Jordans River and Im Bound to Cross
There are clear heroes of some spirituals: Moses and Daniel, for example. And there are also profoundly important symbols, such as the river Jordan. The American theologian James Cone suggests that there are two basic meanings of the Jordan River as a symbol in African American spirituals. First, the Jordan represented death—a death that was typically seen as liberation from the harsh realities of slave life.
Cross it, I tell you, Cross it. In sum, the river Jordan in traditional African American religious song became a symbolic borderland not only between this world and the next but also between the harsh realities of present injustice and the achievement of freedom and justice on earth. It could symbolize travel to the north and freedom or could signify a proverbial border from the status of slavery to living freely in general. A Quaker, Smith-Christopher has a particular interest in the biblical literature of Exile, issues of peace and nonviolence, and also in indigenous and diasporic interpretations of Scripture.
In biblical tradition, the Jordan River serves as an important geophysical and symbolic boundary as well as a place for demonstrations of the Lord's power and for ritual immersion, or baptism. V - My Lord calls me, He calls me by the thunder, The trumpet sounds within my soul.
I ain't got long to stay here. C - Steal away, Steal away, Steal away to Jesus! Steal away, steal away home. V - I looked over Jordan and what did I see, Coming for to carry me home? A band of angels coming after me, coming for to carry me home. C - Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home.
V - Did Christ o'er sinners weep? And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from ev'ry eye. C - This world is not my home. This world's a howling wilderness, This world is not my home. V - See that band all dressed in white, God's a-going to trouble the water. Leader looks like the Israelite. C - Wade in de water, wade in the water children, God's a-going to trouble the water. V - Were you there when they crucified my Lord? C - O sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
V - Oh, de lamp burn down an' yo' cannot see; What yo' gwine t' do when de lamp burn down? Oh, de lamp burn down an' yo' cannot see. C - Oh, po' sinner, Now is yo' time. Oh, po'sinner, What yo' gwine to do when de lamp burn down? V - O who will drive the chariot when she cu-hu-hu-hu-hums? O who will drive chariot when she comes? C - O who will drive the chariot, O who will drive the chariot, O who will drive the chariot when she comes? V - All my troubles will soon be over C - All over this world. V - I went to the hillside, I went to pray; I know the angels done changed my name.
Unable to identify original Jubilee Songs source. V - O won't those mourners rise an' tell? V - O, what preachin'! O, what preachin' over me, over me! C - Before I'd be a slave, I'd be buried in my grave. V - My mother's broke the ice and gone C - Before this time another year. V - You kin hinder me here, but you can't do it there, For He sits in de heavens, and He answers prayer, Big camp meeting in de promised land! C - O dis union! Big camp meeting in de promised land!
V - Lightning flashes, Thunders roll, Make me think of my poor soul. C - Can't you live humble? V - Christians hold up your heads C - Got religion all round the world, O. V - O repent, sinner, Hammering! What de hammer say? V - De coffin, de coffin, to bind me down, A folding sheet upon my lips. A silver spade to dig my grave.
C - De coffin, de coffin, to bind me down. V - I was but young when I begun, And now my race is nearly run. C - Come along, come along, I am sorry for to leave you, On the road to heaven come, friends, will you go? V - Jesus Christ, He died for me. Way down in Egypt land. Jesus Christ, He set me free, Way down in Egypt land.
C - Come down Way down in Eqypt land. V - Some seek de Lord, but doan seek Him right. Lil' at de day an' none at night; C - Come down, come down, come down, sinner, yo' none too late. Sinners crying, 'Come Here, Lord! V - Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to me, O glory hallelujah! C - There's a comfort in heaven, And I feel it in my soul, O glory hallelujah! V - Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak His name? C - We will crownd Him Lord of All.
V - Never saw such a man before, Cut out the mountain without hands. Preaching gospel to the poor, C - Daniel saw the stone, Rolling, rolling, Daniel saw the stone Cut out the mountain without hands. V - I done been to heaven, an' I done been tried, I been to de water, an' I been baptized, C - Oh, swing low, sweet chariot, Pray let me enter in, I don' want to stay here no longer. V - Oh, sooner in de mornin' when I rise, De young lambs mus' find de way.
