FOR MY BROTHER (Clean Suspense) (Detective Jason Strong Book 3)
Ships from and sold by Amazon. Jason Strong Series by John C. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Tied to Murder Detective Jason Strong. One of their Own Detective Jason Strong. Here's how restrictions apply. Detective Jason Strong Book 3 Paperback: Print edition purchase must be sold by Amazon. Thousands of books are eligible, including current and former best sellers. Look for the Kindle MatchBook icon on print and Kindle book detail pages of qualifying books. Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available.
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For My Brother
Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is the 3rd story in the series, but each book has been a stand alone story: In this story, Billy Jarvis died while he was a senior in high school, leaving behind his mother and his 12 year old brother, Donnie. For 10 years they would visit Billy's grave every Sunday.
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If the weather was nice, they would stay for hours so Momma could tell Billy everything that happened on her soaps. Of course Momma couldn't hear Billy. Sundays were just her opportunity to stay connected to her older son.
And the time to put the plan into action was fast approaching. Donnie wanted to share the plan with Momma, but Billy got mad at that idea. And then Momma died anyway. Now Donnie really IS alone. But he will not let Billy down. Time to put the plan to work. Time for Billy to rest in peace. As this story builds you will find yourself turning pages faster and faster to see if the 4 kidnapped victims will be safe or not. Same for the reporter who figures out how the kidnapping cases are related.
Will the police arrive in time to save everyone or will there be casualties? The tension builds nicely, and it was a great read!
For My Brother (Jason Strong, Detective, #3) by John C. Dalglish
Jason Strong 3 has us following along on a twisted case of revenge, with multiple people disappearing. Enjoyable fast-moving police procedural, with enough action and suspense to keep the reader interested. As much as I enjoyed it though, couple of things that bugged me. First was the fact that the reporter actually did better detective work than our heroes. No Google available at the police station? The other thing was the use of leaving paper notes on Jason's desk instead of calling or texting him via cellphone.

And what's with the use of pagers? I really couldn't tell if this story took place in present day, or 20 yrs ago, as the inconsistencies in the use of technology was baffling. For example, as the story races to the climax, his commanding lieutenant first leaves a paper note to let him know she needs to see him, then later pages him, then finally calls him on his cell phone. Those parts had me scratching my head, which was disappointing since the rest of the story was nicely done.
I liked the second book of this series, and feel this one is even better, save for the couple of issues I mentioned above. One person found this helpful. Jason Strong 3 was a great page Jason Strong 3 was a great page turner and mystery thriller! The crime this time was a multiple missing persons case, with a few twists and turns along the way! The villain was well written and was not the typical villain, he was a lost, tortured soul!
I was sympathizing with him as well, because of his motive! I listened to the au This is a nice clean mystery and a fast read. I listened to the audio book and the narrator did a decent job. The recording was not the greatest, but not to annoying. Overall, a good clean mystery. Feb 02, Ryan rated it it was amazing. Jason Strong 3 was a great page turner and mystery thriller! The crime this time was a multiple missing persons case, with a few twists and turns along the way!
The villain was well written and was not the typical villain, he was a lost, tortured soul!
I was sympathizing with him as well, because of his motive! You don't get that in most mysteries: Jason Strong as the detective is also a gr Great Read! Jason Strong as the detective is also a great character, he's good hearted, determined, and kind! Nov 29, Becky Sherriff rated it really liked it. This is the third in the series I have read and For My Brother was as enjoyable as the others in the series. Detective Jason Strong is back and this time he is investigating reports of missing persons, this is yet another page turner which I read in one sitting.
I love following the Detective Jason Strong series and can't wait for next book in the series. Donnie has a mission. His big brother is dead because he shot himself while playing Russian Roulette. The four people with him are going to regret being there to witness Billy's death.
Donnie believes that Billy is speaking to him from the grave and putting a plan into place to kidnap the four survivors. This is the third in the Jason Strong series. Nice clean mysteries full of suspense and likeable characters. Jan 02, Kimberly rated it it was ok Shelves: The third in the Jason Strong, Detective series, centered around a San Antonio Police Detective, therefore, each installment in the series can be read stand alone. I volunteered to read this through a call out on Goodreads and am glad to have stepped up for the opportunity.
Once again the high bar has been set and exceeded Just finished the third book in this series. Once again I am extremely impressed by the excellent writing by this author. These books are well written and extremely entertaining and not bogged down by useless and unnecessary deviations from the theme of the story. Bottom line this is a great book and a great series. Looking forward to the next one. Dec 13, Scott rated it liked it Shelves: Another short story with Jason Strong. It wasn't a detective story this time because they didn't detect anything and their reasoning was a little flawed.
These are enjoyable little short stories anyway. This one in particular didn't have a bunch of death.
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In fact, no one was murdered in this at all. The books are well written and full of suspense but they are short stories. Personally I like longer stories. I am starting book four in this series. I will let you know if this is worth going on. Aug 23, Juliana Lyon rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was definitely the hardest of the series.
I can't wait to start the new series by Dalglish. If this book is any indicator, he is growing, as an author, by leaps and bounds. Mar 31, Maxine M. Another great mystery This was another edge of your seat mystery. Read the full book in two days. Just couldn't put it down. Sure do love your books. Well written The story kept my attention well. It is difficult to write from the perspective of a psychotic criminal because there is a flaw. I think the flaw was captured. Fast read, especially for someone bedridden which I am for now.
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I'm going to download now the next I series. A quick read that leaves you wanting to read more books from this author. Loved it Another excellent book by this author. It will pull at your heart strings and make you feel super sorry for the bad guy! Dec 31, Joyce rated it liked it. Jun 03, Julie rated it liked it Shelves: If you like 1 and 2 you will like this one. Kim rated it it was amazing Feb 19, Gregg Hutchings rated it really liked it Sep 14, Free Codes- Review optional.
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Giveaway 1 5 Mar 12, Other books in the series. Jason Strong, Detective 1 - 10 of 16 books. Books by John C. No trivia or quizzes yet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.