Biotipificar al soberano (Spanish Edition)
Pasteurella multocida is an important pathogen of numerous domestic poultry and wild animals and is associated with a variety of diseases including fowl cholera. Western blotting revealed that purified rOmpH was recognized by duck antisera against P. Among randomly selected serum samples, which were collected in and originated from six duck farms across Fujian Province, China, anti-P.
Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi by the examination of Giemsa-stained blood smears and c-ELISA method in donkeys, selected randomly from Erzurum, the largest province of Eastern Turkey. The specimens were consisted of 92 thin blood-smears and 75 sera during winter season. As result of microscopic examination no parasite was detected. This study indicated the prevalence of T.
Detection of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi using microscopic and molecular methods in horses in suburb of Urmia, Iran. Full Text Available Equine piroplasmosis is a severe disease of horses caused by the intra-erythrocyte protozoan, Theileria equi and Babesia caballi.
The aim of this study was to identify equine piroplasmosis based on molecular and morphometrical features in horses in suburb of Urmia, West Azerbaijan province, Iran. From April to September , a total number of blood samples were collected randomly from horses of 25 villages. The specimens were transferred to the laboratory and the blood smears stained with Geimsa, and the morphological and biometrical data of parasite in any infected erythrocyte were considered.
Microscopic observation on blood smears determined that 15 6. The mixed infections occurred in 2 0. The results of the PCR assays showed 26 Differences in infection rates were statistically nonsignificant between male and female horses and among different age groups. Our findings indicated that T. Pasteurella multocida mastitis in cow - case report.
The source of infection mainly remains unknown, mastitis usually is acute, and the therapy by intramammary administration of antibiotic Pasteurella multocida mastitis in cow: Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in five draught equine populated metropolises of Punjab, Pakistan.
Equine piroplasmosis EP caused by intraerythrocytic parasites Theileria equi and Babesia caballi is an emerging equine disease of world-wide distribution. In Pakistan, the prevalence and incidence of EP are unknown. Out of equid serum samples tested, The overall seroprevalence of EP was A small proportion of equids Haemorrhagic septicaemia is a disease caused by Pasteurella multocida serotype B: The organism causes acute, highly fatal septicaemic disease with high morbidity and mortality in cattle and more susceptible in buffaloes.
Lipopolysaccharide can be found on the outer cell wall of the organism. Lipopolysaccharide is released during multiplication which leads to inflammatory reaction. It represents the endotoxin of P. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the clinical signs, blood parameters, gross post mortem lesions and histopathology changes caused by P. Group 1 was inoculated orally with 10 ml of phosphate buffer saline PBS ; Group 2 and 3 were inoculated with 10 ml of lipopolysaccharide broth intravenously and orally respectively. For the clinical signs, there were significant differences p hematology and biochemistry findings, there were significant differences p 0.
G ratio between intravenous and oral group. For Group 2 buffaloes, there were gross lesions in the lung, trachea, heart, liver, spleen, and kidney. In contrast, lesions were only observed in the lung, trachea and liver of Group 3 buffaloes. There were significant differences p 0.
In conclusion, this study is a proof that oral route infection of P. Rapid diagnosis of virulent Pasteurella multocida isolated from farm animals with clinical manifestation of pneumonia respiratory infection using 16S rDNA and KMT1 gene. Full Text Available Objective: To characterize intra-isolates variation between clinical isolates of Pasteurella multocida P. The results demonstrated that the five selective isolates of P. The phylogenetic tree and similarity of the five selective isolates of P. The results indicated the relationships of P.
Pasteurella aerogenes as an Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Agent. Catheterized specimens are less likely to be contaminated compared with voided specimens; therefore, positive cultures of catheterized specimens are more likely to reflect true bladder bacteriuria even with low colony counts. ASB is important for pregnant women, children, individuals with obstructive uropathy, chronic renal failure and neutropenia, before the urologic procedures and after renal transplantation. Treatment of ASB is required for above situations.
We report an year-old-girl with neurogenic bladder who made clean intermittent catheterization and had Pasteurella aerogenes as an ASB agent. Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email: An Unusual Case Presentation. Full Text Available A healthy male farm employee developed an unusual infection caused by Pasteurella multocida. Atypical features included the chronic nature of the infection , the development of osteomyelitis of the tibia without direct animal inoculation, and lack of fever and leukocytosis.
Radiographic appearance of P multocida osteomyelitis may be the result of osteoclast activation and can be confused with musculoskeletal tumour. P multocida infection requires a high degree of suspicion, and should be considered in cases of farm- or animal-related injuries even if there is no history of direct animal contact. Time-course investigation of infection with a low virulent Pasteurella multocida strain in normal and immune-suppressed week-old free-range chickens. Twelve-week-old indigenous chickens, either immune-suppressed using dexamethasone IS or non-immune-suppressed NIS , were challenged with a low virulent strain, Pasteurella multocida strain NCTC T , and developed clinical signs and pathological lesions typical of chronic fowl cholera.
Isolation and molecular detection of Pasteurella multocida Type A from naturally infected chickens, and their histopathological evaluation in artificially infected chickens in Bangladesh. Full Text Available Pasteurella multocida type A is the etiologic agent of fowl cholera, a highly contagious and fatal disease of chickens. The present research work was performed for the isolation, identification and molecular detection of P.
