Indian Superspices: lab-inspired recipes to alleviate symptoms of everyday ailments
Since ancient times, turmeric has been used to fight inflammation, a power given to it by the compound curcumin, which has been found to inhibit several molecules that play a role in inflammation in human clinical trials. It has also been used to treat a wide number of ailments, including arthritis, heartburn, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, high cholesterol, headaches, bronchitis, fibromyalgia and depression. Curcumin may also help fight cancer, as its antioxidants may help prevent free radicals from damaging cellular DNA.
A study backs up her view. The researchers concluded that turmeric is "effective and safe" for the treatment of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in Alzheimer's disease patients. As a dietary supplement, curcumin extracts are generally preferred, since in its raw state, turmeric has low bioavailability. Eating Turmeric In Curry Could Stave Off Dementia, Study Suggests Huffpost June The researchers found curcumin has the potential to improve memory function for adults by blocking proteins that destroy neurones in the brain.
Curcumin may help overcome drug-resistant tuberculosis Science Daily June New research indicates that curcumin--a substance in turmeric that is best known as one of the main components of curry powder--may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis. The ability of curcumin to modulate the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis points to a potential new tuberculosis treatment that would be less prone to the development of drug resistance.
Xiyuan Bai, lead author of the Respirology study. It has been used medicinally for more than 3, years for ailments as diverse as congestion, bruising and blemishes A review of turmeric and cancer in concluded that this bright orange spice reduced both the invasiveness and spread of cancer. A human study from this year demonstrated that curcumin supplementation reduced the symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage. Curcumin is acknowledged as a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
I even came across a research article that described this effect on children with moderate to severe asthma. In the study, 47 children with asthma were given a supplement with curcumin, resveratrol, zinc and selenium and had reduced airway inflammation. Fight pain with food Hippocratic Post, June Turmeric, commonly used in Indian and Thai curry dishes has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin has been found to be the main therapeutic ingredient in the spice.
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Research has shown that curcumin is effective for aching joint reducing painful swelling. A Thai study found that the spice significantly reduces the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, and may be as effective as ibuprofen. The reviewers identified articles through the PubMed and Embase databases and reviewed 18 of them which met inclusion criteria. The skin conditions considered in the studies include "acne, alopecia, atopic dermatitis, facial photoaging, oral lichen planus, pruritus, psoriasis, radiodermatitis, and vitiligo.
Spice up your life with Turmeric Divine. Cancer Prevention Recent studies show turmeric is a powerful adversary to cancer. Curcumin shows an ability to stop cancer cell growth, boost antioxidant levels and the immune system, and kill cancer cells. Promotes Weight loss and Prevents Type 2 Diabetes Helps promote weight loss by suppressing the activity and number of immune cells in fat tissue.
These are the cells that are responsible for an increase in insulin resistance in muscles and the liver, which stores sugars as fats in the body. Turmeric helps balance blood sugar which in turn also prevents development of Type 2 Diabetes in those with a diabetic disposition. Helps Brain Function Turmeric is extremely healing for the brain and for increasing memory function. Prevents Liver Disease Turmeric is great for the liver as it protects it from the damage caused by eating foods that contain high amounts of fat and excessive alcohol consumption.
Turmeric 'blocks the rogue proteins that trigger Alzheimer's disease' Daily Mail, June Cultures where curry is a staple have better cognitive function and a lower prevalence of dementia. The yellow spice turmeric was identified as the most probable reason for this - thanks to curcumin. The year long trial published in the British Journal of Nutrition found evidence curcumin blocks rogue proteins called beta amyloid which clumps together and destroys neurons. In the study 96 participants aged between 40 and 90 were given either a daily placebo or 1, mg of curcumin for 12 months.
In tests of verbal and memory skills, those taking the dummy pill suffered a decline in mental function after just six months that was not observed in those having the curcumin. Turmeric can improve memory and attention in old age, study finds Science Alert, June "Curcumin has multiple physiological effects," said researcher Andrew Scholey, from Swinburne University of Technology. It influences multiple processes that nudge brain function in a positive direction. One group was given capsules with curcumin, and the other a placebo. The participants then completed a number of computerised mental tasks — such as word and picture recall, simple subtraction, and reaction time tasks - a few hours after taking the supplement, and then after taking it daily for four weeks.
They also reported feeling reduced fatigue as well as improved calmness, contentedness, and stress during testing at the end of the four-week trial. They also found that there were benefits outside of cognitive improvements. Curcumin was associated with significantly reduced total and LDL low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and had no effect on haematological safety measures," they reported.
The Spice in Curry Can Improve Memory and Energy Levels The Science Explorer, May Past studies have found that older people living in cultures where curry is a staple have better cognitive function and a lower prevalence of dementia, and curcumin was identified as a likely reason for this. Another study published in the National Center for Biotechnology found that curcumin can actually encourage the birth of new brain cells, particularly in the hippocampus, a brain region that regulates learning, memory, and mood.
In a new study, the Australian researchers recruited 60 volunteers aged between 60 and 85 in order to explore how curcumin has its effects on cognition.
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The volunteers were split into two groups — one was given capsules with a curcumin formulation, and the other was given a placebo. A few hours after taking the curcumin pill or the placebo, the participants were asked to complete various computerized mental tasks — word and picture recall, simple subtraction, and reaction time tasks.
