqes don't exist.
Book 3 , it is clear they do, even if the stories in this anthology are not. Rambunctious tale that follows the chronologies of Acinad Goes to the Emerald City of Oz and The Magic Diamond of Oz , and includes a time travel scenario where the characters meet up with all the witches in Oz back when they were teenagers learning magic in the same classroom together!
Kaliko in Oz K. When Kaliko is convinced by his chamberlain to conquer a city, he chooses the nearby Jewel City, but once they invade the nomes are all turned into diamonds, and he stays out of the city. Kaliko stumps his toe on a diamond, and puts it in his pocked. He then meets Eggy McShell from Dumptyville, who was exiled because he keeps falling off the wall, wanting a rhyme made for him like it was for Humpty years earlier.
Deciding to ask Ozma for help, Kaliko then wishes to be in Oz, and they appear there. Suddenly a tiger attacks, but they're rescued by a girl named Squazma of Squash. The tiger was put there by the Wicked Witch of the West to guard the 36 people who make up smallest kingdom in Oz because they refused to be slaves. When the tiger returns, they jump into a tree, but Eggy falls and Kaliko catches him, giving him 24 hours before he disintegrates. They head to see the Tin Woodman, who agrees to accompany them to the Emerald City. Glinda, however, confirms that she made it and sold it to Roquat.
Kaliko, meanwhile, turns to dust, but when Eggy cries over it, he reconstitutes back to life. Bel-Sor-T, meanwhile, whisks Ozma and her friends to a cavern under her city, where she threatens to turn them all to jewels, but the Belt is suddenly gone, wished away by another wish by Kaliko. Kaliko is afraid to use the Belt, so the next morning he wishes them all back without having to use the Belt. Ozma thanks Kaliko but wonders how he managed it. Before she can retaliate, Ozma wishes all of her magic to the bottom of the Nonestic. She warns Kaliko not to start any more wars, and restores the nomes, reduces the tiger to a cat, and frees Squash.
After Scraps composes a rhyme for Eggy, he goes home with Kaliko, terrifying the chamberlain. The events and characters of this story are intentionally silly and somewhat unharmonious with events on the Mainline Timeline , e. For those who accept this story in their own personal canon, there was a retcon published to fix the discrepancy between the origin of the Magic Belt. It is here published in full: The two Ozzy books Kaliko in Oz and Time Traveling in Oz give histories of the creation of the Magic Belt, one of the most famous magic items in all Oz, if not the most famous.
The two explanations are very different and at first glance appear to be contradictory. Chris Dulabone issued an essay contest to resolve this apparent contradiction. Below is the winning essay. The fact that I was the only one to enter the contest should not detract from my brilliant reasoning and flawless logic: Evidence in Time Travelling in Oz: Glinda's Great Book of Records says that Hitveoehun presented the Belt to Roquat and that upon destruction, the Belt returned to Hitveoehun as the first person to touch it once it became magical. Evidence in Kaliko in Oz: The problem here is that both of their claims are supported by Glinda's Great Book of Records, surely the most accurate and highly recognized source of information in the known Universe.
However, since so many things happen in the world every day, the Great Book can at best only be very brief and sometimes there is more to the story. Here is my probable scenario. Roquat commissions Hitveoehun, as the greatest Nome Magician, to make a magical belt for him which will do all kinds of wonderful things. Hitveoehun does not quite have enough power to make the belt just right for Roquat's desires, so he enlists the aid of Bel-Sor-T. Bel-Sor-T inlays the belt with several of her magical jewels, giving the belt much more potential power. The belt has an enormous amount of potential power, so the Great Book now mentions it as a Magic Belt.
Once the jewels were in place, Hitveoehun was able to use their latent power to give the final enchantments to the belt. Hitveoehun then presents the Magic Belt to Roquat. Both claims by the magic workers are validated, although neither one spoke the complete truth, and both entries in the Great Book are also seen as truthful descriptions. The important thing in analyzing this is to make sure that the Great Book does not say something false. It may not tell the entire truth and cannot report peoples intents and thoughts at the time, but the Great Book cannot tell an outright lie for any reason.
The Fairy Circle of Oz: Nice crossover tale of Perry Mason defending Ozma against the charge of practicing witchcraft in Oz. Zixi and some of the residents of the Lunechien Forest go on an adventure to save Oz. Lurline and Santa play important roles as well. Narrative incorporates textual histories of Acinad Series detailing the controversial subject of Ozma growing up and getting married. Conceived around the same time as Dave Hardenbrook's trilogy below.
The third book remains unpublished. Building on the format of Skeezik and the Mys-Tree of Oz and the Magic Tapestry of Oz , this story continues the adventures of the Skeeziques and features several short stories within the framework of the main story. Building on the format of Skeezik and the Mys-Tree of Oz and the Magic Tapestry of Oz , this story features several short stories within the framework of the main story.
Another rollicking Gannaway adventure that builds on the events composed by Ray Powell in his novel, Mr. Short novel about the marriage of the Scarecrow to Scraps, the Patchwork Girl. No evidence outside of this book seems to indicate that this event actually ever occurred, although, as with all entries, fans may choose to include this story as an event that occurs in their personal view of Oz.
