Dudes, Dames & Debauchery
Passionately scream the names of your favorite snakes. If you were asked to name hell-raising rockers , Rod Stewart probably does not come in anywhere near the top of your list.
Men do not enjoy debauchery of stag dos, study finds
However, although he has spent the majority of his career eye-banging your mother from his album covers, during his heyday he was up to his finely feathered hair in a hardcore cocaine addiction. However, unlike his fellow rock stars, Rod Stewart chose to shove his cocaine straight up his asshole. In order to protect his nose from the harmful effects of snorting cocaine , Stewart and his pal Ronnie Wood would regularly buy anti-cold capsules and replace the medicine inside with a snifter of cocaine, then cram the capsules up their million-dollar buttholes and fucking party.
Jonn Leffmann The nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can bug out and tweak for a week medicine. In , Pink Floyd were under tremendous pressure to ensure that Animals -- their long-awaited 10th album -- was a commercial success. The answer was simple: They commissioned a gigantic helium-filled pig and strapped it to London's Battersea Power Station, because nothing drums up publicity for a progressive rock record like a giant inflatable pig.

Jeffrey Shaw There is no dark side of the moon, and if there was, it probably wouldn't have bacon on it. However, in a turn of events that would provide yet another footnote to the adage " props are a musician's worst enemy ," the foot-long pig -- nicknamed "Algie" -- broke free from its moorings and escaped to sow pun intended a rampage of confusion and mild public endangerment.
After it floated above London's Heathrow Airport, authorities were forced to ground every single flight to avoid any sudden collisions with an enormous pig-shaped balloon. At this point, the Royal Air Force had to be deployed to try to bring down the errant porcine. The balloon eventually crashed in a field in Kent , where it scared the shit out of some cows.
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Oddly enough, Pink Floyd had anticipated that Algie might break free of his moorings and had actually hired a sharpshooter to watch over the giant pig and take it out in case it escaped. Fortunately for history, the sharpshooter didn't show up, leading to the incident that we're amazed nobody called "The Great Pig In The Sky.
As a guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde isn't a stranger to the world of wild partying, it's fair to say. His last name is literally the word "wild" as spelled by a drunk person. We wouldn't be surprised to hear that this is the only reason he got into rock music. However, after a monthlong bout of extreme illness finally forced him to see a doctor, Wylde discovered that he was suffering from a rare blood condition that caused his body to overproduce blood clots, which are things that can suddenly kill you at any moment without warning. Furthermore, he'd been suffering from the condition for several years.
Wylde sagely asked how the hell he had managed to stay alive for so long with such a deadly affliction, to which the doctor responded, "Because you are shitfaced, all of the time. The first 15 beers barely do anything. You see, the treatment for Wylde's condition involves a course of strong blood thinners, which slow down the rate at which blood clots develop.
You know what else thins the blood? Zakk Wylde's years of being heroically wasted saved his life, although nowadays he's banned from booze and restricted to taking standard medicine, which we feel is a little unfair to the booze. Before they became a quartet of endless punchlines , Van Halen used to be one of the coolest bands in the world, and they demonstrated their status by having sex with every female who wandered within one mile of their powerful aura.
Their career is a filthy memorial to how being in a band is a more powerful aphrodisiac than things like "not looking completely ridiculous," a criteria David Lee Roth specifically targeted for destruction. Huffington Post It's a lifelong battle. Roth infamously claims that he had his penis nicknamed "Little Elvis" insured and would hold a nightly contest wherein he would reward his roadies with a cash prize if they were able to convince girls he had spotted in the crowd during the show to come backstage for a personal discussion with Little Elvis.
It is unclear whether his insurance policy required each girl to sign a waiver beforehand. Hit Parader Magazine "Anything smaller than this and no butt stuff.
Soho in the Eighties by Christopher Howse review – a decade of debauchery | Books | The Guardian
Sorry, it's in the contract. Roth's eventual replacement, Sammy Hagar, was a little more "Roman Emperor" in his groupie interactions. One tour saw the band build a tent directly beneath the stage specifically for Sammy Hagar's erection. During the mid-show minute guitar solos Eddie Van Halen would launch into each night, Hagar would disappear to the tent and discover a group of naked fans waiting to swallow his penis, which we assume was as pinched as his face.
But owning your own sex tent apparently has powerful side effects. Hagar exerted himself so much during his nightly trips that he temporarily lost the ability to climax. That's right -- Sammy Hagar had so much sex that he ran out of sperm. And with that mental picture, we end the article. It Books "Sorry, ladies -- I can barely drive 25 tonight. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and YouTube, where you can catch all our video content, such as 4 Musical Performances That Will Ruin Your Childhood and other videos you won't see on the site!
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