Following this initial experiment, the volunteers took the curcumin supplement daily for four weeks. At the end of the four-week trial, the participants who had taken the curcumin capsules performed better overall at the memory and vigilance tasks. Plus, they reported feeling a boost of energy levels as well as lower stress and improved calmness and contentedness. The Health Benefits Of Turmeric: This research shows that curcumin has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and immune modulating activities. The repetitive trauma caused by athletic training causes inflammation and pain that can be controlled with curcumin turmeric.
This could come by the way of teas, the roots being incorporated into smoothies, or true curcumin supplementation, which carries enough anti-inflammatory properties to be beneficial. As with many herbs, it is known that the benefits of turmeric are multi-faceted; it also has been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancers. According to Shape, Maribeth Evezich, M.
Curcumin controls MTB infection in model Healio. Using turmeric for inflammation Reflector. In an animal study, curcumin was found to give the same anti-inflammatory response as cortisone for acute inflammation. Taking curcumin may be beneficial for those with osteoarthritis, RA, fibromyalgia and ulcerative colitis. A human trial concluded that curcumin's effectiveness in battling depression is, in fact, similar to that of prescription anti-depressants. By increasing the release of dopamine and serotonin—otherwise known as "feel good" neurotransmitters—concentrated doses of curcumin can help battle depression naturally.
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The power of turmeric On Manorama, May Studies around the world have found that curcumin has anti-arthritic, anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-infl ammatory properties. Apart from having anti-cancer and anti-arthritic properties, curcumin is also said to promote fat loss and prevent cellular damage caused by the pesticides in food. Consuming it reduces the risk of disease and prolongs life. Chemical in turmeric 'stimulates the immune system to fight drug-resistant strain' Mail Online, April By stimulating white blood cells - a key part of the immune system - curcumin was able to successfully remove Mycobacterium tuberculosis from infected cells.
The Health Benefits of Turmeric Shape, April Turmeric and curcumin, the most active constituent of the spice, have been the subject of thousands of studies," says Maribeth Evezich, M. Curcumin may also have artery-clearing effects. In one study from Taiwan, people who consumed curcumin extracts daily significantly reduced their levels of bad cholesterol LDL in just 12 weeks. People feel that it is an invaluable tool for staving off the signs and symptoms of aging. Curcumin also has great anti-inflammation properties and has been found to be highly effective in helping people manage pain and swelling.
Even more, preliminary studies have found that curcumin can inhibit cancer and tumor cell growth. In Asia, turmeric, which comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, is used as anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, toothache, bruises, chest pain and colic. Curcumin can kill the bacteria that cause drug-resistant TB The Sun, April Turmeric is popular in Asia for treating a variety of health conditions — as well as having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Curcumin is a potent inducer of a mechanism used by human immune cells to kill bacteria. In the current study, researchers tried to determine the effects of curcumin on Mycobacterium TB and found that by stimulating white blood cells - a key part of the immune system - curcumin was able to successfully remove Mycobacterium tuberculosis from infected cells. The protective effects of curcumin were attributed to SIRT1 activation. The present study provides new insights into the mechanism of the anti-fibrotic effects of curcumin in the heart.
Therefore, curcumin could be tested as an auxiliary therapeutic agent, along with classic treatments, to improve the prognosis in patients with myocardial fibrosis after MI. Curcumin gives turmeric its yellow coloring, and as a separate entity from turmeric is often used as an herbal supplement, or added to cosmetics, spices, or food coloring. For thousands of years, turmeric has been used to treat arthritis, stomach problems, and other health issues in traditional medicine and spiritual rituals — more as an herbal supplement than anything else, of course. In , curcumin was shown to reduce post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD symptoms , and another study found that curcumin also held potential to shrink cancer tumors or slow their growth.
All in all, curcumin has been studied robustly over the years , but most of its health benefits have been played out in laboratory dishes and have yet to be transferred to animal or human trials. The Health Benefits Of Curry Powder Huffington Post, April The journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology" published a study that found that turmeric's active compound, curcumin prevented spikes in blood sugar and improved insulin sensitivity. They concluded that the benefits of turmeric might be due in part to anti-inflammatory effects.
Turmeric Spice Could Fight Drug-Resistant Strains of Tuberculosis Headlines and Global News, April The researchers tested out the effects of curcumin in the laboratory setting and found that after stimulating macrophages, which are cells from the body's immune system, the substance was able to remove Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB, through a process that involved preventing the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B. This process removed the bacterium from the cells that were infected during the experiment.
An addition to efficacy of turmeric, helps fight drug-resistant TB Zee News, April The study has further revealed that curcumin, which is a substance in Turmeric can successfully remove Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which happens to be the causative bacterium of tuberculosis. Turmeric may help overcome drug-resistant TB The Times of India, April Curcumin--a substance in turmeric--may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis.
Turmeric is commonly used in Indian food and is considered to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anticancer properties. Turmeric May Help Fight Tuberculosis NewsMax Health, April The ability of curcumin to modulate the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis points to a potential new tuberculosis treatment that would be less prone to the development of drug resistance. Turmeric can help combat tuberculosis LiveMint. Researchers from University of Nebraska believe curcumin, which is also responsible for the yellow orange colour of turmeric, by stimulating immune cells called macrophages, can successfully kill the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes tuberculosis.
Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties and is used for its medicinal properties in several Asian countries. The study was published in the journal Respirology here. Turmeric can help in maintaining the heart health. It actually reduces the plaque build-up that can lead to the blood clot that causes stroke or heart attack. It also lessens the cholesterol oxidation by reducing the LDL or bad cholesterol by 56 percent and the serum triglyceride levels by 27 percent. In addition, tumeric also lowers the total cholesterol by Turmeric also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
It suppresses the COX enzyme which eases the production of pro-inflammatory signals in the body. The antioxidants protect your body from free radicals. Curcumin is bright yellow, hence the name ginger yellow in Chinese. Jiang is translated as ginger and huang means yellow. Curcumin is a principle polyphenol in Jiang Huang, a member of the ginger family of herbs used for enhancing blood circulation in Traditional Chinese medicine TCM. Turmeric holds cancer related benefits The News Tribe, April Curcumin, a bioactive ingredient found in turmeric Curcuma longa can prevent and cure bowel cancer colorectal cancer.
So far, anti-cancer properties of curcumin were well-known but the mechanism by which the bright yellow organic compound cures the cancer remained a mystery. The team, headed by R Baskaran, associate professor biochemistry and molecular biology at Pondicherry University, discovered the mechanism by which curcumin kills hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer cells and documented their findings. Curcumin in turmeric kills colon cancer cells Times of India, March Studies on the effect of curcumin on cancer and normal cells will be useful for the ongoing preclinical and clinical investigations on this potential cancer chemo-preventive agent.
Researchers in Pondicherry University shed light on how curcumin kills tumors The Hindu, March Curcumin, derived from the dietary turmeric Curcuma longa is an effective anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant agent. Studies on the effect of curcumin on the entire cell death process, both in tumour and normal cells, are useful for the ongoing preclinical and clinical investigations on this potential chemo-preventive agent. Although curcumin-induced cytotoxicity is due to superoxide anion production, the precise mechanism leading to cell death activation remains unknown.
Towards this end, the research group previously reported in a series of publications that human non-polyposis colorectal cancer cells HNPCC arising due to genetic mutations in mismatch repair genes MMR are highly sensitive to curcumin due to unrepaired DNA damage. The study demonstrated how the trigger of genes is required for cell death induced by curcumin in colorectal cancer cells and that the mismatch repair MMR status strongly influences curcumin sensitivity.
Curcumin prevents weight gain eMaxHealth. The mice also had lower cholesterol and less liver fat. Health Benefits of Turmeric Science Mic, March Curcumin gives turmeric star qualities of being both anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, which means its consumers will reap external and internal benefits, according to the Washington Post.
Turmeric has been linked to treating a long list of diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's due to its ability repairing brain cells and improving memory in lab rats, the study said. Another study found curcumin pills to assist in delaying Type 2 diabetes compared to taking a placebo. It is possible that curcumin could interfere with one of the important mechanisms of cancer development. However the benefits of curcumin as an anti-cancer agent may not be restricted to breast well-being. Some studies in humans and from laboratory experiments suggest potential benefit in pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and lung cancer.
It acts on multiple inflammation pathways and neutralizes free radicals — the root causes of pain. Curcumin has been clinically studied on its own and in combination with boswellia for treating people with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, as well as, or better than, prescription drugs. Scientific studies of human spinal discs treated with curcumin showed an 80 percent reduction in inflammatory compounds and a 70 percent reduction in cartilage-damaging enzyme activity.
March Curcumin prevented acetaminophen-induced liver damage.
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Curcumin lessened acetaminophen-induced liver histological damage and increment in plasma alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity. These results indicate that the protective effect of curcumin in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity is associated with attenuation of mitochondrial dysfunction.
The increase in the mean serum glutathione level may help in the reduction of oxidative stress associated with IBD. Expert backs three spices in diet to keep cancer away Times of India, February Curcumin proved to be more effective at reducing inflammation than over-the-counter aspirin and ibuprofen, and as effective as the more powerful drug Celebrex. It also proved as effective in thwarting breast cancer cells as tamoxifen, a drug widely used to stop its spread or recurrence.
It improves memory, focus and cognition too by increasing the growth of new neurons and fighting various degenerative processes in the brain. Why is everyone raving about turmeric? NZ Herald, February Modern scientific research is now confirming what traditional medicine has known - turmeric and curcumin, the active constituent has beneficial actions on many bodily systems. Recent studies have revealed turmeric has a wide range of pharmacological and clinical properties, including as an antioxidant, digestive, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet decreases clotting , cholesterol lowering and anti-carcinogenic.
It has been in use as a spice and traditional medicine for more than 2, years. Turmeric is found throughout the world and has a unique name in more than 60 languages. The curcumin extract of turmeric is not new; it was first isolated in Recent scientific discoveries have confirmed that curcumin may have amazing anti-inflammatory and disease-inhibiting properties. It has the potential to inhibit the growth of many types of cancer, reverse insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetes, inhibit plaque formation in atherosclerosis and address factors that stop the development of Alzheimer's disease.