There is some difficulty in dating this story the date given is an estimate. The first is "The Scarecrow's Appreciation Day. An offbeat and interesting narrative mark this tale of a young and kind vampire born in and her misadventures through the years and finally into Oz. Illustrated by Marcus D. Kaliko is revealed to have been the bad guy all along, which stands in contrast to much of what's been written of his character in numerous stories.
Do it for Oz Chris Dulabone. Mayhem in Munchkinland and Oz: A Gathering of Heroes and Oz: Each of the three now-evil kings goes off to stake claim to a large territory in Oz, while the Nome King makes Ozma and Dorothy his prisoners. This book was intended as the basis for a screenplay for a possible trilogy of films. It is essentially an alternate universe from the Oz comics, as an older Dorothy features as the main character. When Lorabie, a strange woman who designates herself a wicked witch, attempts to thwart the building of Santa's new toy workshop in Oz, it's up to Dorothy, the Wizard, Em, Henry, Ozma and friends to investigate.
However, as that was written in see that entry below , the internal chronological dates, which are based on the '95 date, are difficult to reconcile. Although a fan of the series, the author ignores continuity in order to put forward certain ideas, for example, he determines that transportation from Oz to Outside World and vice versa is impossible since Glinda made Oz invisible in The Emerald City of Oz.
Given the arrival of numerous visitors since that time, clearly that's not the case, but the author wishes to introduce his Klein Bottle as the sole solution. When the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Wogglebug and others met American citizens in in the earlier Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz newspaper strips and book , it was stretching credibility. Well-written tale about a young girl and her uncle who via a computer game are transported into Oz for the anniversary celebration of Dorothy's first trip to Oz. Ruggedo, the Nome King is inadvertently transformed from cactus-form from Handy Mandy in Oz into himself and plots revenge.
At this time in mainline Oz history, however, Ruggedo is already disenchanted and redeemed see Dr. Angelina Bean in Oz. The Red Gorilla of Oz: New Adventures in Oz: Book One Richard Capwell. Illustrated by Richard Capwell Self-published Note: Well-written adventure, though several continuity issues are difficult to reconcile with other stories, e. The Kalidahs end up in an isolated island away from Oz. The author's history of Dr.
Pipt is well-told, and includes decades of imprisonment by the Wicked Witch of the East, who forced him to make batches of the Powder of Life which he claims she used to keep herself alive , while he grew old and crooked. Freed by Nimmie Aimee, he fled to the Gillikin country where he discovered Nikidik's house and the skeleton of Nikidik. Given that Nikidik is alive and well, this is another element that places this story in a different Oz. Santa Claus in Oz Richard Capwell. Sequel to The Red Gorilla of Oz. Well executed endeavor to clear up the above mystery. Narrative includes Boz from Mr.
Tale of Cynthia Cynch, the wife of the Tin Woodman. Well-written online story in which the author openly acknowledges only taking Baum's books into account. One of Glinda's maids accidentally rewrites Oz's history when she changes one letter in the Great Book of Records. The history as presented in these stories Glinda's past, Lurline's enchantment, Ruggedo's history, etc.
The sequel, Ruggedo in Oz , however, appears on the Mainline Timeline. Leslie Isabelle Frank Available online Note: A rough draft in later chapters merely an outline of this story is available online here. The author may conclude this at a later time. After Toto goes missing, a search-party heads out to find him, only to discover that a mysterious villain from the past Mooj, but due to copyright restrictions, Joom has set in motion a plan to take over Oz.
- Better Eyesight Magazine -Year 1926, January-December by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Natural Vision Improvement).
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Although revised in and , the original story was completed in , therefore, it must take place prior to that time, which Button-Bright's and Dorothy's immature characterizations would imply. Yet, the book's internal dates consistently reflect the later dating. Additionally, the story notes that Hess' earlier work Christmas in Oz took place a few years earlier in The conclusion also sees Ozma uncharacteristically dealing with the titular cats in Oz.
Locasta and the Three Adepts Dave Hardenbrook. Controversial trilogy about Dan, an average young computer aficionado from the US, and a grown up Ozma who decides it is time to marry. Several other interesting theories are postulated in this volume by the founder of Nonestica formerly the Ozzy Digest , a public online e-group about all things Oz.
Chapter One of this volume takes place in prior to Kabumpo in Oz. Conway as Ilnaras Fanfiction. Conway has also written a slash-fic story called " Passion in Oz " featuring the protagonists of this story and Charles Phipps' The Wooing of Ozma. Sequel to The Unknown Witches of Oz. Even more distressing to Jellia, Ozma has set out to enforce the law by preventing her cousin Gyma from opening a school of sorcery in the neighboring Land of Op. Accompanying Ozma on her quest is King Evardo of Ev, with whom she is contemplating a political and loveless union.