The targeted bacteria from the samples were isolated, identified and characterized based on their morphology, staining, cultural, biochemical characters, pathogenicity test, histopathological study and Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR. The organisms were gram negative, non-spore forming rod, non-motile, occurring singly or pairs in Gram staining, whereas in Leishman's stain, bipolar shaped organisms were observed.
All the isolates were found positive for oxidase and catalase tests, produced indole, and fermented glucose, mannitol and sucrose. Necrotic foci in liver and congestion with hemorrhages in heart were found on necropsy. After pathogenicity test, the pathological changes were reconfirmed by histopathology depicting congestion, hemorrhage and lymphocyte infiltration in heart, liver and spleen tissues. In type specific PCR reaction, the organisms were confirmed as P.
The Cabal Theory in the Nigerian Politics, Nigeria, cults, cabal theory, delinquent state. It has no precise Full Text Available A cross-sectional study was carried out in four indigenous communities of Costa Rica to detect presence and prevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi and to investigate factors associated with presence of these hemoparasites.
Erythrocyte inclusions were observed in 32 There were no factors associated with the presence of B. These results contrast with results previously obtained in equines in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. A cross-sectional study was carried out in four indigenous communities of Costa Rica to detect presence and prevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi and to investigate factors associated with presence of these hemoparasites.
Equine piroplasmosis is a tick-borne disease caused by the intraeytrhocytic protozoans Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. It has been reported as a main equine parasitic disease.
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In addition, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the causative agent of granulocytic ehrlichiosis, causes a seasonal disease in horses. Both diseases, can be detrimental to animal health. The overall seroprevalence was The results of PCR from blood samples showed A total of tick specimens were collected and identified as Dermacentor nitens, Amblyomma cajennense sensu lato and Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus. It was detected 2. All samples were negative to A. Genetic analysis classified the obtained sequences as T.
It can be concluded that these pathogens occur and are circulating in the studied area. Pasteurella multocida Bacteremia in an Immunocompromised Patient. We present the case of a year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented with a one-day history of fever, chills, and altered mental status. His symptoms were initially thought to be secondary to cellulitis.
Blood cultures grew Pasteurella multocida , a rare pathogen to cause bacteremia. Our patient was treated with ciprofloxacin for two weeks and made a complete and uneventful recovery. Our patient's uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease put him at a higher risk for developing serious P.
The patient's dog licking the wounds on his legs was considered as the possible source of infection. Full Text Available We present the case of a year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented with a one-day history of fever, chills, and altered mental status. Blood cultures grew Pasteurella multocida, a rare pathogen to cause bacteremia. Full Text Available Pasteurella P. The source of infection mainly remains unknown, mastitis usually is acute, and the therapy by intramammary administration of antibiotics does not lead to satisfactory results.
Lethality is possible due to presence of endotoxins in blood. Literature data on P. TR and Grant no. The importance of subcutaneous abscess infection by Pasteurella spp. Full Text Available Subcutaneous abscesses are lesions frequently reported in commercial rabbits. The main affected area was the hind limbs Microbiological analyses of 27 abscess samples indicated Pasteurella spp. Serum antibodies from a subset of horses positive for babesia caballi by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay demonstrate a protein recognition pattern that is not consistent with infection.
Tick-borne pathogens that cause persistent infection are of major concern to the livestock industry because of transmission risk from persistently infected animals and the potential economic losses they pose. The recent re-emergence of Theileria equi in the U. Sepsis puerperalis caused by a genotypically proven cat-derived Pasteurella multocida strain. We report a disseminated intrauterine Pasteurella multocida infection in a puerperal woman who could not remember any traumatic exposure to her cat.
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An oral swab taken from the cat, just 2 days after the patient's admission, grew Pasteurella multocida, with an PCR-fingerprinting pattern identical to the patient's isolate. Hand-washing after every contact with cats and dogs and if feasible separation of in-house pets from mother and infant should be applied to prevent this uncommon but serious occurrence of post-partum infections. To our knowledge this is the first case of Pasteurella multocida 'child-bed fever', with a genotypically identical strain isolated from the in-house cat.
This study aimed to develop a real-time PCR screening test for Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in ticks. This test is suitable for application in epidemiological surveillance of equine babesiosis and theileriosis. A field survey for the seroprevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in donkeys from Nuu Division, Kenya. Equine piroplasmosis is one of the most significant tick-borne disease of equids. The prevalence of this disease in donkeys of semi-arid Kenya remains largely unexplored. The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate the extent to which donkeys in Nuu division, Kenya have been exposed to the haemoprotozoans Babesia caballi and Theileria equi, the causative agents of equine piroplasmosis.
The study also assessed the effect of age and sex on seroprevalence. A stratified sampling approach was used and three hundred and fourteen donkeys were sampled across nine sub-locations in Nuu division, Mwingi district. The seroprevalence of T. There was no significant difference in sub-location seropositivity, gender seropositivity or age related seropositivity. Findings from this study suggest that T. Existence of the infection should be communicated to animal health practitioners and donkey owning communities in the area. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences Babesia caballi infection in a Babesiosis is usually diagnosed by Journal of Animal and Plant.
