Giving up the Dead
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Until the Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead
Try it free for 30 days. Revelation 19 Revelation Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. Try it for 30 days FREE. I really really liked the first three books in the series, this one is a complete letdown. The sea warfare action is bland and uninteresting and the new love interest, argh!!!!
The romantic sub plot of the first three books was psychologically credible and had a wonderful Jane Austen-esque authentic period feel, the romance here is at the level of the worst kind of fanfiction or a cheap neckbiter Banging the Highlander adventure novel. It is so annoying, contrived and clicheed that I was happy whe I really really liked the first three books in the series, this one is a complete letdown.
Just to get rid of her asap. Really a pity that a very promising series at the same entertainment level as the Alan Lewrie series nosedives and now seems to be ended with THIS piece of literary manure.

This is very much a book of two halves for me. The early part - the love aspect - is not, in my opinion, particular good or gripping. I just found myself getting increasingly frustrated with Hayden for being led by his willy and with the author for not really living in the real world. On the otherhand the later part - the more naval focussed - was exceptionally well written and I found the chase scene at the end of the book particularly gripping.
Having now read four books by Sean Thomas Russell This is very much a book of two halves for me. Having now read four books by Sean Thomas Russell in this series, what do I think? May 28, John rated it liked it. I have to believe the author has given up this series given the time since this last installment, and perhaps rightfully so. After a stellar beginning with the first two books, the latter two seem to be on a downward trajectory, as the author putrefied his work with attempted romances.
Unfortunate, because he is very talented at writing the stuff for which we read books like this- naval adventure and intrigue, both on sea and land. But the bizarreness and unbelievability of the romance angle in this book is just too much dead weight for the story to take off with. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Not really very well written at all - but I persevered with it because I do love a historical British maritime novel.
The best part were the scenes at sea without the silly love interest. And having a woman disguised as a man aboard a ship at sea in those close quarters! I was pleased to see the love interest was conveniently killed off at the end of the novel. All the reviews say the first 3 books in the series were significantly better, so I'll give them a try.
Feb 04, Adrienne Anila rated it really liked it. I like that out bold captain can display weakness. And our author has the good sense to leave the future open to future endeavors. Definitely not my favorite Hayden book to date though. Seemed a bit reaching for plot. If you've slowly come to exhaust Napoleonic era naval fiction, definitely worth a read!
A good read that respects accuracy in the details A good story well written. The ship scenes were accurate. The middle of the story slowed a bit, but a good read. The book is recommended. Sep 19, John rated it it was ok. I enjoyed the first two books, but unfortunately it's been downhill since then as far as I'm concerned. The ending of this drawn out story was just too predictable. This could almost have been written by a different author. May 17, Audreyg rated it liked it. Not as good as his others, but still quite enjoyable. It's good to be able to get rid of inconvenient women by having them die of a dread disease Jan 27, Nat Bond rated it it was amazing.
Exciting ,romantic and sad! Mar 04, Brett Thomasson rated it it was ok Shelves: Some historians make the case that the war between England and France that finally ended Napoleon's reign was the actual First World War, with combat and conflict in nearly every corner of the globe before it was over.
Revelation KJV - And the sea gave up the dead which were - Bible Gateway
One area of operations was the Caribbean, where French economic interests ran parallel to Spanish -- making the job of an English sea captain no easy task, since he had to sort French enemy from Spanish neutral, and he could never be certain if Spain was still an ally. Into this tu Some historians make the case that the war between England and France that finally ended Napoleon's reign was the actual First World War, with combat and conflict in nearly every corner of the globe before it was over.
Hayden has survived incompetent and vengeful superiors and the prejudice aimed at him for having a French mother to command the Themis. Ordered to act against England's enemies in the Caribbean both private and national, he finds himself the rescuer of two Spanish nationals who will complicate things immeasurably for him. Every publisher would like to lay hands on the "next Patrick O'Brian" to draw in fans of nautical and historical fiction, and the first three books of the Hayden series showed significant promise from Russell. He's an experienced historical fiction writer and seemed to have something of a hand for tales of seagoing adventure.
Until is a major stumble, though. The sea battles and period detail are pressed into the service of a soap-opera plot and ludicrously contrived romance whose finish is visible from the moment the principals are introduced.
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It remains to be seen if there is a fifth volume of Hayden adventures and if it can bounce back from this low point. Russell writes other fiction as well and hasn't ever brought the Hayden books out annually, so as of now it's all a waiting game. Thomas Russell demonstrates that he is a worthy successor to Alexander Kent's "Bolitho" novels and C. Forrester's "Hornblower" novels and stories.
There's no fascinating diversions into music and natural history, nor the warm bonds of friendship that existed between Aubrey and Maturin; instead we are introduced to a very good, quite noble, captain, Charles Hayden, who tends to keep his own private counsel, even as he solicits advice from the ship's doctor, Dr.