Wid crosses an' trials on ebry side, C - Oh, de ole sheep done know de road. De young lambs mus' find de way. V - Oh, look up yonder what I see, Bright angels comin' arter me. C - Oh de winter. V - O sinner! Death's goning to lay his cold icy hands on me! For to ring them charming bells! V - What kind of shoes is dem you wear? Come togedder in de mawnin' C - An' a Lawd, dese dry bones of mine Shall come togedder in the mawnin'. V - Ef you want to get to hebben, come a-long. Hear my Jesus when He call you.
C - Did you hear my Jesus when He call you. For to try on your long white robe. V - Do you think I'll make a soldier, soldier. Soldier of the cross C - Rise, shine, give God the glory glory. Soldier of the cross. V - My head got wet with the midnight dew, Come along home to Jesus. Angels bear me witness too, Come along home to Jesus. C - Don't be weary, traveller, Come along home to Jesus. V - Jacob's ladder slim an' tall. Don't call de roll till I git there. Haint got de faith surely yo' mus' fall. C - Oh, don't call de roll. C - Ain't that a pity, Lord! Sin and a shame, Sinner man so hard believe.
Don't leave me Lord.

Lord, don't leave a me behin'. V - Don't ye view dat ship a come a sailin'? Dat ship is heavy loaded. She neither reels nor totters. V - O brother don't you want to go? Come, less go down to Jordan, Hallelu! C - Less go down to Jordan. V - One day I'se a walking a long, The Lord done sanctified me. Mourner, behold de Lamb of God. C - He sanctified my soul.
V - And if those mourners would believe, Down by the river, The gift of life they would receive, Down by the riverside. C - Yes, we'll gain this world, Down by the river. Down by the riverside. C - Oh, we'll wait till Jesus comes, Down by the river. C - Oh, de downward road is crowded, crowded, crowded.
V - Dust, dust and ashes fly over my grave C - He rose, he rose, he rose from de dead. V - Ef ye want to see Jesus, Go in de wilderness. Oh, brother how d'ye feel , when ye come out de wilderness. Leanin' on de Lord. C - Oh, leanin' on de Lord. Oh leanin' upon de Lamb of God, who was slain on Calvary. V - Hark, listen to de trumpeters, They call for volunteers. On Zion's bright and flow'ry mount, Behold the officiers. C - They look like men, They look like men of war; And armed and dressed in uniform, They look like men of war. V - Fightin on, Hallelujah! We are almost down to the shore.
Hallelujah to the Lamb, Jesus died for eb'ry man. C - We are almost down to the shore. He died for you, He died for me, He died to save de whole world free. V - O come, my brethern, one an' all, When the general roll is called I'll be there. C - I'll be there, I'll be there, When the general roll is called I'll be there. V - Oh, de band ob Gideon, oh de band ob Gideon over in Jordan.
How I long to see dat day. C - Oh, de twelve white horses. Oh, hitch 'em to thje chariot. V - My Lord told a me so, so. Gabriel's trumpet shall blow, blow C - Gwine to get on the evening train, train. Git on the evening train. V - I heard my mother say, 'Give Me Jesus'. V - You say you're aiming for the skies, You must be loving at God's command, Why don't you quit your telling lies?
C - O give me your hand, Give me your hand. Al I want is the love of God. You must be loving at God's command. V - Oh, my young Christians, I got lots for to tell yhou all. C - Live humble, humble, humble yourselves, de bell done ring. V - Whose all dem come dressed in white? Dey mus' be de children of de Israelite. C - Go Mary an' toll de bell; Come John an' call de roll.
V - I'm gwine away to see my Jesus. V - O never you mind what Satan say. Going home in the chariot in the morning. He never did teach one sinner to pray. C - Going home in the chariot in the morning. V - De book of revelation God to us revealed, Mysteries of salvation De book of seven seals. C - Going to heaven, going to heaven, to see that bleeding Lamb. V - I have a dear old mother Who's lately come from the Lord; Let trials come as they will come, Going to hold out to the end. C - Going to hold out to the end. Let trials come as they will come, Going to hold out to the end.
V - My good old auntie's gone a long, She's gone along.
Jordan's River and I'm Bound to Cross by Bishop B.C. Graham (English) Paperback | eBay
Gone across bold Jordan's stream. C - Good Lord, shall I ever be de one? To get over in de Promise' Lan'? V - Good morning everybody, oh, children. My sould got happy this morning, O children! Lord, I'm rolling in Zion, jubilee! C - Lord, I'm rolling in Zion, jubilee! V - I've got a home in a that Rock, Don't you see?