Two pairs of primers were designed according to the BC48 gene of B. The specificity, sensitivity and reliability of the method were tested. The horse blood samples of suspected cases were collected from Yili region, and detected by the duplex PCR, microspopy, conventional PCR, and fluorescence quantitative PCR, and the results were compared. No specific fragment was amplified from DNA samples of B. The limit of detection was 4. Among the 24 blood samples, 11 were found B. A duplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of B. Pasteurella multocida is an important gram-negative pathogenic bacterium that could infect wide ranges of animals.
Humans could also be infected by P. Current typing methods for P. Of them, serological typing methods are based on immunological assays, which are too complicated for clinical bacteriological studies. In the current review, we briefly describe the molecular typing methods for P. Our aim is to provide a knowledge-foundation for clinical bacteriological investigation especially the molecular investigation for P.
A novel Erm monomethyltransferase in antibiotic-resistant isolates of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida. Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida are aetiological agents commonly associated with respiratory tract infections in cattle. Recent isolates of these pathogens have been shown to be resistant to macrolides and other ribosome-targeting antibiotics. Direct analysis of the 23S r Erm 42 is a novel addition to the Erm family: Pasteurella multocida Septicemia in a Patient with Cirrhosis: Full Text Available More people are keeping pets in their homes but may not be sufficiently aware of the potential danger from infections.
We report an autopsy case of a year-old man affected by cirrhosis. Septic shock with Pasteurella multocida pneumonia was the cause of his death. Cirrhosis is one of the risk factors for P. A detailed patient history about animal exposure should be obtained and a differential diagnosis of P. Molecular characterization of the Babesia caballi rap-1 gene and epidemiological survey in horses in Israel. Equine piroplasmosis imposes great concerns for the equine industry regarding international horse movement, and therefore requires reliable diagnostic tools.
Recent studies from South Africa and Jordan, including a preliminary study in Israel, reported extremely low seroprevalence to Babesia caballi B. In accordance with the study from South Africa demonstrating a significant heterogeneity in the rap-1 gene sequence of South African B. These findings support the existence of heterogeneity in the RAP-1 amino-acid sequences of the Israeli and South African isolates as compared to that used in the cELISA commercial kit and raise doubts as to the ability of this assay to serve as a sole regulatory test for international horse movement.
Risk factor analysis found management and age to significantly associate with prevalence of B. Findings of this study emphasize the need to combine several detection methods to ameliorate the control and spread of the disease. Isolation of Pasteurella multocida subspec. Multocida from chronic periapical lesion: First isolation in ex-Yugoslavia. Full Text Available This study presents five isolates of Pasteurella multocida subsp.
We described the methods of sampling and cultivation as well as diagnostic criteria. Pasteurella multocida was diagnosed on the basis of characteristic cultural and tinctorial properties and the facts that all strains produced indole and induced ornithine decarboxilation, glucose, saccharose and manitole fermentation. Isolates produced neither urease, nor fermented lactose and maltose. Further classification to subspecies multocida was based on the fact that all investigated isolates fermented trechalose, xylose and sorbitol the traits which are diagnostically significant for the species.
Patients deny any contact with farm animals or pets, which indicates a possible aerosol transport and animal-human as well as human-human infection. We consider that this organism should be paid more attention by dentist, oral surgeons and microbiologists. The bacterial pathogens Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida are major etiological agents in respiratory tract infections of cattle. Although these infections can generally be successfully treated with veterinary macrolide antibiotics, a few recent isolates have shown resistance Macrolide resistance in members of the family Pasteurellaceae is conferred by combinations of at least three genes: Accelerated proteomic visualization of individual predatory venoms of Conus purpurascens reveals separately evolved predation-evoked venom cabals.
Cone snail venoms have separately evolved for predation and defense. Despite remarkable inter- and intra-species variability, defined sets of synergistic venom peptides cabals are considered essential for prey capture by cone snails. To better understand the role of predatory cabals in cone snails, we used a high-throughput proteomic data mining and visualisation approach. Using this approach, the relationship between the predatory venom peptides from nine C. Interestingly, one of nine specimens expressed both cabals , suggesting that these sub-groups might represent inter-breeding sub-species of C.
High throughput cluster analysis also revealed these two cabals clustered with distinct groups of venom peptides that are presently uncharacterised.
This is the first report showing that the cone snails of the same species can deploy two separate and distinct predatory cabals for prey capture and shows that the cabals deployed by this species can be more complex than presently realized. Our semi-automated proteomic analysis facilitates the deconvolution of complex venoms to identify co-evolved families of peptides and help unravel their evolutionary relationships in complex venoms. Isolation of Pasteurella multocida from broiler chickens. Full Text Available Pasteurella multocida, the etiological agent of fowl cholera, was isolated from five, 32 days oldbroilerchickens in the late of The chickens were from a farm located in Bogor area, raised in cages and each flock consisted of 1, broilers.
Therewere birds, aging from days old, died with clinical signs of lameness and difficulty in breathing. Serological test of the isolate revealed serotype Aof Carter classification. To prove its virulences, the isolate was then inoculated into 3 mice subcutaneously. The mice died less then 24 hours postinoculation and P. The sensitivity test to antibiotics and sulfa preparations showed that the isolate was sensitive to ampicillin, doxycyclin, erythromycin, gentamycin, sulfamethoxazol-trimethoprim and baytril, but resistance to tetracyclin, kanamycin and oxytetracyclin.
This is the first report of P. Customer relationship management is the one influencing customer loyalty, but to get customer loyalty we should know how to make customer satisfaction. This research is purposed to analyze the impact of customer relationship management to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction in Cabal Dining Manado. This research used the Path analysis as the method of this research.

Population in this research is mainly in this research is people in Manado. The sample of this research is respond Seroprevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in horses in Spain. Equine piroplasmoses are enzootic parasitic diseases distributed worldwide with high incidence in tropical and subtropical regions. In Spain, there is insufficient epidemiological data about equine piroplasmoses. The main aim of the present study was therefore to estimate the prevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in five regions and obtain information about the risk factors.
This study was conducted in the central and south-western regions of Spain, using indirect fluorescence anti In that army, cavalry played a decisive rol, becoming the offensive weapon par excellence. Therefore, we will analize the evolution of Greek cavalry, and particularly Macedonian cavalry, in order to make it clear: Full Text Available Equine piroplasmoses are enzootic parasitic diseases distributed worldwide with high incidence in tropical and subtropical regions.
This study was conducted in the central and south-western regions of Spain, using indirect fluorescence antibody testing IFAT in 3, sera samples from apparently healthy horses of different ages, breeds, coat colours, genders and geographical locations. Consequently, this revealed the importance of developing an appropriate technique to detect each haemoparasite. Clonal outbreaks of [ Pasteurella ] pneumotropica biovar Heyl in two mouse colonies. The aim of this study was to document the pathogenic role of biovar Heyl of [ Pasteurella ] pneumotropica in mouse colonies. Fifty-three isolates associated with mastitis and orbital, cutaneous and vaginal abscesses as well as isolates from the nose and vagina of healthy mice were investigated The investigation documented that members of biovar Heyl of [P.
Draft genome sequences of two virulent serotypes of avian Pasteurella multocida. Here we report the draft genome sequences of two virulent avian strains of Pasteurella multocida.
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Comparative analyses of these genomes were done with the published genome sequence of avirulent Pasteurella multocida strain Pm Revised description and classification of atypical isolates of Pasteurella multocida from bovine lungs based on genotypic characterization to include variants previously classified as biovar 2 of Pasteurella canis and Pasteurella avium. Strains deviating in key phenotypic characters, mainly isolated from cases of bovine pneumonia in five European countries, were genotyped in order to examine their genotypic relationship with Pasteurella multocida.
Twenty-two strains of Pasteurella avium biovar 2, including variants in indole, xy Full Text Available This study has been carried out with the objective of isolation and identification of agent s of pasteurella pneumonia in sheep and goat in Iran using bacteriological and biochemical assays to be identified in the pursuant researches to be used in pasteurellosis vaccine production. Samples were different in sort due to the existent condition but generally were comprised of palatine tonsil swabs or blood samples taken from jugular vein in live animals and lungs or upper respiratory tract lymph glands in dead or slaughtered animals.
Totally, samples samples of sheep, samples of goat composed if samples of live animals and samples of dead or slaughterd animals were tested. Considering results obtained from assays, only 54 samples 3. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Pneumonia and soft-tissue abscesses were observed, and Pasteurella pneumotropica biotype Jawetz was consistently isolated from the upper respiratory tract, lung, and abscesses. Epidemiologic investigation within the facility revealed presence of this pathogen in mice generated or rederived by the intramural Genetically Engineered Mouse Model GEMM Core but not in mice procured from several approved commercial vendors.
Epidemiologic data suggested the infection originated from female or vasectomized male ND4 mice obtained from a commercial vendor and then comingled by the GEMM Core to induce pseudopregnancy in female mice for embryo implantation. This modified treatment regimen was administered to cages of mice to eradicate Pasteurella pneumotropica from the facility. Follow-up PCR testing for P. Together, these data indicate that enrofloxacin can eradicate P.
Elimination of Pasteurella pneumotropica from a mouse barrier facility by using a modified enrofloxacin treatment regimen. Toll-like receptor 4-positive macrophages protect mice from Pasteurella pneumotropica-induced pneumonia. This study investigates Toll-like receptor 4 TLR4 -positive macrophages in early recognition and clearance of pulmonary bacteria.
TLR4 is a trans-membrane receptor that is the primary recognition molecule for lipopolysaccharide of gram-negative bacteria. Since these mice have the TLR4 Lps-del genotype, we hypothesized that reconstitution of mice with TLR4-positive macrophages would provide resistance to this bacterium. A cultured macrophage cell line C2D macrophages and bone marrow cells from C2D mice were adoptively transferred to B10 and B10 x C2D mice by intraperitoneal injection.
In addition, the course of inflammation following experimental Pasteurella challenge was altered in C2D recipients. These data indicate that macrophages are critical for pulmonary immunity and can provide host resistance to P. This study indicates that TLR4-positive macrophages are important for early recognition and clearance of pulmonary bacterial infections.
Isolation, characterization, antibiogram and pathology of Pasteurella multocida isolated from pigs. Full Text Available Aim: Isolation, characterization and antibiogram of Pasteurella multocida from diseased pigs of district Durg of Chhattisgarh, and to study pathological changes caused by swine pasteurellosis. An outbreak of swine pasteurellosis was suspected in pigs of Ruwabandha Bhilai, Anjora, Somni, Tedesara, Tirgajhola villages of Durg district in Chhattisgarh, India during August and September of Nasal Swabs and blood samples from ailing pigs and heart blood and impression smears from morbid pigs were processed for detection and isolation of P.
Detailed necropsy was conducted and gross and histopathological lesions were recorded. The test Isolates were subjected to antimicrobial sensitivity profile by disc-diffusion method. The blood smears from heart blood and tissue impression smears revealed teaming of bipolar organisms indicating the presence of Pasteurella spp. The isolates obtained were subjected to Gram's staining for checking the purity and bipolar morphology and characterized biochemically. Gross lesions included severe acute pneumonia and haemorrhages in lungs, petechial haemorrhages on serous membranes and other visceral organs.
On histopathological examination, lungs showed typical fibrinous bronchopneumonia, multifocal suppuration. All the isolates of P. Gross and microscopic lesions in dead animals are of great diagnostic value and are of characteristic of P. Cultural, morphological and biochemical characters are useful to rule out the causative agent as P. Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the isolates should routinely be carried out for knowing the antibiotic resistance trends in an endemic area.
Characterization of Pasteurella multocida involved in rabbit infections. The aim of this work was to characterize P. Comparison was made to reference strains The clonal relationships of the Italian strains from rabbit had similarity to previously reported rabbit isolates that belonged to ST9, ST74, ST and ST, however, they differed from other rabbit references strains that belonged to six other STs In particular, ST9 with capsular type F has been previously reported from diseased rabbit in Czech Republic and ST74 has been observed for older rabbit isolates.
ST50 has probably been reported from Spain. Equine tick-borne infections in the Netherlands. This thesis focuses on the emergence and establishment of equine tick-borne infections in the Netherlands, with particular attention to their diagnosis, clinical relevance and treatment. Four tick-borne agents Borrelia burgdorferi, Theileria equi, Babesia caballi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Leaching and mechanical properties of cabal glasses developed as matrices for immobilization high-level wastes. This paper discusses the leaching behavior of simulated high-level-waste cabal glass CaO-B 2 O 3 -Al 2 O 3 as a bulk specimen.
During leach tests, the glass is immersed in either deionized water or in groundwater for up to 57 days at 70 deg. Based on the results, mechanisms observed with the leaching of the glass in deionized water or groundwater are discussed. The corrosion was found to be linear with time in the limit of investigation days but with different rates depending on the type of solution and glass composition.
The evolution of the damage on mechanical and physical properties of the glass before and after leaching or irradiation was also discussed. The addition of waste oxide changes the properties of the glass matrix, so the influence of the guest oxides on the properties of host materials is also discussed. Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to analyze the degree of compliance of these practices, by evaluation of 99 variables in 21 productive systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal , Risaralda.
Only one of the farms complied with the 48 fundamental criteria required and, the degree of compliance of major and minor criteria was insufficient. Only 8 of the farms are certified as free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. Through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, a significant association was found between variables involved with the guarantee in the safety of the milk, regarding the operation, cleaning and disinfection of equipment that guarantee an adequate temperature. There was also an association between variables involved in the milking procedure and hygienic conditions during the milking procedure, involving both the operator and the animal.
A lack of training and awareness about the importance of compliance with many of these criteria was found, this is a fundamental tool to obtain a diagnosis of the current sanitary status, and in which it may be necessary to take into account other variables, not included in the current checklist, for a later implementation and follow-up to improvement plans of the productive systems.
Full Text Available An ultrastructural comparison between the nasal cavities of healthy rabbits and those suffering from two forms of spontaneous infection with Pasteurella multocida was undertaken. Twelve commercially produced rabbits of different ages and respiratory health status were divided into four groups: The main ultrastructural changes observed were a widening of the interepithelial spaces, increased activity and number of goblet cells, the formation of two types of vacuoles in epithelial cells, the degranulation and migration of heterophils between the epithelial cells, and the association of this migration with some of the other changes.
No bacteria were observed adhering to the epithelium, and very few were observed free in the mucus. Scant inter-epithelial spaces were found in healthy rabbits, but they were not as large and numerous as those found in diseased animals. We discuss the origin and meaning of these changes but, we focus on the significance of the inter-epithelial spaces and goblet cells for the defense of the upper respiratory airways against the bacterium and its lipopolysaccharide.
Eu doped CaBAl glasses for white light applications. In this work, Dy: The photoluminescence of the samples was studied under excitation of and nm light source. However, the results of photoluminescence under nm excitation present a white yellowish emission in the CIE diagram, which shifts to red with Eu2O3 addition. The results show that by modifying the emission intensity of BL, it is possible to achieve a route for smart lighting, close to the circadian light cycle. Comparative analyses of these genomes were done with the published genome sequence of avirulent P.?
Comparative analyses of these genomes were done with the published genome sequence of avirulent P. Anatomopathological pneumonic aspects associated with highly pathogenic Pasteurella multocida in finishing pigs. The bacterium Pasteurella multocida is a frequent cause of porcine respiratory disease complex in finishing pigs. Historically, the bacterium is recognized as an opportunistic agent, causing secondary bacterial pneumonia in pigs.