Glinda has gone, taking with her all of the magical creatures. The people left behind have been working to rebuild their country with little magic to aid them. Now the Guild of Alchemists are performing illegal experiments, the nobles of Oz are plotting against the Queen, and there are rumors that ancient enemies are returning. Only the Wizard has the wisdom to foresee the coming dangers, but does he have the power to stop it? Standing against the coming dark are a teenage spy, a cynical police detective, and an absent-minded inventor.
Each of them has unique skills and knowledge that might be able to save all of Oz from a terrible plot to destroy the Queen, or it might just get them all killed. Short story that shows how Polychrome accidentally caused the Silver Shoes to become the Ruby Slippers. Sequel to the above story in which the Wicked Witch of the West kidnaps Dorothy after years.
Wright AuthorHouse Note: Titular characters find themselves helping a cat and princess through the environs of Oz. Story could be accepted in the context of the Oz books, but for the characterization and description of the Scarecrow who retains the vestige of his gift and memory from the MGM film. Well-written novels in which Baum had been a secret agent who reported the true story of Dorothy and Oz to the world, up to and including the sixth book The Emerald City of Oz , after which Baum made up the rest.
These two books have been collected into a slightly edited single volume. Glinda is also a teenager in this series. When Dorothy asks Ugu the Shoemaker to make a pair of Emerald Slippers for Princess Ozma's birthday, more than a couple of witches and wizards take note and do their best to steal them for their own Evil means. Can Pacifico, the bare-foot cobbler's apprentice save the day in time for Her Majesty's grand birthday celebration?
And will the Queen of the Field Mice come to the rescue? Illustrated by Gwendoline Tennille Adams E. And Whether Pigs Have Wings: Book II of the "Of Cabbages Illustrated by Gwendoline Tennille Self-published Note: Trilogy that once again crosses Oz with Wonderland. At Coci's Press Note: The Evil Emerald Village of Oz: Illustrated by Dennis Anfuso E.
The ghost of Mombi creates the titular village. A collection of short stories about the various animals of Oz, all of whom have a fine tail to tell. These stories will delight and amuse all fans of the Land of Oz, young and old alike. More Tails of Oz James C. Spoor Mirabilis Press Note: Well-written adult fantasy novel in which Ugu and Mrs.
Yoop team up and succeed in overthrowing the Emerald City, destroying Glinda's palace and burning the forest of the Lavender Bear. With the help of the Pink Bear, Polychrome hears a prophecy of restoring Oz and heads to the mortal world to secure that help from a mortal named Erik. The narrative takes the view that Baum's earlier works were more historically accurate than his later ones, and discounts anything beyond Baum. Fifteen authors contribute to this expansion of the unfinished Baum chapter "An Oz Story," which has fun with alternate universes, time-travel and crossovers with Volkov's Magic Land and Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.
Roger Baum leads off fifteen chapters by Marcus Mebes, S. A good romp, but the last chapter presents some anomalies, creating a paradox by setting it in the present day despite the fact that Baum or his son wrote the opening chapter the very basis for the story in the early part of the 20th century. This potential historicity of this story is currently under investigation. Prince Drake Victoire of the Gliese planetary system, and company, crash land in the Land of Oz while trying to get to a Halloween Picnic down on Earth.
The Royal Cruiser is badly damaged upon impact in the blue Munchkin Country, and the Glieseians are in severe need of titanium to fix the ship Will Drake truly understand what being a royal means? Does his new friend, Ojo, have anything to teach him? Will entering Monkey Forest honestly solve everyone's problems? When will Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter, ever not dance too close to the edge of the rainbow causing her to constantly fall to Oz? The Arrival James Krych Deviantart.
Since in Oz age is what you decide, Dorothy and Trot are in their late teens with Trot being "18", Dorothy being 19 and Ozma being "23". Picture it as Romantic Friendship taken to an Nth degree. Fun three-parter that tells a tale from the future of Oz. Can take place in the future of the mainline timeline or in a parallel Oz, as the reader sees fit.
Ozyta, the grandchild of Dorothy and Ozma, finds a portal under head leading her to Oz, which she alone can save. The Making of Oz Kochua Fanfiction. Winnie a Fairy Doctor in-training is tranported to the world of Oz before it became anything remotely similar to what it it now.
With the help of a clever cat named Binx and a few sprites Winnie builds the world that will be known as Oz. For the first Halloween in Oz, an evil sorceress named Lucifilla summons shadows to overthrow Ozma. It's up to Professor Woggle-bug to save the day. At a carnival-like festival, the Wizard tells Ozma her fortune. But, is the fortune the usual silliness found at carnivals, or is it something meant to be taken seriously?
Witches Before Dorothy M. Before Dorothy came to Oz, a lot happened. My take on the witches' backgrounds. Includes some adult themes. Dorothy's long lost cousin finds his way to Oz and with his charming ways, wins over everyone's heart, Ozma's more so than others. But after a mysterious string of robberies, and a grand tour coming up, charming becomes suspicious. Very short origin story of the Hammerheads seems unlikely. Faces of Oz John W. Back to the Drawing Board. Glegg the Wizard W.
