Special Delivery
Go to the yellow marked area Beta shard on the map. Bring Vuhduh 7 Karboan Walls. You will face Vuhduh here, who tells you how to create Karboan Walls. Bring Vuhduh 7 Karboan Walls, which you are able to craft now. He will rebuild the Fort yet. After the fight Hewgo will take the shard.
Vuhduh wants you to come to go to the central podguard, to inform Tchika. Bring 10 Bluffluffs to Tchika. Tchika will tell you that the gamma shard has also fallen, so you'll need to find some polari allies for the fight against Hewgo. He wants you to find pow. But to do so, you'll need to harvest 10 Bluffluffs, which you can only do with a Spinesaw. With the Spinesaw you'll be able to craft the Burnchurn Workstation: Chop down Flailtrees, gather their Flailpods and throw them on Flungus Rocks.
Do so as early as possible and craft the weapon of your choice. If you got the 10 Bluffluffs, bring them to Tchika.
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The Burnchurn will need some 25px Lyff Parts for armor - that's the best moment to upgrade it. If you got the Lvl 31 weapon start to fight against Dueven lyffs at least to get the egg — you'll need Lyff Crystalshard which are produced by them later to continue with the story. Tchika realizes he'll need some supplies. Talk to Grandmammy at the Creepstone Podguard to get the schematic for Frozen fish food.
Create 2 Frozen Fish Food and show them to Tchika. Tchika tells you the place where Pow may be. Go to the yellow marked area Pow?
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- Special delivery;
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She will tell you, Pow is elsewhere. Look for pow at the Pow! Labeled yellow area on the map and talk to him. He will give you the 25px Pincussion Bomb Schematic. Pow wants you to create a 25px Pincussion Bomb. At least now you'll need a Burnchurn to create this thing. Bring it to him. Go to the yellow marked area Splish Smithy and talk to Splish.
Lauren's Story
Tchika wants you to find Splish now. But to reach Splish you will need to craft the Icy Pickaxe. If you already got the Lyff pet, it'll be fast now — if not you'll have to kill some more 25px Lyff. Try to kill at least dueven lyffs to get a lyff 25px egg faster. Produce the 25px Lyff Crystal shard with your lyff pet now and gather the other materials to create the icy pickaxe. Now go to the yellow marked area Splish Smithy. Create a Bagpump and place it near Splish but still in water.
With the Icy Pickaxe you'll be able to gather all the materials required to create the Refinery , but you won't be able to craft weapons, because it'll requires 25px Alloynite, which you can't craft without oil. Gather many of them 25px Icequills, which you can turn into oil later.
Special Delivery
Think if you like to pot 8 of them for a better alloyonite production. Thankfully Splishy will tell you, how to gather oil. It's made by a Bagpump in tundra water. Create a bagpump with your refinery, take it with you to splish, place it somewhere near splish in water of course and talk to her again. Talk to Splishy after you placed the bagpump near her.
Special Delivery NYC
Now take the Bagpump, go to the Central Podguard and talk to Tchika. Now you can craft 25px Alloyonite — the base for the red weapons and armor. Create a lvl 33 weapon and maybe some armor and go back to Tchika. Go to the red Point Prison Compound on the map best at night and kill some of the blastcrabs Fire-immune!
Order form
Check if you got a red alloyonite weapon already to make this fight a little easier. One of the bigger crabs will drop a key to the prison. In the chest in the western corner you'll find 4 pipey healinig potions. You'll get the Flashfizzbang Schematic for bringing this quest to an end. In the Chest at the western end of the Prison you'll find 5 harvest bombs mk5.
Splish will tell you how to create the highest Crafting station in the game: Create one and talk to Splish if you've done it. To create this and future stuff you'll need to fight the strongest native creatures in Crashlands. Gulanti and 25px Gallums. Luckily both creatures are vunable to fire — so try to bring a fire gadget against them.

If you got a Foundry in your base, Splish will ask you to bring her 10 Gulanti Chompers. Bring them to her. Londsdaxe , The Eye , The Fist. A Fallen Star [ edit edit source ] Short To do [ edit edit source ] Go to the yellow marked area Fallen Star Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Shirkbeak Pickaxe Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] If entering the Tundra make sure you take a Granvil station with you to produce the Shirkbeak Pickaxe.
Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Shredbasket Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] You can Craft the Shredbasket now. Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Antler Lawnchair Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] The guys need 2 Antler Lawnchair for comforbility — so craft them. Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Slurrifier Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] Tchika teaches you, how to make Karaboan. Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Karbopole Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] Tchika wants you to craft a Karbopole to fish 5 Ventspeepers.
Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] - Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] With the Karbopole you'll be able to craft the Tumbler, too. Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] - Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] Yolo a polari will ask you to look for the beta shard. Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Karboan Wall Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] You will face Vuhduh here, who tells you how to create Karboan Walls.
Return to Tchika [ edit edit source ] After the fight Hewgo will take the shard. Reward for getting the Quest [ edit edit source ] Spinesaw Schematic Usefull tipps [ edit edit source ] Tchika will tell you that the gamma shard has also fallen, so you'll need to find some polari allies for the fight against Hewgo. Teach a Polari to Fish [ edit edit source ] Tchika realizes he'll need some supplies. Feed an army [ edit edit source ] Place the fish food in the 2 water holes below the shells and talk to Tchika again.
Charades [ edit edit source ] Pow wants you to create a 25px Pincussion Bomb. Note that once the Australium compartment is open, the platform no longer needs to be raised in order to launch the rocket.
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As long as a player is able to make contact with the compartment, the rocket will launch. June 27, Patch Pyromania Update. October 29, Patch Scream Fortress April 25, Patch. The Australium briefcase emitting clothing Particle effects. Please add a suitable image, then remove this notice. The specific instructions are: Gentlemen, find that Australium and today we make history!
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