Banana Wars: Power, Production, and History in the Americas (American Encounters/Global Interactions)
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Preview — Banana Wars by Steve Striffler. Over the past century, the banana industry has radically transformed Latin America and the Caribbean and become a major site of United States—Latin American interaction. Banana Wars is a history of the Americas told through the cultural, political, economic, and agricultural processes that brought bananas from the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean to the breakfast Over the past century, the banana industry has radically transformed Latin America and the Caribbean and become a major site of United States—Latin American interaction.
Banana Wars is a history of the Americas told through the cultural, political, economic, and agricultural processes that brought bananas from the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean to the breakfast tables of the United States and Europe. The first book to examine these processes in all the western hemisphere regions where bananas are grown for sale abroad, Banana Wars advances the growing body of scholarship focusing on export commodities from historical and social scientific perspectives.
Bringing together the work of anthropologists, sociologists, economists, historians, and geographers, this collection reveals how the banana industry marshaled workers of differing nationalities, ethnicities, and languages and, in so doing, created unprecedented potential for conflict throughout Latin American and the Caribbean.
Banana Wars explores how these governments sometimes asserted their sovereignty over foreign fruit companies, but more often became their willing accomplices. With several essays focusing on the operations of the extraordinarily powerful United Fruit Company, the collection also examines the strategies and reactions of the American and European corporations seeking to profit from the sale of bananas grown by people of different cultures working in varied agricultural and economic environments. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
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Lists with This Book. Feb 01, Dawn rated it liked it Shelves: Over the past century, the banana industry has radically transformed Latin America and the Caribbean and become a major site of the United StatesLatin America interaction.

The first book to examine these processes in all the regions in the Western Hem Over the past century, the banana industry has radically transformed Latin America and the Caribbean and become a major site of the United StatesLatin America interaction. The first book to examine these processes in all the regions in the Western Hemisphere where bananas are grown for sale abroad, Banana Wars advances the growing body of scholarship focusing on export commodities from historical and social scientific perspectives.
Banana Wars: Power, Production, and History in the Americas
First of all, this was the wrong book. A friend recommended a book by the same name, but there are over a dozen by the same title. It's a collection of scholarly essays, many of which cover not only the same ground, but many of the authors repeat themselves several times within their own work, often within the same few pages. It struck me as a collection of college research papers.
The history is interesting, if you can get through the excessive language and repetition. Given the age of the book , the current growing practices are also very much out of date. Bananas are not the environmental disasters that they once were, nor are the farmers treated poorly. Most of them, at least.
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Jun 23, Kurt rated it really liked it. I haven't read much non-fiction lately, overall, but this book has certainly pulled me back in. It's a fascinating glimpse of the social, environmental, economic, and political impact of an every day fruit that is largely taken for granted. Rosa Villacorta Rath rated it it was amazing Jul 31, Rex rated it liked it Feb 11, Cheryl Green rated it really liked it Sep 26, Mike rated it really liked it Jul 16, Max Taylor rated it liked it Jul 16, Ed rated it really liked it Feb 20, Daniel Maldonado rated it it was amazing Sep 21, Becky rated it liked it Aug 16, Jdstender rated it really liked it Feb 25, Joshua Flenniken rated it really liked it Jul 11, Miguelangel Gonzalez rated it it was amazing May 18, Mac Williams rated it it was amazing Jan 31, Nicole Means rated it it was amazing Mar 16, Colin rated it really liked it Aug 30, Ryan rated it really liked it Jul 23, Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.
It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Banana Wars: Power, Production, and History in the Americas
Sign In or Create an Account. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Steve Striffler and Mark Moberg, editors. Article PDF first page preview. You do not currently have access to this article. You could not be signed in.
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