Spank Me, Mr. Darcy
The title page credits both Jane Austen and Lissa Trevor as authors. Some were modified, but others were used word for word. Any fan of Pride and Prejudice will recognize the opening sentence: What can I say about the plot and characters?
P & P in the Playroom: SPANK ME, MR. DARCY.
This version follows the general outline of the original plot and the characters, for the most part, keep the same personalities. He is a dom after all. Bingley is also a dom. He is so easily led, I expected him to be a sub. Elizabeth still has the most character of all of the women and Jane is still a namby-pamby twit. Jane does have an interesting sex life though. My only issue with the book is it needs closer editing.
There was one entire scene in which I never did figure out what was going on. All in all, this was a fun read which immediately caused me to pull out some of my other BDSM books. Alright, I cant do this anymore.
Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting – Edmund Burke
This is at least the fourth attempt to mash-up Austen's masterpiece with bodice rippers that Ive read and I think its starting to affect my enjoyment of the original work. Whats interesting is that all four have failed in different ways. The first two seemed lost as to how to sexualize a book centered around the manners and strictures of polite society. As a result other than "heated" glances and elevated heart rates there wasnt any alteration, cept to the charac Alright, I cant do this anymore.
As a result other than "heated" glances and elevated heart rates there wasnt any alteration, cept to the character of Lydia. Lydia is clearly the go-to way to inject sex into the book.
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Its like some 18th century slut-shaming. The third version I read opted to get around the restrictions of the book by going all in on the insanity. As I remarked in its review, this was a book that in between bizarre sexual congresses had a throwaway subplot about Mary growing a beard and becoming a rabbi. The less said the better. This book dealt found that the easiest way to deal with the original text is to junk most of it. One hundred and eighty pages in we were at Rosings with the Collins; the book was finished by page Clearly I will accept a lot of massaging no pun intended of Austen's original work, but you cant just forgo the latter half of the book.
It was like the writer just got tired or up against the deadline and stopped. I confess, on that point I can sympathize. All the time spent in Netherfield's sex dungeon or on bejeweled butt-plugs really started to weigh down the story by the midpoint and while I could never approve scrapping the backhalf of the narrative, I was pretty desperate for the book to end. To some degree its a shame, I felt the original writing in this book was better than the others, at least in the beginning.
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- Kelly and Kim’s dueling review of Spank Me, Mr. Darcy by Lissa Trevor | Reading with Analysis.
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- Spank Me, Mr. Darcy;
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Still, as if it wasnt obvious already, I am clearly not the target audience for harlequin bodice rippers or 50 Shades of whateverthefuck. It was an interesting reading exercise but one that is definitely over. A copy of this book was provided to me by the author for an honest review at SeductiveMusings. There will be spoilers here. You have been warned. When this book was first described to me, I was all for reading it immediately.
Smashwords – Spank Me, Mr. Darcy – a book by Lissa Trevor & Jane Austen
Darcy with a paddle? If only the actual story had even partially lived up to my expectations. In hindsight, I realize I should have been more wary of the results, especially after having read Jane Eyre, Laid Bare last year. What offends me is when they do it so poorly. I especially dislike when major plot details of the original are significantly altered or removed entirely in the attempt to shoehorn ill-fitting new material.
And in their stead, we get numerous repetitive over-the-top sex scenes between secondary characters that add absolutely nothing to the story. I've even been known to buy a book on Amazon just because it has a one star review complaining about too many sex scenes. But when the first third of the book is nothing more than pages of secondary characters having kinky sex with each other Mrs. Bennet and Lady Lucas? If only there were more of them. You will hate it. Everyone else, read on This book is set in Regency, but with the alternate reality that sexual promiscuity is the norm.
Not only do ladies attend finishing school, they are also schooled in the arts of pleasure, particularly domination and submission. Servants really do have Masters and Mistresses. Good, because even though the book is not perfect She keeps the major players relatively in-character, especially Darcy, Lizzie, Bingley, Caroline and Charlotte.
Please remember, that the world in which they exist is one that accepts casual encounters as a norm and this book is a means of delivering quality erotica. Her erotic scenes are realistic and the vocabulary in them is not embarrassing, insulting or repetitive. You won't see the word "member" used dozens of times. She mixes the vocabulary up quite a bit and injects good Regency-style colloquial verbiage masterfully.
Then rub one out to "Spank Me, Mr. I really wanted to read one of these mash up type stories.
Pride and Prejudice is the story most modified in my searches. I think the author did an admirable job splicing erotica into the story with a nod to the original style of Jane Austen.
See a Problem?
On Austen trails across England, tourists can purchase Regency tea blends and handmade Fitzwilliam Darcy busts. While Lizzy admires the stately gardens, Darcy himself Colin Firth returns home suddenly. Overwhelmed by the summer heat, he strips to his undershirt and plunges into a nearby pond.
After his spontaneous swim, he encounters Lizzy. The scene was intended to be awkward, an embarrassed Mr. Darcy in a state of undress. It turned Jane Austen into a mainstream sex outlet. By my own estimate, there are probably a dozen people running around today who were conceived because of this scene.
Darcy with sex appeal also brought a tangible financial benefit. The infamous wet shirt spawned another infamous Jane Austen offshoot. Author Helen Fielding essentially kidnaps Mr. Darcy and forces him to be a human rights lawyer in modern London. Wickham is falsely accused of murder. Darcy must put aside their personal dislike of Wickham—and learn basic detective skills—to save him from the gallows.
High profile, high budget reincarnations of Jane Austen make the entire genre more palatable to consumers. And yes, there are enough Austen continuations to constitute a genre of their own. There are at least six manga versions of Austen novels, as well as three Bollywood movies: After finagling an invitation to the ball, Elizabeth Bennet is introduced to the powerful and prideful Mr. Darcy, while her sister Jane has captivated the new owner, Mr. Having contented herself with the pleasurable caresses of her best friend, Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth is intrigued with the sensuality she finds at Netherfield.
By the time she leaves Netherfield, Elizabeth will have become disenchanted with her childhood playmate and obsessed with Mr. Darcy, her Master, who has told her that she would be more marriageable as a Netherfield submissive than as a curious virgin.

Elizabeth holds on to her affront at his callous regard for her until Charlotte marries Mr. Collins and Jane is discarded by Mr. Unwilling to save herself for a man who'll make a good match and determined not to suffer Jane's heartbreak, when she meets Mr.