From Hobby to Obsession
From Hobby to Obsession - Darragh Macanthony - Google Книги
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From Hobby To Obsession, This Is CAtuned
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View More by This Author. Description This is the incredible story of fulfilling the ultimate dream of buying a football club stuck in the depths of League Two and turning it into the most entertaining football club in the country. Customer Reviews So much truth! Customer Ratings We have not received enough ratings to display an average for this book.
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More by Darragh MacAnthony. They are a great stocking stuffer, and a good gift to give.
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But by that time the selection will dwindle in stores or there will just be random models I have little or no interes in. Over the past month I have hoarded about 75 Miatas!
I bought 16 of them today alone. Probably should take a breather on that one. I used to get so angry at assholes that snatched up all the red Miatas so that all i could do is pay five fold for it on ebay. Only Wal-Mart is consistently charging 94 cents for both Hot Wheels and Matchbox which brings the total to roughly a dollar with tax.