These are just a few of the diseases and maladies that have been researched in the last decade in which curcumin was found to have a positive impact. Curcumin boosts effect of training on muscles Ergo-Log. And curcumin supplementation may also help people who are trying to lose weight by doing intensive cardio training. Turmeric offers a wide range of health benefits ConsumerAffairs. Benefits Packed with anti-inflammatories and antioxidants, turmeric has been shown to fight free radicals, rejuvenate the cells, cleanse the liver, protect the heart, boost mood, and support the brain.
It may also be helpful in treating osteoarthritis, viral and bacterial infections, stomach ulcers, cancer, and other conditions. Kling says that when taken as a supplement, it helps quickly. From the fourth week through the eighth week, however, there was a significantly greater improvement in scores in the curcumin group, especially among patients with atypical depression. It is possible that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin can restore these neurotransmitters and protect the brain, eventually leading to improvements in mood.
Fight depression with turmeric TheHealthSite. The anti-inflammatory role of curcumin in obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases European Journal of Nutrition School of Life Sciences, College of Natural Sciences Researchers reviewed the last ten years of curcumin science as it applies to supporting weight loss and preventing obesity-related disease. These findings might enable novel phytochemical treatment strategies as well as curcumin translation to the clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of obesity-related chronic diseases.
Furthermore, the relatively low cost, safety and proven efficacy of curcumin make it advisable to include curcumin as part of healthy diet. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas Extensive research within the past two decades has revealed that obesity, a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, and other chronic diseases, is a proinflammatory disease. Several spices have been shown to exhibit activity against obesity through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Among them, curcumin, a yellow pigment derived from the spice turmeric an essential component of curry powder , has been investigated most extensively as a treatment for obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases.
Curcumin directly interacts with adipocytes, pancreatic cells, hepatic stellate cells, macrophages, and muscle cells. These curcumin-induced alterations reverse insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and other symptoms linked to obesity. Pharmacological basis for the role of curcumin in chronic diseases: Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX , USA Curcumin diferuloylmethane , a yellow pigment in the spice turmeric also called curry powder , has been used for centuries as a treatment for inflammatory diseases. Because of the crucial role of inflammation in most chronic diseases, the potential of curcumin has been examined in neoplastic, neurological, cardiovascular, pulmonary and metabolic diseases.
The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of curcumin have been examined in animals and in humans. Various pharmacological aspects of curcumin in vitro and in vivo are discussed in detail. Nutrition Action Health Letter "Curcumin protects the brain cells in every animal model of traumatic brain injury, whether it's stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, or mad cow disease," says Gregory Cole, associate director of the Alzheimer's Disease Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
And, in doing that, these phytochemicals may also reduce our risk of diseases associated with chronic inflammation, including cancer and diabetes. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Laboratory data indicate that Curcumin can inhibit tumor initiation, promotion, invasion, angiogenesis and metastasis. Epidemiological evidence indicate that incidence of certain cancers is less in people who consume Curcumin than in those who do not. Recent evidence indicates that, besides chemopreventive activity, Curcumin may also be effective in the treatment of cancer.
Curcumin is currently under investigtion for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects at M. Anderson Cancer Center and other medical institutions. And in nearly scientific and technical papers referenced Curcumin in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database, compared with about just five years earlier. Scientists who sometimes jokingly label themselves Curcuminologists are drawn to the compound both because of its many possible valuable effects in the body and its apparent low toxicity.
They ponder how the spice or its derivatives might be used, not just as a treatment but as a low-cost preventive medication for some of the most feared ailments. As a treatment, it also has some enticing attributes. Because Curcumin targets so many biological pathways, it could have benefits for cancer therapy: A study at the University of California, Los Angeles, found curcumin slows the buildup of amyloid plaques — one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's — in the brain, and a laboratory study at the University of Illinois revealed that curcumin protected cells from damage caused by beta-amyloid.
Help for depression and anxiety EveryDayHealth. The abstract from a study in the Journal of Affective Disorders reads: Curcumin, the principal curcuminoid derived from the spice turmeric, influences several biological mechanisms associated with major depression, namely those associated with monoaminergic activity, immune-inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis activity and neuroprogression. We hypothesised that curcumin would be effective for the treatment of depressive symptoms in individuals with major depressive disorder.
Arthritis help may come from a surprising source Clinton Herald, December Curcumin, the active chemical in the spice turmeric, has several potential uses. I wrote some months ago about its possible use in inflammatory bowel disease, but I was able to find several studies showing benefit in people with both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
The usual dose was mg of curcumin two or three times daily. There were few side effects in the studies, but there is the potential to worsen bleeding in people taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin. Curcumin seems a reasonable alternative to anti-inflammatories in people with arthritis, and it might be worth a trial, especially in people who experience side effects on the standard drugs.
As always, finding a high-quality product is essential, since supplements are largely unregulated. Turmeric for Alzheimer's Disease About. Known to possess antioxidant properties, curcumin may play a key role in turmeric's potential effects against Alzheimer's disease. Preliminary research indicates that the curcumin found in turmeric may help curb inflammation and combat oxidative stress, two factors found to contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease.
What's more, some preliminary studies suggest that curcumin may help thwart the Alzheimer's-associated breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. There's also some evidence that turmeric may inhibit the formation of Alzheimer's-related brain plaques. Known to accumulate between nerve cells, these plaques form when protein fragments called beta-amyloid clump together. Beta-amyloid also appears to impair brain function by destroying synapses structures through which nerve cells transmit signals to one another.