Zur Bedeutung des Begriffs Ontologie bei Kant by Gabriel Rivero
Several Brazilian reports have suggested the ability of P. The aim of this study was to evaluate anatomopathological pulmonary findings associated with P. Twenty-five lung samples from 14 herds of finishing pigs with acute clinical respiratory disease and 19 lungs collected at slaughter from a different set of 14 herds were studied. In all lung samples, bacterial isolation was performed, and only samples with pure P. Gross and histopathological lesions were evaluated, as well as Influenza A, porcine circovirus type 2 PCV2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae co- infections.
Pleuritis and pericarditis were more often observed in clinical samples P infection. However, in this study, it was not possible to determine specific virulence markers to explain these findings.
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Transmission of Pasteurella multocida on California turkey premises in Restriction endonuclease analysis REA of whole-cell DNA was used to determine possible sources of Pasteurella multocida for each outbreak of fowl cholera occurring in turkey flocks in eight commercial poultry companies in California from October to September Over this period, isolates of P. Field strains of P.
REA of field strains of P. Pasteurella pneumotropica evades the human complement system by acquisition of the complement regulators factor H and C4BP. Full Text Available Pasteurella pneumotropica is an opportunist Gram negative bacterium responsible for rodent pasteurellosis that affects upper respiratory, reproductive and digestive tracts of mammals. In animal care facilities the presence of P. Indeed, occupational exposure is one of the main causes of human infection by P.
The clinical presentation of the disease includes subcutaneous abscesses, respiratory tract colonization and systemic infections. Given the ability of P. Here, we show for the first time that P. These results show that P. Full Text Available Pasteurella multocida is an important multihost animal and zoonotic pathogen that is capable of causing respiratory and multisystemic diseases, bacteremia, and bite wound infections.
The glycosaminoglycan capsule of P. However, chronic infections such as swine atrophic rhinitis and the carrier state in birds and other animals may be associated with biofilm formation, which has not been characterized in P. Biofilm formation by clinical isolates was inversely related to capsule production and was confirmed with capsule-deficient mutants of highly encapsulated strains. Capsule-deficient mutants formed biofilms with a larger biomass that was thicker and smoother than the biofilm of encapsulated strains. Passage of a highly encapsulated, poor-biofilm-forming strain under conditions that favored biofilm formation resulted in the production of less capsular polysaccharide and a more robust biofilm, as did addition of hyaluronidase to the growth medium of all of the strains tested.
The matrix material of the biofilm was composed predominately of a glycogen exopolysaccharide EPS, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and enzymatic digestion. However, a putative glycogen synthesis locus was not differentially regulated when the bacteria were grown as a biofilm or planktonically, as determined by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR.
Therefore, the negatively charged capsule may interfere with biofilm formation by blocking adherence to a surface or by preventing the EPS matrix from encasing large numbers of bacterial cells. This is the first detailed description of biofilm formation and a glycogen EPS by P. Pasteurella multocida can cause a variety of diseases in various species of mammals and birds throughout the world but nothing is known about its importance for wild great apes.
In this study we isolated P. Isolates originated from two chimpanzees that died during a respiratory disease outbreak in as well as from one individual that developed chronic air-sacculitis following this outbreak. Four isolates were subjected to a full phenotypic and molecular characterisation. Two different clones were identified using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Phylogenetic analysis of the superoxide dismutase sodA gene and concatenated sequences from seven MLST-housekeeping genes showed close clustering within known P. Due to the clinical relevance of the strains described here, these results make an important contribution to our knowledge of pathogens involved in lethal disease outbreaks among endangered great apes.
Treatment of all P haemolytica isolates with UV irradiation resulted in lysis of bacteria due to the induction of vegetative development of bacteriophages. The extent of growth inhibition and bacterial lysis in irradiated cultures was UV dose-dependent. When examined ultrastructurally, lytic cultures from each isolate revealed bacteriophages with an overall length of approximately nm and that appeared to have a head with icosahedral symmetry and a contractile tail. Cell-free filtrate from each noninduced bacterial isolate was inoculated onto the other bacterial isolates in a cross-culture sensitivity assay for the presence of phages lytic for the host bacterial isolates.
Zones of lysis plaques did not develop when bacterial lawns grown from the different isolates were inoculated with filtrates from the heterologous isolates. Full Text Available Introduction. Pasteurella multocida is a gram-negative coccobacillus pathogenic to animals. It can cause infection in humans by a bite, scratch, or lick from a cat or dog.
A year-old male presented to our hospital with a 2-day history of fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. He denied exposure to cats, dogs or other pets. He had severe respiratory distress requiring ventilator support, profound septic shock requiring multiple vasopressors, severe lactic acidosis, and renal failure requiring emergent hemodialysis. Blood cultures confirmed the presence of P. The patient subsequently died of cardiopulmonary arrest due to multiorgan failure with refractory shock. Early identification of this organism may decrease mortality. Although our patient had no known cat or dog exposure, physicians should enquire about a history of animal exposure when a patient presents with an infection with no obvious cause.
Mortalidad por meningitis por Pasteurella canis. Utilization of L-aspartate, L-malate and fumarate by Pasteurella multocida. Strains of Pasteurella multocida use L-aspartate, L-malate and furmarate, respectively, as substrates for production of succinic acid which accumulates in the medium. As was established by studies with 14 C- and 3 H-labelled substrates, the degradation of these substances proceeds analogously via the citric acid cycle. Interaction between Ascaris suum and Pasteurella multocida in the lungs of mice.
