Time Jumper (Mills & Boon Nocturne Bites)
All her life, strange things had happened to Hannah Grey — like clocks stopping in her presence and visions of portals to other worlds.
Never mind that her skin sparkles like a million Christmas lights. When a disturbing spectre threatens her, she decides it's finally time to visit the Patomani reservation for a history lesson on just who—or what—she is.
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- Spider #65 February 1939 (The Spider).
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Instead, she finds Aden Running Wolf. The blind demon-hunter thought he could never love again, but Hannah instantly arouses his desire. Yet she could also be the ticket to restoring his former life. Would he succumb to the passion exploding between them—or make her his ultimate sacrificial lamb?
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Should We Drown in Feathered Sleep. The Price of Freedom. Too Hot For A Spy.
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Harlequin Nocturne August Box Set. Tales of the Slayer. Night of the Tiger. The Changespell Saga Collection. Hair of the Dog. Harlequin Nocturne February Bundle. Harlequin Nocturne February Box Set.
Time Jumper (Mills & Boon Nocturne Bites) - Connie Hall - Google Книги
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- Time Jumper - Connie Hall - Google Книги.
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