In several animal-based studies, scientists have observed that turmeric may help clear beta-amyloid from the brain. For example, a mouse-based study published in Current Alzheimer Research in found that treatment with turmeric extract significantly reduced brain levels of beta-amyloid in mice genetically engineered to develop symptoms of Alzheimer's. The link between cancer and diet The News Tribe, December Curcumin, anti-ageing factor in this wonder spice. Renders anti-inflammatory and antioxidation benefits, hence used traditionally for a healthy glowing skin.
Besides, it also destroys pro-carcinogens, thus protecting against cancer. It is also seen as that inclusion of turmeric in the diet reduces the incidences of senile diseases like Alzheimers. Curcumin supplementation likely attenuates delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS. Further study is required on mechanisms and translational effects on sport or vocational performance. Numerous studies have linked curcumin to reductions in liver cancer and liver fibrosis. According to a study in a edition of the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, scientists found that the livers of diabetic rats were repaired and even regenerated with the help of turmeric.
According to a study in the journal Liver International, curcumin showed an ability to inhibit several factors like nuclear factor-kappaB that helped reduce liver inflammation. In addition, the authors found that curcumin helped protect against liver injury from known liver cell toxins. It gives turmeric its distinctive yellow color. Because of its curcumin, turmeric has been used as a medicinal remedy in India for centuries, said Premkumar. Animal studies have shown good results when looking at oral administration of curcumin and to inhibit the spread of mouth, stomach, liver and colon cancer.
Studies are under way to investigate this effect in humans. Curcumin is an effective anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant. It may also affect carcinogen metabolism, helping the body get rid of toxic compounds, and aid in combating cancer cell growth and tumors, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. All of these factors contribute to its being a potentially effective cancer-prevention agent. According to Premkumar, curcumin can also be helpful in cardiovascular protection by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and increasing HDL good cholesterol levels.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH is a common condition affecting elderly men and is characterized by a hyperplastic growth of the prostate gland, causing pressure on the bladder and urethra. The team observed that curcumin inhibited the development of BPH, significantly lowering prostate weight and volume. These findings suggest that curcumin could potentially be used as an herbal treatment or functional food for BPH management, this way bypassing the adverse side effects observed in commonly used treatments for the condition.
Maintain liver health with curcumin ChiroEco. Turmeric is a member of the ginger family and often used as a staple in Indian cooking, particularly as a primary ingredient in curry. Curcumin is thought to prevent the accumulation of fatty acids in the liver, thereby staving off the possibility of NAFLD before it progresses to NASH as well as other liver diseases. Furthermore, curcumin is a powerful antioxidant, so it may also protect against the effects of age on the liver, as well as inhibit the formation of enzymes that can cause cellular death.
The study found that curcumin inhibits the activation of hepatic stellate cells, which form scars in the liver following damage. Turmeric for disease prevention examiner. Curcumin is a strong antioxidant and arguably the most effective anti-inflammatory compound, not only fighting inflammation when it occurs, but stopping at the source, before it even begins. It is now believed that every chronic disease, including heart disease, thyroid disease and diabetes, has a strong correlation with chronic internal inflammation that you may not know even exists in your body.
In fact, curcumin is so powerful that it is said to rival some anti-inflammatory drugs, even preventing fat accumulation and rebound, a common symptom of chronic inflammation. Turmeric prevents fear from being stored in the brain Mail Online, November A spice commonly used in curry could help erase bad memories, according to a study. Curcumin, a bright-yellow compound found in the root of the Indian spice turmeric, prevented new fear memories being stored in the brain, and also removed pre-existing fear memories, researchers found.
It is hoped that the findings will help develop treatments for people suffering with psychological disorders. Psychologists from the City University of New York trained rats to become scared when they heard a particular sound. Scientists assumed the creatures were frightened when they froze.
Hours later, when the same sound was played to the rats, those who had been given ordinary food froze. Professor Glenn Schafe, who led the study, said: Health Benefits of Curcumin BT. Turmeric is hot and may benefit more than just your taste buds Today, October Many of the studies have focused on curcumin, which researchers say is the active ingredient in turmeric.
A study in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease found that the spice improved working memory. In fact, the more curcumin the rats consumed, the better their memories got. The super healthy trendy root Today, October Turmeric is getting lots of attention because the active ingredient in it, curcumin, has potent anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to be beneficial in treating symptoms of Crohn's disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and stomach ulcers. There is also research in both animals and humans that shows that curcumin may help prevent and slow the spread of cancer, make chemotherapy more effective and protect healthy cells from radiation damage.
Health benefits of turmeric The Gleaner, October Turmeric's unique contribution to prostate-cancer-fighting is its extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties, provided chiefly by its natural primary component, curcumin. Reducing inflammation with curcumin reduces the metastases that ultimately kill prostate cancer patients. Curcumin also down-regulates genes involved in adhesion, motility, and invasiveness that prostate-cancer cells need to invade and spread. Curcumin specifically inhibits prostate cancer-cell production of PSA by blocking its genetic expression.
