Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare, 2nd ed
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Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare. Home About Help Search. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions.
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The Handbook reflects changes in European legislation and their impact on national legislation; Covers recommendations for the education and training of those carrying out animal experiments across Europe; Includes new chapters on ethical considerations and balancing animal welfare with this science; Includes new information on environmental enrichment for laboratory animals. In addition, this handbook covers advancements in anaesthesia and analgesia and techniques.
The first section of the book covers principles applicable to all species, like husbandry, handling and the education and training required by scientists and technical staff working with laboratory animals.
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Later, the handbook focus on specific species or groups of animal species. For full Table of Contents, please click here. Publisher Wiley All articles from Wiley Web: Disciplines, Occupations and Industries see more details , wild animals wild animals Subject Category: Organism Groups see more details. Miscellaneous see more details , anesthetics anesthetics Subject Category: Chemicals and Chemical Groups see more details , animal behavior animal behavior Subject Category: Miscellaneous see more details , animal research, animal rights, aquatic species, behavior behavior Subject Category: Miscellaneous see more details , causal agents, chickens, domesticated birds, drug action, etiology etiology Subject Category: Miscellaneous see more details , guinea pigs, hogs, licenses licenses Subject Category: Miscellaneous see more details , licensing, livestock husbandry, mechanism of drug action, mercy killing, pain killers, plot design, rules, swine.
Organism Names see more details , Chordata chordata Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , animals animals Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , eukaryotes eukaryotes Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Bos bos Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Bovidae bovidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , ruminants ruminants Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Artiodactyla artiodactyla Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , mammals mammals Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Canis canis Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Canidae canidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Fissipeda fissipeda Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , carnivores carnivores Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Mustela mustela Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Mustelidae mustelidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Gallus gallus gallus gallus Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Gallus gallus Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Phasianidae phasianidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Galliformes galliformes Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Gerbillinae gerbillinae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Muridae muridae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , rodents rodents Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Capra capra Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Cavia cavia Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Caviidae caviidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Cricetinae cricetinae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , primates primates Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Sus scrofa sus scrofa Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Sus sus Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Suidae suidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Suiformes suiformes Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Leporidae leporidae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Lagomorpha lagomorpha Subject Category: Organism Names see more details , Ovis ovis Subject Category: In line with our Privacy Policy, we want to make you aware about what we do with the information you provide when you create your My CABI account.
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