How to Gain Weight Fast
Additionally, studies have found that milk, or whey and casein combined, can lead to greater mass gain than other protein sources 4 , 5. Try drinking around one or two glasses as a snack, with a meal, or before and after a workout if you are training. Rice is a convenient, low-cost carb source to help you gain weight. Just 1 cup grams of cooked rice provides calories, 43 grams of carbs and very little fat 6. It is also fairly calorie-dense , meaning you can easily obtain a high amount of carbs and calories from a single serving.
This helps you eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or get full quickly. Another popular method is to prepare a large pot of rice for the week and combine it with some proteins and healthy fats. However, extremely large amounts may not be wise due to their potential arsenic and phytic acid content. Arsenic can cause toxicity and phytic acid can reduce the absorption of zinc and iron 7.
Just one small handful of almonds contains over 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats 8. Nut butters can also be added to a variety of snacks or dishes, such as smoothies, yogurts and much more. Red meats are probably one of the best muscle-building foods available. For example, steak contains around 3 grams of leucine per 6 ounces grams.
Leucine is the key amino acid your body needs to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and add new muscle tissue 9. In addition to this, red meats are one of the best natural sources of dietary creatine, which is possibly the world's best muscle-building supplement Consider choosing fattier cuts, which provide more calories than leaner meats, helping you take in extra calories and add weight.
In one study, elderly women added 6 ounces grams of red meat to their diets and performed resistance training six days a week for six weeks. Both lean and fatty meats are a great source of protein, though fatty meat provides more calories, which can help you gain weight.
Indulge in a Nutritional Diet to Gain Weight
Potatoes and other starchy foods are a very easy and cost-effective way to add in extra calories. Not only do potatoes and other starches add carbs and calories to help you gain weight — they also increase your muscle glycogen stores. Glycogen is the predominant fuel source for most sports and activities 12 , Many of these carb sources also provide important nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch , which can help nourish your gut bacteria 14 , Out of all the nutrients that salmon and oily fish provide, omega-3 fatty acids are among the most significant and well known.
They offer numerous benefits for your health and fight diseases Just one 6-ounce gram fillet of salmon provides around calories and 4 grams of omega-3 fats. The same serving packs 34 grams of high-quality protein, helping you build muscle or gain weight Taking protein supplements is a common strategy for athletes and bodybuilders who want to gain weight. Whey protein supplements and mass gainers can be a very easy and cost-effective strategy to gain weight, especially when combined with strength training 18 , Some people think whey protein is unhealthy or unnatural, but this isn't the case.
Whey protein is made from dairy and has been shown to improve markers of health and reduce disease risk 20 , 21 , It may be even more important if you're also training since your daily protein requirements increase. Like meats and other animal products, whey protein contains all the essential amino acids required to stimulate muscle growth 23 , 24 , If you'd like to try protein supplements, there's a wide variety available on Amazon. Dried fruit is a high-calorie snack that also provides antioxidants and micronutrients While many people think fruits lose most of their nutrients when dried, this isn't the case.
Dried fruits contain lots of fiber and most of their vitamins and minerals remain intact 26 , Try combining some dried fruit with a protein source, such as cuts of meat or a whey protein shake. They also mix well with nuts and natural yogurt, providing a blend of healthy fats, protein and other key nutrients.
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Whole-grain breads are another good carb source to help you gain weight. You can make some very simple, high-calorie and well-balanced meals by combining bread with protein sources such as eggs, meat and cheese. When purchasing bread, aim for natural whole-grain and seeded breads. Healthy versions, such as Ezekiel bread , are available in most grocery stores.
Avocados are loaded with healthy fats. Unlike other whole fruits, avocados are fairly calorie-dense and therefore a great food to help you gain weight. Just one large avocado provides around calories, 29 grams of fat and 17 grams of fiber While you should avoid processed, high-sugar cereals, healthier forms like oatmeal can be a great carb source to add to your diet.
Grain-based cereals and oats also contain beneficial nutrients like fiber and healthy antioxidants Make sure to read the label and avoid cereals with refined grains or added sugar. They are also a good choice before or after a training session since they tend to contain a mix of slow- and fast-digesting carbs.
As with cereals, try to stick to bars made from healthy whole grains. You can also find bars that contain other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruits, nuts or seeds.
How to Gain Weight Fast and Safely
As a snack or meal on the go, try combining a cereal bar with other protein sources , such as natural yogurt, boiled eggs, cold cuts of meat or a protein shake. High-quality dark chocolate provides a ton of antioxidants and health benefits. Like other high-fat foods, dark chocolate has a very high calorie density, meaning it's very easy to get many calories from it. This content does not have an Arabic version.
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