By Tyler Jones - Circa early August Mixed Magic Makes Misery: The Horrid Hags of Oz. Chris Alexander Illustrated by John. Pre-Wizard to Post-Wizard's Arrival. The Hidden History of Oz. The Orphan Sorceress of Oz. CreateSpace ; Emerald Engine Dark Dreams of Oz. Tabby Abacus and the Dangerbread House. An Omby Amby Adventure. Candor Bandersnatch and the Secret Gate of Oogaboo.
Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage. Yellow Brick Road Press. Lionsgate Films; Disney Channel. The Silver Tower of Oz. The Dark Witch of Oz. Part One of the Oz Chronicles. Kristopher Michalsky Igor Ching-San. How the Wizard Came to Oz. The Birthday Ban in Munchkin Land. Dev Ross Illustrated by David Hohn. Think About Your Troubles.
Toto's Tale and the True Chronicle of Oz. The Royal Historian of Oz. Chapman Brown Books The Oz Gazette , Vol. The Secret of Tik-Tok's Origins. Santa's First Trip to the Land of Oz. The Lost Emeralds of Oz. Otto Illustrated by Derek Sullivan. Written prior to ; Buckethead Enterprises of Oz The Forest Monster of Oz. Written in ; Buckethead Enterprises of Oz The Magic Topaz of Oz. From Brown to Gold and Back. Kimberly Doyle Illustrated by Maria Brown. Ozma and the Wayward Wand. Polly Berends Illustrated by David Rose.
It also takes place while Dorothy's in Kansas, but notes that she was last in Oz in Ozma of Oz , which concludes with Dorothy in Australia, and Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz has her returning from there. Jeff Barstock Illustrated by Christopher Sterling. The Proud Witch of Oz. The Scarecrow and the Mirror. The Colorful Kitten of Oz. Chris Dulabone Illustrated by Melody Grandy. The Merchant of Oz. Rob Zombie in Oz. A Kiss is Still a Kiss.
Vanitas Press , Vanitas Press , , A Traditional Tale of Oz. The Talking City of Oz. The World's More Full of Weeping. The Wizard in Wonderland. Dorothy Through the Looking Glass. The Wonderful Alice of Oz. Ian Fink Illustrated by Robin Olderman. Key to the Heart. What's On the Other Side. Kim McFarland as Negaduck. Oziana ; Fanfiction. The Emerald Enchantress of Oz. Peter Schulenburg Illustrated by Matt Collander. The Romance of the Silver Shoes. The Emerald Ring of Oz.
Jeremy Steadman Illustrated by Chris Dulabone. Buckethead Enterprises of Oz Jeremy Steadman Illustrated by Susan R. The Wizard Stands Accused in Oz. The Dinamonster of Oz. Rocket Trip to Oz. The Lost Coal Mine to Oz. Written in ; Fuller Publishing Todd, The Royal Dentist of Oz. Reading Help in Oz. The Mischievous Children of Oz. Privately printed ; Fuller Publishing originally published in five individual volumes in ; published as a single volume in The Nutcrackers of Oz.
The Raggedys in Oz first printing. Ray Powell Illustrated by Marcus Mebes. Written in ; Palo Verde Emeralds Mister Flint in Oz. Grandpa Max and the boys take another magical trip into one of the best loved classics of all time. The second edition of this book published by the renewed Vanitas Press and found on the Mainline Timeline removed Percy's death sentence and presents a more continuity-friendly fate for the Nome King. This book also injects politics that mock counterculture ideals while endorsing labor violence.
The action purportedly takes place in Click the name above to read synopsis and continuity notes. After accidentally coming to Oz, Qwerty from the typewriter's first six keys ponders whether or not to stay. The story indicates that Jenny Jump has left Oz and that the Wizard restored her personality. It also indicates that she'll die if she remains outside Oz, though as a half-fairy, this seems unlikely.
In other tales, Jenny Jump is still very much alive and well and living in Oz. Unfinished to Chapter 12 tale of the unknown history of Gaylette and Quelala. It's been fifteen years as of this writing, the author has not proceeded beyond the 12th chapter, and the links are dead.
These private printings, produced in Ada, Oklahoma, were part of a 10 or 11 manuscript series written between and and were never meant for public distribution. The forerunner to these volumes the sixth or seventh is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche entitled, The Adventures of a Mustard Jar with no Oz material. There is a follow-up to Autocrats in Oz , however, the title is uncertain. The author may one day choose to revise these publications and make them available to the public.
This version of Kaliko is portrayed as villainous and unafraid of Ozma, contrary to how he is generally portrayed. Also, Polychrome is said to be one of thirty-tree sky fairies. One of the earliest pastiches, MacNeil's story details the adventures of the titular terrapin and his friend Rick from the Outside Word as they search Oz and Ev for five enchanted figurines that the Wicked Witch of the East had long ago transformed from Traleewu's friends.
The origin story of the silver shoes spun by the singing spiders for Traleewu and their recovery is at variance with other accounts such as The Silver Shoes of Oz and The Witch Queen of Oz. Also, the means by which Traleewu and the young protagonist get to Oz is highly suspect. The date of this story and composition is uncertain but must be after the close of the FF.
