Out of Focus...Again: A Journey from Depression to Recovery Through Courage, Love and Commitment
You have reminded me that there is always hope for recovery and the small things that we do on a daily basis can really make a difference in the lives of those we serve in the field of vocational rehabilitation services. Your presentation to our group of physicians, nurses, psychiatry residents and a number of consumers was indeed inspiring. Please do continue your courageous work, and message of hope and recovery.
Every time Carol recounts her own experiences with mental illness and recovery she demonstrates that people who have mental illness can and do recover and live productive lives.
Testimonials for Carol’s Mental Health Presentations
By standing up and speaking out, Carol is breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness one audience at a time. Carol Kivler is a symbol of hope for anyone struggling with mental illness. Her drive to battle stigma and her commitment to wellness are truly inspiring. Extremely captivating story and a wonderful woman with the motivation and ideas our society needs. A very inspiring presentation that displayed how someone with a mental illness can overcome and succeed in life. She was a phenomenal speaker!
Testimonials for Carol’s Mental Health Presentations | Courageous Recovery
Her story is empowering and should be shared so that we can try to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and empower others with similar stories to take control of their lives instead of letting mental illness control them. I walked away from her lecture with a lot of great ideas on how to bring more positivity and wellness in my own life.
Hearing your personal story was moving and inspiring! Your ability to talk about your life experiences and frame it in encouraging others — to be aware and advocates of the reality of mental illness and the importance of mental wellness. You educated and inspired me to treat others that suffer from mental illness, the same as physical illness. In a world where spin is king, Carol Kivler is not only a breath of fresh air; she is messenger of common sense, integrity, experience and humility. It is no surprise that over individuals gave her a standing ovation.
Human beings seem to recognize and honor real truth when it is spoken. Her winning combination of brutal honesty, humor and hope left all members of the audience with a significant personal take- away and an opportunity to reflect on and implement the skills and strategies to make mental wellness a priority in our increasingly busy lives. Her clear and authentic presentation style allowed people experiencing depression and their loved ones to better understand the condition, as well as the various treatments and lifestyle changes which assist in recovery.
Overall, Carol is gifted in engendering hope and empowering those who hear her story. But the most remarkable thing about Carol is her generosity of spirit. Coupled with a great sense of humor and love of people, it makes her beloved by those she meets.
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We are grateful to have met her, and we learned so much. Thank you so much for your positive and informative presentation. Thank you for sharing your own personal story as we continue to battle the stigma of mental illness. Carol speaks from the heart and shares her personal journey with depression.
She brings hope that recovery is possible. Help, Offer, Partner, Erase, was both informative and inspirational. The honesty in which Carol shared her personal experience was quite moving and reminded us all of the power of hope in recovery. You were absolutely dynamite! Your discussion was not only informative, setting a positive example for others who suffer from clinical depression but also very powerful emotionally. The insights and honesty you offered on the challenges of successfully overcoming depression were right on the money and extremely well articulated.
You should be very proud of your own journey. You are certainly an inspiration to me! We were very fortunate that you were able to speak to us about your illness. I believe that your presentation made a real impact on the researchers here. I have had nothing but positive comments from many of my co-workers about your presentation. It was our pleasure to have you come and speak with us. You were truly inspirational, and in fact made the research group realize that indeed our work is important and can impact the lives of others. Many times in our discipline scientists find themselves caught up in the scientific details and forget the true goal.
Your presentation has further motivated us and will not be forgotten.
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What can I say? Your presentation was absolutely incredible! My students were riveted to their seats. You have opened up their eyes in ways I never could have.
Your presentation has changed not only their professional lives but their personal lives as well. I have spoken to my colleagues, and we want you to come back again next year and speak to all of our students! The students expressed that they learned so much from her, were inspired by her, and that they would recommend her presentation to other attendees. On behalf of NJNS, we appreciate your dedication to the education of nursing students and hope that you will return for our next convention, in a larger room!
One is that I found myself [to be] a more compassionate person. When you suffer, if you hold it in the right way, in a supple and open heart, you become much more empathetic toward the suffering of others. In this way, you start to develop a sense of community which, in an odd way, begins to normalize the problem.
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Now you enter the company of those who have experienced some of the deepest things a human being can experience. After each of my depressions, I noticed that my capacity to put myself in challenging or intimidating situations had grown.

I would have been operating out of a lot of fear and ego defensiveness. If there is any residue of shame or a sense of being personally flawed, then the experience may not be ready to be shared, and it could in fact be unhelpful or even dangerous to do so. After my first depression, which was in my mid-forties, it took me ten years to feel that it was well integrated enough that I could begin to write and speak about it. I am my darkness and I am my light. I am a guy who spent months cowering in a corner with the shades pulled down, as well as a guy who can get on stage in front of several thousand physicians and deliver some challenging messages.
We humans are a very mixed bag—and, Parker, that includes you! Available through Sounds True and Amazon. He always hid it behind that warm smile and his jokes. None of us knew, even me. But for those of us who do know exactly what your words mean, thank you for articulating the experience so clearly, and so gently, without a trace of apology for simply being.
Depression & Recovery
You have shared something so important. It is just another part of being human, as you say. I also only had 2 people who could witness the pain. Nothing throws me now. This is nice; because I do think that this experience and all that deal with the dark night of the soul is heroic.
I have to be strong because others depend on me. I think that his vulnerability and speaking about his experience is helpful. Watching my Father when I was a child live through depression and myself in my forties taken down that dark tunnel I appreciate this topic being one that is being spoken about.
There is still shame and the feeling to disguise or hide it, but writings like this make it more acceptable to start the conversation. Make it ok to have families begin talking. Thank you for your part of the conversations! I related to every word. I too have suffered three major depressive episodes. I have been the darkness and am still working my way toward the light during this last one.
I pray that it is the last.