
The Shape Kids have a healthy lunch

Have you looked inside the kids food freezer section of your grocery store?

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Okay, so maybe you only buy frozen waffles -- and those are by the breakfast section -- and frozen veggies -- again, another section. If you really look inside the kids' freezer-meal section you might come to believe that kids' food comes in fun shapes and brightly colored boxes. From fish-shaped fish nuggets to animal-shaped raviolis, fun-shaped kids' food is everywhere.

One thing food marketers have right: It's just the way it is! Frustrated parents email me all the time asking how they can get their kids to try new things -- from vegetables to eating sandwiches -- and their issues are many. Getting kids to try new foods is a huge challenge for many parents.

Kids seem to be set in their ways about what they like and don't like. And now add parent's desire to pack a variety of foods inside a lunch box, and the challenge just got a bit more complicated.

School Lunch Project: Kids and Shaped Foods

Because parents want to send their kids to school with a nutritious lunch that will actually get eaten, as opposed to one that comes home, uneaten and mushy, by the end of the day. This is one of the reasons parents get stuck in a school lunch rut. They pack "safe" foods that their kids will eat. Diana Hansen, of Diana Rambles , uses inexpensive cookie cutters to shape her daughter's lunches.

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Bring your child with you when you go grocery shopping so he can pick out foods he likes to eat. Read food labels together so he can see what makes one food better for him than another. Encourage your child to pack her own lunch.

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  • Help her pick healthy choices that are fun to eat, such as string cheese, fruit, carrot sticks, and pudding cups. If she packs it, she will be more likely to eat it. Thermoses help to add variety with hot and cold foods such as chili, soups or smoothies.

    School Lunch Project: Kids and Shaped Foods | HuffPost Life

    A cold pack can help keep yogurt appetizing — and safe from bacteria. Milk is always a better choice than juice because most fruit drinks contain very little actual fruit.

    How to Pack Nutritious Lunches Your Kids Will Eat

    Include sliced whole wheat, raisin, pita, dinner rolls, tortillas or bagels. Offer plenty of healthy snack food options such as fruit, cheese and crackers, hard boiled eggs, or peanut butter and crackers. Use toasted English muffins or round crackers, spread with tomato sauce, shredded cheese and pepperoni slices.

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    Try a sesame noodle dish or pasta with a favorite tomato or Alfredo sauce. Pita pocket sandwiches are easy to make and offer an alternative to the usual sliced bread versions.

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    Try stuffing pockets with hummus and sliced vegetables or cream cheese, cucumbers and shredded carrot. Cut sandwiches into fun shapes.

    14 Kid-Inspired Healthy Lunch Ideas for Grown-Ups

    Use a knife to cut sandwiches into triangles or diamond shapes. Or for a variety of shapes, use cookie cutters. Provide different shaped pastas.