
Secrets For Slowing Down Aging

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Excess sugar, mainly glucose and fructose, like to team up with collagen and elastin, two skin protective proteins, and dehydrate them. This process is called advanced glycation end product, AGE for short. Due to glycation, your skin loses its elasticity and starts to look dull and less vibrant. Those individuals who have a history of high blood sugar levels or are pre-diabetic, tend to have far higher levels of sugar bound to protein in the skin and in turn, age faster.

Go Gluten-Free This is really for the same reason as above. Unfortunately, due to the hybridization of modern wheat, 2 slices of whole wheat bread can spike blood sugar levels more than 2 tablespoons of pure sugar can. So, you guessed it! Glycation occurs simply by eating glutinous grains and breads. Gluten has also been shown to affect mineral absorption and assimilation in the gut, leaching vital minerals and nutrients that help to support the health of our skin.

Going gluten free has its many benefits, however, the downfall lies in the many starches, fillers and added sugars in many gluten free brands. Be cautious when purchasing gluten free products and become a label detective.

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My suggestion is, opt for naturally gluten free foods, such as rice or quinoa or ditch the breads and pasta all together — and eat more veggies! Drink More Water Chronic dehydration is a common culprit of aging skin. From lubricating our joints to helping flush toxins from our body, water is important for so many reasons. Water helps to restore elasticity to the skin and hydrates us on a cellular level, which helps to plump up our skin and add a more youthful glow. As a general rule, approximately 2L of water a day is sufficient to help keep your youthful glow, support bowel health and assist in daily detoxification.

Reduce Stress Chronically high levels of cortisol, your stress hormone, leads to many harmful and potentially life-threatening diseases. From heart disease to asthma, diabetes, obesity and gastrointestinal problems, chronic stress is literally taking the years off your life and adding many wrinkles to your skin.

25 secret tips to stop the ageing process

High cortisol levels robs your body of essential minerals, such as vitamin B5, B6 and vitamin C, which are all important for immune health, stress reduction and for healthy glowing skin. Make it a point to reduce stress by practicing deep breathing exercises, meditating, attending a yoga class, taking a walk outside or enjoying a hot bath before bed. Even a quick 5-minute workout can give you that cathartic release you need.

It is vital to take time in your day for yourself, which in turn will lead to greater mental and emotional health and a more youthful glow. Load Up On Antioxidants We are exposed to numerous toxins and chemicals on a daily basis, all of which create free radical damage in our cells. Our own metabolic process can create free radical damage as well.

In order to combat free radical damage, we need antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene. These work to fight free radical damage, repair cells and stop the free radical cascade from affecting more cells and creating more damage. Vitamin C is critical for maintaining healthy and resilient skin. As we age, our skin loses more and more vitamin C, which can contribute to age spots and more wrinkles. Vitamin C helps with the formation of collagen, which helps to give your skin more elasticity. In fact, there are hundreds of antioxidants that help to prevent aging and cellular damage.

Eat More Protein Protein helps to slow insulin levels, which you want to keep in balance to avoid experiencing blood sugar highs and lows, weight gain and increase your risk of disease. Eating protein helps promotes stable blood sugar levels, which reduces stress on your body and keeps cortisol levels in check.

Protein is also essential for helping to repair tissue as well as construct new tissue. In fact, collagen, which is one of the most valuable proteins in our body, helps to strengthen our skin, hair and nails. With adequate protein intake, you will reduce sagging skin, prevent premature aging and support health overall. Lift More Weights From optimal hormonal balance, to strong and sexy lean muscles, weight lifting is essential for bone health and maintaining a healthy weight. For tighter and firmer skin, weight lifting is one of the best exercises I recommend.

The Secret to Slowing Down The Aging Process

Do you know that people with high skin calcium content experience less premature skin aging and less incidence of skin cancer? Topical calcium products provide anti-aging benefits and enhance skin cancer protection. Calcium is an extremely powerful tool for skin rejuvenation. Taking a daily supplement of vitamins especially E and C and antioxidants tablets can help a lot in creating that healthy and younger looking skin. Wrinkles are simply a crease in your skin and looking down causes wrinkles. Bring the screen up to eye level or lower your office chair so you are looking up, and yes keep those shoulders erect.

Now this is a no brainer. Exercise is a sure shot way to anti-aging. People that have sedentary lifestyles tend to age faster than active people. Research have proven that a 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day can go a long way in stopping that ageing process.

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  8. If the gym sounds too boring or intimidating, start with something light and slow. Go for a morning jog, learn swimming or do cycling. Soaking up the early sun not only livens up your mood but the fresh oxygen to your lungs will also make your stay young much longer. Frown lines and brow furrows don't just happen - you cause them by making repeated facial movements. All those ugly faces we make, whether it be from pain, struggle, frustration, or at others, another wrinkle must be dealt with.

    We have been hearing for a long time now how sunscreen protect us from cancer and painful sunburn. But, do you know that it aids in stopping that dreadful wrinkles too? A recent study done by American College of Physicians ACP finds that regular use of sunscreen protects against photoageing: If you don't take care of your teeth, they will rot and poison your body. Your eyes and your smile are the two features people see first. No matter what anti-aging products you use, if when you smile, black, missing or rotten teeth show and destroys the essence of your beautiful, youthful look.

    Meditation has proven to be one of the best anti-aging agent today. So meditate often and ask for mental peace because a peaceful life keeps the face wrinkle free and the body healthy. To fend off the hands of time, you should try to consume at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables each day two at every meal and two as snacks. Fruits and vegetables are gold mines of longevity-enhancing compounds called antioxidants; these include vitamins C and E and beta carotene.

    Antioxidants combat free radicals, oxygen fragments that attack and damage cell membranes, life-sustaining proteins and even our cells' genetic code, and in so doing bring about aging and disease. One of the most important habit that we should try to induce in our daily routine is exfoliate. Exfoliation is one of the best way to renew your skin.

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    Not only it removes dead skin, unclog pores, it also makes skin more receptive to moisturizer and improves the look and feel of your skin. However, one word of caution: It might leave your skin dry and you will end up losing the charm on your skin altogether. Pamper yourself by doing something only that matters to you. Get a spa or a full body massage to unwind and relax. Do something different for a change. Go for a short trip over the weekend.

    Remember these small pleasures of life can really illuminate an inner glow that will shine though and lift up every part of your body, Oh yes, that saggy skin too. Last but not the least.

    Explore Health

    Keep a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude towards life goes a long way in achieving mental peace and thereby keeping you stress free. There are millions of reasons not to do things. We have to get up each day and try again.

    The Secret To Slowing Down The Aging Process

    Stop and smell the roses. Be grateful for what you already have. Drinking in pregnancy 'can cause defects to one in six babies'. Best foods for arthritis. Beauty sleep This is the first tip and we are not mincing any words here. Never sleep with your face pressed against the pillow Keeping up with the first tip, here is another sleep related tip you may have never heard about it before. Use anti wrinkle serums According to scientist, using any good anti-ageing cream is a sure shot way to keep these wrinkles at bay.

    Use a good quality moisturizer.