In an experiment including 8 groups of 15 mice, the effect of migrating Ascaris suum larvae in the lungs on the establishment and pathogenicity of aerosol exposure to Pasteurella multocida was investigated. Following aerosol exposure to P. Why your housecat's trite little bite could cause you quite a fright: Approximately four to five million animal bite wounds are reported in the USA each year. Domestic companion animals inflict the majority of these wounds.
Pasteurella multocida is the most commonly cultured bacterium from infected cat bite wounds. In an effort to establish a carriage rate of P. The high prevalence of P. Additionally, the susceptibility of P. Pasteurella testudinis associated with respiratory disease and septicaemia in leopard Geochelone pardalis and other tortoises in South Africa. Full Text Available The first recorded isolates of Pasteurella testudinis from South African tortoises kept in captivity is presented.
Pneumonic pasteurellosis is a significant disease in beef production medicine. The current study was designed to assess the immune efficacy of whole cell killed of M. The efficacy of gamma- irradiated M. The bacteria under study were cultivation on blood agar, purification and genetically identified. Then the bacterial cells were exposed to different doses of gamma radiation 2- 20 kGy with 2 kGy intervals and the dose response curve of the survivors was plotted and 20 kGy was selected as the dose for the preparation of the vaccine.
A total of 30 male mice two weeks — old were used for the further experimental investigations. Animals were divided into three equal groups each of 10 animals. The first group group A was given GIV. The second group group B received AFV. The third group group C was injected with sterile saline solution and represents the control.
Animals were vaccinated via intraperitoneal i. After vaccination, the immuno response was determined by cellular surface antigens-reactive antibodies using a modified protein- electrophoresis procedure. Antibody-antigen hybrids was visualized at molecular weight more than KDa in samples represented M. Cellular defense of the avian respiratory system: The respiratory tract of healthy chickens contain few free-residing phagocytic cells.
Intratracheal inoculation with Pasteurella multocida stimulated a significant P less than 0. We found the maximal number of avian respiratory tract phagocytes Flow cytometric analysis of these cells revealed 2 populations on the basis of cell-size and cellular granularity. One of these was similar in size and granularity to those of blood heterophils. Only this population was capable of generating oxidative metabolites in response to phorbol myristate acetate. The ability of the heterophils to produce hydrogen peroxide, measured as the oxidation of intracellularly loaded 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein, decreased with time after inoculation.
These results suggest that the migration of heterophils, which are capable of high levels of oxidative metabolism, to the lungs and air sacs may be an important defense mechanism of poultry against bacterial infections of the respiratory tract. Restriction endonuclease analysis of Pasteurella multocida isolates from three California turkey premises.
Three California turkey premises that had repeated outbreaks of fowl cholera were studied for periods of 2 to 4 years. Using biochemical, serologic, plasmid DNA, and restriction endonuclease analyses of isolates of Pasteurella multocida from turkeys and wildlife on the premises, strains of the organism were found to be enzootic on two of the premises.
On the third, a variety of strains of P. Fulminant infection by uncommon organisms in animal bite wounds. In and , patients exposed to different species of animals were treated at the Amarnath Polyclinic, Balasore, in India. Among them were two children infected by uncommon organisms, i. Oral exposure to culture material extract containing fumonisins predisposes swine to the development of pneumonitis caused by Pasteurella multocida.
In swine, consumption of contaminated feed induces liver damage and pulmonary edema. Pasteurella multocida is a secondary pathogen, which can generate a respiratory disorder in predisposed pigs. In this study, we examined the effect of oral exposure to fumonisin-containing culture material on lung inflammation caused by P. Piglets received by gavage a crude extract of fumonisin, 0. One day later, the animals were instilled intratracheally with a non toxin producing type A strain of P. Pig weight and cough frequency were measured throughout the experiment.
Lung lesions, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid BALF cell composition and the expression of inflammatory cytokines were evaluated at the autopsy. Ingestion of fumonisin culture material or infection with P. The combined treatment with fumonisin culture material and P. Lung lesions were significantly enhanced in these animals and consisted of subacute interstitial pneumonia. Taken together, our data showed that fumonisin culture material is a predisposing factor to lung inflammation. These results may have implications for humans and animals consuming FB 1 contaminated food or feed.
Full Text Available A total of purified isolates of Pasteurella multocida serotype B were used Salmah, for plasmid DNA curing experiment to determine hyaluronidase activity, antibiotic resistance pattern ARP and mice lethality test LD50 for their role of pathogenicity. A plasmid curing experiment was carried out by using the intercalating agent; ethidium bromide and rifampicin, where it was found all the plasmids had been cured plasmidless from Pasteurella multocida.
All of these plasmidless isolates maintained their phenotypic characteristics. They showed the same antibiotic resistancepattern as before curing, produced hyaluronidase and possessed lethality activity in mice when injected intraperitoneally i. Based on this observation, the antibiotic resistance, hyaluronidase activity and mice virulence could probably be chromosomal-mediated. No large plasmids could be detected in all isolates. Since all the isolates appeared to have identicalplasmid profiles, they were subjected to restriction enzyme RE analysis. This plasmid might not played any role in pathogenicity of Pasteurella multocida serotype B, however this information is important for the construction of shuttle vectors in genetic studies of the pathogenicity of haemorrhagic septicaemia HS.