At the same time, it also reduces activation of the androgen receptors on cancer cells that trigger increased production of PSA. But the whole turmeric root also contains important oils and other substances that enhance curcumin's absorption and have health benefits of their own, including anti-cancer actions. Turmeric also inhibits the growth of stem cells that give rise to breast cancer without harming normal breast cells. The beneficial role of curcumin on inflammation, diabetes and neurodegenerative disease: A recent update Food and Chemical Toxicology, October Naturally occurring polyphenols like curcumin, morin, resveratrol, etc.
Curcumin diferuloylmethane is a component of turmeric isolated from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. Research for more than two decades has revealed the pleiotropic nature of the biological effects of this molecule. More than published articles have shed light on the various aspects of curcumin including its antioxidant, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities. Apart from these well-known activities, this natural polyphenolic compound also exerts its beneficial effects by modulating different signalling molecules including transcription factors, chemokines, cytokines, tumour suppressor genes, adhesion molecules, microRNAs, etc.
Oxidative stress and inflammation play a pivotal role in various diseases like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases. Researchers make breakthrough in understanding cancer The Eagle, October Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, as well as curcumin, found in turmeric, are in a unique class of dietary bioactives that we have termed membrane-targeted dietary bioactives, or MTDBs.
Previous studies suggest that dietary bioactives such as curcumin, as well as fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids, are effective as colorectal cancer preventive agents. Long-chain fatty acids found in fish oil, as well as curcumin and capsaicin, which is found in hot peppers, fall into this unique class because they have both hydrophilic, or water-loving, properties and lipophilic, or fat-loving, properties. Due to their characteristics, these are capable of disturbing cell membrane organization.
Membrane-targeted dietary bioactives, such as curcumin and capsaicin, squeeze in between spaces within the membrane leading to disruption of lipid and protein interactions. That's not surprising if you look at the long list of the benefits of curcumin: How to improve your circulation Stuff. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is not only a wonderful antioxidant, it also assists blood flow. Curcumin inhibits Lab Invest,. September These findings characterized a novel mechanism by which curcumin modulated hepatocyte EMT implicated in treatment of liver fibrosis.
A glass of turmeric DailyTimes. Curcumin serves as an anti-inflammatory agent and also possess anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. These properties make it a powerful healing agent in conditions like common cold. The anti-inflammatory action of curcumin aids in relieving the chest congestion which typically accompanies common cold.
Curcumin also helps in boosting immunity and hence makes children less susceptible to such infections. When taken with milk, the absorption of curcumin in the body is enhanced significantly leading to a quick relief from common cold. Focus on herbs that can treat diabetes TheHindu. Curcumin could alleviate most aspects of diabetes including insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, islet apoptosis and necrosis effectively.

Moreover, Curcumin is safe and relatively inexpensive. Three reasons turmeric is a boon for diabetics TheHealthSite. Here are some natural remedies that help you boost immunity and stay safe. It helps in weight management: Obesity is a major risk factor of diabetes, accumulation of abdominal fat makes insulin production difficult. However, curcumin helps to control triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the body, improve digestion, prevent the accumulation of harmful fats.
This helps in weight management, an important way to manage diabetes or prevent its onset. Top 10 super-spices Madison. This spice also speeds up the recovery time from strokes as well. Turmeric also improves liver function, lowers homocysteine and prevents heart disease.
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Curcumin shows promise for treatment of mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis Healio. Prior research was focused on animal models. The researchers found that the spice helps combat the cancer by directly affecting the blood supply to the tumors. Curcumin is a polyphenol — a chemical compound found in plants with antioxidant properties and myriad therapeutic attributes. In , a study in Advances in Experimental Medicines and Biology, went so far as to state that, "Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities, and thus has a potential against various malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic illnesses.
Interest in turmeric and curcumin began decades ago when researchers began asking why India has some of the lowest rates of colorectal, prostate and lung cancer in the world, compared with the United States, whose rates are up to 13 times higher. Exciting research shows curcumin spice could help treat mesothelioma EmaxHealth. The turmeric derivative has the ability to stop the growth of mesothelioma, found in animal lab experiments. Now researchers have taken things a step further by testing curcumin's anti-cancer effect in human mesothelioma cells Associate Professor Sonja Klebe, from the Department of Anatomical Pathology at Flinders Medical Centre said in a media release: Surgery is not an option for everyone.
Chemotherapy has been only partially successful. Curcumin halts blood supply to mesothelioma tumors Klebe explained curcumin has the ability to stop new blood vessels from growing.
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Cutting off the blood supply to cancer has been a focus of treatment. But the researchers were able to show for the first time that mesothelioma cells form 3-dimensional tubes. The researchers thinks curcumin has a direct affect on mesothelioma tumor growth in addition to stopping blood vessels from growing. It may improve treatment response and allow reduction of standard drugs, improving quality of life,". Treating Mesothelioma with Curcumin: It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to inhibit the growth of mesothelioma cells from animal models in the laboratory.
Now, for the first time, researchers in Australia say they have successfully done the same thing with human cells taken from their own mesothelioma patients. Researcher Sonja Klebe, an Associate Professor at Flinders Medical Centre in South Australia where the new research was conducted, says the breakthrough will allow doctors to predict whether or not a certain mesothelioma patient will benefit from treatment with curcumin.
The research at Flinders may also help explain why curcumin may sometimes work even better than traditional drugs to fight mesothelioma. Klebe says she and her research colleagues have discovered, for the first time, that mesothelioma cells may be capable of giving rise to their own blood vessels to feed growing tumors. Traditional mesothelioma medications only target blood vessel growth arising from surrounding stromal cells. Unlike these drugs, curcumin does appear to impact this type of blood vessel formation, potentially slowing or even reversing the growth of mesothelioma tumors.
Curcumin can be taken in a pill form and has virtually no side effects. If the new research findings can be confirmed, Dr. Klebe says curcumin could be added to the standard treatment regimen for some mesothelioma patients, making it possible to reduce the amount of side-effect producing medications they have to take. Mesothelioma is an extremely rare and hard-to-treat cancer affecting an estimated 2, American patients every year. It is directly liked to asbestos exposure.
To understand how this new research may impact future treatment, click here to read the article Surviving Mesothelioma has just posted. Curcumin comes from the plant that produces the spice turmeric. Although it has been used to slow the growth of mesothelioma cells taken from animal models, the new research represents the first time the same thing has been done with cells from human mesothelioma patients.
Although it's been touted for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, tests to confirm further medicinal properties over the last few decades show mixed results. But the popular spice is back in the limelight thanks to modern clinical trials evaluating the compound's cancer-fighting properties.
Clinical Trials Involving Curcumin and Cancer Many studies have shown curcumin can suppress tumor cells and is safe to consume even at high doses. Every tumour needs blood supply and curcumin seems to impede them. It also inhibits metastases, especially in prostate and breast cancer, and quells other cancer cells, besides preventing the re-growth of cancer stem cells which populate the core of several tumours.
Research in the UK evidences that curcumin and chokeberry, for instance, can work together to induce cancer cell death apoptosis and prevent the spread of malignant cancer cells. Studies also suggest that curcumin can prevent cancer stem cells from re-growing the tumour. Recent research has shown curcumin can dexterously counter the dangerous effects of hormone replacement therapy HRT and its hazardous relationship with breast cancer. According to clinicians women could take curcumin supplements to protect themselves from developing progestin-accelerated tumours, primarily because synthetic progestin increases vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF , a protein that helps form the blood supply to developing tumours.
Curcumin inhibits VEGF and, thus, reduces the potential of breast cancer to proliferate. Under high-glucose conditions, curcumin suppressed oxidative stress in embryos. Treatment correlated with reductions in the levels of the lipid peroxidation marker, 4-hydroxynonenal, nitrotyrosine-modified protein, and lipid peroxides. In addition, curcumin blocked endoplasmic reticulum stress and abolished caspase 3 and 8 cleavage in embryos cultured under high-glucose conditions. Further investigation will be needed to determine if the experimental findings can translate into clinical settings.
Personal Liberty Digest July Curcumin has been studied as a potential cancer-fighting agent and has demonstrated an ability to reduce prostate cancer tumors. The authors of a new study in Tumour Biology, for example, reported on a mechanism by which curcumin inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells. Curcumin also helps support prostate health in men who have prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
In addition, the compound is a potent antioxidant valued for its ability to reduce inflammation and pain in conditions such as osteoarthritis, as well as act as a blood thinner and immune-system booster. Curcumin has shown anti-diabetic effects and reduced diabetic complications. Curcumin inhibits growth of prostate carcinoma Tumour Biology July Prostate cancer PC is a prevalent cancer in aged men.
Curcumin is an active ingredient that has been extracted from the rhizome of the plant Curcuma longa. West discovers health benefits of Indian spice turmeric. Anderson Cancer Center review of curcumin research, in the journal Phytotherapy Research in , found that it regulates inflammation that "plays a major role in most chronic illnesses, including neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases.
Anderson study found that curcumin exhibits "antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities," all bolstering its "potential against various malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic illnesses. In fact, curcumin has the most evidence-based literature supporting its use against cancer of any nutrient. Professor Bharat Aggarwal, from the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas goes as far as saying, "No cancer has been found, to my knowledge, which is not affected by curcumin.
Turmenic Can Erase Bad Memories And Fight Mental Disorders Wall Street OTC February The research stated that an ingredient found in turmenic, called curcumin is involved in the process of both helping the printing of the new fears a person is dealing with and also at erasing existent negative memories. This new discovery, might come in the help of researchers for developing treatments for people suffering from mental disorders.
The New Superfood Inquisitr. Although it is continuously being studied, curcumin has been shown to inhibit several types of cancer cells. According to the American Cancer Society, turmeric is mostly used as an anti-inflammatory herbal remedy, with fewer side effects than common pain relievers. Top Herbs, Latest Research naturalproductsinsider. Also, drug discovery scientists have focused on novel analogs of curcumin in an effort to find compounds that have similar health benefits and overcome some of the absorption and stability challenges with the herb.
Turmeric Beneficial for Brain Health Newswire. A clinical trial was performed that involved people with severe cognitive decline to test the effects of curcumin. The results showed that participants taking curcumin had significantly higher levels of dissolved abnormal proteins in their blood compared to those in the placebo group.