V - Oh walk togedder, children, Don't yer get weary,. Dere's a great camp meetin' in de Promised Land. C - Gwine to mourn an' nebber tire. V - Haint but one thing that grieves my mind, Band of angels leaves me behind ah! C - Ise a gwine ter jine de band.
Ise a gwine ter jine de band. V - On day as I was walkin' along, Gwine to live humble to de Lord. De element opened an' de love came down. C - Humble, humble, humble yourselves, Gwine to live humble to de Lord. V - Oh, saints an' sinners will a you go. See de hebbenly land, I'm a gwine up to heaven for to see my robe, See de hebbenly land. C - Oh, yes, I'm gwine up, gwine up, gwine up, gwine up all the way Lord, Going up to see the heavenly land. V - Oh look up yander, what I see, I'm on my journey home. C - Children, hail, hail, hail!
I'm gwine jine saints above. I'm on my journey home. V - O, I've been to the sea, and I've done been tried, Been downinto the sea. C - Hallelujah and a hallelujah! I been down into the sea. V - Jesus, my all to heaven is gone, Hally, O haly, O hallelu! He whom I fix my hopes upon, Hard to rise again. C - O Saten comes like a busy ole man. Hally, O haly, O hallelu! He gets you down at de footy of de hill. Hard to Rise Again. V - De fox hav hole in de groun', An' de bird hab nest in de air, An' ebry t'ing hab a hiding place, But we, poor sinner, hab none. C - Now ain't dat hard trials, great tribulation, Ain't dat hard.
V - They crucified my Savior and nailed Him to the cross. And the Lord will bear my spirit home. C - He 'rose. He 'rose from the dead, And the Lord shall bear my spirit home. V - He built a platform in the air.
Other Public Domain Spirituals
No man works like Him; He meets the saints from ev'rywhere; No man works like Him. C - He is King of kings, He is Lord of lords. Jesus Christ, the first and the last, No man works like Him. Jesus loosen' de man from under de groun' An' tell him Go Prophesy. V - Our Savior spoke dese words so sweet: Oh, shepherd, feed-a my sheep.
V - Like Peter when you said to him. Feed my lambs C - Lord, oh, hear me praying, Lord,. I want to be more holy ev'ry day. V - O de heav'n bells a-ringin' and my mother's going', goin' home. C - O de heav'n bells a-ringin' and I'm a going', goin' home. V - Nobody knows who I am.
Walked around from door to door, What to do I did not know. Heav'n bells a-ringin' in my soul! C - O de heav'n bells ringin'! De sing sol singin'! C - Hold the wind! Don't let it blow! V - Talk about me just as much as you please, Hold the wind, don't let it blow C - Hold the wind! V - Holy Bible, Holy Bible. V - How long did it rain? For forty days and nights it fell.
How long watch-a-man, How long? C - O how long watch-a-man? O how long watch-a-man? V - An' a howdy, howdy brother, An' a howdy, howdy do. N - Opening song with verses Howdy Howdy sisters, mothers, fathers preachers. C - I am so glad, I am so glad. I've been in the grave and rose again. V - I am in Him, and He's in me. My Father is the husband man. Ev'ry day He comforts me, My Father is the husband man. C - I am the true vine. V - I am seekin' for a city, Hallelujah. C - Lord, I don't feel no ways tired. Children, Oh, glory Hallelujah.
For I hope to shout glory when dis world is on fiah. V - I'm trav'ling thro' the wilderness; I travel all day, And I've done got weary and I've lost my way, And I don't want you go and leave me. C - I'm a coming'! And I don't want you go on and leave me. V - Went to the graveyard the other day. I feel like my time ain't long. I look'd at the place where my mother lay, I feel like my time ain't long. C - I feel like, I feel like my time ain't long.
V - I want to go to heaven, and I want to go right, Not made with hands; O, I want to go to Have all roved in white, Not made with hands. C - I know I have another building, I know it's not made with hands, O brethren, I know I have another building, I know it's not made with hands.
C - I hear the preaching of the elder, Preaching the Word. I hear the preaching of the elder, Preaching the Word of God. V - I hope my mother will be there, In that beautiful world on high, high. C - Oh, I will be there, Oh, I will be there with the palms of victory, crowns of glory you shall wear In that beautiful world on high.