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Griffiths, and especially, Marine Lieutenant Hawthorne, the commander of the ship's marines. Russell does a marvelous job in creating memorable "lower deck" characters like the steadfast Lieutenant Archer, the first lieutenant executive officer of Hayden's ship, the thirty-six gun frigate HMS Themis, and the young Midshipman Lord Arthur Wickham, who demonstrates more than once, his capacity for making quick, sound decisions, as a potential future Royal Navy post captain. However, he does strain my credulity in presenting secondary characters who seem well versed in Shakespeare and Homer, presenting their interests as though they were important, even as their interests aren't really necessary for the plot; unlike, for example, Maturin's keen interest in natural history, which often becomes an important plot element in O'Brian's novels.
They rescue en route, two young Spanish noblemen in a ship's boat, the sole survivors of an unexpected tragedy at sea, the sinking of the Spanish frigate carrying them across the Atlantic Ocean. However, all isn't quite as it seems with both Spanish aristocrats, and their presence aboard Themis renders daily shipboard life far more interesting than either Hayden or his crew ever expected.
Once in Barbados, Haydn and his crew soon serve under the command of the egotistical Captain Sir William James, who leads them on a perilous mission to a French island that yields ample bloodshed and misery for HMS Themis and her crew. Russell excels in offering readers almost cinematic depictions of savagely contested sea battles, especially during the boarding of enemy warships. But he falls short of O'Brian in the quality of his prose, and in offering a tale that seems like a second-rate version of O'Brian's "The Far Side of the World".
However, those who crave good to excellent naval fiction written by Forrester and Kent will find much to commend in "Until the Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead", and, moreover, may view it as an epic tale written by someone whom they may regard as the next Patrick O'Brian. Apr 10, Wes Reib rated it it was ok. First of all reviewers should quit drawing comparisons with this author and far better writers in this genre.
Russell's work comes nowhere close to that of O'Brien. He's okay; let's leave it at that. Character development is sorely lacking after the first book in the series. We're reminded how compassionate and sensitive Hayden is, but this attitude doesn't create conflict nor provide any additional insight into the character. Chapter One essentially a prologue serves no purpose other than so First of all reviewers should quit drawing comparisons with this author and far better writers in this genre. Chapter One essentially a prologue serves no purpose other than so the characters can gush at each other, and ought to have been deleted.
The dialoguing is deficient. Characters speak out of character or unnecessarily or because the author wishes to relay a particular fact or impression that should have been transmitted a better way. Characters prose on unnecessarily about the evils of slavery for instance. You've made your obvious point, so move on! Sometimes rarely characters use 18th century speech, though most times stick with 21st.
The plotting lacks imaginationthe rescue sequence alone is novel in how complicated and lengthy it turned out to be. How's this for coincidence: She just happens to fall head over heels in love with our Captain. Furthermore the romance is stilted, rushed and predictable besides far fetched.
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She's a minor, Hayden, and she's obviously infatuated. How do you even know her love is real? Why don't you give the relationship some time? In this situation Hayden thinks with neither his heart nor his mind, he simply reacts. Nor does the author give Hayden the opportunity for sober reflection, as he the author is fixed in his plotting. This is the major failing in this work.
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Hayden is always reactive, never proactive. He is led by the nose throughout by events or the author. The splitting of perspective, repeating time, accomplishes nothing worthwhile. None of the greats in this genre do this, and for good reason. There has to be a better reason than simply to view an action from two different perspectives unless you're padding your book with extra pages on purpose. The other characters are nothing much and far less than they could be. Something might have been made of Captain William Jones for instance. He's exactly what we're told he is.
What he does and how he reacts is exactly what a vainglorious person does. Let's know more about this guy instead of repeating events to no good purpose. I like this series, but I always avoid paying full price for the books.
There's enough good stuff to encourage one to continue reading. The author just needs to put more thought into his work. Nov 13, Tex Reader rated it really liked it Shelves: Rescuers spent two hours freeing the mummified body with icepicks and their bare hands, also recovering a silver wristwatch and a ring. A helicopter flew the remains to Bern, where forensics experts matched the DNA to that of a German citizen, born in , who had gone missing on a hike in 11 August Both feet had become detached from the body, indicating the force of the fall.
The discovery comes less than a week after the bodies of a Swiss couple, missing for 75 years , were found in the Tsanfleuron glacier in the same canton. Marcelin and Francine Dumoulin had disappeared after going out to milk their cows in a meadow above Chandolin on 15 August Last Thursday, the remains of a person believed to have been killed in an Air India crash more than 50 years ago was also discovered in the French Alps, on Mount Blanc.
According to an investigation by Tagesanzeiger newspaper, eight of the 10 months in which the glaciers have lost the most in volume over the past century have been since