Captain Carrot is, however, too cartoonish to be taken seriously. The metaphysical elements are present here, but are somewhat muted and more subtle than in his previous work. Straightforward and fun adventure story until about halfway through when the narrative gets overtaken by in-jokes, anachronisms and inconsistencies.
Dorothy, meanwhile, is abducted by a Dust Devil named Psychlapp, who changes his mind, so they wander about and join the circus. Meanwhile, the Cranky Crocodile takes a cactus from the Palace, which turns into a walking Ruggedo-cactus. Due to some nebulous threat of the Deadly Desert a plot thread that goes nowhere , Ruggedo decides that a king must be involved, and imagines his name might be Onyx. For some unknown reason, they go in search of him.
Then they encounter Nospmoths, who are named after Oz authors spelled backwards. In the end, everyone gets to the Emerald City at the exact same moment and Ruggedo decides if he can't have his Magic Belt, then he'd rather be a non-sentient cactus. Unfortunately, this story that has no comprehensible plot, rhyme, or reason. A shipwrecked Viking ends up with the Sea Fairies in This early Buckethead title was intended for educational purposes, and has a good deal of interesting historical information on Norsemen, but it contains countless puns and cartoonish elements.
The story follows the chronology established by Ray Powell in his book, Mr. Trilogy about the flying monkeys. Flint in Oz and The Wiz Kids of Oz series , the series turns cartoonish about halfway through the second book when Diamond Ann, Queen of the Flying Monkeys, is revealed to be on the planet Noilloub bouillon spelled backwards in the distant future.
Fantastic adventure of Gayelette and her impetuous attempt to become Good Witch of the North. This tale of the disenchantment of Oz continues a storyline set up in The Marvelous Monkeys of Oz and includes an event from the spurious Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz , although it is not necessary to have read either to enjoy Xiques' spirited tale.
Book 2 , but by having Gayelette come to the Emerald City to meet Ozma for the first time, it contradicts The Winged Monkeys of Oz , in which Gayelette comes to the Emerald City to meet Ozma for the first time and is revealed to be Glinda's mother. For the plot synopsis and continuity discrepancies, go here. This is a much more juvenile story than the latter two had been, and starts the trend of sillier and underdeveloped stories in Buckethead Enterprises titles. Despite this, it could theoretically fit on the Mainline Timeline.
Illustrated by Marcus Mebes. Written in ; Buckethead Enterprises of Oz Note: That, however, does not mean that Mys-Trees or Skeeziqes don't exist.
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Book 3 , it is clear they do, even if the stories in this anthology are not. Rambunctious tale that follows the chronologies of Acinad Goes to the Emerald City of Oz and The Magic Diamond of Oz , and includes a time travel scenario where the characters meet up with all the witches in Oz back when they were teenagers learning magic in the same classroom together!
Kaliko in Oz K. When Kaliko is convinced by his chamberlain to conquer a city, he chooses the nearby Jewel City, but once they invade the nomes are all turned into diamonds, and he stays out of the city. Kaliko stumps his toe on a diamond, and puts it in his pocked. He then meets Eggy McShell from Dumptyville, who was exiled because he keeps falling off the wall, wanting a rhyme made for him like it was for Humpty years earlier. Deciding to ask Ozma for help, Kaliko then wishes to be in Oz, and they appear there.
Suddenly a tiger attacks, but they're rescued by a girl named Squazma of Squash. The tiger was put there by the Wicked Witch of the West to guard the 36 people who make up smallest kingdom in Oz because they refused to be slaves. When the tiger returns, they jump into a tree, but Eggy falls and Kaliko catches him, giving him 24 hours before he disintegrates. They head to see the Tin Woodman, who agrees to accompany them to the Emerald City. Glinda, however, confirms that she made it and sold it to Roquat.
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Kaliko, meanwhile, turns to dust, but when Eggy cries over it, he reconstitutes back to life. Bel-Sor-T, meanwhile, whisks Ozma and her friends to a cavern under her city, where she threatens to turn them all to jewels, but the Belt is suddenly gone, wished away by another wish by Kaliko. Kaliko is afraid to use the Belt, so the next morning he wishes them all back without having to use the Belt. Ozma thanks Kaliko but wonders how he managed it. Before she can retaliate, Ozma wishes all of her magic to the bottom of the Nonestic. She warns Kaliko not to start any more wars, and restores the nomes, reduces the tiger to a cat, and frees Squash.
After Scraps composes a rhyme for Eggy, he goes home with Kaliko, terrifying the chamberlain. The events and characters of this story are intentionally silly and somewhat unharmonious with events on the Mainline Timeline , e. For those who accept this story in their own personal canon, there was a retcon published to fix the discrepancy between the origin of the Magic Belt.
It is here published in full: The two Ozzy books Kaliko in Oz and Time Traveling in Oz give histories of the creation of the Magic Belt, one of the most famous magic items in all Oz, if not the most famous. The two explanations are very different and at first glance appear to be contradictory. Chris Dulabone issued an essay contest to resolve this apparent contradiction.
