Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
Sign in with Facebook Other Sign in options. The Mary Poppins Returns star gives a behind-the-scenes look at her new film. Helen and Bone live in a repressive futuristic dystopian society they badly want to escape from. Mysterious Jason hires them to steal a disc for him. It's practically a suicide mission, but he claims he can smuggle them out, in return. Urania Cabral returns to Santo Domingo, after several years, and remembers her and her family's relationship to Rafael Trujillo, the Dominican dictator, as well as the events surrounding his assassination.
Fiero is hired to assassinate the newly-elected civilian president of San Pedro.
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His employers are a group of generals, threatened by the liberal sympathies of the new president-elect. In Bolivia's Amazon basin, corporate cattle ranches are replacing the rain forest. When Santos, charismatic leader of the union of rubber tappers, forges an alliance with Indians to protest Outlaw Joam Garral makes a clandestine journey down the crocodile and piranha infested Amazon river to attend his daughter's marriage.
Not only must he brave the dangers of the Amazonian jungles, but also the bounty hunter hot on his trail.

Written by Concorde - New Horizons with permission. I got this movie because I like Jules Verne, and I thought the cast was very good, but that's the problem. This should have been a great adventure, but it just dragged on and on. The cast did their best with what they had, but they didn't have enough. The setting was beautiful, Adam Baldwin was the only interesting character, but even Baldwin didn't have enough to work with. This could have been a good movie with a different screenplay.
Enjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with Prime Video. Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! View all 10 comments. Aug 08, Mr. B rated it liked it. More of a travelogue than a story, although it does have an engaging plot, Verne's Leagues on the Amazon follows a family's descent by enormous log raft down almost the full length of the mighty Amazon River, from Peru to the Atlantic coast in Brazil, as they make their way to the last town on the river where a double wedding will take place.
The major complication is that a villain is intent on blackmailing the father of the family for events that happened 23 years previously. Like many of More of a travelogue than a story, although it does have an engaging plot, Verne's Leagues on the Amazon follows a family's descent by enormous log raft down almost the full length of the mighty Amazon River, from Peru to the Atlantic coast in Brazil, as they make their way to the last town on the river where a double wedding will take place.
Like many of Verne's adventure novels, we are treated to reams of encyclopedic information about the Amazon: The information is fascinating, and makes up a majority of the book, but the author feels that these presentations make understanding the story so much easier. It's actually hard to decide which of the two--the novel's plot or the gratuitous information--is the bigger attraction in Jules Verne's writing. Cep boy olunca elde tutmak zor oluyor. Here is a most interesting Jules Verne tale.
Unlike his usual science fiction novels, Eight hundred leagues actually tells the tale of an Amazon River trip, and most is quite descriptive as regards the surroundings, people, places, vegetation, wildlife, etc. It's quite a tale to follow, from the end of part one its got you at the edge of your seat! I enjoyed this book more than I expected. It's not the best Jules Verne story, but is written in his classic scientific style. A fascinating journey about the Amazon and the Brazilian frontier in a fascinating time.
The story is simple, but well-suited for the setting. If you like Verne, give this a read. Jul 11, ali rezaei rated it liked it. During the journey, they go through many dangers and adventures. What's more, the father is accused of a crime he never committed, and the only proof of his innocence is an encrypted document.
His family and friends must race against time to decode it, before the man is executed. Jan 14, James rated it really liked it Shelves: A Jules Verne adventure and mystery traveling down the Amazon on a huge raft. Not as exciting or involved as "The Mysterious Island" butt involves the Amazon and takes place in the nineteenth century, thus it was of interest to me.
Interesting natural history "facts". I was just 11 ,when I started to read this book! I leaned back in my room all day to finish it Po osiali Dvomi rokmi prazdnin som zacala hladat dalsie verneovky v nadeji, ze by som mohla natrafit na dalsiu taku skvelu. Tato to nebola, ale bola to dalsia fajn kniha pre cerstvu teenagerku: Aug 22, Jesse A rated it liked it. The first half was like reading a text book about the amazon.
- Deadly Friendship (The Rick Cunningham Mystery/SuspenseTrilogy - Book Two 2).
- Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne.
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon?
- Cache Canon.
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne.
- Bleu Caraïbes (French Edition).
Definitely not my favorite Verne. View all 3 comments. Jules Verne is such a masterful story teller and this one didn't disappoint!
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Probably had the least real action of any Jules Verne book I've read yet, but there was enough mystery to keep me interested. Also, one of the pitfalls of listening to this on audio was that the portions dealing with the cryptogram became pretty tedious listings of letters and numbers that were just about impossible to picture. Probably much easier to take in at a glance in the print edition!
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon - Wikipedia
I did like the characters aside from the villain , even though they weren't very deep. Some of the dialogue between the young people was pretty fun, which is not necessarily typical of Verne. Slaves do figure into the story although the author specifically condemns the practice near the beginning , and people are often referred to by their skin color, but I didn't notice a lot of stereotyped descriptions--at least not nearly so many as in some other books.
The search for a corpse and its eventual recovery is described without graphic detail. Two characters attempt suicide in fits of despair, although both attempts are stopped. Jangada on kaksiajakoinen kirja: Varsinaista tarinaa ei ole paljoakaan. Viittaus Poen Kultakuoriainen-teokseen ja kryptogrammit olivat positiivinen tieto-osuus.
Oct 02, Rex Libris rated it liked it. A family and several of their friends float a giant raft downriver in preparation for a marriage. Along the way a patriarch is first attempted to be blackmailed and then arrested for a crime he did not commit. The blackmailer has a document that will show the patriarch to be innocent, but it is in a seemingly unbreakable cipher.
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon, by Jules Verne
A large portion of this book is simply a description of the geography surrounding the Amazon River. Then a subsequent chunk is dedicated to the science of decoding cipher A family and several of their friends float a giant raft downriver in preparation for a marriage.
Then a subsequent chunk is dedicated to the science of decoding ciphers. Many of Verne's books contain a great deal of description and science, but the most successful of his works keep the delicate balance between description and plot. Unfortunately this work there is too much description and not enough plot. If you are serious Verne fan, read it just because. I was so disappointed not to like this book.
Some personal history here: I started reading Jules Verne as a child because my grandfather loved his books. His favourite was La Jangada but he could never convince me to read it I have to say, he wasn't very good at selling the book to me: A few years after he passed away, I had been re-reading a few of my favourite Jules Verne novels, and I figured it was time to g I was so disappointed not to like this book. A few years after he passed away, I had been re-reading a few of my favourite Jules Verne novels, and I figured it was time to give this one a try at last. I was particularly excited to find out it takes place in South America as I have lived there for a year.
Unfortunately, I found it terribly boring. It felt very predictable and somehow I never got particularly invested in the characters or the story. Once they started their journey it felt like nothing interesting was happening. I skimmed to the end to see what would happen then gave up altogether. A classic Verne's novel - maybe less science fiction that the others but definetly same in the way the author provides the reader a lot of encyclopedic information about the Amazon: The first half of the book is just filled with description of surrounding land I quickly skimmed through because, even though his knowledge is surely admirable, all those names of rivers, pla A classic Verne's novel - maybe less science fiction that the others but definetly same in the way the author provides the reader a lot of encyclopedic information about the Amazon: The first half of the book is just filled with description of surrounding land I quickly skimmed through because, even though his knowledge is surely admirable, all those names of rivers, plants etc.
But after some pages or so the plot become much more interesting and I got totally immersed and enjoyed it until the very end. The first half was an endless catalogue of natural history, including but not limited to: May 02, Jennifer rated it liked it Shelves: