Awaken to Reality
Read reviews that mention beyond the dream thomas hora years ago book loved metapsychiatry spiritual truth living purpose understanding.
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Showing of 17 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. As a student of Metapsychiatry for many years, as well as a spiritual guide in its practice, I am often asked by newcomers to the ideas for a recommendation as to which of Thomas Hora's books is the most helpful for the beginner. Beyond the Dream is probably the best suited for someone new to this way of seeing.
Hora articulates his vision with characteristic clarity, as he covers the fundamentals of this way of seeing life. The writing is accessible because Hora wishes to share a healing and comforting view of enlightened living --not show how smart he is. He is not trying to influence or persuade the reader to believe anything he says. After all these years I often open it to find just the right idea needed for the moment. It would have been wonderful to have found this book years ago but I was probably not ready to receive it back then. This is a fantastic arrangement and it is filled with wisdom.
I am glad that I had this opportunity to find this book. Life enabling in all it's aspects. A unique and inspirational book, one that requires close and frequent reading. A comprehensive philosophy of life as well as a treatment option for psychiatry.

Very interesting application of Scripture. Clearly a brilliant man. I loved this book. Loved the perspective of a medical doctor who was able to transcend what is taught in medical school. This book points the way to an ease in living, regardless of the obstables. Clear writing but it takes time for the information to "sink in". Great book for a Metapsychology class. Not your everyday reading material but profound and life changing. The clearest explication of spiritual truth I have ever read. See all 17 reviews. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item?
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Explore the Home Gift Guide. Despite DeMello's in-your-face style at the beginning, I ended up liking this book. It made for an engaging discussion at South Austin Spiritual Book Group, where it was our selection for September this year. Jun 09, Brent Soderstrum rated it really liked it Shelves: I won this book from GoodReads First Read program. This is a short book that covers Anthony de Mello's last lecture on finding happiness in this life. The key is to avoid all attachments. Seems very simple and I do think he is correct in his analysis.
The problem to this is that we have personal relationships such as marriage and children that come with attachments. I think it is a helpful book though in order to see how we are programmed to suffer the misery we suffer and that can be avoided. Questions from the audience are asked and de Mello answers them.
Good quick read that will get you thinking.
[CC] Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Theme Overview (English Captions)
Amazingly deep insights, described with such clarity and lightness. This is a book I'm sure I will re-read and recommend to everyone. Mar 05, Veronica Perez rated it really liked it. A very different perspective on happiness and life.
Some of the things he mentioned already are making a change for me. Oct 15, Melishes rated it really liked it. Great look at emotional dependencies and attachment, and how to rid oneself of both. Nov 30, Matt rated it it was amazing. Anthony de Mello's Rediscovering Life: What I really enjoyed about Rediscovering Life was that it works as a mosaic of De Mello's lifelong teachings. De Mello speaks in the confident, authenticate voice he is known for, giving us life lessons and examples on how to imp Anthony de Mello's Rediscovering Life: De Mello speaks in the confident, authenticate voice he is known for, giving us life lessons and examples on how to implement them in the real word.
Additionally, this book contains memorable parables like "the tourists on the bus" and "the lion who thought he was a sheep. I thought this worked very well. I highly, highly recommend reading this one. Aug 19, Raman Munjal rated it it was amazing. If you intend to read this book , it works best if you are willing to believe that " Your life is in a mess " ; which is the author's argument. Your life is in a mess if you're unhappy or sad or feel lonely at times. I know it sounds like a normal part of the human experience, but the author doesn't stand it.
That is his definition. If you can't accept to name anger , desperation , loneliness or emptiness as a state of being in a mess , he won't entertain you any further. And another way , anothe If you intend to read this book , it works best if you are willing to believe that " Your life is in a mess " ; which is the author's argument. And another way , another life is possible , one full of happiness. This book is about that other life. Spirituality has often moved me. This book changed my life. I was happier the day after and have been relatively much happier and at peace in the week since I read this book.