Below is the winning essay. The fact that I was the only one to enter the contest should not detract from my brilliant reasoning and flawless logic: Evidence in Time Travelling in Oz: Glinda's Great Book of Records says that Hitveoehun presented the Belt to Roquat and that upon destruction, the Belt returned to Hitveoehun as the first person to touch it once it became magical. Evidence in Kaliko in Oz: The problem here is that both of their claims are supported by Glinda's Great Book of Records, surely the most accurate and highly recognized source of information in the known Universe.
However, since so many things happen in the world every day, the Great Book can at best only be very brief and sometimes there is more to the story.
Clairvoyant Yarn
Here is my probable scenario. Roquat commissions Hitveoehun, as the greatest Nome Magician, to make a magical belt for him which will do all kinds of wonderful things. Hitveoehun does not quite have enough power to make the belt just right for Roquat's desires, so he enlists the aid of Bel-Sor-T.

Bel-Sor-T inlays the belt with several of her magical jewels, giving the belt much more potential power. The belt has an enormous amount of potential power, so the Great Book now mentions it as a Magic Belt. Once the jewels were in place, Hitveoehun was able to use their latent power to give the final enchantments to the belt. Hitveoehun then presents the Magic Belt to Roquat. Both claims by the magic workers are validated, although neither one spoke the complete truth, and both entries in the Great Book are also seen as truthful descriptions. The important thing in analyzing this is to make sure that the Great Book does not say something false.
It may not tell the entire truth and cannot report peoples intents and thoughts at the time, but the Great Book cannot tell an outright lie for any reason.
The Fairy Circle of Oz: Nice crossover tale of Perry Mason defending Ozma against the charge of practicing witchcraft in Oz. Zixi and some of the residents of the Lunechien Forest go on an adventure to save Oz. Lurline and Santa play important roles as well. Narrative incorporates textual histories of Acinad Series detailing the controversial subject of Ozma growing up and getting married.
Conceived around the same time as Dave Hardenbrook's trilogy below. The third book remains unpublished. Building on the format of Skeezik and the Mys-Tree of Oz and the Magic Tapestry of Oz , this story continues the adventures of the Skeeziques and features several short stories within the framework of the main story. Building on the format of Skeezik and the Mys-Tree of Oz and the Magic Tapestry of Oz , this story features several short stories within the framework of the main story.
Another rollicking Gannaway adventure that builds on the events composed by Ray Powell in his novel, Mr. Short novel about the marriage of the Scarecrow to Scraps, the Patchwork Girl. No evidence outside of this book seems to indicate that this event actually ever occurred, although, as with all entries, fans may choose to include this story as an event that occurs in their personal view of Oz.
There is some difficulty in dating this story the date given is an estimate. The first is "The Scarecrow's Appreciation Day. An offbeat and interesting narrative mark this tale of a young and kind vampire born in and her misadventures through the years and finally into Oz. Illustrated by Marcus D. Kaliko is revealed to have been the bad guy all along, which stands in contrast to much of what's been written of his character in numerous stories. Do it for Oz Chris Dulabone. Mayhem in Munchkinland and Oz: A Gathering of Heroes and Oz: Each of the three now-evil kings goes off to stake claim to a large territory in Oz, while the Nome King makes Ozma and Dorothy his prisoners.
This book was intended as the basis for a screenplay for a possible trilogy of films.
Parallel Histories of Oz
It is essentially an alternate universe from the Oz comics, as an older Dorothy features as the main character. When Lorabie, a strange woman who designates herself a wicked witch, attempts to thwart the building of Santa's new toy workshop in Oz, it's up to Dorothy, the Wizard, Em, Henry, Ozma and friends to investigate. However, as that was written in see that entry below , the internal chronological dates, which are based on the '95 date, are difficult to reconcile.
Although a fan of the series, the author ignores continuity in order to put forward certain ideas, for example, he determines that transportation from Oz to Outside World and vice versa is impossible since Glinda made Oz invisible in The Emerald City of Oz. Given the arrival of numerous visitors since that time, clearly that's not the case, but the author wishes to introduce his Klein Bottle as the sole solution.
When the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Wogglebug and others met American citizens in in the earlier Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz newspaper strips and book , it was stretching credibility. Well-written tale about a young girl and her uncle who via a computer game are transported into Oz for the anniversary celebration of Dorothy's first trip to Oz. Ruggedo, the Nome King is inadvertently transformed from cactus-form from Handy Mandy in Oz into himself and plots revenge.
At this time in mainline Oz history, however, Ruggedo is already disenchanted and redeemed see Dr. Angelina Bean in Oz. The Red Gorilla of Oz: New Adventures in Oz: Book One Richard Capwell. Illustrated by Richard Capwell Self-published Note: Well-written adventure, though several continuity issues are difficult to reconcile with other stories, e.
The Kalidahs end up in an isolated island away from Oz. The author's history of Dr. Pipt is well-told, and includes decades of imprisonment by the Wicked Witch of the East, who forced him to make batches of the Powder of Life which he claims she used to keep herself alive , while he grew old and crooked. Freed by Nimmie Aimee, he fled to the Gillikin country where he discovered Nikidik's house and the skeleton of Nikidik. Given that Nikidik is alive and well, this is another element that places this story in a different Oz.
