NCLEX-RN® Review: Keeping it Real! Simplified
Make sure you focus on test-taking strategies as well. These strategies are actually what you need to know how to pass the NCLEX, rather than just the raw data that will make up the questions. The question banks are a great resource, but you need to ensure that you are training your brain to think critically rather than trying to memorize answers. You should try to touch every area but spend more time on the areas that you really struggled with. One area that most students are challenged by is Pharmacology.
Consider looking at some different resources outside of the class notes and books you already have. Try to find a relaxing activity to fill your day with. The last thing you want to do to do is fail your test by missing your appointment. Make sure that you know your way to your destination and arrive in enough time to use the restroom, drink some water, and sit down and relax. I found myself in doubt of answers that I knew; I just had to stop and tell myself to stop doubting. You have to be confident in your decisions on the test.
What that basically means is that is choosing your next question based upon if you successfully answered a question. Once you answer a certain amount correct in a certain level you bump up to the next level. You then have to answer a certain amount correct to bump up again until you get to a minimum of 75 questions. Every question you answer makes the computer recalculate your probability of success. So based on how many you get correct, it predicts if giving you more questions will help you pass or not. However, it needs you to answer a few more questions correct before it can be sure.
Do your very best and have confidence in yourself. All those hoops and ridiculous questions did have some justification. Knowing simple nursing school testing tricks can really make a big difference in your confidence level and your overall results. Check out the quick video and get full access to the video with the rest of the NCLEX test-taking tips.
Watch the Full Webinar Now. She blogs about nursing, technology, health IT, at other healthcare topics at thenerdynurse. Want to blog like Brittney? Take the Take the Nurse Blogging online course! I graduated with my BSN in I used multiple study resources, such as answering sample questions and studying in groups.
I was able to determine where my weaknesses were and I concentrated on those areas the most. Studying with my classmates was extremely helpful because we could discuss the sample questions and their rationales. This reinforced our knowledge and helped tremendously. I graduated from my nursing school in June I waited a few months to get over the blues of failing, and changed up my studying style. However, when I wrote the second time, i failed again at questions. Do you have any advice to help stay motivated and perhaps any other resource suggestions?
Do you know what sections you struggled in? If so, key in on those. Do NOT let the first two times you took the test determine how you feel going into it the next time. Some are just not great at taking tests. I did write a post about resources for NCLEX Questions and test prep that may give you some new ideas for study materials. She is disciplined, organized,but gets a lot of anxiety over standardized tests.
Nclex-Rn Review : Keeping It Real Simpified by Sylvia Rayfield & Associates Inc (2013, Paperback)
Well,we got the results back yesterday and she failed. She had a job all lined up a the most prestigious hospital in the country. She is of course devastated, but picking up the pieces and trying to take the test again in 45 days. Unfortunately there is not one method that works best for one person.
You may have better luck with cheat sheets, study guides, or even review guides. I have been unsuccessful with the RN nclex. I was never great in school, and just passed by the skin of my teeth. What can I do to help me prepare better? I do practice tests. I have a 2 year old and work full time. Ashton, there is not one method that works best for one person. I think people are paying too much attention to how many questions they are given. If you know how many questions you were given then chances are that you know what number you are on at each question and that can raise your nerves even more.
Try not to focus or even look at the number of each question. I past 1st try in Oct but I could not even tell you how many questions I got, nor did I care. I used ATI and that was the only resource I used. Good luck to all. I was in a rigorous program and believe that I have been prepared, but you never know. I am a fast test taker, but my attention span is short. I have been told to study questions a day, but it is hard for me to sit there and knock them out.

It is also hard to stay focused on daily studying without having a test date in mind. Connor, thank you for your comment. I like both methods that you are using to study. Keep it as a more manageable amount per day so that you have a better chance of retaining what you actually learn. Once you hit the passing mark the test will stop and you are done.
I am 40 and i graduated Though i have 7 years experience in the academe i still have this fear in taking another nursing examination. I have read some strategies and i could see this are applicable for new graduates of at least 3 years ago, mine is 21 years ago.
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Will i use the same technique? Thank you very much. Absolutely you can still use the same technique to study. It will have a lot of other options for study methods and prep. Does anyone have any insight into best courses for international nurses? I am a recent grad from Denver, CO and our school provided the Hurst review during the last term which I found it to be great in terms of reviewing content.
Thus far, all of my cohorts that have taken the exam have passed it. Thanks Ana, I booked into hurst and that has helped a lot. Still studying lots at the moment, just waiting to hear from Pearson vue. Everyone was thinking I passed because it shut down at 75 but when I received my exam results today I was in total shock. I feel I was not given a fair chance to pass the exam as I hear other students who have taken questions and passed. I felt the computer should have given me an equal amount of questions as well to pass.
But thinking today I know I need training on how to disect the questions and find an interactive course to attend whether online or in person.
How To Study and Pass the NCLEX - Nursing Theory
Can anyone recommend any that has a policy that if you fail they will offer free remediation or something of that nature? Some of these replies are before April I have followed the changes since I finished mine in May of I failed the first time at questions. Either way, I picked up my big girl panties and did it again without wasting time on stress.