V - Come on brudder an' help me sing, Like to read a sweet story of old, De story of a King Manual, I would like to read a sweet story of old. C - I know I would like to read. V - Did ever you see the like before? I know the Lord's laid His hand on me. King Jesus preaching to the poor! I know the Lord's laid His hands on me. C - O I know the Lord. V - John said de city was jus' four-square. He declar'd he'd meet me there. C - I want to be ready. I want to be ready, my Lord, to walk in Jersusalem, jus' like John. V - Jesus, my all to heaven is gone, I want to die a shouting!
He whom I fix my hopes upon, I want to die a shouting! C - Amazing grace how sweet the sound! I want to die a shouting!
I want to feel my Savior near, When soul and body's parting. V - Jesus, my all to heav'n is gone, To play upon the golden harp, He whom I fix my hope upon, To play upon the golden harp. C - I want to go where Jesus is, To play upon the golden harp. V - I was way down yonder a-by myself, I was hunting a fo' some a bosom a friend.
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C - A way down yonder a by my self O. C - O I can't stay away. I wish I had died in the Egypt land! V - Old Satin's mad and I am glad. That's what Satan's a-grumbling about. He missed that soul he thought he had, That's what Satan's a-grumbling about. C - And I won't stop praying. V - An' if those mourners would believe, The last trumpet shall sound, I'll be there.
The gift of life they would receive. C - For I'll be there. I'll be there when the last trumpet shall sound, I'll be there. V - The more come in with a free good will, Make the band seem sweeter still. C - I'm a going to join the band, Hallelujah! I'm a going to join the band,. V - Oh brothers, won't you help me. C - I'm a-rolling, I'm a-rolling, I'm a-rolling through an unfriendly world.
V - My Massa died a-shoutin', singing glory hallelujah, The last words he said to me, Was about Jerusalem. C - I'm a trav'ling to the grave, I'm a trav'ling to the grave, my Lord. For to lay this body down. V - Takes a humble soul to join, In this army of my Lord. Takes a humble soul to join, In this army. C - I am goin' to join in this army of my Lord, I am goin' to join in this army. V - We want no cowards in our band, Who will their colors fly; We call for valiant hearted men, Who're not afraid to die.
C - O I'm goin' to sing. O I'm goin' to sing all along my way. V - I am goin' to walk with Jesus by myself, by myself, I am goin' to walk with Jesus by myself. V - If religion were a thing that money could buy, I'm a going to lay down my life for my Lord. O the rich would live and poor would die. C - I'm troubled, I'm troubled in mind. If Jesus don't help me, I surely will die. C - I been a list'ning all de night long, Been a list'ning all de day, I've been a list'ning all de night long, To hear some sinner pray. V - Oh, mother, ain't you glad?
Oh, mother, ain't you glad,my Lord. An' about t' git t' Hebben at las' C - I've been toilin' at de hill so long. V - I've got a mother in de heaven, Outshines de sun. Way beyond de moon. V - My mother's gone to glory, I wan' t' go there too. C - In bright mansions above. Lord, I wan' t' live up yonder, In bright mansions above. V - I'm a gwine to tell you bout de comin' ob de Savior.
Fare you well, Fare you well. Dar's a better day a comin'. V - Don' you hear you Saviour callin'? In dat great day. C - Oh, whah you runnin', sinner? I'se a runnin' from de fiah, In dat great day. O Israel, O Israel, In dat great day. V - My mother has gone to journey away, In the kingdom, in the kingdom today. C - In the kingdom, in the kingdom, in the kingdom today. We'll inch and inch and inch along. C - Keep a-inching a-long. My Lord will come by and by. Keep a-inching a long, like a poor inch worm, Jesus will come by 'n by.
V - This world's a wilderness of woe, So let us all to glory go. C - Is there anybody here who loves my Jesus? Anybody here who loves my Lord? I want to know if you love my Jesus. V - You can hinder me here, but you can't do it there, For He sits in de Heavens and He answers prayer. C - De Heabenlye lan', Heabenlye lan', 'Jes gwine ober in de heabenlye lan'! V - Virgin Mary had one son, The cruel Jews had him hung.
C - But He ain't comin' here t' die no mo', Ain't comin' here t' die no mo'. V - Go, tell Mary and Martha. Yes, Jesus is risen from the dead. C - In-a this-a band we have sweet music. Jesus is risen from the dead. V - Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, is the Lamb. Settin' on de golden altar.
