Walking Tall: A Memoir About the Upside of Small and Other Stuff
That night I began outlining my first book, a memoir.
Four years and three months later, I published Walking Tall: Thanks to the concerted efforts of several friends, we held a well-attended book launch. Numero uno is my first Medium essay that readers really responded to.
“Walking Tall”
And the third captures my dry sense of humor quite well. You made me laugh, cry, given me food for thought, and given me reason to take a broader look at myself, the world, the people in it, and how we relate to one another.
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Please know that I adore, am envious of in a good way , and inspired by each and every one of you. The essay is unforgettable.
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If not, bookmark it. Matt solicited feedback from those of us in attendance.
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I grew up listening to gospel music, and have such an affinity for and appreciation of the genre. I cannot wait for the movie to come out. Clay is a gifted writer and has an amazing story to share.
I am so proud of him for taking the plunge into the waters of self-publishing. Clay is releasing his book Walking Tall: And in other news, I recently started writing for MadameNoire. I Lie for Money.
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Of Movies & Memoirs – Kimberly Shorter
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It's a Wonderful Lie. Rebel in High Heels. Fork on the Left, Knife in the Back. And Then I Danced. The Totally Sweet 90s. That's What Fashion Is. Don't Get Me Started. Good Things Happen Slowly. Worn in New York. Rock Hudson Erotic Fire.