Santa Claus in Oz Richard Capwell. Sequel to The Red Gorilla of Oz. Well executed endeavor to clear up the above mystery. Narrative includes Boz from Mr. Tale of Cynthia Cynch, the wife of the Tin Woodman. Well-written online story in which the author openly acknowledges only taking Baum's books into account. One of Glinda's maids accidentally rewrites Oz's history when she changes one letter in the Great Book of Records.
The history as presented in these stories Glinda's past, Lurline's enchantment, Ruggedo's history, etc. The sequel, Ruggedo in Oz , however, appears on the Mainline Timeline. Leslie Isabelle Frank Available online Note: A rough draft in later chapters merely an outline of this story is available online here. The author may conclude this at a later time.
After Toto goes missing, a search-party heads out to find him, only to discover that a mysterious villain from the past Mooj, but due to copyright restrictions, Joom has set in motion a plan to take over Oz. Although revised in and , the original story was completed in , therefore, it must take place prior to that time, which Button-Bright's and Dorothy's immature characterizations would imply. Yet, the book's internal dates consistently reflect the later dating.
Additionally, the story notes that Hess' earlier work Christmas in Oz took place a few years earlier in The conclusion also sees Ozma uncharacteristically dealing with the titular cats in Oz. Locasta and the Three Adepts Dave Hardenbrook. Controversial trilogy about Dan, an average young computer aficionado from the US, and a grown up Ozma who decides it is time to marry. Several other interesting theories are postulated in this volume by the founder of Nonestica formerly the Ozzy Digest , a public online e-group about all things Oz.
Chapter One of this volume takes place in prior to Kabumpo in Oz. Conway as Ilnaras Fanfiction. Conway has also written a slash-fic story called " Passion in Oz " featuring the protagonists of this story and Charles Phipps' The Wooing of Ozma. Sequel to The Unknown Witches of Oz. Even more distressing to Jellia, Ozma has set out to enforce the law by preventing her cousin Gyma from opening a school of sorcery in the neighboring Land of Op.
Accompanying Ozma on her quest is King Evardo of Ev, with whom she is contemplating a political and loveless union. Glinda has gone, taking with her all of the magical creatures. The people left behind have been working to rebuild their country with little magic to aid them. Now the Guild of Alchemists are performing illegal experiments, the nobles of Oz are plotting against the Queen, and there are rumors that ancient enemies are returning.
Only the Wizard has the wisdom to foresee the coming dangers, but does he have the power to stop it? Standing against the coming dark are a teenage spy, a cynical police detective, and an absent-minded inventor. Each of them has unique skills and knowledge that might be able to save all of Oz from a terrible plot to destroy the Queen, or it might just get them all killed. Short story that shows how Polychrome accidentally caused the Silver Shoes to become the Ruby Slippers. Sequel to the above story in which the Wicked Witch of the West kidnaps Dorothy after years.
Wright AuthorHouse Note: Titular characters find themselves helping a cat and princess through the environs of Oz. Story could be accepted in the context of the Oz books, but for the characterization and description of the Scarecrow who retains the vestige of his gift and memory from the MGM film. Well-written novels in which Baum had been a secret agent who reported the true story of Dorothy and Oz to the world, up to and including the sixth book The Emerald City of Oz , after which Baum made up the rest.
These two books have been collected into a slightly edited single volume. Glinda is also a teenager in this series. When Dorothy asks Ugu the Shoemaker to make a pair of Emerald Slippers for Princess Ozma's birthday, more than a couple of witches and wizards take note and do their best to steal them for their own Evil means.
Can Pacifico, the bare-foot cobbler's apprentice save the day in time for Her Majesty's grand birthday celebration? And will the Queen of the Field Mice come to the rescue? Illustrated by Gwendoline Tennille Adams E. And Whether Pigs Have Wings: Book II of the "Of Cabbages Illustrated by Gwendoline Tennille Self-published Note: Trilogy that once again crosses Oz with Wonderland.
At Coci's Press Note: The Evil Emerald Village of Oz: Illustrated by Dennis Anfuso E. The ghost of Mombi creates the titular village. A collection of short stories about the various animals of Oz, all of whom have a fine tail to tell. These stories will delight and amuse all fans of the Land of Oz, young and old alike. More Tails of Oz James C. Spoor Mirabilis Press Note: Well-written adult fantasy novel in which Ugu and Mrs.
Yoop team up and succeed in overthrowing the Emerald City, destroying Glinda's palace and burning the forest of the Lavender Bear. With the help of the Pink Bear, Polychrome hears a prophecy of restoring Oz and heads to the mortal world to secure that help from a mortal named Erik. The narrative takes the view that Baum's earlier works were more historically accurate than his later ones, and discounts anything beyond Baum.
Fifteen authors contribute to this expansion of the unfinished Baum chapter "An Oz Story," which has fun with alternate universes, time-travel and crossovers with Volkov's Magic Land and Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Roger Baum leads off fifteen chapters by Marcus Mebes, S. A good romp, but the last chapter presents some anomalies, creating a paradox by setting it in the present day despite the fact that Baum or his son wrote the opening chapter the very basis for the story in the early part of the 20th century.