V - I've a good ole mudder in de heaven, my Lord, Oh, how I long to go dere too. V - I tell you what I mean to do, Keep me from sinkin' down, I mean to go to hebben too, Keep me from sinkin' down. V - The man who loves to serve the Lord. Will surely get his just reward. V - Oh, brudder, you must bow so low, brudder, you must bow so low C - Let de Heaven light shine on me.
For low is de way to de upper bright world, Let de Heaven light shine on me. C - Let us cheer the weary traveler. Along the heavenly way. V - Let us praise Him, let us praise Him. O praise, O praise, Glory Hallelujah! C - Glory Hallelujah. V - Where do you think I found my soul? Listen to the angels shouting.
I found my soul at Hell's dark door, Listen to the angels shouting. C - Run all the way, Run all the way my Lord, Listen to the angels shouting.
Negro Spirituals
V - Come on sister, with your ups and downs, Want to go to Heaven when I die, Angels waiting for to give you a crown. V - Dere's a little wheel a turnin' in my heart. O I feel so very happy in my heart. V - Watch that sun, how steady he runs, Don't let him catch you with your work undone.
C - Live a-humble, humble. Humble yourselves the bell's done rung. V - If ye love God serve Him, Hallelujah! Praise ye de Lord! If ye love God serve Him, Hallelujah! Love an' serve de Lord.
Jordan River lyrics
C - Good mornin', bother trav'ler. Pray tell me where you're bound? I'm bound for Canaan's happy land, And de enchanted ground.
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V - No more auction block for me, no more, No more; No more auction block for me, Many thousand gone. No more peck o'corn. No more driver's lash. No more pint o' salt. No more hundred lash. No more mistress' call. V - My sister, have you got your sword and shield? Marching up the heavenly road. I got 'em fo' I left the field, Marching up the heavenly road. C - Marching up the heavenly road. I'm bound to fight until I die; Marching up the heavenly road.
V - Mother, is massa gwine to sell us tomorrow? O watch and pray! Gwine to sell us down in Georgia? Farewell, mother, I must lebe you. Mother, don't grieve arter me. Mother, I'll meet you in heaven. V - Yes, the book of Revelation's to be bro't forth on that day, And ev'ry leaf unfolded, the book of seven seals. C - O wasn't that a might day? O wasn't that a might day? V - Hit's a mighty rock road, an' I'm mos' done trabbelin'. C - I'se bound to kerry my soul to Jesus, Bound to kerry my soul to de Lord. V - I love to shout, I love to sing, Most done toiling here. And I'm most done toiling here.
V - Oh, my mudder's in de road, Most done trabelling. I'm bound to carry my soul to de Lord. C - I'm bound to carry my soul to my Jesus. C - My brethren don't get weary, Angels brought de tiding down; Don't get weary, I'm hunting for a home. C - O, my good Lord's done been here! Blessed my soul and gone away, My Good lord's done been here, Blessed my soul and gone.
V - You'll hear de trumpet sound, To wake de nations under ground, Look in my God's right hand, When de stars begin to fall. C - My Lord what a morning, My Lord what a morning. When de stars begin to fall. V - When I was down in Egypt's land. I heard a mighty talking 'bout the promis'd land.
C - O He sees all you do, and hears all you say, My Lord's a-riding all the time. V - Oh, hallelujah to the Lamb! My name's written on high; King Jesis died for ev'ry man, My name's written on high. I belong to the blood washed army, Hail! My name's written on high. V - Dark was the nigh and cold the ground On which the Lord was laid.
His sweat like drops of blood run down, In agony He prayed. C - My soul wants something that's new, that's new, My soul want's something that's new. V - Where've you been poor sinner? O where've you been so long? Been working out of the sight of man. C - O, my soul's been anchord in the Lord. V - There's fire in the east and fire in the west, Send them angels down. And fire among the Methodist, O send them angels down. V - I found free grace and dying love, I'm newborn again.
Been long time a-talking 'bout my trials here below.
Free grace, free grace. C - Sinner, Free grace, free grace, I'm a newborn again So glad! V - Free grace, free grace! C - Hallelujah, hallelujah! Newborn again, Been a long time talkin' Bout a starint' on de way. V - O, my Lord, good and kind, Take the little babe, Leave its mother behind. C - Judgment day! Chariot's comin' down To the new buryin' ground!
N - 8 verses use phrases from many, many different spirituals. V - Brothers will you pray for me?