This study showed that curcumin has the ability to effectively pass into the brain, bind to beta-amyloid plaques and assist the body in their breakdown. Curcumin is one of the only substances known to have such a profound protective effect on the brain. This compound in turmeric can boost your heart health TheStar. Effect of curcuminoids on oxidative stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Sciencedirect. Effect of curcumin supplementation on physiological fatigue and physical performance in mice Nutrients. February Curcumin is a well-known phytocompound and food component found in the spice turmeric and has multifunctional bioactivities Curcumin supplementation may have a wide spectrum of bioactivities for promoting health, improving exercise performance and preventing fatigue.
Curry spice linked to improved memory The Guardian, February Curcumin, a bright-yellow compound found in the root of the Indian spice turmeric, prevented new fear memories being stored in the brain, and also removed pre-existing fear memories, researchers found. Curcumin prevented new fear memories being stored in the brain and removed pre-existing fear memories Mail Online, February Curcumin is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and this may be how it works on fearful memories, said Professor Schafe. Curcumin's ability to fight Alzheimer's studied Science Daily, January Curcumin, a natural product found in the spice turmeric, has been used by many Asian cultures for centuries, and a new study indicates a close chemical analog of curcumin has properties that may make it useful as a treatment for the brain disease.
The Spice Ingredient That Can Block Bad Memories Time Magazine, January Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric that may have protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases, might one day help those with PTSD let go of bad memories, suggests a new rat study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology. Several studies show the major benefit of curcumin for heart disease is improving the endothelium function in the lining of the blood vessels. Endothelium dysfunction is the main cause of heart disease and causes the endothelium to inefficiently regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, and other factors.
In addition, another study showed that it works just as well as the drug Atorvastatin. One study showed that patients who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery were randomized to ingest either 4 grams of curcumin per day, a few days before and after the surgery, or a placebo. Turmeric associated with fewer neural tube defects in mice 2minutemedicine, January In the present work, authors investigate the impact of curcumin, a substance found in the turmeric plant, on NTDs and markers of oxidative stress in mouse embryos cultured in normal and high glucose environments.
Curcumin in turmeric fights BP, diabetes: Study Times of India, January The health benefits of turmeric are due to the presence of a yellow compound named curcumin. This compound is especially beneficial for fighting high blood pressure. Remarkably, this compound is not only helpful in regulating blood pressure but also effective in treating several late complications of diabetes like affecting eyes, blood vessels, kidney and brain. The spice is vastly acknowledged for its medicinal properties, and contains anti-inflammatory bodies which are known to help with arthritis and stomach issues, among many other ailments.
Turns out that curcumin is able to protect against cataracts forming. Curcumin and major depression: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Neuropsychopharmacology. December Curcumin supplementation influences several biomarkers that may be associated with its antidepressant mechanisms of action. Plasma concentrations of leptin and endothelin-1 seem to have particular relevance to treatment outcome.
Curcumin inhibit leptin gene expression and secretion in breast cancer cells Cancer Cell International December Curcumin inhibits the expression and secretion of leptin and it could probably be used as a drug candidate for the breast cancer therapy through the leptin targeting in the future. Curcumin, curry are spice superstars Harold-Review. One of these papers found that curcumin has the ability to make some cancer cells commit suicide. Curcumin and tackling mesothelioma News Medical December As previous researchers had already demonstrated that curcumin can increase PIAS3, we used curcumin to increase the PIAS3 levels in mesothelioma cancer cells.
When we exposed these cells to low levels of curcumin, we saw an increase in the intracellular levels of PIAS3. Furthermore, when we increased PIAS3, the activation of STAT3 decreased, and, in turn, the cancer cells started growing much more slowly or stopped growing altogether.
This means it targets dangerous free radicals in the body and reduces the damage they are able to cause DNA and cells. Researchers found turmeric curcumin to have beneficial properties that appear to speed the wound healing process. These modes of action include the modulation of inflammation and oxidation, the ability to improve granulation tissue formation, tissue remodeling, and deposition of collagen.
Curcumin may be able to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the body. His unique approach uses spices in medicinal quantities to alleviate stress, anxiety, allergies and a range of other ailments. It will also help manage weight loss and aid with detox. Gurpareet already has a large fan base among A-list celebrities and Royalty. Click here to buy. Between 9th January and 12th February, The Botanist on Sloane Square and Chiswell Street Dining Rooms in the City will help give your health a kick with a selection of good-for you cocktails to enjoy absolutely guilt-free.
We want to try the Hazy Days — a blitz of Tanqueray gin; green apple liqueur; fresh ginger and the superfood sun-dried goji berries, packed with more vitamin C than oranges, more iron than steak and more beta-carotene than a carrot. Now that's what we call a proper Reuben Want to know how to make the perfect Reuben sandwich? If only I could eat cheese I would make one. And if you feel like popping the question, staff will hide your sparkling ring in a bespoke chocolate box ready for the big moment. Love a man in uniform? Expect air raid sirens, a surprise black out, performances inspired by the sultry era and a menu of oysters, lobster and chocolate fondue.
Read our recent review here. Lebanese restaurant group, Comptoir Libanais is offering a mezze of Middle-Eastern delights at the recently opened South Kensington outpost, whilst a range of cool cocktails will help wash everything down in style. The menu looks fantastic and they will also have live Jazz for the evening.
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