This potential historicity of this story is currently under investigation. Prince Drake Victoire of the Gliese planetary system, and company, crash land in the Land of Oz while trying to get to a Halloween Picnic down on Earth. The Royal Cruiser is badly damaged upon impact in the blue Munchkin Country, and the Glieseians are in severe need of titanium to fix the ship Will Drake truly understand what being a royal means?
Does his new friend, Ojo, have anything to teach him? Will entering Monkey Forest honestly solve everyone's problems? When will Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter, ever not dance too close to the edge of the rainbow causing her to constantly fall to Oz? The Arrival James Krych Deviantart.
Since in Oz age is what you decide, Dorothy and Trot are in their late teens with Trot being "18", Dorothy being 19 and Ozma being "23". Picture it as Romantic Friendship taken to an Nth degree. Fun three-parter that tells a tale from the future of Oz. Can take place in the future of the mainline timeline or in a parallel Oz, as the reader sees fit. Ozyta, the grandchild of Dorothy and Ozma, finds a portal under head leading her to Oz, which she alone can save.
The Making of Oz Kochua Fanfiction. Winnie a Fairy Doctor in-training is tranported to the world of Oz before it became anything remotely similar to what it it now. With the help of a clever cat named Binx and a few sprites Winnie builds the world that will be known as Oz. For the first Halloween in Oz, an evil sorceress named Lucifilla summons shadows to overthrow Ozma.
It's up to Professor Woggle-bug to save the day. At a carnival-like festival, the Wizard tells Ozma her fortune. But, is the fortune the usual silliness found at carnivals, or is it something meant to be taken seriously? Witches Before Dorothy M. Before Dorothy came to Oz, a lot happened. My take on the witches' backgrounds. Includes some adult themes. Dorothy's long lost cousin finds his way to Oz and with his charming ways, wins over everyone's heart, Ozma's more so than others.
But after a mysterious string of robberies, and a grand tour coming up, charming becomes suspicious. Very short origin story of the Hammerheads seems unlikely. Faces of Oz John W. Back to the Drawing Board. Glegg the Wizard W. By Tyler Jones - Circa early August Mixed Magic Makes Misery: The Horrid Hags of Oz. Chris Alexander Illustrated by John. Pre-Wizard to Post-Wizard's Arrival.
The Hidden History of Oz. The Orphan Sorceress of Oz.
Understand Righteous Aesthetics
CreateSpace ; Emerald Engine Dark Dreams of Oz. Tabby Abacus and the Dangerbread House. An Omby Amby Adventure. Candor Bandersnatch and the Secret Gate of Oogaboo. Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage. Yellow Brick Road Press. Lionsgate Films; Disney Channel. The Silver Tower of Oz. The Dark Witch of Oz. Part One of the Oz Chronicles. Kristopher Michalsky Igor Ching-San. How the Wizard Came to Oz. The Birthday Ban in Munchkin Land. Dev Ross Illustrated by David Hohn.
Think About Your Troubles. Toto's Tale and the True Chronicle of Oz. The Royal Historian of Oz. Chapman Brown Books The Oz Gazette , Vol. The Secret of Tik-Tok's Origins. Santa's First Trip to the Land of Oz. The Lost Emeralds of Oz. Otto Illustrated by Derek Sullivan. Written prior to ; Buckethead Enterprises of Oz The Forest Monster of Oz. Written in ; Buckethead Enterprises of Oz The Magic Topaz of Oz. From Brown to Gold and Back. Kimberly Doyle Illustrated by Maria Brown.
Ozma and the Wayward Wand. Polly Berends Illustrated by David Rose. It also takes place while Dorothy's in Kansas, but notes that she was last in Oz in Ozma of Oz , which concludes with Dorothy in Australia, and Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz has her returning from there. Jeff Barstock Illustrated by Christopher Sterling. The Proud Witch of Oz. The Scarecrow and the Mirror. The Colorful Kitten of Oz.
Chris Dulabone Illustrated by Melody Grandy. The Merchant of Oz. Rob Zombie in Oz. A Kiss is Still a Kiss. Vanitas Press , Vanitas Press , , A Traditional Tale of Oz. The Talking City of Oz. The World's More Full of Weeping. The Wizard in Wonderland. Dorothy Through the Looking Glass. The Wonderful Alice of Oz. Ian Fink Illustrated by Robin Olderman.
Key to the Heart. What's On the Other Side. Kim McFarland as Negaduck. Oziana ; Fanfiction. The Emerald Enchantress of Oz. Peter Schulenburg Illustrated by Matt Collander. The Romance of the Silver Shoes. The Emerald Ring of Oz. Jeremy Steadman Illustrated by Chris Dulabone. Buckethead Enterprises of Oz Jeremy Steadman Illustrated by Susan R. The Wizard Stands Accused in Oz. The Dinamonster of Oz.
Rocket Trip to Oz. The Lost Coal Mine to Oz. Written in ; Fuller Publishing