All you need to do is to listen closely. Feb 10, L rated it it was amazing Shelves: It's not often that I find someone who's words are so refreshingly honest and self reflective. Despite being a Jesuit priest, Mello shares knowledge across Hinduism and Buddhism he lives in India. His words are humorous yet insightful. Some wisdom that truly resonated with me paraphrased. Thus, all problems are created in our minds.
Beyond The Dream: Awakening to Reality: Thomas Hora: Books
Take appropriate action without bei It's not often that I find someone who's words are so refreshingly honest and self reflective. Take appropriate action without being an additional person who will be suffering. If I want true happiness, I have to give up my programming. Brilliant and short read. Aug 26, Stephanie rated it did not like it. Well, that was a waste of money. Nov 22, Jilles rated it it was amazing Shelves: Amazing insight into detachment and happiness. Short sweet read that challenges you to think about life and the way you live it.
Jan 26, Juinita Senduk rated it really liked it. Dengan menjadi sadar akan sifat alami dan kompleksitas pikiran-pikiran yang membatasi kita, kita akan menemukan solusi sederhana yang akan melepaskan kita dari perasaan terasing, amarah, kesedihan, dan depresi. Buku ini menawarkan pada kita sebuah cara baru untuk melihat dunia dan Tuhan, cara yang akan mentransformasi hidup kita. Buku ini juga membagi ilmu tentang berbelas-kasih, berbela-rasa yang akan mengguga "Rediscovering Life" mengajak kita untuk menyingkap arti lebih dalam dari hidup kita.
Buku ini juga membagi ilmu tentang berbelas-kasih, berbela-rasa yang akan menggugah kesadaran Anda terhadap pengalaman hidup kita serta menemukan Dia di dalam segalanya Seperti halnya buku Anthony de Mello, Burung Berkicau, buku ini juga mengajak kita untuk melihat ke dalam diri kita, merenungkan perjalanan hidup kita, pergumulan batin kita, luka-luka batin yang tertanam puluhan tahun, dan kemudian perlahan belajar untuk melepaskan 'keterikatan' kita dengan rasa amarah, sakit hati, dendam, kesedihan, keterasingan kita, hingga akhirnya dengan keikhlasan kita mampu mengucapkan terima kasih kita kepada Sang Hidup.
Sayangnya kali ini, penerjemah buku Rediscovering Life, tidak mampu menerjemahkan buku ini dengan baik. Kalimat demi kalimat diterjemahkan seperti menggunakan Google Translate, tanpa berusaha mengerti makna dari kalimat-kalimat yang tertera pada buku aslinya. Kata yang seharusnya bermakna terasa kering dan tidak bernyawa.
Saya sangat menyayangkan terjemahan buku ini, buku yang sangat bagus tetapi diterjemahkan dengan buruk dan membuat saya memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama untuk menghabiskan buku ini. Jan 31, James rated it liked it. This is the only Anthony de Mello I've read. It is compiled from a talk or retreat? De Mello was a Jesuit and writes from a Christian perspective, though he was conversant with Eastern spirituality he was from India.
Because this was taken from a talk, the book has a very conversational tone. I didn't feel like there was a whole lot of substance here. Maybe I chose the wrong book of his? Nov 23, Robert Charbonneau rated it really liked it. The writing style is a little distracting because the text of the book is taken from a presentation of the author's, so it reads like a narrative rather than a regular book, but the messages are very profound, with lots of real world applications for every day living.
I highly recommend this book. Aug 29, Cathy Hartle rated it really liked it Shelves: Though the style of this book was a bit less attractive to me basically taken from a presentation , the message is a good one to incorporate into our way of looking at challenges and painful situations. Sep 15, Roy Norris added it. Mar 16, Edward rated it it was amazing.
This is the second book I have read by De Mello. I think his books are incredible. Simple yet very challenging to achieve message.
His simple stories really more like parables are great,. Jun 08, Jack rated it it was amazing. Here is a powerful, much needed explanation about the nature of man that is simply told and profoundly powerful.