Taking it a second time is MUCH more stressful because your self-esteem is hurt. Nursing school was the easiest thing I ever did……but the test shot down my pride and made me study more. Please have faith in yourself….. I have seen others take this exam 4 and 5 times and pass the next time. You are meant to be a nurse…. Does this say that nursing school was the easiest thing you ever did?? That does not make sense?? Baffled by that comment! I have an undergrad in physical science and also in respiratory therapy, RRT. My entire point was to compare the breeze of nursing school and warn the 4.
Once I prepared with the understanding how the test actually works, I passed. I passed first try and test stopped at 75 questions. I took my exam in I took some time off, went back to school and now in grad school for FNP. Its crazy how fast time flies…. I just kept taking quiz after quiz. If I was in line at a grocery store or waiting anywhere… I would pull my phone out and do a few questions. I wish you all much success. I had three different review books as well as all of my ATI material.
The only one that I found useful was the Saunders review. It came with a disc with over questions that were broken down by systems. I only reviewed my weak areas endocrine and renal. I liked the Saunders because it gave me the rationale as to why the answer was correct or wrong and that allowed me to retain the information. I finished my exam in less than a hour and the computer shut off at Is the Kaplan review worth it? Or should I opt to buy for just the Qbank instead? I took it for my LPN and done in 80 questions. I am taking for RN as well.
Email them for coupon codes. I studied for 1 wk then went and take the test. I have taken Hurst, Kaplan, and 2 other local review courses.
I dont know what to do anymore. Can anyone please help me? My sanity and bank account are beginning to run low due to this. Someone, anyone, please help me. Is it possible that you are psyching yourself out? I had to stop myself from doing that or else I know I would have failed. Do you experience anything like this when you test? My professors in Nursing school even told me that back then. I just cant figure out what i need to do to push me above that passing line. Honestly, may sound crazy but I took a Xanax before I went in for mine!
I knew I had test anxiety and it really helped! I was hesitant at first coz I feel like not doing any review anymore.. I enrolled to her class and the rest is history.
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I passed my nclex couple of months ago. Thelma — a kind of instructor who genuinely cares and guides her students all the way. Right now I feel so lost BC I failed it twice. Thinking back on when you have taken the test, what stands out at you as what you struggled with the most? Any particular types of questions? I was good at content but got bombed with the style of the question. I am almost SURE more than half of my test was the multiple answer style questions. They got harder and harder toward the end and at , I did NOT pass. Just a thought………love to hear your opinion!
I am habitually seeking people who have not passed so I can write words of encouragement. I completed LPN school in I failed my broads twice and I gave up. Does anyone know if I would hVe to take a refresher course or if I could test at any time? Thank you for your help. This program does not provide you any pre set algorithm or set of rules that you need to follow, to solve questions and reach the right conclusion, instead it prepares your thniking and develops in you the confidence to handle any new and question yourself.
They focus on providing you questions based on practical situations, various case studies, situation based discussions, making you learn how a clinical situation unfolds, and collaborative learning that will make you ready to handle questions yourself. This course does not impose on you a set of rules, rather leaves you free to think being guided by your previously learnt knowledeg and practice, not leaving you confused and boggled in the midst of the test. To save your time, and help you study as week as take tests while commuting, they provide this facility too.
This class includes round the clock student support in addition to opportunities for regular interaction with teachers. The faculty is supportive and accessible. They help you break down questions that you find tough. They have also allotted weekly minute sessions of student and teacher interaction during which students can request advice and information to help them prepare for the NCLEX exam. All programs provide passing guarantee, over practice questions, and track your progress, and keep you updated about it, ensuring you try to fill in the gaps.
NCLEX is difficult, but that does not mean you need to empty your wallet completely. It will simplify things for you, boost your confidence and help to build courage to take up the right approach for the exam. So, if you trust them take the complete test prep plan and pass with flying colours! Brilliant Nurse takes care to sort out and break every question such that you may first understand the type of the question and its demand, then you can answer it correctly.
Before, deciding on which course to take, you need to remember that knowing your nursing content and learning the clinical skills in a nursing school is not enough to pass the NCLEX exam. What you need more, is to be good at critical thinking! Knowledge at both ends, practical as well as theoretical, and its sound application will lead you to cracking the NCLEX in the fisrt attempt. Brilliant Nurse Course not only provides the right content but will train you, upgrade your abilities and unlock the potential to be at your best! Click the below links for further information, or for all their courses and options for 30 days and 3 months crash courses, check out this link.
Your email address will not be published. They provide programs for: Their educators are adept since they attend regular meetings to cover new medical advances. Provide fun learning with interactive and engaging live sessions. They help students by providing content that will differentiate between what you need to know, and what is just nice to know for the NCLEX, cutting down your wastage of effort on unnecessary stuff.
Access to videos of live sessions is also allowed such that you can rewatch them as per your convenience later. Access to online question bank with rationales available. The content is NCLEX targetted, making it easier for you since they cut down the unnecessary stuff, while being updated and in compliance with the latest requirements.
Provide books two physical books and one e book and online videos self study videos to help you with content Online quizzes and question banks for practice. This course also focuses on providing high difficulty level NCLEX style questions, designed to build clinical reasoning.
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Provides access to online question banks, and vides so that you can re watch and revise everything you lerant in the class. They aim at making you skilled at taking critical clinical decisions by application based learning. Online streaming videos of a live 3 day review with 90 days of unlimited access. Available for self study Online question banks and quizzes available.