In vitro susceptibility of Pasteurella multocida subspecies multocida strains isolated from swine to 42 antimicrobial agents. The minimal inhibitory concentrations MICs of 42 antimicrobial agents were determined against 59 strains of Pasteurella multocida subspecies multocida, all isolated from swine lungs with lesions indicative of pneumonia. Penicillins except cloxacillin , aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, erythromycin, josamycin, thiamphenicol, colistin, rifampin and mupirocin showed good activities, with ranging resistance between 0 and 6.
Higher resistance was observed for spiramycin and fosfomycin. Tylosin, vancomycin, metronidazole, dapsone and tiamulin, to which strains showed high rates of resistance, were ineffective. Cephalosporins especially the third-generation cephalosporins and quinolones especially the fluorinated quinolones were the most effective antimicrobial agents against P. Capsules from a range of pathogenic bacteria are key virulence determinants, and the capsule has been implicated in virulence in Pasteurella multocida. We have previously identified and determined the nucleotide sequence of the P.
The cap locus consists of 15 genes, which can be grouped into three functional regions. Regions 1 and 3 contain genes proposed to encode prot Full Text Available The potent mitogenic toxin from Pasteurella multocida PMT is the major virulence factor associated with a number of epizootic and zoonotic diseases caused by infection with this respiratory pathogen.
PMT is a glutamine-specific protein deamidase that acts on its intracellular G-protein targets to increase intracellular calcium, cytoskeletal, and mitogenic signaling. PMT enters cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis and then translocates into the cytosol through a pH-dependent process that is inhibited by NH4Cl or bafilomycin A1. However, the detailed mechanisms that govern cellular entry, trafficking, and translocation of PMT remain unclear.
Translocation of PMT from the endocytic vesicle occurs through a pH-dependent process that is also dependent on both microtubule and actin dynamics, as evidenced by inhibition of PMT activity in our SRE-based reporter assay, with nocodazole and cytochalasin D, respectively, suggesting that membrane translocation and cytotoxicity of PMT is dependent on its transfer to late endosomal compartments.
In contrast, disruption of Golgi-ER trafficking with brefeldin A increased PMT activity, suggesting that inhibiting PMT trafficking to non-productive compartments that do not lead to translocation, while promoting formation of an acidic tubulovesicle system more conducive to translocation, enhances PMT translocation and activity. Reliable detection of unwanted organisms is essential for meaningful health monitoring in experimental animal facilities. Currently, most rodents are housed in IVC systems, which prevent the aerogenic transmission of pathogens between cages.
Typically soiled-bedding sentinels SBS exposed to soiled bedding collected from a population of animals within an IVC rack are tested as representatives, but infectious agents often go undetected due to inefficient transmission. Pasteurellaceae are among the most prevalent bacterial pathogens isolated from experimental mice, and the failure of SBS to detect these bacteria is well established.
pasteurella caballi infection: Topics by
In this study, we investigated whether analysis of exhaust air dust EAD samples by using a sensitive and specific real-time PCR assay is superior to conventional SBS monitoring for the detection of Pasteurella pneumotropica Pp infections. The minimal prevalence of Pp- infected mice required to obtain a reliable positive result by EAD PCR testing was determined to be 1 in 63 cages. Reliable detection of Pp was achieved after only 1 wk of exposure. Analysis of EAD samples by real-time PCR assay provides a sensitive, simple, and reliable approach for Pp identification in laboratory mice.
Fatal Pasteurella haemolytica pneumonia in bighorn sheep after direct contact with clinically normal domestic sheep. After the bighorn sheep were in captivity for over a year, 6 clinically normal domestic sheep were placed on the 2 ha of pasture on which the bighorn sheep were kept. Feeling, short of, and appearing are usually understood exclusively by way of the person. What does it suggest, then, once we percentage emotions, have a standard target, or act together?
This quantity addresses the social size of those phenomena from assorted philosophical views and from a sociological perspective. This publication addresses a subject as but no longer thought of in philosophy: Toggle navigation Alexandra Book Archive. It is defined how those best relatives and sessions of items, opposite to ontological relativism, play a massive epistemic position; how, opposite to Kant, they permit to span the distance among the outstanding and noumenal, that's, among the psychological and the area; and the way they restrict our cognition quantitatively and qualitatively to a minimal element of what has to be purported to exist for truth to be possible.
In it's proven, that an evidence and qualitatively right perception of truth calls for of upper orders of easy ontological kin and different types to those our judgment operates with, if now not a non-relational demeanour of cognition; and that our wisdom of the realm is constrained to what will be intellectually accessed with the fundamental ontological kinfolk and different types that our judgment operates with.
Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays By the point of his loss of life in , Sir Peter Strawson was once considered as one of many world's such a lot distinctive philosophers. Toward a New Science of Consciousness This e-book takes a daring new examine methods of exploring the character, origins, and potentials of awareness in the context of technological know-how and faith.
Die Dimension des Sozialen German Edition Feeling, short of, and appearing are usually understood exclusively by way of the person.